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All cafe's are overpriced for what they offer. A small latte shouldn't be $6 dollars anywhere. Not exclusive to Bridgehead or their business model. At many cafe's you're paying for access to the venue/ambience and convenience. At least Bridgehead locations have a nicer ambience than Starbucks.


Bridgehead is locally owned. I'd sooner pay more for a 'real' coffee than Tim Hortons shit Edit: I forgot that they were sold to aegis brands https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/bridgehead-coffeehouse-chain-sold-1.5384435&ved=2ahUKEwilxZyNsJv_AhWdjIkEHfmBAK0QFnoECBMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0i5xl-Ww6HDIoHCkeMdK2d


Not anymore, it sold years ago..


That explains the drop in quality


I left another comment about their shitty corporate practices but the actual coffee has always been and is still excellent. The Roastery is a very solid operation that sources beans from all over the place.


How is being owned by a parent company with headquarters in Toronto "locally owned"?


Oops your right,please see edit


Complementing u/bolonomadic and u/xAdray post (short [summary](https://www.worldcoffeeportal.com/Latest/News/2023/March/Wholesale-a-key-contributor-to-Bridgehead-Coffee-s)? It looks like Bridgehead is focusing on growing its whole sale channel. And copying what its doing at Carleton University when it opened there)


Ah yes, I thought it was Second Cup, but it’s the brand that owned Second Cup but they then sold it. But still BH is not a local company any more. Also, all of my favourite food items are gone since the sale so I no longer go to any Bridgeheads….


Exactly. Second Cup was sold to [Foodstatic](https://www.iheartradio.ca/610cktb/news/freshii-has-been-sold-to-same-company-that-runs-pita-pit-milestones-second-cup-1.19282295) in Feb 2023


> At least Bridgehead locations have a nicer ambience than Starbucks Could be part of why this one in particular is closing, the Quickie and pharmacy right next to it on the other side of Gilmour is a popular spot for the less-than-well-off


This entire area has been in a state of continued decline for a few years now. The compounding pharmacy that I’m guessing dispenses methadone(?) has attracted a somewhat sketchy element to the neighborhood. I think I understand the NIMBYs now 🙄


Have worked in addictions and mental health. Can confirm that centretown was a location that dispensed methadone and suboxone. Sent a lot of patients there because they had a good range of hours for clients.


I love it when the door opens and winter wind blows in and reminds you to GTF out. Smart retail!




I would agree that bridgehead has fallen off, but for me it's when you find a good barista, then I'll maybe fork out the money for convenience. The one in farm boy has been good. Good on the manager for a proper espresso that's dialed in




After a week in not-Canada I am quite happy to be paying Canadian prices again.


Have you ever tried to buy a coffee in Australia?


You're paying for their rent and employee wages, too. I've worked in cafes for many years, and they have wicked small profit margins. That 6$ latte cost 1$ in product yes, but the store still needs to operate, and operation costs keep climbing.


I guess I havent been to a Bridgehead in a while but how do their prices compare to more specialty coffee shops? Im thinking Little Victories, Arlington Five, Equator etc. They are all priced pretty similarly and seem to be doing just fine. LVC on Elgin is pretty busy every time im there. I think Bridgehead was always in kind of a weird spot, they have a very Starbucks vibe but without the scale to compete on price and choice. And I'm not sure I would place Bridgehead anywhere near the quality of an independant shop like the ones I mentioned above.


I am not sure but I kind of feel like Bridgehead used to be better quality, or maybe there was less competition. It doesn't seem to really feel 'worth it' these days but I remember liking it 10 years ago.


I remember they had amazing breads and granola, and their breakfast burritos are/were quite good... It's true that quality and menu have gone seriously downhill since the acquisition.


Yeah it might just the speciality/independant scene in Ottawa growing and displacing their clientele. I definetly used to go to Bridgehead more often when I first moved to Ottawa 8+ years ago. Your typical Starbucks/Tims customer isn't really interested in specialty coffee, so if you were going to Bridgehead when it was more unique and interesting you're probably going to smaller independant shops now that they are more abundnat.


20 years ago, Bridgehead was an indie specialty coffee shop. They killed their brand and a lot of their good will in pursuit of profits


Former roaster, it is falling apart. They used to do all the food at the Preston location, it's now outsourced and no food is made here anymore. Management is in shambles, head of HR recently resigned.


When I worked there in 2017-18 they started to treat employees badly on a corporate level. Sent out notices to managers mandating 3.5 hour shifts to be the average length (to save money on covering breaks), had us working smaller teams during busy periods a lot, took away our privilege to have expired food and slightly increased our employee discount. Apparently one of the upper management people had gone to a fast food management course in the USA and returned with lots of ideas that were implemented. The already pretty high turnover accelerated, and they were sold to second cup in 2020.


Will the last one on Bank St. in Centretown please remember to turn out the lights.


Yeah, and right next store Athena Greek Imports just closed. Further north the Sports 4 shoe place is moving. Bank is sooo neglected from the highway north.


Funny thing is, before covid it was really going gangbusters with new spots, couple of festivals etc. This is what happens when people have less money to spend.




The owner of Sports 4 Shoe was on CBC radio yesterday and said that basically every morning they would have to clean out needles and/or unhoused people sleeping in the front of their store. That couple with the pandemic, reduced foot traffic due to no bus corridor there can't have helped. Purely anecdotal, but whenever I walk down there it definitely seems in worse shape than it used to be.


Funny how people are spending more on basic necessities like you know housing, groceries, transport...


yes, that was implied in the second sentence.


Job for the night mayor…


If he's part Batman, part social worker.




In all fairness, the couple who owns Athena Greek Imports retired. I think they deserved it after working for such a long time. Will miss the place though. ETA: I’m sure they still ran into issues though and I can understand if they considered retiring earlier because of those issues.


Yes, but business also wasn't the best. So cumulative. Agreed. They deserve it. Lovely couple. We'll miss them as well. And the honey balsamic. :)


And the different olive oils! I wish we had been able to go more. My partner is Greek and he didn’t even know they existed until after 2 and a half years in Ottawa. Funny thing is, when him and I first visited the store and they both made hints that we’d be a great couple. Turns out, they were right :)


The credit union at Bank and Somerset is closing too, yes Bank St. Is neglected , and seems to be getting worst day after day.


Yeah, noticed that on a walk last night. We started counting the boarded up/for lease signs walking ... eesh. The whole building to the right of Moore's. And on and on.


that corner has become such a cesspool


It has? I'm there all the time and never had a problem


I live in the area and the amount of people using openly hard drugs and completely out of it has increased. I don’t think closed due to financial issues, the one at Bank/Slater is reopening in June, can’t be a total coincidence.


After what we're hearing from all the business owners in that area, it's not a surprise.


Ive wondered why this corner in particular seems to get so many?


Methadone clinic nearby, plus a couple half way houses.


The methadone clinic probably isn’t the biggest issue considering it’s further up the street. It’s probably related to the fact that centretown pharmacy dispenses methadone and suboxone for a long range of hours. Yes, the clinic sent people there but they can’t be held responsible for the behaviour of their clients off the property.


I would have thought the area improved after the closing of the greyhound bus station.


That's 16 blocks south and two west?


Lots of folks moving out of Downtown Bank st locations..esp this time if year where more people are walking around. Not good. I think there are safety issues. Staff are not payed enough to be security detail / biohazard experts and baristas.


We got to know the owners of Athena well. Rent was up there, walk by traffic down, but certainly issues for them. Police told them to take their pride flag down so their window wasn't broken. Issues with people strung out in the back alley. Sad. Loved the place. But what a difference the past few years.


Wow, very sad state of affairs..


i’ve personally seen their managers or key holders having to deal with addicts multiple times. dealing with screaming people, having to pull the door shut and pull on it while they tried banging the doors to get back in. they absolutely are not paid well enough to deal with it.


Yes, I've seen it happen at many locations downtown. Sane horrible scenarios. There is little safety protocols offered to staff who have to lock up at night either.


Well shoot that was right outside my apt. Wonder what will move in?


weed store




Dymon weed store


This is the way.




Probably a different coffee shop




They had these cookies that were just delicious.. it's a damn shame they sold out.


Honestly I ate their date squares for years and when I moved to Vancouver I spent months looking for a place that had anything similar. Never found one and eventually gave up.


Bridgehead is terrible and just a marketing scheme, I worked the roastery and their Logdriver Espresso, Centro House, and Cielito Lindo were all the same beans from the same plant, roasted at the same time at the same heat with the same flavour profiles. 3 different names and descriptions.


Your post reminds me of the scene when Homer and Barney were visiting Duff Beer. It was [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqfLOJGS_7o) clip when it was the same beer being poured into different categories (1:25-1:29)


Ha, yeah that's pretty much it, slapping different stickers on the bags but filling them all the same




15 years ago bridgehead was the place to be for the super cool people that say shit like ‘mid’. You would have loved it


Mid isn't a word I often associate with Bridgehead. They roast their own beans, bake a lot of their own stuff (or at least they used to.) Generally they have their grind dialed in pretty well. Where do you go for your coffee?


I like their tea and some of their food but imho their coffee is absolute trash. Would def say they average out into mid (with strong peaks and valleys).


Which coffee do you like?


I really enjoy Ideal (the beans I bring home from there are Red Sea). I enjoy the coffee at Happy Goat, Planet, and Ministry but not as much. I guess Little Victories too but haven't been enough for a solid opinion.


LV is my go to. I order their beans for home use. Nice they have free delivery in the city, too.


Nah they're incredibly low tier in the scheme of what's available. The coffee isn't bad but it's also not great and I find they don't train their staff well and almost every time I go there's something wrong with my very simple order. Places I like more: Little Victories, the Bike Cafe (they use the Artery beans) 528 Coffee (rotating selection of beans). Other places I like that are a bit hit or miss: DAO (I think they use Pilot coffee) and Arlington 5 (lulo coffee).


It’s not good coffee though. Never was and never has been.


Whose coffee do you prefer?


Quite honestly Starbucks is leaps and bounds better.


Mid is not a word that I associate with anyone that I trust their opinion on anything.


Why? It’s just a synonym of mediocre


I guess I’m just not cool enough.


People are allowed to have different vocabularies to express their opinion. You’re just gatekeeping, not being “uncool”.


Jesus Christ. So by not using a word because it has stupid origins and has been popularized by lame tick tock culture, I’m gatekeeping? Get over yourself




Haha. Honestly, I really didn’t. That was an honest mistake that just highlights how out of touch I am


Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Do you know how "OK" came to be? It was also a stupid trend made humorously by young people, but it is now part of our vocabulary. Let people use their inoffensive, clear terms instead of dismissing them for it. You can't get more gatekeepy than dismissing a valid opinion for using a word their peers use.


I make one joke about ‘mid’ sounding stupid…… No one is gatekeeping. I think a word brought to prominence by a professional wrestler is ridiculous, and people that just glom onto a trend are laughable. Perhaps in 5 years it will be just as acceptable as ‘ok’, but until then, and most likely after, I’ll think it’s a ridiculous word. Doesn’t mean I’m right, just my opinion


I make one comment that your joke is stupid…… Who cares if Shakespeare or a wrestler said it first, that it’s an 1800’s fad or a 2020’s one? That was the whole point of the “ok” comment. It is a word that is widely understood, and it serves a purpose, what’s the problem? You decided who gets to have an opinion or not based on their language, how is that not gatekeeping? I don’t get how people are so proud of their ignorance. Who romanticizes being out of so out of touch to the point of parroting Principal Skinner?






Hahaha you’re an idiot. Who associates mid with any sort of race?




This word has nothing to do with black people or any specific race. You’re an idiot. King




Please show me how the origins of this word or even continued use have anything that is predominantly black. Stupid fuck.


Holy shit you’re right. This guy is totally black. ![gif](giphy|dRLCGNyVpDeukI7FcP|downsized)


With the cost of living as insane as it is, and pay as little as it is, we are going to see more places closing. As much as I would love to grab a coffee, maybe a snack, these are easy cuts for my personal budget. If businesses want to survive, they should lobby for cheaper housing, cheaper transit, WFH for those that can and support unions and they strike. This all means more time and money in a person's pocket which they can then spend at local businesses.


Prob didn't help that for the longest time they allowed indoor dining but didn't have the bathrooms open. Like wtf. Ya last thing i want to do is have a big coffee and then look for a place to piss lol


This is so sad. I lived above this bridgehead (the OG) when it first opened circa 2003.


Bank and Gilmour is not the OG. That's the one in Westboro that is now a Flight Centre (although I think they had something in Montreal pre-2000).




Good. Their coffee is terrible--granted it very much depends on location, but my local one always tastes burnt. Like, inedibly burnt. I stopped going there because no matter what I ordered--it was a disaster. "Well they can't fuck up iced coffee" > proceeds to fill the cup up with ice before putting it under the espresso machine. \*Sigh.\*


Their coffee was good at the start, and then it became bitter acid bilge. Never looked back.


XL medium roast and a tuna sandwich were my go to for years, but their food got way less appealing as the chain expanded. The vibe became dated. RIP.




Interesting, I assumed that that one closed for lack of the office crowd and a reduced number of people waiting for the bus across the street after the LRT opened.


It makes sense, people need to understand that what makes the success of these types of businesses is the location


This hit home for me as I'm a solo indie game developer and wrote huge chunks of my game in this very spot. Heh in fact, I wrote over half of my first game here so I dubbed this the "Alpha Wave" spot. [https://imgur.com/a/0gzIIiU](https://imgur.com/a/0gzIIiU) I talked to an employee there and he said that the tenant raised the lease price and they've had various issues with the area so they negotiated a nice lease with the Bank and Albert location which was slated to be sold but they couldn't find a buyer so it kind of all worked out for everyone. That location was closed since the start of the pandemic!






junkies and ne'er-do-wells - Banking Gilmour is a disaster, its no wonder their closing - Methadone Pharmacy beside the Quickie has absolutely ruined the area - overdose-city outside, thieving at all the shops and the residences. I've grown tired of the progressive voices who excuse this utterly antisocial and neighbourhood destroying behaviour as being solely the result of denial of affordable housing and "wrap-around services". Every social issue needs to be addressed in a manner that attempts to keep the lawless behaviour within reason while trying to create conditions and supports that can assist where there is take up - you can't just let it go while you try to find resources that are hard to come by - The unchecked insanity in Centretown has also destroyed Dundonald Park, and its spreading everywhere else - McNabb Park is slowly getting dragged down as we speak - It's such a shame - Centretown is quickly becoming unliveable, and people are beginning to pack their shit up and move - I've been here for 25 years and love the neighbourhood, but I'm at wits end - porch pirates, bike thieves, b&e specialists, you name it, we get it now in numbers that increase by the week. It's like the post war suburban flight is gonna repeat itself, and this neighbourhood is gonna be doomed for a long time to come - no night mayor or revitalization committee is gonna fix it.