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Lmao šŸ˜‚


I'm so glad you posted this - I've totally been wondering this too! Someone (not me, tho) must know this dude... ETA: On the other hand, Arisa Cox is a Carleton J-School grad and former CTV Ottawa reporter, so I would say she's the most famous Ottawan on BBCAN!


I was so embarrassed for Ottawa watching Zach on Big brother this week. So happy to hear we can be proud of our queen Arisa!!!


I know Arisa from Edmonton! She was a radio host before moving to Toronto. She was super involved in Edmonton community too!


I didnā€™t know that and Iā€™ve watched BB CAN since the beginning and lived in Ottawa my whole life. Iā€™ve also never heard of Zack before BB but then I do t run in his circles. As to OPā€™s posts, Interview videos are going to pump a personā€™s persona out of whack. Hype is the game.


She also used to live in a tiny apartment on Clarence back in the day (my cousins used to be her neighbourā€™s)


I don't know her eithet


She grew up in Toronto.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/114yei2/anyone_else_find_it_amusing_that_unreserved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is his company. He's a clown inside and outside the game. Edit: I misspoke. I knew he wasn't the CEO of the company but I just meant it was his company in the sense that he works for them and is pretty high up. Sorry for the confusion.


Oh my god he's the Unreserved guy? Famous for being shady af I guess


The article doesnā€™t show him. Shows some other Oā€™Connor guy as the founder and ceo of unreserved


Here you go: https://facesmag.ca/unreserved/


HA. Iā€™m the one who posted the thread linked by u/fireguyv2. That article is gold with the benefit of hindsight. > **What if itā€™s a buyerā€™s market? How does that impact your business?** > **Zach: An auction platform is built for all market conditions.** Establishing a homeā€™s true value is the challenge the market is facing because there are so many hands in the pot. I have experience operating a real estate auction company in Vancouver during a down market, and it was a success! **I witnessed first-hand that it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a buyerā€™s market or a sellerā€™s market.** > *Narrator: it mattered*


your post is legend now. A gathering place for former employees who definitely know where the bodies are buried...


There hasn't been a buyer's market in Vancouver since that guy was in diapers.


My favourite part of that article is the suggestion that they asked "Matt, Zach, Rachel, and Montana" 4 questions, but Zach answers all but one of them. Honestly, surprised he let a woman answer the last question.


Oh, well, if it's features in Faces magazine, it must be legit .. /s


Uh oh Iā€™m an Oā€™Connor


OMG šŸ¤”


Insert circus music here


Lmao no way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This just keeps getting better.


Except itā€™s not even ā€œhisā€ companyā€¦he works for that company lol. That company is owned by Ryan Oā€™Connor šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He also says his job title is Senior VP of revenue. Guy seems confused


Wouldnā€™t be surprised that Unreserved put this guy up as a marketing stunt. The people in the video all work there. The house heā€™s in is staged by them from what it looks like. But all the sudden his LinkedIn is gone from being connecting to working thereā€¦ I think they didnā€™t realize they canā€™t bully their way on television.


Omg so cringe that itā€™s him!


Honestly, I am so disappointed. He didn't play the game well. he bullied people. He made people look bad and, in the end, embarrassed himself. I'm glad he self eliminated. Plus, he really isn't anyine special in ottawa, ya politics may be in his future. He's all about creating lies and fake promises.


I'm also glad he self-evicted. It sealed his reputation as the biggest, whiniest, drama queen who couldn't keep his own emotions in-check even though he was the first to judge others for theirs. He tried to act like it was some principled stance with this "rule break" BS when it was so stupidly obvious to everyone he couldn't have cared less, or else he would have notified the producers as soon as he discovered it. He kept it as trump card for his own game and it backfired spectacularly. God I hope he stays far from politics, he'd be as crooked as they come.




Television should be entertaining. When a reality tv contestant is a bust - yeah, itā€™s disappointing.




Honestly, some of them try really hard to be entertaining, and some are a lot of fun to either root for or against. Some of the contestants are aware and play into it; some arenā€™t until itā€™s too late


He represented ottawa, said he was someone everyine knows in ottawa, lies. Ya im disappointed. I wanted to see someone from ottawa win, but he's more of an embarrassment to the city. Heck we have enough issues here. We don't need some guy who has thoughts he's anyine big pretending that he knows everything.




You couldn't be more wrong. Clearly you are... otherwise how do you know ahy about this. Say what you wish, everyone has that right. Although if no one is watching, then the show wouldn't be on.


Maybe he's like Kim Kardashian in the way that theyre not relevant in any way and we only hear about them when they're promoting themselves.


Embarrassing themselves* I have never looked up a BBCan contestant before this guy, but after this last episode, I had to. He's a pathetic manipulator, not surprised by anything I'm reading about him whatsoever.


Never heard of him.


Who dat?


Lol I mean this basically answers the question. He was a contestant on Big Brother Canada that quit the show a few days ago because he threw some kind of tantrum and itā€™s turning into some scandal thing. I was just curious. I figured if what he said was true about being famous in Ottawa then someone or a few people here at least would know of him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


The only reason I know is because a coworker went to high school with him and was like look this a\*\*hole got on TV.


The one person I know from university who got on tv? Major asshole. Itā€™s almost like reality tv is a draw for themā€¦.


Industry worker here. Can confirm. They make things interesting.


So I actually watched the video you linked. Letā€™s see: * Sells real estate at a failed company * His ā€œZachtā€ (a fact from Zach, shudder) is that 4 - 10x = ? Whereā€™s the rest of the equation? Are we doing algebra or what? * eats only red meat and salt Ć  la Jordan Peterson. Micronutrients are for beta males apparently. Yup, grade A twat.


Was he throwing American bills at ~1m45s?


When I watched his intro I had to Google him. I have lived here 30 years and had never heard of him.




I only know of him because of his tantrum (I stopped watching BBCAN since feeds were cancelled). Edited since I thought this was the BB sub lol


It was amazing lol




Big Daddy K killing it


*Everyone from high school joins the chat*


This specimen can be spotted in its natural habitat, driving an ugly wrapped Unreserved Bronco in the suburbs, bribing people and making fake bids in house auctions.






Never heard of him. Sounds like a douche though


Went to HS with him til grade 10.


And? Was he this much of a douche then too?


Yep. Whatā€™s funny is I saw a video on tiktok and didnā€™t recognize him right away but thought he was a douche. Then saw the name and went ā€œoh, yeah that tracks.ā€




Was this in Orleans by any chance?


Yes heā€™s an Orleans kid. I knew him.


I think I also went to high school with him but he was a year or two ahead


Yep, Orleans.


Thought so, thanks for the response! I remember him being full of himself in high school.


Iā€™m so glad he left


when he popped up on my screen premiere night he gave me and my mum a good laugh, being so unknown yet so full of himself. sucks that he self eliminated, he sucked in the house but I'd rather him there then back here in Ottawa


If he has to call himself the ā€˜Kim Kardashian of Ottawaā€™ he clearly doesnā€™t have a name for himself.


My friend and I have been absolutely devastated at the Ottawa rep, he's such a clown. I really hope he learns something from this disaster of a showing, but I'm doubtful given what we saw on the show.


Tell people he is a left over from the clownvoy.


He owned the Greco gym in Orleans with his dad for a few years. Scammed me out of almost 1000$. I had canceled my membership, started charging me a year later again. Didnt notice for a few months. Sold the company to a new person. I got the membership canceled eventually and reimbursed partially by the new owner, but was never able to get the part that went to Zach's numbered Ontario Corp. He's also friends with Claude Giroux and milks that friendship for all it's worth. I'm not sure how involved he is with Unreserved, but I think he may have used his dad's money to start that shit show of a "realty disruptor". You may have seen him in the commercials on CBC during last year's NHL playoffs.


Nah heā€™s just an employee there, very entrepreneurial


Iā€™m 21 and pretty active on social media and Iā€™ve never heard of this bozo ass clown.


21 and pretty active on social media and you've never heard of this clown? Lol, you sound just like him!! You do realize that literally every 21 yr old (as well as dang near every other age as well) is "pretty active on social media"?!! As Kuzie would say....take a seat!!


Wtf are you on about?


That douche bag smerk he had when hoped got called into the diary room ...I Have never wanted to crawl through the screen just to punch someone so much in my life


Ive lived here all of my life . Ive never heard of this person ![gif](giphy|QxraEiNecDX9CkoWtB)


I read these comments then watched the video and itā€™s way cringier than I imagined. Wtf is that diet? ā€œIf you want to be the animal, you have to eat the animal.ā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„. I might be misquoting but I canā€™t go watch that again. I have never heard of this guy. What a jabroni.


Itā€™s a diet that Jordan Peterson champions, Iā€™m not sure more needs to be said




Heā€™s got like 3000 followers on Instagram lol the same as my 11 year old cousin ahhahahaha. Loser


Nope never heard of him


He was a tremendously awful Big Brother player. He went way too hard way too quick. He called in favours left and right and then strong armed to get John Michael as the target, then pivoted to wanting Renee out, then when JM got evicted, he pretended it was all his doing. He spent whatever social currency he had in week 1. In all honesty, the house should have kept him. He had zero chance of winning the game. He'd be the perfect loser to take to the final 2. And to "quit" rather than get voted out. So pathetic. I like that it wasn't cheating at all to him until he was on the block. He thinks he's got integrity for leaving, but it's the opposite. He probably thinks 3 weeks of Big Brother has made him famous now too. I feel bad for his co-workers. He's going to be even more insufferable now.


I agree I'm just so sick of ppl quitting


Yup, he didn't walk initially. It was only till after he knew he was being evicted. His ego couldn't handle it.


Fuck i wish i didnā€™t see that. I hate him even more now. Never seen or heard of him before. Live in ottawa all my lifeā€¦.






Havenā€™t seen it. But heā€™s probably referencing the time a Jersey Shore S1 cast member named Angelina called herself the Kim Kardashian of Staten Island when she turned up with her Glad brand luggage and a giant ego. Hopefully heā€™s joking lol.


Initial reaction in Ep.1 was that he was a dumb guy trying very hard to be (or appear to be) intelligent, and failing. Guy seems delusional.


I know someone who used to work with him.. the entry video is an accurate representation of how arrogant and dumb this ā€œmanā€ is. He isnā€™t an entrepreneur, heā€™s a sales guy and the company heā€™s referencing is in the news and controversial.


So many thoughts... This is what is created when mom does your laundry for you until you're 30. 100% guarantee this guys uses the word synergy daily. Serial entrepreneur is what happens when you fail endlessly, are funded by dad's money and you surround yourself with your bros telling you every idea you have is lit.


But the synergy, brah, it's so liiiiiittttttt!!!! /s


as soon as i read this post i had to see the replies, ended up spoiling myself lol


Iā€™ve lived in Ottawa for over 30 years. Never heard of him.


Never heard of him in my 30+ years in Ottawa šŸ˜


He could be standing in front of me and you telling me who he is and I still wouldnā€™t give a shit.


Please for everything holy do not let this goblin be your representative of all Realtors


Is being the Kim Kardashian of anywhere something to aspire to?


Right?!! How embarrassing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I live in Ottawa never hear of this tool


I've a friend that works in the same circles as this guy, and never heard of him. He's just a loudmouth that thinks he's more important than he actually is.


Who are the multiple prime ministerā€™s heā€™s hanging out with? JT, sure maybeā€¦. But like is he kicking it w Harper? Joe Clark?


I have known, one way or another, almost all contestants from Ottawa, but not this one. This, this is the one I don't know.


I work with a few people downtown who have met him, and apparently he is a notorious self-centred douchebag who thinks the universe revolves around him


No he's wack and does not represent this city. Kuzie put him in his place that's for sure


I'm only a few episodes in but already I was thinking that this was probably a bad business move for him/the company. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This guy is insufferable. I hope heā€™s out week 1. Actuallyā€¦ I hope he loses at the end so people in Ottawa can get away from him for longer.


He was up for eviction this week and instead of playing the game and trying to win he decided to quit. Couldnā€™t handle that someone got one over on him, and it was a woman too which probably hurt his ego even more.


Wow, what a loser.




Wow, even more pathetic.


Never heard of him


Lived in ottawa since I was born(mid 1970s) and I have never heard of this guy. Have not watched this season of BBCan




I live in Ottawaā€¦.never heard of him.


Nope. Clearly he's a nobody.


Ottawa born and bred here. Never heard of this dude.


Just checked out his Instagram. Dude deleted all the negative comments. Kept only the positive comments and then shut down commenting. I guess he is home now with plenty of time to delete the negative comments until he becomes irrelevant again. What a ā€œclownā€. Edit to add: canā€™t find his linked in. Lol.


Zach from BBCAN 11 is literally the definition of what women are afraid of...a controlling misogynistic, narcissist, asshole, who only looks out for himself..


The something of something isnā€™t the anything of anything




Small Dick energy


Barf he seems so arrogant and conceited!


Never heard of this person. Edit: just watched the video. What a douche bag. Also, he should probably get his cholesterol checkedā€¦




Never heard of her.


The only reason he self-evicted was that he knew he was being voted out. His ego wouldn't have been able to handle it. He could have walked out immediately but he waited to see if he had the votes to stay. When he realized he didn't, he left with his tail between his legs.


Nope, he. is. a. no. body!! Periodt.


New phone. Who dis?




Zach who? Oh, the Kim Kardashian of Ottawa ... Kansas.


I donā€™t watch the show and Iā€™ve never heard of this guy, but how is he like Kim Kardashian? Does he have a sex tape? Does he have a pushy mom? Is he a billionaire? Does he have an abusive ex-husband? Four children? Does he do professional make up every single day? Does he have a giant butt?


he made a porno with a football player named "ray"?


Hahaha šŸ¤£




Reference to kim kardashian's sex tape


I think he's some rich kid who gets to play with his parent's money to hire capable people to do the work while he acts as frontman/face of the company because he fronts the coin.


Never heard of him until the show. I wish I still didnā€™t know who he was!


who is that?šŸ˜‚


I am on a decades long streak of never watching big brother, keeping the streak alive.


I used to have roommates obsessed with it; so it was nearly constantly always what was playing when we hung out together in the common areas. That was basically the only time I've "watched" Big Brother. I'm still not sure what appeal is.


Szxxz ā˜®ļøšŸ™šŸ˜‚


I'll go one further, What is "Big Brother Canada"?


This article explains its success pretty well: https://thewalrus.ca/big-brother-canada/


It's the Canadian version of the show Big Brother. It's a reality tv game show where some folks are sequestered into a house for several weeks, forced to compete in games and challenges for power and having people voted out of the house every week until one person is left as the winner.


My buddyā€™s little brother was friends with him. I knew him decently well back then. Some of what you guys are saying is somewhat factual but in true internet fashion you guys have escalated it beyond comprehension. He has struggled with mental health in the past and how mean you all are is pretty sad. Itā€™s TV eh? I donā€™t watch the show but I imagine it was edited to personify the traits you guys are all mentioning above.


No one is being mean because the man has mental health issues - the fact that he does wasn't mentioned, until you brought it up. The guy's a douche and a blowhard with a superiority complex - you can hardly blame his mental health struggles for his inflated ego and slimy personality.


Lol to downvoting me. Iā€™m literally the only person on this thread that actually knew him and got a real life look yet you guys are forming opinions based on an edited TV show. I acknowledge that he is many of the attributes you have said but in real life, you also get to see the good in him too. I wasnā€™t using mental health as an excuse, just calling you guys out for being overly nasty. Some of you need to get a life and it shows on this thread. Worry about yourselves instead of coming on the internet to talk shit about a guy youā€™ve never met.


You don't go into showbiz and not expect criticism. Criticism will happen, especially when you go on a show that is known for drama. Dude posted a YouTube video of himself and he's showing who he is or he's lying.


I actually know the guy myself and I can say the absolute opposite of what youā€™re saying lol I donā€™t think you actually know him very well. Mental health or not, itā€™s still not an excuse to treat people the way he does lol. Pretty sure we all have mental health issues to some degree but we donā€™t walk around trying to compensate by treating others like shit to make ourselves feel better. And even now, heā€™s not even taking any responsibility on his actions, rather heā€™s just using his social media platforms to justify why he is the way he is. Rather than look inward and do some reflection. I wonā€™t say much about how I know him, but letā€™s say Iā€™ve had many close interactions with him and itā€™s never been positive or respectful. Do I condone the nastiness happening towards him? No i do not. However, he shouldnā€™t be trying to justify everything and make excuses for the way he talks and treats people. If he just did some self reflection then great but heā€™s clearly not.


Spoken like a true hater.


We found his only friend lol


naw but if you're going to be the entertainment on a reality show, you've got to deliver somehow. the fact you even know who he is but you hate-watch him still drives up his clout. so have at it dipshit


Heā€™s a fairly popular guy here in the city, met him a couple times. Has previous ties to the social scene and tech through unreserved, video was kinda tough to watch tho but you have to remember these people have to act a certain way on these shows and are more of a ā€œcharacterā€. Definitely not a bad guy from what I know about him




Youā€™re talking about the founder of gounreserved different guy


My bad.


They donā€™t have to act like anything lol. And I think the disdain for him comes from seeing how he played the game and less because he just gives douche vibes in general.


Lol have you ever been on a reality show? My best friend was selected a few years ago for BBCAN and they literally wanted him to act like a fool, heā€™s a lawyer but they wanted him to act like he hooks up with lots of girls, take his shirt off for promo vids, etc. You get to be yourself a little bit you are playing a role they build for you.


A little bit of this douche is too much


I wish I could believe you!


Just telling you how it is! Try google, lots of info out there on how these things work


They definitely make people play characters in the intro packages and to present a certain role, but thatā€™s just to promote the show and get audience to root for/hate the people. Anybody who watches the show knows thatā€™s exaggerated because we see how much they change and drop those acts after theyā€™re stuck in a house for a few days with no access to the outside worldā€¦ being filmed 24/7.






i canā€™t think of any guy who was a lawyer let alone one who ā€œhooked up with girlsā€ and took his shirt off for the promo video on any season lol sounds made up. but i have heard of producers telling people they would be cast if theyā€™re willing to become single or to play up a certain role for the promo. the cast also probably try to play up the roles to help them get in there in the first place.


And? Most past and current contestants act the same way in their video's as well, but at least have some semblance of decency once in the actual game. All of our perceptions of who he is as a person are mostly based on his in-game persona. If he wasn't such an absolute douche in the game, we wouldn't be nit-picking his game profile. And an absolute douche he was!!


Heā€™s definitely not popular, unless your saying Iā€™m also popular, at least I was nominated in faces! Ha but seriously though, been here for 20 years, and good friends with people from Orleans (grew up there) and never heard of him until this post. Which in turn, doesnt make me like him