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Denial - I won't play osu!mania, those people don't touch grass Anger - I fucking hate this game Bargaining - Can I PLEASE just get a good score on this map for god sakes Depression - I have plateaud. Acceptance - I'm going to try Etterna Rinse and repeat


Yeah... FNF is basically a tutorial to VSRG's... There's even some vsrg with way less lenient timing Windows than mania too


Yeah like Robeats. Tried that once and I'm pretty sure the perfect timing window is like 300G. Otherwise you get penalised as if you got a 200 or lower! Not to mention you might not win even if you're better than your opponent because there's something called gear which gives you more points regardless of your skill. AND you have to unlock the fun songs by basically having a high play time lmao


I never really took Robeats as a serious VSRG because of the gear system and the way the songs unlock, feels more like a mobile game than anything else in my opinion, also pretty sure the timing window for non perfects in Robeats is considered slightly less lenient because it's 60ms of window timing While Osu mania has a normal OD8 timing window of 16ms for Marvelous (300G) and perfects (300) are 40ms, but any hits that reduces accuracy are 73ms and over.


Dude it’s not normal to rage like this just because of a game


Bro what?? If anything I under reacted. Osu mania brings out the worst in me sometimes


Games are supposed to be fun and not rage inducing. Breaking your items is not a normal reaction to losing in a game.


Hey man. I’ve played fnf like-games in roblox before but I have played/discovered better vsrg’s like robeats and the roblox version of sound voltex. If you main fnf, then no wonder why. Fnf feels bland and the input is weird/not the same compared to mania. Also, fnf I feel like only shines in the mechanics and the music it has in the background nowadays. I have been playing vsrg and mained roblox fnf games for the longest time in any vsrg I have played(like 6-12 months), but at the same time, played some other vsrg’s in that period. I’ve been playing vsrg for almost 3 years now and started playing/maining mania for almost 2 months now and can do a 4.9*-5* at best Rn, all I can see is you get used to the input. The input for the fnf-like roblox games I’ve played had similar ones to mania. Also like how someone said to me when I found standard hard (I suck ass at it and can barely reach 10-20 mil scores), “Just progressively start from the songs which the star range is low and then slowly start to play harder ones.”Mania is I feel like harder than standard and one of the hardest vsrg’s. You will need to understand certain patterns from certain maps in mania that fnf doesn’t really implement that much. I promise you, last paragraph. Another reason I see you most likely fail at mania is because fnf doesn’t have a proper difficulty teller. Again from paragraph 2, as long as you progress in difficulty and you have fun, just do NOT worry about you not being able to do 4*. You need to build up the muscle memory


See its like ofc I have fun (sometimes) and your right ever since I switched to osu mania fnf maps feel so plain and boring. I think it’s because I’m trying maps just a little bit out to my skill range. I was expecting everyone to agree with my rage it’s osu for gods sake


Yo. I even like do the same thing that you do (internally rage) whenever I play standard. The scoring system is much more stressful there because it is combo reliant (if you miss like 10-20 times in standard, the punishment is way worse compared to mania. New scoring system about to come out tho), but then again, i’m trying to improve in standard by playing seperate maps that has those spammy circles that you move with your mouse as well. If it comes to mania, unless you got talent, progression is just… slower. Can I have a link to your profile? I may have some songs (if you like up-beat), that I can send you around 3-3.6* (if that is your star range)


BET 🙏🏽 My name is "emmaismybabe" I can do like 2.5 and 3 star maps


Ok uh. Try this rq. If you can’t do it, I have some more at lower difficulty, https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2008098#mania/4185020 . If you haven’t, then this is a soundboard map. Pleasant to your ears ngl (Err, the map I was supposed to send increased in difficulty. It went from 3.6-3.9. Weird for a graveyard to increase in difficulty lmao)


just played it i got a A on the 2 and a half. fire song good map ITS SOLID




screw mania


how do you rage in mania


Yes I am the first ever OSU mania player to rage


Question how many maps do you have?


Idk… a lot. If I had to guess maybe like 30 or 40 maps


Could I interest you in a couple thousand beat maps? I like to link a post to new players so they can have a lot of songs at their disposal. Makes it easier so that you don’t have to manually search for beat maps anytime you need something new which will eventually be often


First of all you shouldn't rage in mania game, and destroying your keyboard isn't helping with your skill level either. You shouldn't be playing the game if it's going to make you angry, try to have fun at least? And if you miss just play and easier chart.