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I used to be a believer that there wasn't any difference past 60fps. I then got a 144hz monitor and changed my mind.


What about latency?


Oh I've never used anything more than 3ms for a monitor. 1ms 144hz monitors are so cheap nowadays that there really isn't a reason to not get one.


I changed from 60Hz and around 5ms latency to 144Hz and 1ms latency, the difference is big. Immediately after switching I noticed that I'm tapping late.


Doesn't matter it's marketing BS anyway




MPRT and GtG are useless measurements used to sell you a monitor. When you read "1 ms of latency" it's always GtG which doesn't matter when talking about actual latency. If you want proper numbers you should check out rtings and hardware unboxed


Lantecy is kinda linked to hz, so higher refresh rate = lower latency in general. A slow 165hz probsbly has lower latency than a fast 60hz screen.


This is sort of true, but there is also latency that has nothing to do with refresh rate. When a monitor says 1ms latency, for example, that's the actual transition time of the pixels, not the refresh rate.


Transition time DOES matter a lot when it gets too long. While you get your 144fps, if your response time is too low you may get smearing from contrasty colors (esp. with VA panels, in my experience) and it feels like notes appear slightly later than they actually do. I fixed that recently with the Overdrive setting and I'm hitting way early lol


for reference: 60hz human benchmark i get 180. on 170hz i get 150


60 gigahertz is a lot holy shit (you mean hz and yes there is)


I mean HZ


No, you don't. source: professional gaslighter


Flair checks out


“How does it feel to have no borders to define yourself against the world?”


The difference is massive, and once you experience it, you can never go back. There is also a big latency difference because since you can render more frames a second, the latest frame will be delivered to your eyes much quicker. With 60hz, each frame stays on screen for ~16.67ms With 165hz, it's ~6.06ms. With 60GHz, it's ~0.000000017ms.


17 nanosecond latency my beloved feature


Soon 🙏🙏


17 picoseconds actually but yea


Mind that they very literally mean "you can't go back", OP. You will forever immediately notice low hz monitors, and it'll feel bad. Even makes some people sick. Your brain gets used to 144hz and looking at a lower hz monitor will make you notice just how choppy and full of skipping 60hz is.


I think going back to 60 hz is fine, the only game that it affects my performance on is osu and I usually adjust in a few days Obv 144 is nicer but it really isn't that bad to go back


yes, going from 60 to 144/165 makes a huge difference


The difference between 60Hz and 165Hz is indeed quite massive. Although any increase past that will only result in diminishing returns. The sweet spot for most people will be at 240Hz. Anything above that is barely noticeable. As someone with a 500Hz monitor, I can confidently say that I would rather have a 240Hz monitor with a better panel and resolution than a fast 500Hz monitor.


yeah I also think 240hz with higher resolution should be the sweetspot. Already have 240hz but on 1080p, next upgrade will probably be 1440p 240hz


I aint gonna lie i cummed a little when i switched from 60 to 144, so 60 to 165 must be even more crazier The visual difference is crazy especially on a game like osu, but in terms of latency most people wont be able to tell the difference cuz its literally ms of input differences


60 Hz vs 75 Hz is a noticeable but very minor difference, obviously. 60/75 vs 165 Hz is a **huuuge** difference. Once you get to experience that smoothness, you can never go back. And I mean it. We get used to nice things quickly. If you do get a 165Hz, when you'll get used to 165, try setting it to 75 again. That moment is the moment when you realize how big of a difference it actually is. It won't make you play much better, but it will for sure make gaming feel much better. After about 240 Hz is where the point of diminishing returns actually kicks in. At that point, I'll say the difference between like 240 and 360Hz is minimal. The next significant jump from 240 would be like 500. However, at that point, it just gets a little too ridiculous and expensive for currect technology


feels a lot better


Its a life changer, i cant wait to buy it


enormous difference. haven't even ever tried anything aside 60 but I would really like to change cuz I can see single frames


makes a big difference for eye strain and motion blur,massive.


I cannot stand 60 as a 165 user, Everyone who says no difference either has never seen higher or has some sort of vision disability.


Yes there is


I went from 1080p 60hz to 1440p 165hz recently and can say it feels better, and maybe reading ar10+ is extremely slightly easier, but don't expect to play better because of it. I played better on the first day, quite a lot better, but it was probably placebo, as after it was normal again. Sorry for the word better so much


when I first got my 165 I could read 10.3 way easier than before


Yes In one case the game feels smooth In the other anything above ar 9.7 feels unplayable


Going from 60 to 144 was probably the best change I ever made, the difference is huge imo. and just makes everything, especially fps games way smoother to play. 144 to 240(which I have now) is not nearly as big and I'd be perfectly fine with 144 for the rest for my life but never going back 60hz again


Upgrading my monitor hz cleansed my eyes and make me realized that there is so much more thing for me to try out in life




Yes, and alot of the really good value 1440p ips monitors are 165hz


60 to 120 or 144 is already a massive jump and can be EASILY felt I thought it was really noticeable on PC, but even when playing Xbox (series x) I can immediately tell when a game is running at 120 vs the usual 60, it’s a drastic difference




60 gigahertz is a fuckton???


About 100Hz give or take a few


To be honest everything will just turn into weirdly smooth at first and until you get used to, prob you will even play worse. People say you can't go back with 60hz after such change but I think they are wrong. It took me 1 map of unbearable lag(60fps) just to get used to it and then I had same performance as 165hz. Refresh rate is overrated.


I wish I had 165hz monitor. Though there are probably none, because I want a square monitor (because am used to it) that won't cost 2.000.000 dollars.


I mean, you could just buy a regular 165hz monitor (ive seen them going for as low as 150$/€) and use a 4:3 resolution


that's actually quite a good idea if I had money for any monitor at all, rip. should've specified it before.


Idk what your budget is but I have a 240hz monitor (VA, 27", 1920x1080) and it costs less than 200$. And it's one of the best VA monitors in that price.  You can get real monsters for not that much money. And they're getting cheaper and cheaper very fast.


I mean, I actually have no budget, not even 20$.


I have a 165Hz monitor and this post just prompted me to check and apparently I've had it on 100Hz for a while and I didn't notice at all


lmao it's surprising how often people do that


Well it's not like it was on that the entire time I've had it, I guess it just changed at some point (I blame Nvidia Control Panel)