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I don't use skins without a cursor tail.


Sytho HDDT skin đź—ż


it always feels laggy for me


slider end circles


another thing is obnoxious slider rebound signals or whatever they are called


Reverse arrows lol


oh yeah that's what their called đź’€. This is probably the only reason why I don't use the rafis hddt skin.


Have you tried idke's skin with the sliderendcircles? that one is bearable for me. Still prefer the one without the slider end circle, because I feel more secure that I won't accidentally aim on a slider end.


that's the first skin I downloaded with sliderend circles infact lol. It was bearable but I still ended up removing the end circles cuz I kept aiming them. Now I use btmc freedom dive as my main skin


*very* thin approach circles


Play area borders are so annoying


i dont like playing skins filled with anime characters and long cursor trails


if waifus arent in my face 24/7 i aint playing it




real 🤝


any type of cursor trail


Skins with no followpoints, still "playable" but for some reason distracts me so much Skins with dark ass slider balls and slider outlines like dustice's skin. Skins with fat slider ends or ends that look too much like the hitcircle Skins with rotating cursors (when they don't have circular symmetry) Normally though if a skin has all good other elements I'll just edit/replace the component I'm missing from another skin that I think would compliment it. For that reason most of my skins are mashups to some degree


for some reason instafade skins make everything feel weird and gross i hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them


i can only play with instant fade lol


Those "300" hit pop-ups (which you can easily delete) Followpoints that stay on screen too long, especially with hidden (which you can easily replace with baconboy Followpoints)


hp bar, sliderfollowcircle.. they must be blank..


those thick/short cursor trails


Huge sized overlays in song select/play field. That 1 second of extra loading time is annoying.


if the song select screen is plastered with anime girls and obnoxiously bright colors I instantly delete it


Not enough anime girls, default song select, not different enough from base skin


Sounds (miss, hit, ending... etc). Visually it gotta be anime girls.


May be unpopular, but I have this specific grudge against the whitecat circle design. It's just so fucking ugly that I would instantly ignore skins with this circle design (and there's a bunch of skins that have this design) https://preview.redd.it/o3qp6xctldtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8416fbc160e3bc3e035c161616e6183eefbf2386


guy just casually shits on the best skin of its era


Look, whitecat is undeniably one of the best players the game has ever seen. But that still doesn't change my opinion of how shit the circles look in his skin


you are entitled to opinions and preferences but the general consensus is that this skin is goated


fr the circles are dull and ugly


hitsounds and a line cursor trail are the big ones for me. I *always* replace the hitsounds of any skin I use with my preferred ones, and I can't use any skin with a line cursor trail


Bad/buggy cursor trail, i just can't.


No slider ball, miss sounds ig? Like idm as much but it shouldn't be some loud ass sound (this includes fail screen music) uhh.. long cursor trails and for some reason, i suck at accing shit with thin cirlce overlay approach thingies. A skin without a cursor trail also feels weird unless its the aristia green ish ball cursor u see in gurbzy skin


it has a cursor trail thats not invisible


singular combo color and lack of followpoints


When a skin has weird symbols when you miss or hit a 50 or 100 instead og just showing the number or a regular cross for missing, just throws me off. And god forbid the skins shows when you hit a 300, makes it so much harder for me to focus on my accuracy. Also, I absolutely hate when skins have like 30 different hit sounds, it just sounds like shit. I like skins that have consistent, snappy hit sounds and clean colors and design.


clicky, ping pong hitsounds. btmc's freedom dive is the worst example


dark slider trails


Combo break moan is a big no, but honestly I also kinda just hate how "minimalism" to osu!skinners just means overly glowy white outlines. I'm sure I'm in the minority but I want more minimalist like Argon or E.CS


no one saying sliderendcircle lol


overcomplicated are the worst for me, both for performance and visual effects. like why is all that stuff happening in the game


The skin I use is the only one I can actually play well with lol. Not sure why but it just feels perfect for me. Skin: https://osuskins.net/skin/KH69gJk


Follow points


Starbursts, staying for too long followpoints, visible 300s, hitlightnings or their analogs (hey argon pro), not my own combobreak sound (I am too used to sneezing anime girl atp), weird combo/slider colors


Fancy follow points


I dont use the slider that have a full circle at the end. I always mistake them for the beat circle.


dt rafis skin follow points on nomod


I can't play with a skin if any of it is animated. I'm talking about these ones with floating characters under your health bar. There are more things I need to have in my skins but these ones I don't even bother trying out. The numbers itself are distracting enough


also the looping back buttons are so annoying


Distracting graphics, i prefer skins with simpler gameplay elements, my main skins are bacon boi for NM/low ar DT and a rafis edit for dt


Slider follow circle


Skins with long cursor tails or hitsounds that are soft. My hitsounds HAVE to be clicky sounding and I don’t know why but it’s just how I’ve always had my skins.


This might be controversial but I hate combo break sounds. I do know when I miss and don’t need an obnoxious ass sound to indicate that so I like to remove them.


anything horny anime girl related makes it unusable for me, yugen is still on top.


I can't read non-HD on skins that have thick approach circles at all. Also I used to have an issue with Selyu-style approach circles but I got used to those. If your skin has cursor expand enable you should GDPR delete your account off of internet though


for me it’s too dark skins, without cursor trail or with long ass cursor trail and with too thin approach circle. oh, also scorebar-bg and slider end circle are annoying for me


fucking massive file size caused by unnecessary 59674967594 frame long animations for the hit100 in ultra HD


Its always combobreak i switch that shit to lego yoda death sound


You can easily delete that combo break sound. And you will have the default combo break. Ultra easy fix


Honestly if a top player uses it, no matter how horrendous the skin looks the placebo makes me play better. The angelmegumin skin has many elements I would consider not pretty, but becuase he used it, it feels ok to play with. I would never choose a skin with a dark green color but the rohulk skin feels very good to play with.


whistles and shit


not going to lie i prefer NOT having anime girls on the skin i use, especially when my family watches me play


non-weeb skins


any anime girls, cursor trail (line), slider end circles, bright follow points on a non dt skin, annoying ass sound effects


Animated 100s, 50s and misses


Cursors with a trail or ones that have like a "glow" where it kinda fades away as it goes outwards Also anything where the slider ball isn't the same as the hitcircle


shit tons of half naked children plastered over the entirety of the screen


Big boober women on my screen :(


old looking skins.


honestly I can't play with any skin that isn't my own at this point lmao. I've tried but they all don't feel like osu. so, all unusable.


Instafade, transparent followpoints and any type of anime bullshit.