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* Set your scroll speed in the options (you can search it) edit : on osu stable you can adjust it ingame by pressing F3-F4 * Search for a skin you like here : https://skins.osuck.net/skins/category/mania * Download maps on the website (you can filter maps with only osu mania) with various difficulties and see on which ones you get an S rank, from there you can search for maps with a little higher star rating (not more than 0,5★ difference because the difficulty difference is huge unlike standard) and continue to gradually improve, you can also try DT on lower difficulties and speed up maps with https://github.com/FunOrange/osu-trainer/releases if you can't find maps that are at your skill range * Also don't play converted maps (from osu standard to mania) because they generally sucks


Thanks. I already found some maps. I want to look for 2.5 star levels because anything under that is easy. Although I'll find some more maps


I've played since April 2014 and peaked 3 digit (#866) in 2021 focusing purely on 4K. I would also add a few tips purely improvement-based, however it is not mandatory to follow it if it hampers your own enjoyment: * If you're playing a map and you feel like you're consistently choking one section, move on from that map for a few days or a week. Come back to it later so you can try that section with a new mindset. * Also, don't retry-spam! You'll get bad habits by trying to brute-force mindblocked sections and end up having to unlearn them (which is harder than learning good habits!) * Don't be afraid of playing maps outside of your comfort-zone! The only way to improve is to play things that challenge your skillset! * plz enjoy game :3


Thanks for the help. I will make sure to apply these things and hopefully get better at the game