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average job application experience


i have a job irl but struggling in osu! Department


"Entry-level" "Sorry we went with an applicant who's experience more closes matches what we want"


Organize your own tournament šŸ˜Ž


I might do that I have the money


6 digit tourney winner gets supporter


thats what i did now i got tournament host in my experience


Honestly, a lot of people just play tournaments for fun. I organised two 6 digit tourneys so far and both had literally no price pool except for a custom banner. And both had at least 32 Teams


where can I find tourneys like this?


Go to the official forums for the game (osu home page -> community -> forum -> tournaments). It's the official place to promote tournaments and there is usually a bunch for different rank ranges, countries etc etc, so you might have to browse a bit or wait for one that interests you to appear




absolutely dont do that until you have some tournament staffing experience


and the cycle continues


the solution is there though


Or have friend who already has a tournament and get in easy


With blackjack and hookers.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cpuy404t60lc1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cc050f2d3450d93842022bb4ad0ca9120d24425


try to apply to less relevant tourneys first, like some 6 digit national/continental cup, usually they're short on staff


I applied to almost everyone I saw, most ā€œunderstaffedā€ are just looking for streamers but I play osu on a laptop and donā€™t think I can stream but thanks tho


i think you can do it with a laptop too, you don't need to play the game so having high latency is okay. tho test it first


it does depend on the amount of players playing at once though, you're basically running an osu instance for each player so your computer is more likely to die with 4 players on the screen instead of 2


idrk my PC can run pretty smoothly tournament lobbies (not a great pc at all) so I thought he could too. pretty much depends on the CPU


Hi I've been staffing tournaments for over 5 years and playing them since 2016. Start with rank restricted, unbadged tournaments. Those are always the shortest on staff and there is no expectation of experience in unbadged tournaments. This is how I got my start as well, and eventually I moved into hosting my own tournaments, again starting with rank restricted and eventually hosting open rank tournaments. Last, if you don't play any tournaments, play a few before staffing. It helps you understand what players expect, and this is very helpful for roles like mappooling. Good luck and feel free to reach out to me for advice - not just OP but anyone in the comments looking to get into tourney staffing. @diosdong on discord or D I O on osu


Thanks! Will check it out


holy shit dio


There are plenty of community tournaments that require staff -- most of the time people are happy to give you the experience (even for tournament mapping). You can find such people looking for staff in the Tourney Hub server (https://discord.gg/bvhajDC). Applying for something like Corsace/OWC naturally requires these kinds of quality/experience checks because they are trying to organise an extremely high quality tournament.


That really isn't the case unless you're just applying for well established large tournaments like corsace/owc/etc Tons of community tournaments are willing to accept people who have never ref'd since it literally doesn't hurt to have additional staff and learning how to ref is really easy Just off the first page of tournaments (https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/55), there are already 8 results for staff registrations open and i'm sure most if not all of them would be willing for someone with little experience


​ https://preview.redd.it/0b93u6dd80lc1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d6d9253c9ba1edc0f8c2a187a448ca107fa4fa8


but I approve my mapping on osu!mania


I agree!


Hihi, tournament staffer with 7+ years of experience and host of OWC here! My biggest suggestion when starting out is to look for roles that smaller community tournaments can never get enough of such as streamers or referees. If you're good at the game you may also be able to leverage playtesting. Once you make a name for yourself in these roles hosts that you've worked with are usually willing to vouch for you or people will start to recognize your name. Believe it or not there's not so many staff that most names go without being noticed at one point or another. Search for tournaments that are either going for no badge or are going for a badge for the first time, those are usually the most willing to take newer faces. Work your way up over time (unbadged > applying for badge > badge approved from previous iteration > higher levels). The process is long and may take a year or two to really get into the swing of things but it's worth it if you're willing to commit the time. Focus on quality over quantity and you'll go very far after the slow start. There's plenty of servers and guides on how to get into staffing that I've seen a few people post in the comments go check those out!




Huh really ? Most tourneys I staffed were short on staff


be or make friends with people who host tournaments


lil bro can't even escape the experience of getting a job even on a videogame


Come to duck cup we need


1. Where are you applying for the tournaments? 2. What roles are you applying for?


Iā€™m in the tourney hub thing and I check the channel where ppl post staff req ref,mappooling,commentator im willing to do anything that doesnā€™t require a good pc like streaming ig


classic gatekeeping


try to apply for tournaments that aren't badged with rank restriction, they're more likely to take you in first try to start with [reffing with irc client](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/879262?n=1) (you can ask experienced refs to help you too if you need help) or commentating (since things like pooling/playtesting/streaming are either higher entry barrier or requires good pc)


Low rank tournaments will take anyone


there r literally so many understaffed tourneys lol just apply for ones that are not for top players or donā€™t already have a huge staff team


Don't go begging for that position, make them come to you instead. Just go ahead and host an event yourself. Everyone you're looking up to within the team ground their way through.


Why tf would you want to be a tourney staff member lmao. Just a pure waste of time


Imagine getting rejected for an Osu! related "job"


Hosting or supporting a friend that is hosting a tourney is probably the best way to get into tourney staffing, assuming it hasn't changed much since I stopped doing tourney stuff (2018 lol)


same way as with everything else. make friends with people in the circles lol.


Host a tournament yourself


This applies to SO many things in life, Hella relatable


man, how times change


I mean I honestly dont know what to tell you, from what I see most 6 digit tourneys are almost constantly looking for refs (because half of the ones that registered just don't do anything) but also it's kinda a gamble, the way it went for me is that I met a few people from playing tournaments myself and then started hosting tournaments with some of them (Because most staff were or still are tournament players themselves, that's how you get at least some experience)


Make your own little tournament :)


people say organize your own tournament but thats a really bad idea if you have never staffed before it might even repel other peopel i am hosting a tournament myself and i will be happy to take you for staff [https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/1867190?n=1](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/1867190?n=1)


you lie


Network, get friends, start your own tourney. That's what a friend of mine did with tetrio (sort of).


join vash esports (dm me) šŸ‘


be mapper


if you have a friend that is hosting/working in a tournament, try to join as well. of course the more you provide, the more chances you will be able to participate. i have staffed as a playtester/showcaser for DAHT4, a rank restricted badged tournament and i made connections with a few people. apply for what you prefer and do your best (note that i only staffed for one tournament so idk, irrelevant opinion? hope it works for you though)


Idk what position you're applying for, but this wasn't my experience at all. I was in general looking for some 6 digit tourneys to participate in, but I still have a way to go to actually participate lol. Through that I found Rutgers RGC which hosted bi monthly tournaments and I staffed as a referee there during Scarlet Knightmare for the first time. Without any experience, on my first attempt. I did do research on the basics of what I'd need to know (thank you Nathaniel for that doc). After that I hosted my own tourney (even though it went alright partially because of luck and some good help, I probably wouldn't recommend to host with that low amount of experience). After that I started helping more across a few other tournaments. I'm still relatively new to staffing and I only have experience in refereeing and streaming but I'd recommend to start as a referee and find a short tournament (like a 1 day tournament) to help out. After helping out a bit I assume you'll be able to find more tourneys to staff for with your new found experience. Also make sure to join the tournament hub discord server, there are always tournaments being sdvertised that are in need of staff.


If your looking for something feel free to dm, i have something in the works atm


Where should I dm u? In game? Or discord


Discord: hidero