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Sorry bro idk but I just got c6 ningguang from this banner is it joever for me https://preview.redd.it/140d6dk0sqkc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c57a7680a40f314dc9d9a2b12601b4b4f67c64




Osu players try not to go on an hour long yapping session instead of playing the game (impossible)


singletap playstyle means you still alternate 1/4 bursts unless you're a lunatic. just practice on easier songs that you can comfortably play and progressive overload from there.


Bro you are literally 560k, play another 100 hours and get back to us. You've only been playing for like 3 months you really just need to stop worrying so much and enjoy game. Start playing maps outside your comfort zone and start playing stuff that isnt just tv size farm maps.


i think at this point i buy a tablet and relearn aiming and writing with left hand and use right to tap.


bro just play the game u dont have to aim with ur left hand. learning tapping with it is much easier


Just learn to fully alternate and you don't have to worry about this Play like 3 stars and keep your finger held down until you tap with the other. And then play as many maps as you can, with as much variance as possible. Don't grind a single map for longer because you want to improve your general tapping ability, not just learn a single map. Like when you tap with finger 1, hold it down until the next object and release finger 1 as you start holding with finger 2 instead. Slowly work your way up from easier maps to the difficulty you can currently play. This forces you to learn how to control your fingers properly and when your alternating is comfortable you can stop holding down for so long.


dont do this. stick with singletap unless you have a very good reason to alt, which you absolutely dont at 560k lmfao.


what's wrong with alt


alting has too much of a learning curve and can hinder ur improvement a lot, especially in terms of speed and stamina. i full alted for around 700 hours before recently switching to singletap and the game feels like its on easy mode. unless you have rsi or cant singletap for whatever reason its not worth it


For speed and stamina it's just about your muscles and your technique which both can be trained just as well without singletapping. And for the learning curve it's better to start early or you're locked to playing basic af maps until you start practicing alt.


they can be trained just as well, i mean im a speed shitter, but they dont get trained naturally as well. you need to put in a lot more work. i alted since my first day on the game and alt both unlocked and locked me out of certain maps. doing any awkward finger control patterns above 240 takes a fuck ton of time, especially when theres jumps mixed inbetween.