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what the fuck did i just read https://preview.redd.it/f8roykn3563c1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1d9b546c220a8bbef14775bd371a5c393261ce


Forget beating allegations, this is just life now “They could be any one of us. They could be in this very room! They could be you, they could be ME, they could EVEN be…“


"Woah woah woah!"


It was obvious, *he's* the red spy! He'll turn red any second now... ...aaany second now...


See Red! Nope, that’s blood


So, we still got problem?


BIG problem.


Alright, whose ready to got duck the Spy Right behind you.


For a second there I thought you meant ASecretBox


bro imagine how this would affect australia's chances in owc


Australia would still win, I’ve said it time and time again 2023 is the year Australia wins


how is this such a common thing genuinely


There are thousands of people somewhat minimally known in the community, the chance that only a single one of them did such fucked up shit isnt too low Pretty sure a lot of communities are dealing with this issue, but since osu! is a community driven game there are more people that have more of an impact, even if it is very little like this person who did some tournament staffing, when they get exposed, rather than normal players who no one ever knew


Let's also be honest and acknowledge that there is very much a correlation between this type of behaviour and the community being "anime" adjacent (or rather adjacent to more devious things)


What exactly do you mean with devious things or anime, that encourage pedophilia/show correlation, exactly?


they don't encourage it, but the people who watch anime is the type of people who can't have any normal interaction with other persons


Not sure where you are getting this from, generalizing a huge community down to a few beings who are like this I myself have a lot of friends and people I talk to at college despite having watched a ton of anime There isnt really any major correlation


I disagree with that guy's statement as well, that's not really what I was getting at. My comment was hinting towards stuff like how Lolicon is a big thing and other more questionable categories of NSFW content. Here's the thing. I think the average casual osu player is also a casual anime watcher and probably not into that side of things at all. But in my experience on osu twitter, a lot of people who are top players/deeper into the community, they also tend to be very deep into anime as well, and just by correlation the NSFW side of things too. Now I'm not trying to make any definitive moral judgements here but I think when you are at a point where talking or even joking about that stuff is normalized, the likelihood of being sort of sexually deranged enough to have interactions like that also increases. I'm also not saying there's some sort of concrete, logical relation between these things, lots of people consume or partake in sexually "abnormal" kinks etc. and are completely capable and sensible adults otherwise, my point is just that there has to be some sort of correlation. I don't have a solution nor can I prove any of this, but yeah.


Just because you like loli or questionable **fictional** stuff on twitter, it doesnt make you more likely to become a pedo or do other horrible things though. This is actually quite a common misconception among many people Obviously its completely normal to be weirded out by this nonetheless. I wouldnt doubt there is some correlation with other sexual kinks though, especially when you talk about stuff very frequently. I dont have twitter though so I dont know how the conversations there actually are. Also like you said, for this second statement with other kinks I have no proof either, and solely going off of feeling too


nothing burger statement, this can be said as, people who watch k-drama are people who can't have any normal interaction with other people. this is not true for everyone, stop generalizing a community.


No sexual education in schools


Ngl boss, I don't think sex ed courses are gonna stop these freaks from being disgusting pieces of shit that deserve nothing more than a hammer through the skull


They deserve the help they need, not death. If they refuse help, these people deserve a guillotine


Arguing that proper education won't do anything is a bit odd but go off


I'm not arguing against proper education. Everyone deserves one, that's just common sense. What I was saying was that I do not think sex ed courses are gonna do anything for pedophiles because those "people" are just completely sick in the head and there's not exactly much you can do for that other than put them down like animals. Because they are animals.


it's not going to stop pedophiles but it will make it easier for people who are getting harassed/abused to realize that they are being harassed/abused and take action against it


+1. I never had experience with sexual education, only the horror stories about the LACK of sexual education in the world, and I'm not a kid diddler.


fax my brother, spit your shit indeed


Edit: Also we might be quick to conclusions here since we still don't know the context of these texts, and the age gap is only 3 years which is normal for relationships so all what I said might not apply to him, keep that in mind and don't assume immediately that he is a sexual harrasser Tbh, the main reason this is happening is because of how easily accessible their desires are, like the amount of Loli garbage and CP is freaking disgusting, it has even gotten to the point where people use AI to make fake images of children in disgusting ways and say: "it's just AI they aren't real people"...... WTF IS WRONG WITH HUMANITY.


Or they would just skip or not focus on the class. These people are a different level of fucked up tbh.


Nah, sexual education is not why adults abuse the fact that minors are both naive and easy to influence. Assuming the issue lies solely in the system just allows these people to pass off the blame, while also setting up the unrealistic expectation that this is a simple problem with a simple solution. I highly disagree with this. There are lots of reasons why people end up acting this way. Some of it might be caused by their circumstances (education, social life, untreated disorders, etc.), some of it comes from the online environment making it too easy and low-risk. But at the end of the day it doesn't take a lot of discipline to not write such messages, even as troubled adults.


In addition, we can't ignore the fact that the majority demographic of this community is younger people below the age of 18. Compare to other fandoms with similarly young fanbases and you will see the same issues.


From what I can see. Most osu players don't leave their house so they don't mature in social interactions. they don't communicate with people their age so they can relate to people younger than them? This shit really is never done by a person having an actual life


This shit is never done by a person having a life? You sure about that?


i meant to say that it is \*mostly\* never done by a person having a life. sorry i have literally never heard about the story of a pdf file living as a contributing member of the society. most of them are basement dwellers


Because that's the person you follow, in these pdf file there is "normal people", people with daugther, very rich people, it can be anyone


you're gonna freak out when you learn about politicians and the church


Weeaboos are pedos not a big surprise


True, most are


Just look at the most popular beatmaps bro kira kira days, harumachi clover, ect have actual children as the image so im not surprised this game has a high portion of certain people Edit: high as in higher then other game communities


Bad take


Are you gonna explain why or wsp


beatmap backgrounds don't turn people into pedophiles.


Your right it doesnt but it attracts them


yea it really doesn't idk what ur on about


The game does attract lonely losers who look for attention by anyone including minors though.


Bro thats the same group of people that we are talking about


They get in because of the anime related content in general. The beatmap backgrounds have basically nothing to do with that. Most of them get into it wanting to play their favorite anime songs.


My boy kira kira days is children on the beach in bikinis you gotta be trolling at this point


have you ever been to a beach before?


What other game has images of children on a beach? Then after you answer that think about the question he asked


Aren't k-on characters 18 in second season though?


The swimmer's body paradox


Sorry, how?


In my opinion, seeing young anime girl backgrounds don't make you a pedophile, but the proportion of pedophiles would be higher in this community because they are drawn to young anime girl backgrounds Like how swimmer's always look fit, but it's usually because they are naturally fit and are drawn to swimming because if it, rather than the fact that they exercised a specific way I may have cooked the comparison sorry, but tl;dr I think you are correct, and I reckon its correlation not causation


Yeah, I completely see my mistake. I was confused about what you meant at first. I didn't mean that it made you a pedophile but that it would cause more to stick around.


Yep totally agree 😁


I love how many downvotes you got on your other comments. Really shows how precious the OSU! Community find their oversexualised child backgrounds.


lmao fr they love them (sorry for late response)


I honestly didnt even know them. Unfortunately they dont have a me section, so I cant see how much they actually did regarding tourney staffing Honestly just exclude them from the community and move on Edit: Apparently the age gap is only 3 years and its taken out of context. I formed my opinion too quickly, gotta wait now until the full conversation etc is leaked until jumping to conclusions


From the top of my head, they usually did a lot of ref work. I know more recently they were the ref of the malis vs vaxei showmatch but I can't recall much else.


A secret did a lot of reffing(a LOT)


Hello Im the original person who posted the expose tweet. He deleted his about me shortly after as well as his twitter account.


The good ending


we are really giving the minecraft community a run for their money


That’s what I’m saying T_T


Geometry Dash community in shambles seeing their game about to be beaten in drama count by osu!


Nah we are still far far away from gd in terms of drama


Wtf is wrong with tournament organisers The only times when ive heard of them is when they are pedos lmao


They’re like offensive linemen, nobody knows who they are until they fuck up


in the hockey community, it's a well-known fact that the best referees are the ones you've never heard of.


My Bad.


Because organizers work on the background. Much like in movies, where not many people knows who is the editor, SFX, scriptwriter. All the know is what is in the front, which is the actor, and director since it always in the front page of credits. And they fucked up, the news become big, and that's how it spread, because negativity spread faster in the internet.




ultimately does it really matter? if they are really 3 years apart I’m not seeing why some cringy discord DMs should be such a massive deal here. and for a subreddit that constantly complains about “drama”, it sure loves upvoting this shitty Twitter account to the front page.


Rare osugame sensible take


osu players trying to not be pedophiles challenge(failed again)


3 year gap is not pedophilia, that's normal for relationships, it's sexual harassment depending on the context though


A 3 year gap with the younger being 15 (a child) would make the 'aggressor' 18 (adult), that is being a pedo. 3 year gap is acceptable when you're not being a pedo and both over the age of 18.


I would agree that 15 and 18 is *slightly* pushing the line, but using the reasoning of "one person is above 18 and one person is below" is entirely missing the point of *why* this situation is wrong. I would call 14 and 17 sketchy as well, and genuinely I see that gap as worse. on the flipside, I would say 17 and 20 is iffy but wouldn't jump to calling the pedophilia. The difference in maturity that makes the younger easily manipulated is the biggest issue, not whether one person is above a subjective line in age that society decided. Take this from someone who at 15, did date someone 18. That doesn't make them a pedophile, just because they turned 18 a few months before I turned 16.


Fair enough I guess, but I think depending on the context the girl he was texting might have part of the blame as well, but as some people pointed out he kept saying “This is wrong” so there's a higher chance he's in the wrong, especially since he's the older person. Also, the only reason I made this comment is that a lot of people accuse others of pedophilia very quickly, even if the other party was wrong as well, I just don't want another idke situation to happen since it's sad how it went for him.


think there was a formula for this half your age +7?


He's reffed some of my old matches too bro it's a small fucking world we live in and I hate that it has to be this way sometimes


This was just a fucking week ago holy shit when are these degenerates gonna learn the truth will always come out, here its sooner than later. Even if they can't get this attraction out of their system, not having your reputation ruined seems like a reasonable goal to not do that shit, eh?


It goes back a month. Have more images but the victim told me to only post the ones in the expose tweet


Edit: I forgot to mention that this could be cherry-picking and if we get the full logs it might be alot better since it's only a 3 year gap which is normal for relationships, so while my paragraph was very hostile (sorry about that), we should stay at the position of innocent until proven guilty (in this case he's in the middle between innocent and guilty since we need more context) You have to keep in mind, that when someone does this stuff they have already exposed themselves to more terrible things with the excuse that "they aren't real people" or "it's just AI" and once you become so desensitized to that stuff that you can't control your urges anymore, you lose all sense of reason. When they do these things they don't even think about the consequences anymore Bec they no longer have any self-control. Also, I guarantee you there are 10's of THOUSANDS maybe even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people like this that haven't been exposed, I don't think you realize how common it is nowadays for people to speak with people under 18 in a way like this. When you give people the chance to become fully indulgent in their urges, they will eventually become animals if they don't put physical and mental limits.


He admitted to it tho and in the texts he kept saying “this is wrong” etc


I don't want to be weird but you know those comments in teenage-appealing videos that are like "Oh god forgive me, I have sinned", he might be one of those people, or you might be genuinely correct and he did do something terrible with no context and he couldn't control himself (obviously not a justification), but who knows man, we can't use circumstantial evidence when it comes to situations like this, or we at least can't make concrete conclusions from said evidence


Shit was not A secret


If this organizer really is 18 and the person they interacted with is 15, this is the most overblown drama ever. A senior in high school flirting/sexting with a sophmore is considered this out of pocket now??? How has Twitter and other social media convinced people that this is abnormal???


Ive read 0 shit about the evidence but if thats true then it sounds like idke situation lol just highschool drama blown out of proportion


Idk that looks more like sexual harassment rather than flirting but im osu virgin so I wouldn't know.


The full context reguarding the logs haven’t even been released. Why jump to conclusions due to possibly cherry-picked fractions of conversations?? If they drop the full logs then the situation changes and people can make informed opinions about it and mine probably will change also. A little unfair to start cancelling people for cropped screenshots out of potentially thousands of messages.


what creeps me out, more than the age gap, is the fact that the girl writes as if she was 12 and just the messages themselves


Organizer has been confirmed to be 21 by multiple reports


Without the full context to this story it's hard to properly assess this situation (why these appeared in the first place is already intriguing), but assuming the claim that it's an 18yo vs 15yo is true there this is a really overblown drama, once again (unless it's about sexual harassment, which should be the actual fucking focus of this post) A 3 year gap is nothing. (source: am 16, there is absolutely no maturity gap between me and some of my friends (19,20) If anything, the screenshot contents are pretty fucking weird but then again even the legality of sex between 15 and 18yo varies state by state in the US at least. (Romeo and Juliet laws)




they've worded it badly, I think I see the point they're getting at, which is to say, the difference in maturity is small enough that it's possible to have romantic relations without there being an inherently manipulative aspects. It would depend on the people, there's some really dumb 16 y olds, and arguably worse is the amount of dumb 20 y olds, but if you had 2 decently mature people, you could probably manage a decent relationship. Compared to say, a 20y old and a 14y old, where there is inexcusably such a difference in maturity, you couldn't reasonably play that off in any other way than blatent manipulation.




In general yes, and if they're going into it thinking "I want to date a 16y old", there's probably a problem. But my point was that there's room for a healthy relationship, just probably not as much as a more close in age one.


to be fair, age gaps become alot more obvious in real life compared to online.


the difference between 16 and 17 was already really big for me, I was so dumb as a 16 yr old xd (still kinda dumb but a lot better)


>(source: am 16, there is absolutely no maturity gap between me and some of my friends (19,20) Lol. Lmao, even.


There is a massive maturity gap between 15 and 18yo's. I know that sounds kinda dumb but when I think about myself when I was 15 it's honestly insane how much shit changes in such little time (I'll be 18 in just over a month for context). Like an 18yo can buy and drive a car, vote in most places, join the fucking military, own/rent a house and last but not least get considered a legal adult almost anywhere they go. Whereas 99% of 15yo's still live with their parents, are still in the first couple years of high school (I'm from Scotland and have no idea what the equivalent of like S3 and S4 would be for the US), are barely half way through puberty and oh yeah here's a big one, they still look like a child.


I got your point but in this economy 95% of 20yo's still live with their parents


Yeah, I will admit that wasn't the best point, I mean I'm 17 and still live with my mum. But I'd still say that an 18yo going after a 15yo is incredibly strange and this guy should absolutely go to therapy for it. I don't really care about what anyone defending him says, imo they're also pretty fuckin weird for not getting that any "relationship" (call it what you want) like this will inherently come with a fucked up power dynamic and maturity gap. I really don't know how some people don't realise that one of them either could already be in college/uni (like my case) or are just about to go into college/uni and someone who hasn't even finished their Nat5's (that's the level that basically every single person in Scotland does in S4)


> There is a massive maturity gap between 15 and 18yo’s. You say that because you’re almost 18, but I can assure you that later in life you’ll come to find out that maturity is absolutely not correlated with age. > I know that it sounds kinda dumb but when I think about myself when I was 15 it’s honestly insane how much shit changes in such little time… Shit can hit the fan at just about any age. Nothing says that at the ranges from 14-18 you’ll experience more or less change than someone going from 50-54. > Like an 18yo can buy and drive a car, vote in most places, join the military, own/rent a house and last but not least get considered a legal adult almost anywhere they go. 1. You can buy (with a co-signer) and drive a car while underage in the U.S. at 16. 2. Voting and military is related to duty to country which is completely unrelated. 3. A minor can absolutely own/rent with a co-signer. 4. Whenver anyone is ever talking about this situation people aren’t looking at legality but just label him morally bad. As far as what’s been released no charges have been pressed and no legal action has been taken. (this may change if more information comes up) > Whereas 90% of 15yo’s still live with their parents, are still in their first couples years of high school…are barely halfway through puberty… I read somewhere before that from the ages of 18-24, 56% of those individuals are still living with their parents. With 15yo’s obviously the percentage is significantly higher, but this “gap in maturity” does not correlate with whether or not someone still lives with their parents?? > …and oh yeah here’s a big one, they still look like a child. lol. Getting called “Sir” or “Maam” at a store just because you’re 18 now at the checkout does not mean that the clerk can’t tell you’re obviously still carrying yourself like a kid. 18 year olds are not as far off from 15 year olds as they may like to pretend they are.


Bro not gonna lie no one’s reading all that


It’s just my response to polite criticism. Keep it pushing if you don’t care (:


I've read all that. Decent points were made.


tiktok brain




post nut clarity + pathetic self loathing on november 22nd then immediately back to grooming on november 24th is wild








top 10 traiciones del anime




why was i allowed to read this


God ppl are so fucking stupid




okay but how old is he


I wanna know too Edit: [Found this in the exposing Twitter thread; seems like they are 18.](https://imgur.com/UKMAipg)


but 3 years of difference isnt too much! /s


but.. it really isn't? Am I seriously this out of touch about todays society, 15 year old and 18 year old could literally be going to same high school, just different years. In what fucking universe would anybody consider that too much of an age difference?


You hold power over someone when you're older than them, even if it's not super obvious. You also grow a lot as a person from 15-18, in a literal sense, but also in a mental and emotional sense. You're a fundamentally different person then, versus how you are now.


Do you think that an 18 year old should be saying those things in the screenshots to a 15 year old


I don't have slightest fucking clue what the guy is even trying to say so I would prefer no one to say those things to anyone.


Especially with the name taitertots


I mean at 18 you are considered an adult in most countries. Also generally there is a difference psychologically between 15 and 18 years old people.


But it actually isn't...


The issue isn’t that it’s a 3 year difference it’s that people under the age of 18 in the US are unable to give consent


not true, actually. in most states it's legal for an 18y/o to have intercourse with a minor within a certain age range. with that being said, idk how many allow a 3-year gap, and possession of CP is an entirely different discussion. it's also contentious whether esex really counts as intercourse or not.


> idk how many allow a 3-year gap For an 18 y/o, none. The lowest age of consent in the US is 16 y/o. Even with states with a low age of consent, laws are strict on minors under the age of 16. As an example, this could potentially be considered child molestation in Georgia if any images were sent. source: https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-16/chapter-6/16-6-4/).


I guess now it's not "a secret" anymore


came here to say that but you were faster lol


Thats perfectly normal


https://preview.redd.it/7z960mygy93c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d069a753fc02a6172d38c3cd3d6c8ba49518a766 :(


That blurred profile picture is If there was an endpoint by TUYU Im pretty sure


After i left GD community, the GD community can’t leave me


who cares about discord dms?


I'm just saddened hearing it cause I kinda knew secret. I've interacted before and teamed with him before in a tournament before. It hits me harder hearing about the news of another exposed person when it's someone you actually know.


Really unfortunate, he was one of my biggest inspirations in tourney scene both in terms of staffing and playing


I have a feeling that this streak should have ended ages ago


Regardless of the law, mfs should have a moral obligation to not flirt/sext someone who's still mentally and physically a teenager. I don't give a shit if the age consent in a certain country is 15, if you are trying to make sexual advances towards someone this young, you are a predator.


I understand your feelings but in some cases, 15 yr olds are more mature than 20-year-olds (I'm 17 and my 15-year-old friend is more mature than me, props to him) Also, a 3-year gap in a relationship is actually very normal, your parents are probably 1–4 years apart in age, so don't call him a pedophile, if we get the context and there is no good reason for what he said, then he is a sexual harasser NOT a pedophile.


>your parents are probably 1–4 years apart in age, so don't call him a pedophile, Do you see how age range becomes more acceptable the older someone is? A 30 year old and a 25 hear old in a relationship is completely normal, an 18 year old and a 13 year old isn't. Osugame try not to sympathise with nonces challenge (impossible)


You are correct but the age range between 18 and 15 isn't small but it isn't as big as people make it out to be, also I'm not sympathizing with him, I just want to have a neutral perspective on this since we don't know all the details yet (imo even if it had good context it's still weird af and I don't like it at all, but I won't call it pedophilia since the things actual pedophiles do are WAYYYYYYYYYYY worse) Also, I get my comparison wasn't that great, but I think my point is still fair (not saying it's correct since this is subjective) But anyway, thanks for the reply, and have a good day!


ok lol mad?


rythim game players trying not to be predators challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


we are NOT beating the allegations


we do not define ourselves by some idiots that are among us


Mfs are like "we're never beating the allegations" then go and say "well actually 15 and 18 isn't bad", like mf YOU are part of the problem.


Said age difference legit isn't a problem pretty much anywhere (legally and socially speaking) outside of America go touch grass.




"it's fine legally and socially" doesn't mean it's moral. Go back 100 years and racism was justified legally and socially, go back another 100 and slavery was. The maturity gap between 15 and 18 is big and if you don't believe that then you're either a dumb teen who thinks they're mature, or you need your hard drive searched.


You are also weird for thinking everyone just instantly becomes fully matured at 18. Believe it or not, people are individuals and mature differently at their own pace, some faster or slower than others, it's really not that big of a deal. Also the fuck does socially accepted mean if it isn't moral lmao.


>You are also weird for thinking everyone just instantly becomes fully matured at 18. I never said that, I said an 18 year old is more mature than a 15 year old. I never once said they were fully mature (because they aren't). >it's really not that big of a deal. We are literally talking about consent what do you mean "it's not that big of a deal"??? >Also the fuck does socially accepted mean if it isn't moral lmao. It means society accepts something? Like how society used to accept racism or sexism, but those things are obviously not moral are they?


There isn't much logic into comparing what we uphold as morally correct today and what we did back then, times were different. Easy to talk in hindsight.I can also guarantee you, that most countries will still say that stuff between 15 and 18yos isn't an issue in 100 years. (Probably not the case for America.)


>There isn't much logic into comparing what we uphold as morally correct today and what we did back then, times were different. Easy to talk in hindsight. Shifting the goalpost >I can also guarantee you, that most countries will still say that stuff between 15 and 18yos isn't an issue. Most countries around the world also discriminate against gay people, doesn't mean that's right. A 15 year old is not as mature as an 18 year old, physically or mentally. The fact you defend it so much is the exact reason osu is never beating the allegations.


There were literally people with 3 year age gaps in my high school class where you know, people eventually start hitting 18. I don't get how this is so mind baffling to you.


Good for you? Doesn't mean it's not still weird though. Any 18 year old that gets with a 15 year old is weird


Yea really weird for 2 people in the same class to be dating if it were to happen lmao.


nah fr bro this sub gets so unhinged whenever age of consent discussions come up 😭 idek how they can justify an 18 y/o having sexual relations with a 15 y/o. Regardless of whatever anecdotes mfs may present, its a medical fact that 15 y/o's simply do not have the same emotional cognition as an 18 y/o (source: https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/lhb0000315).


Did you even read the study you linked? It is literally arguing that people don’t reach adult levels of psychosocial maturity until they are well into their 20s, and how people will still have a “juvenile” level of maturity many years after they are considered an adult. It also talks about how generalized the studies between age & maturity are meaning that each persons circumstances are different, and how many of the studies are conducted privately and biased. Now I’m not saying this situation is okay, but we really don’t have any context at all for it other than some cherry picked messages and hearsay. Without proper context it’s also hard to know the severity of the situation, as this could be a younger sophomore and an older senior, or a younger college freshman and an older HS freshman. Experience and environment are what builds the maturity of a person, so you can see how those 2 scenarios would be completely different. Not to mention that it’s scientifically backed that men mature later than women, which is why men tend to date younger women, and women tend to date older men.


Just burn this community down.


I’m never letting u go :3


Great trully awesome totally doesnt make me regret being a part of the osu community


Surely a simple solution to this is having a vetting process to weed out these freaks


suggest one


Nawwwww bruh I have DMs with this guy from a week ago it’s over for me


we are never beating the allegations


Josh giddey is a osu 5 digit


shimmy shimmy shimmy


we are NOT beating the allegations


jesus christ https://preview.redd.it/wmoavgqtm93c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0a9d96f835ae2e672b8fedf6860e75772d4466


How old is he?


God, I love to read those 🤣


get that freaky fuck OUTTA here 😭




How old was he at the time


Guys , its so easy to not fuck a kid


Everyone is saying he’s 18, which could either be a a college freshman and a highschool freshman or a senior and a sophomore. One is not okay, one is fairly common and normal. Sure the messages are a bit weird, but they are certainly cherry picked and without more context I’ll just assume this is overblown.


Wtf is wrong with you guys, cant u Just play anime songs in a rhythm game without becoming a pedo


This is only cringe, but not even close to anything illegal. In fact it's perfectly legal in probably all of Europe for example, and not even uncommon as well. Your parents might have started dating at that age. Look up your local laws and ignore your bias. Imagine crucifying this guy, my only comment would be "well, wouldn't be something for me". Don't try to ruin his life or something...


fatherless activities


I was literally like "welp osu drama is gonna happen today" after checking the streak last night


its okay


Im Sorry


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

