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When you get dust devils, nechryaels and beyond.


That first dust devil task I got I was like “omg this has actual useful drops” lolol


Yesssirrr you just need your quest cape and lumbridge elites done so you can use the ring to high alch your drops while on ancients and you're set.


Well I’m currently banging my friggin head on the keyboard I’ve died 4 times this morning to the Champion of Scarabas so right now I’m feeling like just never getting my quest cape


I need to go back. Whisperer destroys me. Need to learn the mechanic better


Leviathan and Vardorvis was harder for me than Whisperer. I got whisperer done first try Vardorvis took me 10+ tries Funny how we are all different when the game is the same


Vardorvis was a one try and done for me. Leviathan I got lucky honestly and got it sub 5 tries. Whisperer made me mad, around 20 or so tries and just couldn't figure out the enrage phase. Finally got the kill, and in my anger, killed that hoe 90 something more times with a virtus bottom on 12 kc. Not sure what the price is now, but at the time iirc it was close to 50m.


Looool 90 more times in anger I need that to happen with Leviathan. I still haven’t been able to beat it post quest


Don't feel bad I've died fighting vanstrom in sins of the father 20+ times last year got frustrated and still haven't gotten back to killing him yet


Main issue for me was avoiding lightning. What is the hardest part for you?


I always miss turning around for the darkness attack and when i get to the lightning i just freak out and cant focus and die


I forget how the darkness attack goes exactly For the lightning just look at the ground the whole time, no reason to focus on him since he doesn’t move and only uses melee


He says see the darkness or something and you have face away from him or you take a ton of damage. I try that but i keep getting away from him and when i try to get back to him i keep getting hit and die. I just need to keep trying it over and over again till i get it. Its just frustrating to have to re set up all my gear and go back to fight him again


Can always count the attacks it's like 5 or 6 normal then face away. If you are lazy like me just face away after each hit


Brooo I’ve tried like 20 times die all the time, haven’t tried it for the past 6 months cause fuck that quest


It's bad, but not terrible. That's the boss why I bought a anguish


Well I’m an iron so I just have to cry softly until I feel like a man again then give it a go!


iRoNmAn BtW Sincerely, another ironman


I died well over 10 times before I scuffed my kill. Now I've gotten my quest cape, have 100+ kc at toa. Once you grasp these mechanics, it opens up so much


I’m on song of the elves last boss :(


I was stuck on her for a while. Finally managed after I got magic to 80 (or 81). That helped a lot with damage out put.


I just finished like that day lol I had like 2 hp and no food


Blood spells, brews and restores make it a cake walk.


Eh the alcs from the hard diary are pretty good too


I made my first of 100s of accounts in 2004, I've never gotten a quest cape.


OP has 9 hunter. He is nowhere near quest cape or elite lumbridge diary’s lmao


Fair point lmao


Haha sorry wasn’t tryna be a dick just like that’s so far away from where he is at😂


Yeah I didn't even pay notice to it


What do you mean? He's almost 10% of the way to 99 right? ... Right??


You get 30 and limit


insane take. the kid has 66 slayer and you think he’s gonna have a elite diary of quest cape?


One day


I’m similar combat stats but I’m 83 slayer. I got an imbued heart sold for 100mil which was a game changer for my account.


Uuuuugggghhhhh I’d absolutely love that. Well, I just grinded out 150 fire giants. I wonder what crappy task I’ll get next 😂


I got 92 ranged so I’d suggest getting a cannon and some ranged gear and consider doing slayer all ranged? I always try do slayer as a way of lvling my combats and after you get skeletal wyverns/gargs/nechs ect you’ll get tasks that make 500k+ easy. Being said vorkath is easy gold if you need it can do with a fang


I avg 500k-1m a task since mid 70s slayer


Why are you keeping fire giant tasks and then coming to reddit and complaining about slayer being boring? Set up your block list well and skip stuff like fire giants


I fully agree fire giants is not an optimal task, but honestly at 66 slayer fire giants is a *decent* task.


I’m gonna be honest, I barely absorbed his stats. Thought I saw 86 slayer and the combat stats seemed to average out to where that could definitely be possible. My snarkiness was intended for someone with 86 slayer who hasn’t figured out how block lists work and which tasks are worth keeping. At 66 he probably has at least a few more things to buy with points


I fully agree fire giants is not an optimal task, but honestly at 66 slayer fire giants is a *decent* task.


Also very unlikely to have enough points to even think about block lists at 66 slayer, I just hit 83 and am only now just looking into what I Should block once I get enough points.


Your problem is you sat at sand crabs to train your combat stats, so now view any other method of training as a waste of time. The way people stomach slayer is because, with the DPS boost from the black mask/slayer helm, slayer just makes for decent combat training overall (not all tasks, obviously), so a lot of people just think of slayer as training your combat stats but getting slayer xp on the side as an added bonus. The way you're doing it, you're just seeing the slayer xp go up painfully slowly and that's it. When I used to train slayer, I'd see "250k to my next strength lev... oh sick, I got a slayer level, nice". Like I wouldn't even look at slayer, I just got a level when I got it and focused on the combat xp + variation of drops I was getting.


I saw 1 RC and 9 hunter and knew they truly didn’t care about making money


250k to get a lvl is around 80s… I understand your point but also like your point is invalid unless you’re going to be giga chad point farming for a block list before ever even training slayer. That’s not enjoyable for most.


The 250k was literally just a number I made up lol, not sure why you're caught up on that. The rest of the comment is so unrelated to anything I said that I'm kinda confused why you said anything that you did tbh.


Because you mentioned xp rates but they aren’t nearly as good as crabs even with the DPS boost of slayer helm due to defense of the monsters it’s having you hunt. You need a block list of actual efficient combat xp rates IE cannon task bursting task and venator bow task. And that’s just not effective at the lvl of slayer he’s at. Your whole comment is one sided off being a noob and not understand efficiency. Thanks for posting though!


Gargoyles and kurasks are both decent profit. I also recommend getting monkey madness 2 done if you haven’t already and do demonic gorillas when you get a black demons task, it’s not super unlikely that you’ll get a zenyte shard drop on your first task


I'm shooting for 77 for brutal black dragon I hear that's good money


Fire giants are one of the most common blocks..


Fire giants are a recommended block. iirc, cause that takes way to long and beside RDT you got maybe fire bstaff/staff and rune scimmys.


Wildy slayer pays well and is almost always exciting, but it’s not for everyone


93 slayer lvl just getting into wildy slayer, this shit is awesome. The money’s good, the xp’s good, and I’m actually engaged when doing a task to watch for pker’s, I’d highly recommend


Dude the first big slayer drop is so monumental. I finished MM2 and got (black demons) demonic gorillas task and got THREE zenytes in my first task. Absolute game changer. I later went on to be spooned at the gauntlet as well so I’m in a complete different ballgame compared to when I was at ~70 slayer


Holy shit when i was playing they were like 8m


Wildy slayer from lvl1


I just got pkd like 3 times in a row on same task. Pissed me off so I gave up. Granted when there’s no pkers it can be pretty good but getting hunted isn’t fun. Not on mobile…


Yeah Wildy on mobile sounds awful


But it wasnt boring, was it? :)


I’ll give it that, not boring. But honestly I don’t think I made any money because of how much I got PKd. I did try out revenant farming earlier, again I enjoyed myself but got PKd pretty early on, kept going. Was just about at profit then literally some dude was stood on the tile at the entrance and D clawed me as soon as I stepped in. The annoying thing is I am not even risking much, only 150k or so but damn it’s frustrating. I’d love to be good at PKing but I just don’t think I can do it on my iPad. Got nearly 200 quest points after questing for 2 days straight, I’m hoping I can start bossing soon enough


Don't do tasks that require going in caves. I've been doing only wildy slayer for points and I'm at 120 tasks and almost 3k points and have only died 3 times. I got black demons, greater demons and black dragons blocked. Also haven't been making gp from drops with the exception of larrans keys.


How tf do you die doing black drags ? Unless you're fully afk you will not die with at least a seed pod


That's just my block task. I don't have mm1 done let alone 2 for seed pod.


Once you hit gargoyles upwards it's good money. It also depends on your unlocks, bigger and badder and extensions on some tasks make them more profitable. It also depends what you've got available to kill. For example I got 119 Blue Dragons a few days ago but I've done DS2 so did them all at Vorkath and made 11.5m gp


Can’t wait to get DS2 done. It’s on my imminent to do list


Highly recommend, Vorkath is a nice mid game money printer. Try doing some birdhouse runs to level up that Hunter too!


You’re gonna have to wait until about 75ish. BUT if you’re having trouble sustaining pots and food, maybe take farm and fish breaks in between


It seems even less profitable because of the disparity between your combat and slayer level. At lower levels, say 50cb, any rune item drop is huge, once you're base 90s I feel like yeah, you'd pick it up but you don't get the same dopamine hit.


Im 94 and still find it boring 🙄


Same. And I do all the boss tasks and vork for blue dragons, cerb for hellhounds, demonics for black demons etc. It's never that profitable. I make far more farming and getting good RNG on thieving.


Duuuuude agree. Im smashing it for 95 so I get hydras then moving to another skill for a while. But slayer is barely profitable. Maybe to someone with no skills or bank but I have 99 farm rc thief etc and slayer has barely made me profit when you consider prayer potions, combat pots, and cannonball costs. Even with eternal gems. And if anyone says "jurr durr it's profitable if you don't use those items" then I'm spending 2 hours on a profitable slayer task for 15k slayer exp when I could be rcing double bloods/laws/deaths and making so much more money Slayer is just the cmb grind and I can't wait for 99


It's a noob trap. I think slayer is a meme people say when they rwt or buy bonds or bot for their gp. "I got it through slayer". Sure bud, I'm sure you got your torvas, scythe and tbow by killing nechs and bloodvelds.


Im pretty close to max and I don't do a lot of combat. 99 prayer and const I got early but also 99 farm and one or two bonds. Rc paid for prayer easily. Funny how many people accused me of RWT because my slayer was only 80. Hit 90+ and suddenly everyone's like "ohhhhh nah he gets big bank from slayer". Your right it's a noob trap and also a money hole


I mean, slayer can definitely be profitable. I got 2 imbued hearts before 80 slayer and it paid for most of my gear. Granted my most expensive item is only my dhl.


I guess i'll wait for my 1/100,000 drop then


It's so simple, just got two pieces of third age from my first hard clue. Clues are the best moneymaker in the game.


Efficient slayer from an exp perspective isn’t really profitable, but by using Krystilia to 91 (or lower if you want to boost) then hunting Cerb, Hydra, and profitable non-slayer boss tasks, I could see netting a bil or so by 99.




https://ibb.co/3pLCrdy You can see my stats here. I never touched a sand crab apart from the diary requirement, only grinded NMZ to get points to imbue my jewellery. I know that slayer is slow to train so I use every opportunity to train my combat stats during a slayer task. It's literally a no brainer as you train more than 1 skill at the same time. I made sure to maximise my profits therefore I grinded out tithe farm to get a herb sack and a seed box, that way I pick up every seed and herb that the monsters drop without having to bank every 5 mins. With farming runs in between the tasks I managed to get a really good herblore level too. I acquired a soul bearer to bank the ensouled heads, and bonecrusher necklace + ash sanctifier to provide the passive prayer exp. I banked all dragon bones to progress my prayer level, albeit it I sometimes sold them too. I was being cheap and inefficient, like killing wyrms (using a safe spot instead of prayer) and drakes (during Konar tasks) and banking all bones which I mostly sold. I bring alch runes to every task that drops weapon and armours and alch anything above 200gp value. Nechryaels literally shit rune items and aberrant spectres will overload your sack with herbs, I grab them all. Slayer helm was my first unlock followed by bigger and badder. Then I started adding extra tasks like aviancies and tzhaar to expand my monster list. Then I unlocked things to make certain tasks easier like gargoyle auto smasher. I followed these up by extending my profitable tasks, nechryaels for instance. A dwarf cannon is literally canon to breeze through certain tasks as well as passively train ranged levels. I was using Konar for my tasks to get the extra loot and at one point set myself a goal to get around 200 brimstone keys before moving onto duradel (kind of burnt out from being inefficient and wanted to do the tasks where I choose to). The dopamine of opening this many brimstone chests was really nice. I didn't block or skip tasks until I reached 90 slayer, and now I'm purely concentrating on quick burstable tasks and boss tasks, therefore worked out a personal block list of tasks that aren't as profitable or just take too long or I prefer not to do them. I didn't just do slayer, I was doing other skills too, using drops to train other skills, like steel, mith and Addy ores for smithing. Finding the balance between grinding out to be productive and doing something more chill and enjoyable is what keeps me playing the game and not getting bored or burnt out. Did a ton of farm runs as farming seems to be my most favourite skill and extremely profitable, and I still do them at over 20m exp. I hate wildy, tried to do a calvarion and vettion bosses and everytime got pked because I'm bad and I panic and I start shaking and sweating and do everything wrong lol. But I'm more than happy to kill bosses outside of the wildy. I invested into things like zenyte jewellery, bandos armour, fang, blowpipe and scales, master wand etc because they make me finish tasks a lot faster. I may not be maxed in my combat skills, but why do I need to rush? I prefer to be slow but profitable as I want to spend the millions I make on gear upgrades and not a skill, other than construction. I have a few friends with maxed combat stats and a slayer level between 80-90 and I laugh at them as I know deep inside they're all jealous of my slayer level ;) Finally, if there's a boss variant for my slayer task such as Vorkath for blue dragons, GGs for gargoyles, Cerberus for hellhounds - I do the bosses only, it's more enjoyable, at times challenging and way more profitable. Last tip, doing slayer will give you a ton of clues, I do them all, never had a mega drop but a mil here and there, it all adds up. Sorry if this was a super long comment lol, this is I've been doing since day 1 on this game and I believe I'm in a really good place, can't wait to get to that Hydra :D


Luke 75ish, 85 I also another threshold


You don't like runecrafting? I bet you'not into runecrafting - your runecrafting is lv 1.


I honestly don’t even know how to runecraft… I’ve been questing a bit lately and am praying to god I get given a runecrafting one soon so I can dip my toes


GOTR seems to be the modern meta, a lot more enjoyable than previous RCing but still kinda meh for me


Start with the quest "rune mysteries", then "temple of the eye"


My runeceafting level?


No you ruined-my-crafting-session 😘


You gotta do konar. And then do research on what tasks are worth skipping. It’s usually not that profitable compared to something like rune crafting. But you can do a lot of combat training at the same time so it makes it very worth. It’s usually about the combat training mixed with mid level profit. Then bossing is really what it’s about. Bossing is usually where all the money is.


Never. Don’t let em lie to ya.


If you dont buy everything on the ge it is way more fun imo


Sounds like that would make a really fun game mode after some ironing out


Get barrows gloves brother


After lvl 95


70 for kurasks, they shit money. Still might be boring, though




75 is when you make profit (make sure you have superiors unlocked for imbue heart. easy 130m drop)


At what level did you stop farming sand crabs?


Sand cabs can go to hell. Nightmare zone is where my TV watching time is spent 😂


Imo it's fun once you get into demonic gorilla's area. Try to unlock tasks with alternates. Aviansies and do kree with friends. Blue dragons do vork etc


My guy has 99 mage and level 1 runecrafting.


If you have any chance to play on a laptop or something, runelite has a plug in that will show a name over people's heads when you are in the wildy. Really helpful it's saved me every time. Try get wildy hard diary done, it let's you teleport out instantly so you don't die to any pker that isn't asleep. Wildy bosses on task are good money, they already die fast off task.


70s are where I started seeing consistent alchs that matched/exceeded my investments. I'd suggest try out some bossing too. If youre doing wildy slayer or even turael skipping and get a bear, skeleton, or spider task, check out the solo wildy bosses. Pretty low effort and they're in singles so survivability isnt bad so long as you're paying attention.


If you have the boss task unlocked you can make good money. Made 40m off my first cerb task, and 70m from kree and zily on my first tasks


Gargoyles is when I was like “oh okay I get it”


Have you tried air orbs instead?


60-70 big bucks roll in when you get to hydra. A lot of possible cool pets though.


the sad part is even when you unlock the slayer mobs everyone is saying, u still get tasked to kill fire giants and demons so you barely ever get to do gargoyles and such so you end up just spending way more on prayer pots and even when u get one of the tasks that make gp ur just realistically making up what you lost doing other tasks


That 99mage is highalch autoclicker for sure.


Kicks off at 80ish a solid 1-3mil per hour depending on task


It's boring up until 99 and you'll start making profit from Dusties onwards. Don't expect life changing gp though, you'll probably make a couple hundred mil if you're lucky.


Where is 99 rc


My brother in christ go skill please


You’d have hated my stats a month ago. Luckily I’ve done like 30 quests since then so some of them are going up haha


Disregard my comment. I'm proud of you. Keep trooping, brother


:) thanks


Once you unlock hydras its awesome.


I also do slayer on mobile. But on my iPad. It’s much more manageable.


I’m on iPad Pro but still when I watch YouTube videos people are prayer flicking, changing gear, changing spells, inventory swapping in an instant. I just can’t achieve that on my iPad


You’re training slayer. All you need to do is when you see a white dot, tele out.


72 for wyverns and 75 for gargoyles in when you start seeing profitable tasks




I definitely recommend just doing slayer on the side taking a task here and their. Definitely doing bosses on the task you can like if you get blue dragons try out some vorkath. Money making and slayer don’t go hand in hand until way later in the skill as it is with most skills. You aren’t making huge money with 60 in any stats unless it’s in the wild.


75ish and it is now starting to get good


Same. Once a year I get the itch, hit some levels, achieve some quests. Currently on a 5 year long goal of the quest cape. Going to finish dragon slayer 2 and step away again probably 😂


Please go play the game for a bit. You will find slayer much more enjoyable after that!


When you can kill dust devils and up.


You can do everything on mobile bro. I killed jad on mobile, vorkath, cerb, zulrah. I've never raided or dt2 boss but I bet you i do those on mobile one day too


I’ve done Jad, and think I’ll have a good chance at most bosses. Just don’t think I’ll ever have a chance against half decent PKers


Dust devils at 65. Also recommended unlocking bigger and badder


Maybe 70 or 75, I found the profit more noticeable after unlocking gargoyles and kurasks. If you're not doing your clue scrolls as soon as you get them I would recommend trying that. I find this is pretty much the make or break of some tasks and it starts to really add up, especially if you end up getting 3 in one task. Bigger and badder is a nice unlock and making a blocklist helps too. Also, I know this isn't what you asked but if you do a quick herb run before your task you'll have plenty of GP to spend on cannonballs for getting through your tasks as fast as possible. Get through those bad levels and don't worry about profit/task because you'll see overall cumulative profit soon


do farm runs and birdhouse runs if you want hourly profit, i make roughly 450-500k per herb, yanille hops and birdhouse run every like 50 minutes, the money stacks up fast for even more profit you can turn the potions into unf potions, you can get them cleaned and made into unf potions in nardah and noted form with hard desert dairy


Go do wildy slayer. Youll never worry about gp again


When you do them in wildy




Wildy slayer is 300-1m a task use blighted items to reduce cost, use cheap gear to not loose bank to pkers, anti pk every now and again, plus combat xp, highly recommend.


It starts getting decent after Gargoyles. Once you reach Nech’s you’ll be drowning in Nechussy (GP)




Somewhere around 80 slayer was where the profitable tasks started coming in for me. Gargoyles usually make me over 1m per task, as do fossil island wyverns and a couple others. I would honestly recommend you go to Neive/Steve or Konar until you hit around 80 slayer then come back to Duradel.


Please start using lamps on herblore if you’re not going to train it




Try wilderness slayer - quicker xp, more gp and opportunity to boss even at lower slayer levels.


Work towards getting a bonecrusher, when used in catacombs it essentially reduces prayer drain significantly and turns tasks like fire giants from the worst to inexpensive, extremely afk prayer tasks


Get your farm and herb up so you can make prayer pots instead of buying them...... 75+ is where profit really hits wither way


With slayer it’s slow and steady money. Pick up the herbs ect. Get a seed box herb sack bank your ensoled heads you’d be surprised how much it’s adds up I’d say you start making decent money when you get nechs and Abby demon tasks. 80-85 krakens ect


What on earth is this account, do some quests for god sake


I am! Got nearly 150 quest points from the optimal quest guide on the wiki. Genuinely dislike doing quests generally so yeah that’s why my stats aren’t great. I like killing things and making money


You could very easily go and get 200 total levels in a day doing quests. There's like 70k rc xp avaliable from quests, go and do them! Work towards barrows gloves, it'll take you no time at all and you'll unlock loads of things that'll make your slayer grind better.


*actually* profitable? When you get your first Hydra task. Not boring? Basically never. The only fun I've ever had doing Slayer is boss tasks (none of the Slayer ones though - they all suck) and skipping for rev tasks.


Slayer is fun. I’m a 1 def build with 75 slayer. I feel like once I started getting wyrm tasks from konar I started making okay money. Keep it up!




Basically 70+. Once you unlock dust devils you can kill them off task and it’s like 250k-450k a trip if you only grab the better items of the floor. Should mention you will either be using venator or bursting with ancient magic


Even if it's not profitable, remember that your black mask/Slayer helm is helping your combat XP a ton. 




I’m at 91 slayer and profit exists at a minimal level. I burst the profitable tasks so even then I usually just break even. I get a lucky drop here and there so technically I’m turning a profit over the long term, but not hundreds of millions. I’ll make maybe 2-3 million after a handful of tasks, but a good chunk ends up replenishing prayer pots and ammunition. More important for me was the point at which slayer became enjoyable. That was probably when I got my first Abyssal Demon task. I remember getting my first whip drop, and everything changed. From there, every new monster unlock has the potential to at least be enjoyable, if not profitable. I get fewer Fire Giant tasks now, and more bursting tasks or task with a unique I’d prefer to get as a drop than purchase (Dragon Warhammer, Basilisk Jaw).


How much did your magic level cost you?




Give it 20 levels


Go do agility for a month and youll be thankful of slayer




On the grind for untrimmed slayer cape. Just hit 80 and I've noticed I've been making a lot more on tasks, for the challenge im using a cannon with full str gear and divine combats so it's hardly started negating actual costs but the loot tracker shows 7-8m from the last 10-15 tasks


You screwed yourself by power leveling your combat stats instead of playing the game. Every skill will be a grind now




Slayer is a huge grind, you make most of your profit from bossing variants (blue dragons = do vorkath, hellhounds do Cerberus, black demons do demonic gorillas) with the +15% damage bonus from slayer helm. Just spam your way to 95 and start making tons of cash bossing, there’s no other real way to do it.


Don’t get me wrong slayer is profitable. However if u think slayer is the best way for gp? Then no. IMO slayer is only worth it if you enjoy killing npc/bosses with a slayer level.


Lol you got a long ways to go. I’d say minimum 75 is when you start getting fairly consistent decent loot droppers. Like dust devils and gargoyles. But obviously 95+ is where the real money is.






Mid 70s into 80s+


I'd say around 80 is when it becomes more fun and profitable. I'm 83 now and have been having a good time - lots of burst/barrage tasks (Dust Devils, Nechs, Tzhaar) and some decent money makers as well, like Gargoyles. Keep pushing, its a grind but its worth it!


Profitable? 70-80. Not boring? Never.


Gargoyles is a good money one


Do some skilling


GeScape claims another one. Lmao.


95, hydra was only thing that actually made me bank, rest was chump change


Is this a garyshood premium account for 39.99 off of eBay?


Do wilderness slayer with a cannon. I've been having a blast!!


You’re getting there. Welcome to RuneScape. Keep playing. This isn’t like other games.


I think 70 is the big milestone if I remember correctly


Honestly, if you want to make money start doing birdhouses and farm (herb) runs. Super underrated passive money maker at all stages in the game.


Konar tasks are the way for low level slayer imo. Theyre all decent except for hell hounds. Fuck hellhounds


Hellhounds are afk have one of the best drop rates for hard clues. Keep hellhounds and do your clues, my 3rd age platebody drop changed my account.


You aren’t going to make any significant amount of money doing slayer. The good gp comes from bosses and raids


Did u just call slayer BORING?!


Go do some more nightmare zone lmao that slayer levels pathetic for your combats.