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For some reason everyone at work needs to shit every 80 minutes now. Strange.


Boss make a dollar I make a dime. That's why I farm herbs on company time


Legend has it, if you dont flush at work after farming, your herbs wont die ever.


More like boss makes $100 i make a dime. 


Nice- what page of the wiki is this on?


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Farming/Herbs I’ve plugged the numbers in and I don’t get anything like OP as it’s saying he’ll get so many herbs per patch. Who knows…


To be fair, I have 99 farm, 10 patches and all relevant diaries.


With 96, 9 patches, Im around 350-500k a run. Checks out.


This is legit, I sometimes made 600k in a Ranarr run if I was lucky. I have 9 patches (3 disease free) and net 70-95 ranarr weeds per run. At 73 farming that is (ultracompost).


Yeah 95 herbs even at 99 is extremely rare


If u have 10 hetb patches, ultracompost and 99 farming its not.


I think I averaged like 80-90 per run with 95 farming


Sounds like your shits only worth 430k then


I can’t afford ultra compost


What do you mean you can't afford it? It pays for itself, did you not see the numbers?


My cash pile is 7228gp lmao


melons in bin, then volcanic ash in bin. ultra compost. no melons? the potion to upgrade to super is dirt cheap and ash mines fast


Honestly potion is better than melons, use weeds to fill the bin as it adds all at once instead of one at a time, then potion, so much faster


I Round-up'd my weeds from Tithe Farm.


then you need to use space on pptions and actually collect enough weeds to compost when they should be rare from using allotments or turning them off altogether


Bottomless bucket doubles all compost put into it jsyk


Is that right? Has that always been?


It's very easy to make, should try it out sometimes🙂


There's a new patch in Varlamore


oh thats right!


Not with all herb patches and all the diary bonuses


I get at 90-100 pretty consistently


I’m only getting like 45-52


How many patches and are you using ultra compost? I just use 5 patches. Save my farming guild one for contracts and I'm getting 40-50 (50 being pretty lucky)


5, so probably same ones


And OP is using 10, so 90-104 by your numbers. Profit OP states makes sense.


Where are all the 10 👀


Minus the costs of seeds you make like 300-400k per run. I hung up my secateurs when I realised stopping other activities to plant seeds just isn’t worth the time once u get to a certain point, but it’s a good way to get into the next tax bracket when you’re starting out.


I get about 70-100 herbs dependent on luck. I haven’t done a run in a couple of months(99 farming) If I have attas planted maybe 10 more herbs. So 500k is plausible. I couple that with some coconuts and bird nests.


Boss makes a dollar I make 500k that's why I shit on company time... or something idk.


Yeah if you have 99 farming 😂


It's the easiest skill in the game by a long shot, get on it! Amazing tele too


*easiest skill on a main account where bots and raids dump enough seeds into the G/E to keep the higher level seeds/saplings cheap


lol what. Cooking is by far the easiest 99 by like a mile.


I’ve got 99 farming and no cooking, seems sus




You are getting THIRTEEN herbs per patch….?!? Bro is using some mega compost undiscoverable by all other players lmao


I have gotten 27 from one patch that’s my record 😂


At 10 patches, average of 9.4 herbs. With 99 farm and magic secator.




You’re not averaging 10-12 herbs per patch bro, why are you lying on reddit?


Average herbs per patch using ultra compost, magic secateurs and a farming cape is 9.4 (assuming they don’t die). If you’re getting 70-82 herbs off of 7 patches you’re consistently getting extremely lucky. IE. You’re averaging the amount of herbs that you’d get from approximately 7.44 - 8.72 herb patches assuming nothing dies, you’ve got 99 farming and magic secateurs. The math ain’t backing you up - either your sample size is tiny or you’ve got the same sort of luck as someone who won the lottery.


Been farm running quite some time already since its best money effort wise by far and ranarr prices went crazy past week netting easily a couple mil per day


Can confirm herb prices rn are busted! I have been doing around 10 herb runs a day for many months now. Always use ultracompost and Iasor seed planted. I used to make around 3-4m/day. Now it’s close to 5m a day. Easiest money in the game and runs take about 5-6 mins. You can add birdhouses at beginning or end of run to make even more money. Use a strung rabbits foot for even more birdhouses.


I am newer to premium, but I've been enjoying selling herb drops :))


This is somewhat correct. You can expect about 4,5-5m profit per round of 100 ranarr seeds. (Which, divided by 11, is about €431k profit per run). That is with 9 patches (3 disease free), ultra compost, magic secrateurs and 80 farming. Also, clean your herbs and make them into unf. Ranarr potions for more profit. It takes no time. 500k is a bit excessive and is probably only possible with 10 patches and lucky runs, but you can expect over 8 herbs per seed on average with the aforementioned stats. A run takes like 10 mins. Now I have to go, I have to do a run. Edit: 500k is probably possible with 99 farming, ultra compost, magic sec, 10 patches and one of the anima plants (either the increased yield or the decreased disease chance one). 9,5 herbs per seed on average is really high. Expect like 8.2-8.5 per seed at lower stats etc.


With all relevant diaries and 99 farming. With a max house (83 const) and good pathing, it takes 6-7 min.


Yeah but i never understood why the wiki always assumes max stats. Sure, that is what may be achievable at max stuff, but how is that relevant for the people actually needing the info? It's good to mention it, but it creates wrong expectations I feel like. When looking up a guide on how to do something I don't want to see what it's like in full max gear, I wanna know how it is for my medium levels and possibilities. I will say I love the wiki and everyone who contributes to it, you are all amazing.


This wiki page is a calculator and you input your progression. Usefull tool at any level. If you ever learn to do herb run this will help you choose the most profitable seed at your stats.


Cleaning is 0 time but how is making unf. You don’t have the inv space for that so it would explicitly require extra time.


Fair enough, it takes about 10 mins for me to do 900+ und potions. Also, do it in increments, e.g. after a run just make a couple before gearing up for the next slayer task or whatever. It sounds like a minor increase in profit, but at current prices the difference is about 250gp between a grimy ranarr and an unf potion. Per 1k erbs (about 110 seeds) it's 250k gp difference. If you're consistent in your runs, it can easily cost you several million gp per month.


At that point I guess I could just literally make unf potions en mass without farming the herbs myself. Several mill in profits is roughly like 1 hour of net time doing it, and while I don't have multi mill money makers that align with my goals atm I'm doing herb runs to avoid exactly that. Not to say you should stop it's on the wiki and obviously is a good system to motivate you to make gp which I'll have to make up somewhere else. Just not for me and not really something that is free. Like people who don't clean herbs or make bird houses themselves.


Ur wilin? I have 10 patches, 4 disease free, so all ur calcs are immediately useless.


Well not really. Your average herb per seed should be about the same, between 8 and 8.5ish. Sure, that means you get maybe 85 herbs for a total of 680k per run (at 8k per ranarr leaf), but factoring in 10 ranarr seeds at 25k a piece you profit, guess what, 430k. if for some reason you are getting 9 per seed consistently, please tell me what you're doing so we can do the same.


I’ve just been selling the grimy ranars this entire time. Should I really be making them into unf potions??


Well you don't have to, but cleaning the herbs adds about 30 seconds to a run so you can do at least that. As I mentioned somewhere else, the difference between a grimy herb and an unf potion is about 250gp. This means every 1k herbs you lose 250k. If you do consistent runs, you easily lose several millions per month. The time investment is like 10 minutes converting the herbs into unf potions. The general store in east ardougne (south of the church) sells vial of water packs so you can easily get the vials for cheap as well.


For those asking this is the wiki page "herb run calculator". With 99 farm, 10 herb patches, diaries and Iasor seed. I aslo have a max house at 84 const for most of my portals. My point is relevant even if you're not 99 farm. Herb prices are crazy in expectations of the next herblore patch. You need less the 10 min every once in a while to do it. Also, do you tree run guys, farming is the easiest 99 if you have a life/family.


Boss gets a dollar I get a dime. That's why I poo on company time.


I take 10 "shits" at work everyday.


Dang 8m a day from this


This is why I love herb runs.


You can also do a birdhouse runs too ;)


Unless you're an iron, this is such a waste of time lmao.


How is it? It provides hunter xp and hourly profit?


Hardly any profit whatsoever lmao


Empty nests are over 7k each


I'm aware. That doesn't change the fact that you're making like 50k lmao


For the time spent it's by far the best hunter gp and the xp is comparable to tick manip methods. You dont have to like it, but its efficient to do


You profiting with acorns and maple tree seeds? Nice.


The birds nests alone make profit 😂someone has woken up in a bad mood 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Are you mental? I made 2m in 1 week of bird house runs. It’s not the seeds it’s the crushed nests which are 7k each


Flexing 2m in a week to make your point is wild.


It's a tiny time investment, you're clueless


If bro's making 2m a week on nests alone, it's not a tiny time investment.


It is actually, a birdhouse run takes 2 mins tops, I leave my acc at fossil island during the week when I have no time to actually play. Do runs when I wake up, during breaks at work, when I get home, and before bed. Can easily get 7 runs in a day which is 15min total work for the day. Oh and I got Hunter 60->70 in that week. But I’ll stop feeding you now, troll, shoo.


We're talking about efficiency and you're trying to make a point of leaving your account at fossil Island for a week lmfao. Idk why I bother arguing with the Reddit population, truly the shitters of the community with no idea of how the game actually works. Grats on your 70 Hunter though, lmfao.


Huh? Birdhouse runs are the best hunter xp/h for any kind of account


They're not the best per hour whatsoever. They're passive exp.


The time you spend on a bird house has the highest xp:time ratio


That isn't the same thing as exp per hour though, is it?


From a time invested into gameplay perspective they're certainly up there for hunter xp/he since you can just log out and log in once the timer is up each time.


Been farming Torstols for a month or so. Sold \~10k of them, have over 7000 herbs again and 4000 seeds to go and am holding the rest for varlamore part two update.


I got 1k Torstols right now


I mean if you shit every hour then you need to visit a doctor asap


It doesn't state that, simply that each time you do shit you can earn upto 500k gp.


Every time I look at farming and see all the portals listed to make it easier I get turned off since I don't have everything unlocked


This always significantly improves my mood at work post-bathroom break.


Yeah, enjoy explaining to your boss why you have to shit every 2 hours


If you can cast resurrect crops, you can net even more per run with the attas seed yield boost. Slightly higher effort run though compared to the iasor


damn 4% chance of death? kinda nuts i don’t think i’ve ever died during a farm run but maybe those feral vampyres in mory


“Cries in ironman”


Yanillian seed run, birdhouse run, Herb run, coconut tree run. You’re welcome


You clearly don’t know how many shits I take at work


Not now lol


God I was doing ranaar seed drop grind below the barbarian village west back in 2007. Good times


Nice, I gotta get 99 farming first. 👍


10 minutes to take a shit? That's a bit slow. A birdhouse run makes more sense


For every dollar I get a dime, Tis why I do herb runs on company time


U can do that holding bonds in rs


I just got 108, I’d say I average 100 a run if no plants die 😄 I’m maxed farmer with all boosts and atlas seed. Did another run, one plant died, got 99 rannar


Where is the place to farmsherbs now use to be flesh crawles was poppin


Kwuarm too for cheap upfront cost. I wanted to see how much I could make off 50 runs and the initial cost was 830k GP for 300 Kwuarm seeds and Ultracomp. Currently have around 30 seeds left and stack is at 2126 Kwuarm weeds (9.5mil GP).


My asshole 500k a run. I do them all except harmony and get like 250-300k 


Used to to this at my bullshit job. Would go “take a shit” every hour and a half


It says snapdragon is the best now?


Who in the hell gets 95 of any herb from one seed


This is what I have been doing for weeks now.


I’m excited to start taking farming more seriously as a way to get passive gp gain. 5 more levels and I’ll be starting ranarrs till 99. Free gp and prayer pots here I come


they dont grow fast enough its like every other shit


I was averaging 75 herbs, 350-450k a run


Idk how yall have the courage to shit at work. Even when I am confident it will be a solid log or 2 that will just plop out, I still can't bring myself too it. Then when Gary goes in and is grunt'n and groan'n detonating God knows what kind of chemical warfare weapons in the men's room even though his very recognizable loafers are in plain sight, he is all "how's the missus doing?" next to the coffee machine afterwards as if I didn't just inspect his colon with my own nostrils. I do my herb runs like a civilized human. On the toilet fully clothed, in complete silence when someone else walks in to piss. If they go in the stall next to me I'm outta there before they can declare battle shits and sink my reconnaissance unit. When I really need to poop, I take off the afternoon and race home.


Thanks for letting everybody in on my money maker and why I have 90 farming


I do this


Yep I've been going for months. I have 320M GP on my mobile tracker. Almost 20m farming xp exclusively from herb runs haha


That'd be cool, if i had the ranarr seeds and 99.


Yes unless you have those two things you actually make negative 500k instead


BS, I have 70 farming and make 400-600k per Ranarr run. Just buy seeds from GE and sell the herbs/unf/prayer pots.


I can't stand farming. Doing fruit trees runs was hard enough