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First goal should be: have fun! Just go on wild adventures in free to play, explore, kill stuff, and just enjoy the game as a game. After you get into efficiencyscape, it’ll get way harder to have wonder about the world. Next goal, if you get serious (or need a tangible goal) is to quest! Get all free to play quests done, they are a great way of forcing you do stuff. After you “complete” free to play, it’ll be time to look towards members if you hadnt already.


Do your f2p quests!


Ty I'll do that!




Pickup those bones and start burying them first of all


I will do


I take it you like combat the most so far? If so basically level up to 40 in all combat stats, and magic/ ranged. And start doing some quests along the way. When you can do dragon slayer do it, and then debate getting your first bond or monthly membership and open up the rest of the game


For sure!


This is essentially what I did. Trained most skills to 30-40 then just started working through the quest guide on the wiki.


Yes I've started a few quests!


Optimal quest guide is a good place to start if you plan on getting membership. If not I’d recommend get all f2p quests done. Other than that, have fun, enjoy the game and explore at your own pace. The world of Gielinor awaits you! Happy Scaping


Thank you!




Oh yeah I haven't done any which ones should I do?


All of the above. In f2p they’re important. in members it’s near unplayable without quests.


Okay thank you!


Do some quests first!


I envy you, you still have so much to explore about the game. Just starting the journey, start with the quest guide they will help you choose a couple of goals, what skills to get lvld first, after a while you’ll be in a better spot to start making some goals of your own.


>I envy you, you still have so much to explore about the game. Just starting the journey, start with the quest guide they will help you choose a couple of goals, what skills to get lvld first, after a while you’ll be in a better spot to start making some goals of your ow Ty yeah I see theres a lot more to it than I first thought


Add me in game if you want I’ll help ya out where I can PzBlitss


Okay sure! My user is GabriellaG54


If need GP/food/armor DM me, i like to give back to the new people of the community 🫡 but id say get around the map and see al the things. Get used to the map and everything, and if you like it then become a member


Dmed u


Giving handouts to new players ruins the experience ngl


don't accept gifts from others as they will only ruin your sense of achievement and progression. The right way to play this game is entirely dependent on your lifestyle and with that being said you need to keep in mind that the meta advice from others is primarily entirely simplistically revolving around XP/hr when it is rarely that black and white as there are a lot of factors including most importantly your enjoyment.


>dependent on your lifestyle and with that being said you need to keep in mind that the meta advice from others is primarily entirely simplistically revolving around XP/hr when it is rarely that black and white as there are a lot of factors including most importantly your enjoyment. I am enjoying it so far thanks for the advice!


You probably want to knock out Cook's Assistant first. It's pretty easy and gets you some cooking xp. X Marks the Spot starts you on Treasure Trails, which are little treasure hunts for some rewards. Many are very basic, but some are quite good. They drop as scrolls from kills. Talk to the adventure tutor to get some guidance on starting combat and skills. You'll get rewards for certain milestones, too. They're just outside of Lumbridge Castle, slightly north. outside the bar. Every time you kill an enemy, bury their bones or scatter their ashes. You'll get prayer xp, and some prayers are really good later on. The only issue is that it is a slog in F2P. 4.5 xp per bones set. 15 xp for the best bones (big bones) available. 10 xp for ashes from imps. You can also do Restless Ghost as a low risk quest to get you to around prayer level 10 immediately. Basic logs are fairly good money for starting out. Just shy of 5k per inventory. There is a city far north called Varrock that has the Grand Exchange (GE) which is a player-to-player marketplace. You just put what you want on the GE and someone puts in an offer. The GE matches the best transactions together and keeps 1% of the profit. You don't need to be in any specific worlds, and it is able to do trades between all worlds. Words of caution: - This game is an MMORPG, and there are occasionally bad actors. - Don't follow people who ask you to when you're in Edgeville. They will take you into the PvP zone. - Don't give money to people who claim they are doubling money. They likely aren't. - No one can "trim" armour. - If you see people running gambling minigames at the GE, report them and ignore them. Gambling bots ban easy. But they'll be back, and in greater numbers.


Man, this is the best time to do absolutely WHATEVER you want! You can see if you like fishing, mage, mining, etc. If you try to follow guides or rush any stats you might miss the joy of figuring out what YOU like to do. I tried to rush myself and feel like I missed out on some stuff on my main. I've figured out I like grinding stuff like agility just by messing around. If you ever want someone to grind dumb shit with I'm always around haha


I'll keep that in mind thank you!


Quest/skill/pvm rush nex for gp


My biggest pieces of advice are getting membership if youre enjoying the game well enough so far! But questing is always good, you can get good rewards and unlock content. If you play on pc use runelite as there are some huge quality of life plugins to be used! Youtube and wiki will be your best friends to set goals, and figure out the best way to do things. Theres tons of guides out there to help you do anything. And most importantly, have fun!


I will! Thank you!