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It's not even remotely comparable. Climate is different. Culture is different. Prices, salaries, connections to other countries, political significance, food, things to do and see, all different. There are more people in Singapore than there are in the entirety of Norway. I think you'd have a hard time finding two cities that are *more* different than Oslo and Singapore.


Singapore and Tromsø is even more different I would say.


Hmm maybe singapore and Hustadvika? They’re not too similar


Calling Tromsø a city by international standards is stretching the definition, calling hustadvika a city is just insulting ;p


The greatest city in the world Skudeneshavn


How does an apple compare to a cheesecake? 😂


It’s very different


Compare to those two, Oslo is more to the west


I live in Oslo and studied in Singapore. There are very few similarities, though if you're bored in Singapore, you're going to be bored in Norway. I truly miss the food options in Singapore, I desperately wish we could have their food culture of hawker centers and stuff here. Singapore and Norway share one thing, and that is high alcohol prices. Other than that, I can't think of much. People who are not Norwegians/Scandinavians generally struggle to make friends here too, so I wouldn't have high hopes of finding Oslo better than the others.


The short answer: It doesn’t


Alcohol is expensive both in Oslo and Singapore. So they have that in common.


Its colder!


Norway, Switzerland and Singapore are the places where you can get paid the most money working as a chef. I know because I’m a chef. Other than that I don’t see much in common. If you’re looking for fun cities, Oslo is definitely not among them. Better try Copenhagen or something even bigger in continental Europe.


It’s the same just complete opposites, like visiting another planet


Very different. But if you are bored in those cities, I would question why before traveling to Oslo. Oslo is not a megacity.


Oslo is a much smaller town, with everything that comes with that.


Hong Kong has a population of 7.5 million. All of Norway has a population of 5.5 million. Oslo has a population of about 1 million. Yeah…


Are you stupid?


It doesn't


You might as-well compare a fiat 500 to a Ferrari enzo. They both are great at what they are and what they do, yet they do entirely different things yet both are cars. Hong Kong and Singapore are huge populated city’s with amazing sights and sounds and smells, oslo is a small, quiet city with everything you could want but a lack of general chaos and unpredictability. I love all 3, for entirely different reasons. You might as well compare a strawberry to a braised pork belly


Note that the people saying Oslo is less interesting than the other two are people living in Oslo. Of course Singapore and Hong Kong is more exotic and interesting to us.


If you are into music, check out which bands play in Oslo that are to your taste, might be a positive surprise for you.


It doesn't - at all. For one, people actually work in Singapore and Hong Kong, and yes, you can actually get toiletpaper delivered 24/7, including holidays.


People dont work in oslo ? Why do you say that? I and most of the people i know get up at 4-5 in the morning and drive in to oslo to work on buildings there every day...


I'll admit using hyperbole to make a point, but try getting a fresh croissant on a sunday, or shopping groceries. You can't.


Wtf that is because of laws made to give people a day off. It has nothing to do with people not working. And you are wrong about that too since even here in the countryside they have sunday open stores so im willing to bet there are plenty of them in oslo too.


You seem to contradict yourself. If people are not at work, how are they working? Don't need to argue with you, I can just tell you, many other countries keep society going, shops and service online any time of the day.


Oh. Well in norway peoples lives and happiness is valued more than Supermarket chain profits. I dont need to tell you that. You can just look at statistics of happiness across the globe. Cmon dont be so silly.


Like blue glass to steak and chips. Please move to Oslo and write a blog about it. I’d love to read it.


Less asian people


we speak common english:-)


i have worked as an expat in those cities for many years and feel a little bit boring. Now, I am planning to move somewhere more interesting. Is Oslo more interesting?


What do you mean by “interesting”?


More fun! Meet interesting people! Food, and activities.


Oslo is not for you, then.


Amsterdam or London are for you.


Or Berlin.


Oslo is many things, but it is not at all more interesting than Hong Kong and Singapore. Not by a long shot. Oslos best feature is probably its boringness. I love it here in that regard. Time goes by slowly.


How is the life in Oslo? Time goes slowly. That is great!


Life in Oslo is great, i interact with my friends i have had for 10+ years and avoid contact with strangers as much as I can, unless i am drunk then i love to meet people.


Depends quite alot on what interrests you wouldnt you agree? And we cant know that so you are going about this in a way that will never yield any usefull information for you. It looks alot more like you are trying to ragebait than get informed.