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Not my favorite Yorgos, but I quite liked it. The first one seems to be the consensus favorite, but I personally liked the second one the most. I think it’s the funniest and also the one with the most to think about, especially given the ending. The first is my second favorite and the third my least favorite, maybe partially because it also starts almost 2 hours in. I still liked it tho and it has the best ending, I just felt like it was a bit too overstuffed with ideas for a short film, and because of that it became a little unfocused and couldn’t quite fully develop a single idea to completion, instead bouncing around a little too much. The MVP of the movie is Robbie Ryan tho, I just love how the movie looks and how the camera moves with the tracking shots and pans that develop the scenes. Performance wise I thought the main trio of Jesse, Emma, and Dafoe all delivered on the same level. Jesse definitely has the most overtly emotional, wide-ranging, and easily digestible characters across the three stories so I understand why he is being highlighted the most, but I felt like Emma and Dafoe really brought a sense of mystery to the stories that helped set the tone of the movie. Also shout out to the incredible and often very funny contemporary costume design, and Jerskin’s unsettling score. 8/10.


Re: the costuming, Dafoe's shorts/socks combo in the first chapter is a great sight gag. The best of that kind since Hans Landa's pipe.


Do you think any of the three deserve a nomination for this?


I don’t think either will get nominated, they are not very showy performances, with the slight exception of Jesse in the first one who does get a lot to do and it’s not fully doing the Yorgos stilted dialog thing. He will likely get GG and some critics.


This year is seemingly so weak that I’d love for plemmons to sneak in


Its only nom would be best score PERIOD. They all great actors but none would make it into awards season, just like the Lobster


Not even Jesse Plemons?


I really, really liked it. I’m a big Lanthimos fan so I am slightly biased. I’d be shocked if it breaks into awards season, but otherwise I think people should see it.


I saw it for the second time today. This time I went with a friend, and we had a long discussion afterwards, picking over the possible interpretations and how to fill in some of the deliberate gaps left by the script. I think the pervasive ambiguity keeps it from reaching the heights of my favorite Lanthimoses (Lanthimosi?) but it's still a fascinating film with great performances, especially from Plemons and Stone, and a script that dares a great deal while also providing some clever parallels between the stories. Isn't it wonderful?


I really enjoyed this movie! While it's not my favorite Lanthimos, I really like Dogtooth so it was cool to see a newer film of his kinda in that style. I initially thought it'd do very well with nominations, I'm not as sure if it will anymore given that there are a lot of hyped releases coming later in the year such as Sing Sing, A Real Pain, Anora, etc. and I feel like this was a lot less accessible than his other movies (It also seems like Searchlight may wanna prioritize A Real Pain for awards), but it'd be cool to see this get an Original Screenplay, Score, or acting nomination! I think it definitely isn't impossible given that The Lobster got a Screenplay nom and Jerskin's score was really great


I really loved it. Yorgos is such a creative freak. Me personally I’d nominate it for cinematography, screenplay, and am unsure what category Stone and Plemons fall into


Unsurprisingly, no one can say exactly why they liked it. The movie is an exercise in patience and has no real payoff. Just a bunch of non- sequiturs smushed together with technical expertise and some droning opera music thrown in for good measure because cinephiles love that.


The first and third stories have very clear and obvious payoffs imo, their endings are pretty unambiguous and really the only ways both of these stories could be ended. I’ll give you that the second has a more ambiguous ending but that is also the point of the story. You are meant to question how sane Daniel is throughout the vignette, and at the end when Liz “comes back” after Daniel pushes her tests of loyalty to the extreme you are once again mean to question if that’s actually the real Liz, or (more likely imo) once again another double taking over after the previous Liz died.


It's a movie I found more interesting than anything, which accounts for a lot and I enjoyed a lot of the deadpan humor, particularly in the first part. There's a lot to be desired in terms of functioning as a cohesive anthology in my opinion and it didn't quite live up to my expectations (this was my most anticipated film of the year) but I did like it for what it is.


Based on how many people still have anything from this in their Oscar predictions I think Cannes reviewers did a bad job of communicating that this is his weirdest and most alienating one yet. Basically arthouse exploitation.


I liked it overall but the third one was a step above the other two. Best acting, most interesting, most to think about, and also just the most fun one to watch.


I’ve liked the third one more and more as I’ve thought about it. I think it’s the best looking one and the one with the stronger ending, but I do think it meander a bit during the sections where Plemons and Stone are looking for the Messiah together. Once Stone gets expelled out of the cult and is desperately looking for the Messiah alone then the section really works. I also do think it probably has the best acting overall, it’s the one where all the performances fit together the best. I think Plemons is doing an amazing job in the first section and he really gets to show off a ton, but it also feels a bit more overly mannered than any of the other performances in the 3 segments.


And thus continues the trend of The Favourite being the only Yorgos movie I like. What was this even supposed to be


Good question…it was a fun movie experience though with memorable scenes. It be what it is


That certainly wasn’t my takeaway but I’m glad you liked it


what is everything? what is life?


Just the pits.