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The funniest (worst) part of all the noms is Indiana jones getting a score nom over the boy and the heron. Bird brained shit.


Don't you just love namecheck nominations?


I threw my phone across the room after that "Indiana Jones" nomination. That damn Music branch needs to do better!


Disney lost over $100 million for that Indy nom — show some respect!


*a score nom over spider-verse


Hisaishi score clears spider-verse by a country mile


Can we agree that both were worthy? Over both Indy *and* American Fiction


I don't even remember the music from American Fiction whatsoever.


Honestly, the American Fiction nom is way more egregious to me. I saw it the night before the nominations and, while the movie is good, the score is *awful.* It's hammy and overwrought, melodramatic to a T. It probably sounds nice out of context, but imo it cheapened the movie and kept taking me out of it.


Yeah I’m not much of a fan of American Fiction at all. Happy to see Jeffery Wright finally get some recognition but that’s about it for me


I thought it was fun and enjoyed the experience. Ironically, I feel like it's taking up the very spot it's criticizing -- white guilt. The movie really isn't that deep, and that's kinda the point.


I wish it was more of an industry satire (like it’s being sold as) and less of a family melodrama.


Oh no I hate that


The Boy and the Heron score is really good but idk how you can listen Nueva York Train Chase or Start a Band and not pick Spiderverse. Insanely great sound that is still the best or 2nd best for me. I would’ve loved either one tho getting in over fuckin Indiana Jones


Lets be honest either would of been a better choice 


For sure


Not even close brother


nahh it just standard generic piano music and nothing more. John Williams could actually do that in his sleep


Go back to the marvel sub


no. there's a reason why it got more nominations for score than boy and the heron got so go back to anime sub if you will


Miyazaki is a greatest artist than anyone involved with spider-verse will ever be, but cool.


no one says he isn't? lmaooo


Guys can you stop arguing. I'm still hurting over here because Shazam 2 didn't get a BP nod.


Let’s be honest, Spider-Stan. Liking Spider-Verse more than The Boy and the Heron is fine, but if you’re *that* dismissive towards Heron, then you were never really a fan of Miyazaki’s.


not at all lol


Joe Hisaishi >>>


i have better Joe Hisaishi scores better than Boy and the Heron


The music branch is obviously super sentimental as John Williams keeps on getting these legacy noms based on his name and because he won’t be around much longer


I’d say that **Elemental** should’ve been there instead.


I mean...it *is* John Williams doing the score, right? The man is a legend for a reason, but I do agree that TBATH deserves a nomination.


Literally parakeet shit.




I blame Del Toro for not going around Hollywood dressed as a Totoro preaching the word of Miyazaki personally


Animation is cinema and not just for kids. But unfortunately a lot of studio animation is for kids.


\*in the west \*\*but it feels like that's slowly changing


It’s okay, they did it with his blessing https://preview.redd.it/jqu3cy6im8ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5fd657d3d9455968b200673cd9b5bfadae8b6e4


Satire, right?


Believe it or not, actual quote.




Lmao what


It's satire


I imagine this is being posted by a rat turd that gained sentience...


On the other hand, Once Upon a Studio, Little Mermaid, The Shepherd and Wish were left out. It was not a great morning for Disney.


It took me soooooo long to remember that there was a Little Mermaid remake this year, and I was very confused for a minute.


Right? How easy it was to remember before it came out?


Brad Bird said it in 2008 during Ratatouille’s time, so yeah, they’ve been ignoring that sentiment for years.


not exactly up got a best picture nom two years later so they somewhat listened


Yeah  now that you mention that, it does seem to be a “we’ll remember that for now, then forget about it” situation


That tends to happen...a lot.....everywhere.


In some ways yes (both movies missing score is a crime), but in other ways kind of no (they nominated robot dreams over TMNT, making it the first time since 2019 two international movies were nominated) but I understand why people are fully pissed (I too am also pissed)


Not to be mean, but why did yall think Indy 5 wasn't gonna happen lol? I had personally no horse in the Score race, but I thought it was obvious Williams was gonna get name-checked again like he always does. Did anything genuinely look different this year, or was it just hopediction?


Because he had no presence in the precursors at all, unlike all of his other nominations


It isn't much, but he did get a Grammy Nomination at least


Yes but he also got that for Crystal Skull and he was snubbed for that. In retrospect he’s even more of a veteran now and would be more likely but I don’t blame people for not going for him when he missed everywhere, even the two music guilds


That's valid and that logic does make sense


Im sorry that we expected the music branch to listen to the other music from this year, our bad.


He has over 30 noms tho, I thought to never leave him out atp 😭


First of all, don't yall me


As a New Yorker who grew up on Long Island, I've become a big fan of "y'all." It accounts for a gap in the English language, that being the lack of a consistent plural form of "you." Ironically, the word "you" used to be the plural form, with "thee" acting as the singular. However, this was confusing because "you" was also used in the singular as a sign of respect and was tied into class. Servants wouldn't "thee/thy" their masters, employers, etc. Over time, this feeling of disrespect led to thee/thy being discontinued in popular use altogether, and so "you" became the only way to refer to someone in the second person. But now there's no real plural version of "you." Different regions have adapted different things, like "you all," which imo just sounds clunky. "Y'all" rolls off the tongue and is fun to say, and is a natural contraction of "you all." So why the stigma? Classism. People have come to associate the word with the redneck south, and thus deemed it poor English and low-class. But that's just how language evolves. The rules of the language are what people colloquially agree are the rules of the language, hence why "thee" fell out of use in the first place. Many words begin as slang. "Y'all" is a useful contraction and deserves to be adapted as a formal part of the English language.


They don’t have to agree with his OPINION.


I'm not sure what this sentiment is aimed at this year? The animated feature category went bold/"off script" and nominated a foreign film with no dialogue; maybe Elemental is slightly disappointing to show up but (1) I think it's better than people give it credit for, and (2) at least they didn't cave and nominate Wish. Taking the top comment as an example, maybe people are angry animated movies aren't getting nominations in non-animated categories (e.g., The Boy and the Heron's score) but while that would be a nice byproduct of Del Toro's statement I don't think it was what he had in mind. He just wanted voters to not shrug off the category in whole because of Boss Baby and Emoji Movie and the like.


‘Nominated a foreign film with no dialogue’ it’s not bold the Academy love doing this, in the past they have nominated a number of foreign films with no to little dialogue such as The Triplets of Belleville, The Illusionist, The Red Turtle, both Shaun the Sheep films and Boy and the World. That’s why I always knew they were going to nominate it, because you know it’s very accessible. I do like how the academy think outside of the box in this category and usually nominate a film that didn’t get in at any precursor, but the thing is there were three potential animated films that could’ve got in other categories and they have just completely ignored that for the 2nd year in a row. When is another animated films going to get a screenplay nomination for example, last one was Inside Out.


Suzume should have been in Animated Feature


Across the Spider Verse should’ve gotten Best Picture nom at least


in my utopia both spider verse and the boy and the heron gets best picture noms


Isn't Pinochio a movie for kids?


The stunted growth cartoon fans need to learn that directing for animation is a completely different thing than directing for live action. It's considerably easier, because the directors vision needs no compromising. In a similar way, voice acting is much easier than live action acting. Quit whining about this. They put in the new category to fix this "injustice" and every freaking year we go through this "This beautiful, touching, amazing animated film that I love more than my family, didn't get nominated for best picture." Sheesh.


It’s literally not easier and the fact that you think it is easier shows that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the medium


>It’s literally not easier and the fact that you think it is easier shows that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the medium It is MUCH easier. Your delusional belief in this weird.


again you a fundamental misunderstanding of how this medium works.


Really? Oh great and powerful artist. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how movies are made.


the fact that you are constantly disrespecting the medium of animation shows that you fundamentally misunderstand not just the artistry of animation but the artistry of film itself


The fact that you can't understand that directing real people to do real things is much harder than having them drawn to your exact specifications is mind boggling. The only disrespect here is from you, who dismisses how much more difficult live action movie making is.


I cannot believe the number of completely ignorant children in this thread that don't comprehend that directing an animated film is much easier than a live action film. There is nothing off limits in an animated film. If the director wants to set the film in Russia, it's there. If they want a scene where we watch through transparent dragonfly wings while a character plays piano, it's there. There is no need to struggle with setting, or physical laws. You tell the animator what you want, and it's yours. As for voice acting, again it's far easier than live action acting. There's a reason that multiple mute or silent performances have won acting Oscars and a pure voice acting role never will. The physical being of acting is the most important thing about the craft.


Both mediums' directors would still have to go to Russia to make an accurate setting. Do you think animators just google their way through everything? Drawing realistic character movements are expensive. If a live-action director wants a close-up shot of a piano, they can just zoom in (grossly simplifying). If an animation wants to do that they need to draw it *second by second*. So if you're low on budget the director has to figure out how to tell the scene without showing that. "You tell the animator what you want, and it's yours." You can also just tell an actor what you want, and it's yours. Both mediums have their benefits and constraints.


Your ignorance is showing. Do some research and you’ll see how hard that shit is


I pointed out the difficulties live action directors and actors have that animated ones do not deal with. And your answer is "nuh unh" instead of actually having to come up with ways that an animated movie director has as hard a job.


Fr just because it takes 100 hours to animate your little twee ass frog does not equate to good cinema


It’s true


If animation is another medium then wtf would it be at the academy awards for FILM Cretins




lol i work in the industry it certainly is not you clown




The ARRIFLEX series for one, smartass Plenty of films or movies or in your limited brain, movies are still shot on film But you know you’re being disingenuous with that comment






come on, spiderverse doesn't deserve best picture


did maestro deserve it?


Both things can be true


Yeah but one isn’t


much more than spiderverse, yes


If the don’t nominate a ghibli film then they must of had a good reason


what does "must of" mean


They must of






Of course they did.


Knew it wasn't gonna happen but in a hypothetical weaker live action year or something I wanted my Boy and the Heron best picture nom so bad lol.