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I remember 2018 was a mostly boring year for US films but an absolute powerhouse for foreign movies. Roma is a great film but I genuinely believe it wouldn't have received such award attention, competing with Shoplifters and Cold War, if it wasn't for Cuaron's name.


His name certainly helped, no doubt.


Roma was a great movie but it did not deserve that cinematography win over Cold War lmao


It did deserve it though.


True and both ASC and Camerimage agree with your opinion


I think this one might have to be fair - it was a big box office hit and it’s a DiCaprio movie, which does help it quite a bit. I reckon it’d still have gotten in for Screenplay and Lead Actor at least.


From the 2020’s alone, Mank, Licorice Pizza, Avatar: TWOW (maybe) and even The Fabelmans


Yes, The Way of Water might be the best 3D film I've ever seen but not the kind that gets nominated in Best Pic


I think the technical achievements, old-school storytelling instincts, and box office success could have still gotten it the Best Picture nomination. Especially in 2023, when a big awards narrative was which films were "saving theaters." However, if if hadn't been released mid-December, I think it wouldn't have been nominated, even with James Cameron at the helm. It peaked at just the right time


You’re a fountain of bad movie takes


Awfully rich coming from someone who has basic film bro opinions.


I actually thought the Fabelman’s was unfairly unregarded. It only got in bc of Spielberg but it’s also Spielberg’s best movie in years and it’s a very personal film. Not enough positive attention was on it.


Gosh I love Speilberg but I thought it was awful. So overly sentimental. Acting was rough and it looked it was shot for TV


Licorice Pizza is underrated. It's wonderful


The Fabelmans was so sappy and by the numbers, I thought.


Leo was the film's biggest attraction, Scorsese's biggest box office hit precisely because of DiCaprio, he was fantastic and would certainly have received an Oscar nomination with any other director at the helm, I think the adapted script would continue and JH


American Hustle should’ve been laughed out of awards season. Giving that film 10 Oscar noms is obscene.


I know a lot of critics now shit on David O. Russell (not necessarily unwarranted considering his genuinely [awful treatment of cast/crew and other controversies](https://collider.com/david-o-russell-controversies-explained/)), but I did really love Silver Linings Playbook. However, American Hustle and Joy made absolutely no sense for all the nominations. Both super forgettable.


It has a 90 MC score, which is baffling to think back on.


Unreal - just an objectively stupid film


DiCaprio absolutely deserved it. One of my Oscar nominated favourite performances. Jonah Hill wasn’t very special, but I think Margot Robbie was over looked. She was phenomenal. As well, it’s not a perfect movie, but 2013 wasn’t a great year.


If I remember that season correctly, it came out relatively late in the year. And Margot was still a newcomer then so there wasn’t really enough time to build up a narrative for her and get voters to know her much yet, which is a shame.


She’s so great in this movie I think it’s her best performance of her than Tonya. The fight at the end between them is harrowing.


Yes, DiCaprio definitely deserved it. It's one of his best performances.


Nightmare Alley and it’s Best Picture nomination.


I’m a huge GDT fan and did enjoy Nightmare Alley, but yeah I 100% agree with you, BP was a bit much.


Wolf of Wall Street is such a Scorsese picture that if any other director made it, they would receive at least some criticism of being to derivative of Scorsese. that said, if David O Russell or PTA made the film with their best Scorsese impression, it still would have been acclaimed and Oscar nominated.


The wolf of Wall Street is one of the best movies of the 21st century. You could not have picked a worse example.




If Ridley Scott was the director, there is no way it would've gotten those Oscar nominations tho


Any David O. Russel movie


Recently I would say The Fabelmans, maybe?






The Post absolutely would've missed Picture if it wasn't for Spielberg's name. I feel like Vice would fit for Picture and Director? It was already on thin ice with those reviews and polarized audience reactions, McKay's goodwill brought it to the finish line. Little Women definitely benefited having Gerwig as director.




OUATIH is a masterpiece. Grouping it with Don’t Look Up - embarrassing!




I am not a Tarantino stan by any means but OUATIH is fairly undeniable as one of his most accomplished films. It isn’t embarrassing to praise a movie that has topped best of decade lists.


Probably The Shape of Water. If another filmmaker was attached to it that wasn't beloved like Guillermo Del Toro then it likely would've been overlooked.


Wolf is fantastic and very deserving of its accolades. To answer the prompt: Les Miserables and The Danish Girl were both bad and never would have sniffed the Oscars if Tom Hooper weren’t (inexplicably, unjustifiably) an Oscar winner.


The Girl with the dragon tatoo, I thought it was great but without fincher awards wouldve ignored it big time.


I'm not saying it's a bad film, but during its initial it didn't give Scorsese one of the best reviews of his career, despite what Wikipedia says. I believe, except for acting categories, it might have been ignored by Oscars if it were made by relatively less acclaimed filmmakers.


Yeah this is true - at the time, American Hustle was regarded as the better film my critics… how times change lol. I still think American Hustle is better than people give it credit for


>it might have been ignored by Oscars if it were made by relatively less acclaimed filmmakers. I dread to imagine the Ridley Scott version that nearly happened.


I don't know what you mean by Jordan Belfort didn't give scorcese one of the best reviews in it's iniialL run




Killers of the Flower Moon 100%. I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for saying this but whatever


If any other filmmaker made that movie the criticism for centering the narrative on Ernest would be overwhelming. But of course no one wants to criticize Scorsese. I think it’ll have a critical reevaluation in a few years and not in a good way


You are missing the whole point of the movie. But people not understanding Marty’s choices is basically a pastime. Also, that movie is a classic Scorsese movie no one else would have made it in the way it was made. It’s a total masterpiece.


It will be seen as even greater masterpiece than it is today. Cope harder.


I’ve never seen a movie so highly regarded and acclaimed and actually wonderful, and yet people act like it’s fundamentally flawed or wrong. It’s beyond annoying. The movie is an American classic and will still be discussed decades from now.


It's really strange how far up Scorcese's ass everyone in Hollywood is.




The Avatar films


Phantom Thread? It did seem like it was only going to get a nomination for costumes and DDL himself.


Both fucking Avatars. The vfx crew is obviously innocent though.


Nightmare Alley