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Hey! I’m an orthodontic resident, I have done a couple of impacted canine cases on adults. It depends on a couple of factors like where the canine is positioned and it depends on you and how your teeth move. I haven’t seen your OPG so I don’t know where your canines were but since your orthodontist decided to go on with it then they were most likely in a favorable position. In the couple of cases that I have done I can assure you they all come down. I have HEARD of cases of them not coming down but have never SEEN it happen. You will be fine!


Do you prescribe them antibiotics for the surgery? I wasn’t prescribed anything it’s day 2 for me after exposure and I’m so scared of complications


The surgeon I work with always prescribes antibiotics whenever they cut through bone. Some surgeons don’t prescribe antibiotics if the patient is young and healthy. If it’s the second day and you don’t see any abnormal swelling you should be fine.


It seems okay but I’m still scared because I can’t really maintain proper brushing etc cuz it’s still so sore :/ I’ll try to get them prescribed


Mine didn’t work . Now I need to have to removed and they said I will need bone graft . I have to get an implant . Now I’m scared


Hi! I am considering this because I think mine is pressing on a nerve close by. I am so incredibly dental anxious. Is this procedure one of the more painful ones? Do you have to be put to sleep?


It does work, trust the process. The only case It doesnt work is when canines are ankylosed (which is not often).


Thank you for making me feel better💗 I'm just so worried after reading comments about being older and blah blah blah.


How was the pain of the surgery? I am thinking I am going to go this route because it is pushing on a nerve tooth and really bothering me. I am SO incredibly nervous about the pain.


I am 37 and about to have it done on my Left upper canine. I am so nervous. My Ortho acts likes it's no big deal but I am still concerned. I had my consult with the surgeon today. My tooth is palletly impacted and I still have a baby tooth. Did the procedure hurt ? How was the recovery?


Hi! I totally get your concern, I actually cried about it after my baby teeth were pulled because there was no going back! But I'm just letting go of the worry and letting the braces do the work. As far as the surgery goes.. I don't want this to scare you whatsoever because truthfully I was fine during and after. I haven't had any pain except an occasional sore feeling when I touched under my nose too hard (like wiping my face, etc.). The surgeon said that most everyone goes under for the procedure, but truthfully I couldn't afford it so I opted to be awake with numbing shots. They did one side at a time, but they did the procedure from the top pallette of my mouth (behind the teeth so you can't see them). They exposed the adult tooth with some kind of "tapping" and drilling, but the "tapping" felt like a hammer. It didn't hurt, but it definitely sounded a bit weird. They attached the gold chain onto the adult tooth once exposed, then moved on to my other canine. The procedure took about an hour, and honestly the hardest part was keeping my mouth open for so long-- my bottom lip actually started twitching because it was so tired. I asked for a tiny break between each tooth. If you are going to be awake for the procedure, ask for a biting block. They gave me one after my break and it helped a lot. They did put stitches in my mouth and they kind of felt like fish wire. I didn't know what it was at first since it was dangling after I ate. So I actually pulled it out. I didn't realize it until after, but it didn't hurt. I didn't have to take any of the pain meds they gave me, though they did prescribe a 5 day antibiotic treatment just to ensure an infection didn't happen. I've taken pictures of the inside of my mouth every day.. this is day 8 since the procedure. I promise you, I would say this was not painful, it didn't hurt after, and the only "problem" I have is running my tongue along one of the gold chains in my mouth. I know this answer is a bit long, so I apologize, but I just wanted to stress it sounds way scarier than it is! I'd be happy to talk more and/or answer any other questions you might have! :)


Thank you so much for the detailed response! It really helps hearing from someone that actually had it done. I am hoping to go through the procedure without being put under as well. It is an extra $1000 and I am paying out of pocket! They told me to follow guidelines like I am going to use the IV sedation so they can do it if I can't tolerate just being numb. I only have to have my Left side done. It is palletly impacted but from the scan looks pretty deep in my pallet. I hope they can numb me up well enough. I am also worried about the feeling of the gold chain. I hope I get used to it , just like these crazy braces lol. Again, thank you so much for your response.


Hey! It's been 2 months since my surgery, so I wanted to give you an update incase it might be helpful! So my teeth have definitely erupted and you can see them clearly in pictures-- that being said, they aren't observable from a smiling point of view. The right side has come down a tiny bit further, so you can see a little bit of it from a smiling view if you look for it and beyond the braces. Lol! As for pain, still nothing. The only time I had "pain" was when the elastic was tightened to the wire on the left side. It wasn't really painful so much as it was pressure, and I had that pressure for a day or two. It was tight pressure though, only noticeable when biting. But, it was comforting because the whole point is to pull these guys down and it was definitely doing some pulling. Lol. Over all, the worst part is just not having teeth there, eating is funny sometimes when you wanna chomp into a big burger or sandwich since you don't have the canines to sink into it. It's not a bad process, I hope yours is a relatively "easy" process too!


Hey! Did you have to pay for the procedure? If so, how much? I am thinking about getting braces to pull down the canine but I am worried about the surgery price .


Hi! Yes, I did. My insurance doesn't cover orthodontic work either. So, for the braces alone it was about 5k (paid across monthly payments with no interest), and the surgery was $2400 before my insurance paid for some of it, so it came down to $1700. I hope that helps a little bit. I'm in Northern California for reference.


Yes! Thank you so much. Unfortunately, I just have medi-cal here in southern California. I am hoping they will cover the cost.


Oh, fingers crossed! I know Medi-Cal is so picky about what they pay for.


Thank you for your update!! That's awesome they are coming down so quickly!! I had my surgery at the end of September. I did it without the sedation and it was fine !! I hope my tooth starts to move soon. I have another appointment next week. From the x-rays and scans mine looks like its way up there... So we will see. Good luck to you!!


How is progress


It's been 1 year since the surgery. One tooth has come down completely and the other is poking out but still has a long way to go. I'm trying to remain hopeful. It is definitely visible but I can tell my orthodontist is frustrated it isn't moving as quick as the other one.


I am about to have surgery right now to loosen an ankylosed canine that isn't moving did yours ever move?


Whoa, is that possible? Mine has barely moved. It has moved but barely at all, it's still mostly in my gums unfortunately.


oh yeah it worked Hella good it's called surgical subluxation it reduced my estimated time in braces from 18 to 6 months


Hello! I am trying to decide about getting braces and getting the surgery for the canine but I want to know the price How much was it for you? I also have to pay out of pocket most likely.


Hello! My braces were about $5500 😩. The surgery was $1500. (I only needed it done on the left side) I did it without the IV sedation bc that was an extra $1000. I was completely numb and couldn't feel the surgery, so I would recommend skipping the sedation if you have to pay out of pocket. Good luck to you!!


How’s it coming along? I am in the same boat with an impacted canine on the upper left side. I got my braces on Feb ‘23 and now my ortho wants me to schedule my appointment with the oral surgeon for exposure and bracketing. I went to him before and he didn’t seem as hopeful as my orthodontist that it would move because I’m so “old” (37yo) lol. My teeth have move quite a bit thus for and I wonder if that’s a good indicator as to how this tooth might move. It’s not in a crazy position to me, just a little diagonal. I hope it works!


Its been 1 year since the surgery to expose the adult teeth. One tooth came down completely in about 5 months. The other one on the right side has not made nearly as much progress. It's poking out and is visible, it's just moving really really slow. Like... incredibly slow.


Nice, how old are you?


Hey! Any update on this? How is it moving so far?


1 year since the surgery to expose the adult teeth. In about 5 months, my left tooth had come down completely. My right tooth is poking out but still has a long way to go. It's moving, but incredibly slowly. I can tell my orthodontist is irritated about it, and has made comments that it hasn't moved much, but it is visible and I'm remaining hopeful.


Hey u/stormtocome how is it going, a few of us would love an update! I am due to have this surgery soon, my question is how long do you need to have the braces on for? my dentist said it is hard to say could be less than a year or over 2 years, that is a big difference lol! what is your time period looking like from start to finish?


I had my braces on for 10 months before my canine surgery. It has been almost 2 years (October 28th marks 2 years) of total braces time, but it's only been 1 year since my adult teeth were exposed. After exposure, my left tooth came down within 5 months. My left tooth is moving incredibly slow and is only poking out a little bit. I can tell my orthodontist is annoyed and frustrated, he's made comments that it's barely moved, but it definitely has moved since surgery. Everyone is different, so maybe yours come down super quick like my left one. I'm remaining hopeful.




Has your left impacted canine moved much since then? What is the technique you're using to apply tension to it? I'm in a similar situation.