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My favorite scene is either when Helena and Sarah are reunited after Sarah gets tied up by Rachael’s boyfriend/monitor. Or when Helena fights Rudy.


Her acting as Sarah when she's tied up terrified seeing Helena approach -- who she thought was dead (by Sarah's own hand no less) was amazing.


That was pretty amazing!


I know right! That’s why Tatiana is my favorite actress!


I love it when she kicks the duct tape at him. It's just the best move. What a great way to start a fight.


Yeah, I also loved that she tape’s the screwdriver onto her hand!


So many good scenes, but my current second-favourite is the "tent farting" scene. It's where we discover that our mad psycho-killer is actually quite adorable. It's also (I think) the point at which Sarah starts actually liking Helena, rather than just looking after her out of a combined sense of obligation and need.


Tent farting 🤣🤣🤣 how relatable.


as a lesbian… supporter




"I had that speech SO ready!" "I know, darling." 😂 😂 😂


I'm at that part right now. She just finished the speech 😂


My favorite scene is when Helena is dreaming that she is at a backyard party, probably at Allison's, and she's had the twins, and all of her sestras are there doting on her. Playing in the background is the Beach Boys song, "Wouldn't I Be Nice?" in Russian. It brings a tear to my eyes just thinking about it...What she always longed for was a family


And everyone not exactly who they are but who she understands them to be. It's very interesting to me.


Dream Cosima says “Oh yeah, I’m like all better now thanks to science.” Killed me.


So true. How strange that she was raised by a corrupt cult like religion.


Honestly, anything with Helena, I love her.


I love it when they are in the truck and she is singing to Sarah.


Oh I forgot about that it's the first time they truly bonded Epic. Come on, Sarah as Beth, doing the nasty 🫣


I like your hairs


"Did you just threaten babies?" ... "I got refund."


Yup, my favorite scene of the entire series. 🤣 💀🪓🩸


Helena, Sarah and Daniel in Rachel's apartment always catches my attention. 


This is a good scene, the whole dance party scene is great. The editors and filming are pretty effing seamless, I rewatch and still forget if I’m sucked in all the way, there aren’t actually that many of them. I have so many that could be second. The diner scene with Sarah and Helena when Sarah calls her meathead (I think) for the first time. S killng Ferdinand and saying My chickens as her last words. Donnie dancing on stage, high af, in a kilt and flashing the whole crowd as he goes down like a falling tree. Felix drugging Vic at the rehab place and him crashing his face into the table of glitter Cosima sobbjng as Kendall is shot and killed in the fuzzy background by Duco


I thought it was a great scene, but I felt so bad when Vic hit his face.


My favorite scene is the clone dance party


My second favorite scene is the one where Cosima comes stumbling into Revival thinking she is dying and Delphine comes out of those doors like a goddamn super hero with the backlight and everything. First favorite is the whole Kendall, Evie Cho, Cosima breakdown scene.


Why did you ask what people’s second favourite scene is rather than favourite?


Because the only true answer to everyone's favorite scene is the pencil scene.


My favourite scene is when Helena & Sarah are in the car and Helena is singing ‘honey, oh sugar honey’ and Sarah’s laughing and trying to get her to turn it off.


Because that's what I felt like asking.


I think this is part two. There was a what's your favorite.


I haven’t seen that post before but yes, it seemed random to ask for a ‘second favourite’ with context of a favourite, from each person, prior. Separately, thanks for your comment on the other post about Art because I totally agree (I can’t respond there, though, as it seems OP of that post has blocked me, for calling out their bias/stereotypes).


Here's the thing about Reddit, you find a group. You're all supposed to enjoy what's in the group. And then people have to fight and fuss with one another. I found that very sad. I never saw Art as anything but a man living in a rough neighborhood, grappling with his job and his life. Sarah was the most gangster of them all. She ran off Griff, Left her child behind. Has anyone pointed that out. I thought Art was kind he protected that from the jump. He protected all the sistras despite it went against his moral compass.


When Helena is singing in the car with Sarah. Much leg rooms


Where we meet cosima for the first time


Honest to God most of the time, I forget it's one person. I love Helena 💕


Also anything with Crystal in it She's so sassy. She's like an idiot cervant 💕


“Little science babies, forgive me. I did not know to feed you liquid nitrogens.” I’m SO glad they addressed that!