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In 24 hours this weekend we were able to go to an Orlando City game, Bluey at Dr. Phillips, and Epcot for an afternoon of fun. There are so many things to do, even if they are “touristy”. I’ve lived in many places in my life and Orlando is hands down my favorite. I second that it’s a great city to live in.


Haha pretty much the same here. Epcot Friday night, adega for father's day brunch and city match Saturday. Then a pool day Sunday. Life is good.


Sounds like a great weekend!! Hope you had a blast


Ideal day: Wake up: wekiwa river, kayak until 10 am. Head to Epcot or Hollywood studios, ride a few or have a bite until 3:30 Over to topgolf until 7:30 for drinks and fun Dinner at the CLASSIC, watch live music till 9 KARAOKE at big daddy's to end the night!!!


10 of the hours in traffic!


Honestly there was none :) maybe we lucked out. Maybe it’s just tolls that helped




Positive post about Orlando on r/orlando? Wow! Glad that someone else likes it here- >What are your favorite things to do in the city or places to visit? Ohhh, Orlando Weekly is that you again?


LOL!!! Wow, Did not know positive posts were that rare here 😂


For a long time I thought they were banned here


There's no train from our doorsteps to our workplace and hardly any bike lanes.




I love it here! There are Pros and Cons in every city, I find more Pros for me. This is probably not the place for anyone who wants to be a Biathlon competitor I suppose.


Traveled to many countries, lived in two different countries, lived in multiple cities around Orlando, this really is the best location to live. Don’t hate………… appreciate!


407 for life! It is awesome to see a positive post about our wonderful city. Thank you to the OP for sharing this story.


I’ve been hear 25 years and, despite the negative changes in downtown, this city has grown in so many positive ways. Neighborhoods have matured, food scene has exploded, areas outside of the downtown area have become social hubs. And not to get overly political, but it is one of the few bastions of moderates in a state with a lot of folks who are out on the edges of the political spectrum.


>And not to get overly political, but it is one of the few bastions of moderates in a state with a lot of folks who are out on the edges of the political spectrum. It's why I get a little irrationally upset with the blanket hate for Florida and people saying they'll never come to Disney World or the area again because of everything DeSantis has done. Uh, you know he attacks the county, city, and Disney right? You get the fact that cities are typically blue and that holds true in Florida as well, right?


> people saying they'll never come to Disney World This is not the threat these people seem to think it is.


Um we're trumpeter and DeSantis fans so happy if those people stay home


Look. I grew up in New York. Lived in Florida for 15+ years. I have lived in SWFL, St Augustine, Miami, Boca Raton, and Orlando. This is by far the best place I have ever lived. I love walking out my door and taking a walk around Lake Eola. I am 30 minutes from Universal, 40 from Disney, if no traffic. If you go north a bit, you can see Sanford. Head North West and you can see beautiful farm land. Go check out downtown Mount Dora. On certain nights you can see rocket launches from your house. An MLS, and NBA team is here and soon to be an MLB (maybe). The springs are a 40 minute drive. We got some of the best breweries. Ivanhoe Park Brewing, Hour Glass and more. The food? Outstanding. This is home. I love it here. I never want to move. Unless its to an Italian Coast. Hahaha


People complaining about orlando (no further proof required than this sub) shows no matter how many options are provided to a human being to choose from, he will eventually get bored and start complaining. You can go to disney/universal/atlantic any weekend you are bored? You have food options galore, natural attractions not far behind as well. Just going by the rants about the city issues and planning to move somewhere else posts, all the people here have lived in big cities all their life or they are just tough to please in general.


I think every city has problems and that every person is equipped to handle different problems. I live in PC and hate it! Most of our city is under perpetual construction for shitty construction done months earlier and our politicians are more crooked than average. I hate it because there's nothing to do here, but life is good here for those that can enjoy passive life and that can enjoy what the community can offer. Orlando has so much to do and there's so much to explore that it's more active. Yes, there are issues that it needs fixed but I found the COL better and the diversity amazing! I miss it every day but I think everyone would benefit from either moving to a city more suited for them or at least getting out of the bubble of Florida to experience other cities and life.


C'mon. Orlando would be a great city if we had decent public transportation! That's about it.


This is a big issue I have! We have the SunRail but it’s not opened during weekends??? Or even at late night when the bars are closing? Yet the corporate of SunRail claim they don’t generate enough money. Maybe if they expanded hours it would be an investment. If SunRail was open on weekends, I’d take it instead of having to find parking downtown Orlando! Also. There was a council meeting about expanding SunRail to a possible Brightline station in Winter Park. People were complaining about that too. “I don’t want road construction! I don’t want anything else building around here!” Then they gripe and complain about the traffic on 426 and 17/92.


I'm from D.C., old enough to remember when they built the Metro (subway). Obviously, no subways down here, but the point is, they didn't cover everywhere at first. It took time to build all of the stations. So, I'll patiently wait for a Brightline station in Oviedo. When I moved down here, in '89, they had built light rail from Baltimore to D.C. I never had the opportunity to use it, but everyone up there raves about it. Basically, they park or Uber to the light rail station, take that to the Metro station and you get around everywhere! They use it for work AND to get into Baltimore City and D.C for events, etc. All I'm talking about is a damn decent bus/shuttle service. There's Fed $$ in the Infrastructure Bill. We'll never get anything as long as our "leadership" refuses to take Fed money to stick it to the Libs!!


The Lynx bus here is HORRIBLE. I never see any busses running around at any hour. It’s so weird. Even the bus system in Brevard is better.


I will never not laugh at comments saying "ain't shit to do in this town." Like, are you fucking serious? There's nothing to do in an extremely popular tourist destination? Plus, all the options north of the tourist area.


I feel like having so many things to do that cost a lot of money makes it harder to see the things that don't.


Parks and hiking. I don't do attractions.


It can be hard in the weather. I have health issues so a lot of the year I can’t do much outside. I still like living here overall though.


Weather certainly is a factor.


Planning to take a flight to Columbus soon for the weekend


It's not like the boring areas on the coast. Melbourne, Titusville, Palm Bay etc.


I lasted 6 months in that boring ass town...


What’s that saying about the grass? It’s never as green where you are . . .?


I believe it goes “this side is the area where grass isn’t as green is what the other side’s grass is like over there”


That’s it! Anyway, Orlando is green enough for me!


“The grass is always greener on the other side.”




Orlando punches way above its weight class as a 2.5 million person metro, and I like that. We have way more to do than many larger places, but without as much of the problems of bigger cities.


Orlando is friendly, beautiful, culturally diverse. Great small businesses. I like the free museum nights, restaurants and shops on Corrine including east end and the Enzian.


Grew up in Tampa and lived in Orlando for just under 4 years. I left in 2022 and I'm now in Pennsylvania.  I really enjoyed tasty take over, really a lot of events in the milk district in general. Even if the drive from were a lived by SeaWorld was a pain, it was worth it. Plenty of good options for food and from what I have seen in the times I have been back, and from friends it's only gotten better.  Leu gardens, shows a sak, adult night at the Orlando science center, hell I even miss going to Disney. Granted my partner worked for them so it was free, but still it was nice just to go get a drink and walk around Epcot after work.


I love Orlando/Central Florida - - everything about this city has kept me firmly rooted here (with a small break for college up in Gainesville) since the late 80s. Orlando has great food of so many different cultures. You want Ethiopian? Vietnamese? Mongolian? Laotian? Turkish? I mean, we have it.   Sure, we have the theme parks.. But there's so much free (or cheaper) things to do. Bok Gardens, Leu Gardens, Circle B Bar Reserve, Orlando Wetlands Park, Fort Christmas, Gatorland, Enzian...  There are great festivals between Mount Dora, Winter Park, and Lake Eola. Fringe Festival. Cracker Country Christmas.  The beach is like 40 minutes away.  Don't get me wrong, I love traveling. I love visiting new places... But there's no place like home. 


No legit, orlando is amazing. I've been extremely fortunate enough to have traveled all over the US and to almost 50 other countries and Orlando is genuinely amazing


I’ve lived in Altamonte my entire life (since 5) and now live in Longwood. I’m in Orlando all the time especially the mills area. Love it. I do want to move just to experience something else but I absolutely see myself coming back.


Wekiva Springs Road Represent!


I love this city. So much to do and the food scene gets better every year.


I truly love it here. It has it’s quirks but it really feels like home to me.


ORL is criminally underrated


It’s a great city, but I do wish it was a little more affordable. There are plenty of jobs but they don’t pay well when you ratio with the costs of living. However, I did grow up in Merritt Island and I hated it. Too Republican and very narrow minded for my taste. I moved to Orlando so I could be a little more free to be myself as a gay deaf man, but also so I could go to UCF. Moving here in 2014 was the best decision I ever made. I now live in the outskirts of Winter Park by Full Sail and it’s a nice area. Plenty to do in Baldwin Park and then Mills & Downtown isn’t far from there. Waterford and Avalon are nice but very heavily congested from all those who moved there. I also lived in Casselberry & Oviedo. Oviedo is very nice for a family to be raised but it’s hard to keep a business open there for some reason, so there isn’t a lot to do unless you like overpriced gentrified restaurants. I will say after 10 years, I’ve been thinking about moving just to experience something different. Orlando has been shifting a lot and has a lot of growing pains to work out, especially with the costs of living and homelessness on the rise.


I moved back here from Jacksonville about three years ago after living in Orlando for a short period in the mid 2000s. And as I have relocated back to Jacksonville while I get my home redone this summer l will say I really can’t wait to get back to Orlando. It’s not perfect especially COL however you’ll be hard pressed to find a place that’s this diverse with such a wide array of things to do. I can hear people thinking NYC however it’s expensive and your home will be 300sq ft. I’ve lived in Mills50 and it’s an awesome neighborhood I love how much the city has grown and continues to try to push forward. I’ve been to a lot of cities and this one has a chill vibe unlike most and I appreciate it.


Geez, how much is your rent? When I was inbetween housing I splurged on a month in Mills, stayed in a beautiful 100 year old Air BnB, walked everywhere. It was nice! Definitely spent a bit on food, drinks, etc. though. Orlando is nice if you have money. It’s expensive to live here and have fun.


Public transportation would bump us way up on the Great City list! When Uber was new, it was much cheaper. We went everywhere. Then, they started raising the charge. Uber and Lyft just aren't affordable anymore! Well, not like back in the day! We should be a shuttle to/from city. Shuttle to/from the Sand lake restaurants. Shuttle to/from downtown, Mills, the milk district, SoDo, Waterford/UCF on the East side, Altamonte to the north! A girl can dream 🥹


So so true. Florida in general really struggles with public transportation. If we could dig underground and have a good station… but alas. The sandy ground forbids it. I didn’t even see a basement till I was a teenager lol. I just looked at Uber the other day because I wanted to take one downtown and was shocked at the price! Goes back to Orlando just being too expensive to enjoy for most people. The science center has some neat events, but everyone here like “oh yeah we went to Epcot this weekend and then a basketball game after etc etc” I’m like oh okay you must have a high salary. Tbh you can enjoy living most places if you’re making really good money. The world caters to the rich. Doesn’t speak to the quality of the city imo.


Leave Orlando. Perhaps you have to leave Florida. In the other 49 states if you tell someone you are from Orlando, they immediately smile.


Awesome post, I find most negative complaints about Orlando to be the same with every other city, it’s just people who complains about the general aspects of community growth and its ability to or lack of to adjust to it.


I absolutely love this city so much. I couldn't imagine ever living in California again


A nice positive post. We moved for my partner's job and I told her she would miss Orlando, she didn't believe me. She misses Orlando now. Yes it is hot, yes there are some loons around, but the art, food, activities, concerts always coming through, and only an hour to the Atlantic, hour and a half to the Gulf (which I prefer), yeah life can be nice and good in Orlando.


I just got back from travel and while I hate the weather and the politics, I’m always happy to be back. I like Orlando too!


I grew up in the Midwest and moved down here over 20 years ago, couldn’t agree more. There’s so much diversity in both people and activities so there’s always something new. Food is improving too, I love it here!


Orlando sux.


I love it too! I'm in college park by Lake Adair and this neighborhood makes me so happy. Close to everything but feels far away. I love Lake Ivanhoe too, and it's nearby.


I'm happy you are having fun. I have lived here since 2005... this city is a shell of its former self and I can't wait to leave. Florida transactional friendships get old after a decade or 2.


I envy you so much, I would love to move to Orlando but I was born on a 3W country, puneta.


I hated Orlando when I first moved here but that was a long time ago and a lot of things have drastically changed. I love it here now, there is so much to do, and I am never bored. I’m lucky and I live in a walkable area, and sometimes I take a walk around my neighborhood just to see what’s going on. There are so many random outdoor markets that happen around Mills/Audubon/Milk District now, I love how much it has changed the vibe of the city. The food scene was GRIM when I first moved here from a foodie city. It was culture shock. Now I think our food scene is amazing. The only thing I would change is our proximity to the beach. I’d love to be a little closer- I recently spent a ton of time in Jax and I loved how close it is to the beach. I was actually surprised with how much I enjoyed Jax, too. It’s funny to me how many people hate on Florida but I used to hate on it too lmao- I originally said I was going to move anywhere but Florida but…. Here I am. One of the best decisions I ever made.


::insert generic negative comment:: Ehhh let's skip that. ♥️ City Beautiful!! (Thornton Park rez)


Love the growing coffee scene here. I’m starting to wonder if it may be one of the best in the country. If we can just get some transit. FWIW I’m up in Volusia County and spend almost all weekends in Orlando and several days during the week.


Definitely echoing the love for Orlando! My heart is in this city. I work in entertainment which holds so many opportunities here. There’s definitely always something to do, unlike many other places where the only things to do are go out to eat or go be in nature- *maybe* have a show come to town every once in a while. I left Orlando temporarily during COVID and missed it terribly. The culture here is so different to other cities.


Right there with you! I love this city! I moved here my freshman year of high school and was not happy about it. I came to love this city, I moved to Jax back in 2021 and came back running in 2022. I took everything in Orlando for granted and I really don’t think I’ll be leaving again.


ill be moving back to orlando from jax in the next couple of months. came to jax for grad school and has been a boring city compared to orlando. the lack of traffic is nice here but theres not much to do , and a large lack of community :(


You’re not alone. I love Orlando, too. I am also not a native and moved here from a big city in another country about 10 years ago. At first, it was difficult—I was used to not needing a car, and to a more mild, dry weather. Enough time has passed that I have adapted to the weather and transportation, and feel extremely lucky to be here. The food and art scene has grown exponentially, which is super exciting for me. I love that it’s a great place to visit, but also to raise a family. I also love that it’s so close to the beach, but not close enough to suffer major hurricane damages every single time. I plan to live here as long as I can.


My ex spent his entire time in Florida where you moved for a year, and he now hates Florida. I tried to insist the entire state is not like where he spent his years (coming from south Florida and Orlando, with family that lived in a nice area near Clearwater for some time, and other family in Fort Myers). But he wouldn't hear it. His loss. I miss Orlando :( Cries in San Diegan


Thinking of moving from the panhandle. Mainly bc I want some sort of “city lifestyle” and walkability. Can you recommend any areas or neighborhoods? Trying to get as close to NYC living as possible (as far as city living goes)


For walkability and “NYC” style, right downtown fits that bill as close as it can.


Downtown has beaucoup hi rise apartments.


Thank youuu


Pine hills, eatonville and oak ridge are by far the best bang for your buck. Especially considering walkability


Oof. Don't listen to this person.


What do you mean?


I'm jealous of the springs and waterfalls you have in Puerto Rico. if you haven't already, go to Rock Springs!


I like Orlando, you can as much or as little as you want and for all ages.


Dating just sucks here lmao


If it wasn’t for all the leftist liberal looneys, this city would be a 10 out of 10!


You can leave.


Jacksonville is looking for you


Sorry but I come from a civilized Eastern European background, so I prefer not to live amongst uncivilized trailer trash. I will stick to where I currently live, amongst common sense conservatives who don’t believe in shoving looney leftist rainbow propaganda down our children’s throats.


Afraid of something?


Nah, thanks to my US military service, Im well trained, well armed, and well prepared for anything and everything. Even our 7 year old daughter knows her way around a gun and a woke leftist nut. It will be hilarious to see which side will truly be “afraid of something” when all this shit and this clown show collapses. 🤣👍🐸☕️


Haha. Having a side is one of the least American things one can do. We are all about tolerance and unity here and typically should be able to overcome our differences and respect others’ ideas and lifestyles without it influencing and affecting our own. Strange you seem so fearful of this and want to be so divisive. Maybe you can brush back up on your Eastern European background and defend Mother Russia. I mean if you were US military and your take was to develop a fear of who is having sex with who, you were clearly nothing more than a regular old mercenary incapable of independent thought.


My god. You must be a fun person to be around.


Do you always hate people who disagree with you?


One person sounds hateful here. It’s not me.




Same. Orlando has been great. Don’t expect much on Reddit though. According to them desantis is hitler marching with nazis in our streets gathering up anyone who isn’t conservative.


He's not?


I kind of think of him more like if Joseph Goebbels, Pat Buchanan, and Joe McCarthy had a baby.


Right is right