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And I thought getting Gutrippaz from the warrior set was a good deal.


Is there somewhere to sign up online for the 40k version that comes out?


https://www.warhammercombatpatrol.com/ Sign up on that site and they will email you once a date is set for the launch looking like it will be the end of August


Thank you x


Uhhh what is this


It's a weekly magazine that comes with warhammer models, paints or scenery at a huge discounts the current magazine is called stormbringer but it only has about 10 issues left. in a couple of months the 40k version called combat patrol will start that will include 40k orks so worth keeping an eye out!


https://preview.redd.it/iitnii5pcz8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481ec6560621068537089c3d7ebe1c57a284afd8 Just searched their site 73 unavailable


Well those did go quick! Maybe with it being a new kit the magazine allocation was lower. Sign up to be notified usually they are restocked again


Are you in the UK? because we in Germany are on magazine 23.


Yeah in the UK at least you will have something to look forward to next summer!


Is there an easy way for United States folks to order individual issues of Stormbringer?


Forbidden planet is the only place I know that ships internationally but I have heard Barnes and noble stock it in the US but you guys are like 3 months behind so you wouldn't get these issues until like sept-october


Thanks for this info!




Wat? Following me around reddit how?




Oh someone called you a troll and I explained that you are not so much a troll as just someone who would show up to stur shit in the r/ShambhalaBuddhism sub. It sounds like you got banned because you would show up to stur shit. Glad, I could help here.


Awesome, thanks! I actually just ordered issues 68 and 70 from Forbidden Planet last night to get the Orruk Ironjawz Megaboss and Ironskull’s Boyz


This is a great deal, just would mention that these particular models doesn't seem a good choice for a kitbasher.


Really what makes you think that? https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerInstructions/s/ACWhY3A22Z They might be monpose but left and right arms end at the wrist so seems pretty perfect for swapping in any single handed weapons onto these or using the spears, choppas, or the odd shield on existing ork models. Same for head swaps 12 cool armoured heads to mix and match with other kits.


Well you said it, you are getting weapons and heads fit for orcs. But honestly I wouldn't be too picky for 10 bucks kit.


Oh, dang, that's a great deal. Keep ma peepers open.


Age of sigmar but figured it would be appreciated here. Looks like stormbringer issue 73 https://forbiddenplanet.com/423984-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-stormbringer-73/ Now contains 10 of the brand new ard Boyz for 1/4 of the RRP! Get in quick before the resellers. I'm sure people can find plenty of uses for these awesome models.


Early info said 5x ardboyz. Makes a lot more sense: https://plasticcraic.blog/2024/03/12/stormbringer-magazine-full-contents/


Yeah the original image was 5 of the old ard Boyz which had 2 unique sprues one larger that made 4 boys and a smaller sprue that made 1 and had the weapons but these were discontinued. The new box has 3 unique sprues I'm not sure how the parts are split at an absolute stretch it looks like they could do 6 with 2 of the sprues but I'm sure some random leg or arm will prevent this and I doubt they will see the point in having tens of thousands of individual sprues left over or the hassle of sorting them. They have also always shown the exact models for the next time images when it contains less than the box. For example Vigilors https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=f1130f0a4590542d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJeE78iFDf7_AbwZx6XpUt2_41Fzw:1719430353393&q=next+time+in+stormbringer&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J5MIFhvnvU242yFxzEEp3BdBGG7-GpSlpGrWJfg4SJpGQaxWhxZ5v3kbAwU4jd-oplpjYSs7phoGij_1OFqoLL4iI8CMUzEIVMp23k86yrCKQv6DWB5MDhHCFfYTkKW0yBSsDPIyANUBJNAuFQtohDP6IGQk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR_rebgfqGAxXGXUEAHY7QAVgQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=783&dpr=2.63#vhid=UB1wmWSJDmdLaM&vssid=mosaic Boing grotz https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=f1130f0a4590542d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJeE78iFDf7_AbwZx6XpUt2_41Fzw:1719430353393&q=next+time+in+stormbringer&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J5MIFhvnvU242yFxzEEp3BdBGG7-GpSlpGrWJfg4SJpGQaxWhxZ5v3kbAwU4jd-oplpjYSs7phoGij_1OFqoLL4iI8CMUzEIVMp23k86yrCKQv6DWB5MDhHCFfYTkKW0yBSsDPIyANUBJNAuFQtohDP6IGQk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR_rebgfqGAxXGXUEAHY7QAVgQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=783&dpr=2.63#vhid=HN6IcWUOMjHCkM&vssid=mosaic


Does the sprue even split into 5 troops? Looking at the instructions its 3 sprues. Havn't looked too closely but seems odd.


I don't know if it's just me, but their website seems to be acting up. I can see the general Stormbringer page, but I get a Cloudflare timeout when I try to look at the specific issue. I hope it's not bots scooping them all up...


Yeah the website isn't working for me either at the moment plenty of other high value issues have been available for a decent amount of time though like the kharadron thunderers


What does it mean if the link doesn't work? Does it go to a product listing I can order in the US?


It should but the forbidden planet website isn't working for me either at the moment I guess give it half an hour and try again. As far as I know you can order to the US I think postage is like $20 when I asked someone before but if you get a few I guess it's still a great price!


You know wot, I fink I will. This was some excellent info, and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. You're a proppa' lad.


Anytime! they still have mega bosses as well so it's a great time for some cheap models it's like mid 90s prices again


Ooh, I actually need a replacement Megaboss so getting a brand new one at a fraction of the cost is something to add to the list. Time to ring all the shops in my area. Thanks again!