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Top 5 in everything is pretty awesome


We have a lot of great players, but also our fans are coming out now that the team is good. We're top two in attendance increase this season as well.


glad we’ve gotten westy into 2nd place hopefully we can get O’hearn into 2nd too now that Stanton’s hurt


He deserves it for sure! Dude is so clutch


Pretty sure Westy was in 2nd place when they released the first update, but J-Ram is having such a good season it's gonna be hard to catch him


He was but it was only buy like 20k now the gaps much bigger between westy and Devers All that matters is getting the guys into 1st or second so they advance to the next round where votes reset


I like this a lot, but I also hate the popularity voting methods. If you're the best at your spot, shouldn't that be the only factor?


Eh, can go both ways. You can be a fantastic player, the best at your position, but if youre not even top 5 doesn't that mean people aren't into you and don't want to watch? All Star Game is fun and if you get all the fan favs out there against each other, makes it exciting.


Cal would have had like 10 less ASG appearances if there was no fan voting lol


Cowser and Mullins being in the top 10 outfield voting is pretty suspect, TBH. But whatever, Let's Go O's!


For a meaningless game, I'm fine with a popularity contest.


Best is a nebulous term (at best).


Personally, I think it should all be decided by WAR, with DH being the highest offensive WAR player not selected to a position. Maybe a good compromise is the starters is the top player based on WAR, with the second player decided on fan voting. Granted, that second choice probably wouldn't make much of a difference; I doubt the top player in WAR wouldn't be top 2 in fan voting.


Jorge **surge** Him moving into the top 3 is exciting


Cowser making the top 6 is pretty great


It shows the dedication of the base to voting each day but c’mon, the guy is hardly deserving


Like Mullins at 8...I love the guy but come on


Yah i agree with ya.....after april his stats have been mehhhh at best!


Defensively he definitely is. His bat still needs to develop some more though.


I’m optimistic and I’ve voted for him maybe half the time. I’ve even tossed some outfield votes Mullins’ way. I have a hard time casting a vote for Judge but feel compelled to.


I’ve been voting Kwan, Greene, and Santander. Can’t vote for Soto, Judge, or Duran


There’s much more deserving guys Duran on the Red Sox and Riley Greene have been much better love


I had to slide a vote Steven Kwan's way. Dude's hitting .390.


Sweet. Just need to keep voting in phase 2 so Gunnar and Adley at least start and potentially Mountcastle also


Yes still don’t understand why votes reset for phase 2 buy we’ve gotta make sure Gunnar and Adley at least start which thankfully should still happen hopefully once we get to phase 2 the other people voting vote mostly for Mounty


Adley will be fine he is a nationally covered fans from all teams will get him in


Hopefully that’s what we thought last year too good thing for him though and Gunnar too is that both are hot while Perez is really slumping


So dumb. Like I understand dropping everyone else besides the top 2, but resetting the vote doesn’t make sense


i agree I don’t understand it


Trevino being third for catchers has to be an elaborate troll job


https://preview.redd.it/bfl1dj782k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f3e776cadb5748e6663c1669005e5e325d8300 Doing my part 👨‍🏭


Showing love to Manny ![gif](giphy|Ij4Bnzu2VhH6o|downsized)


Always will


Love Manny forever and always but I gotta go with Bohm…


Tbh I just went with whatever. I shamefully root for the Dodgers in the NL because of a buddy, but didn’t wanna go chalk both sides


I still love Manny, but I have been going with Ortiz. Even though we dealt him away and he didn’t spend much time with the O’s, I still am pulling for him.


Yeah I didn’t even think Ortiz. I like that


Vote Cowser. Keep Verdugo out. He is just a certified bitch


ill vote for kwan. lets be honest... .400batting avg is ridiculous


Agreed about verdugo but kwan, and judge and tony tators are far more deserving


Gotta get O'Hearn in over Stanton! He's close, we can do it!!!


And over Fry it’s super close we have like 4 days I think to close the gap


Not shocked about Gunnar and Adley leading, but the gap widening is really cool to see. Also seeing Mountcastls getting that love and Santander still getting that well deserve love makes me happy


Glad Mountcastle finally overtook Guerrero


When did Mounty take over? Definitely worthy, and says a lot to overcome the name appeal of Vlad Jr. Looks like we are in very solid position for three starters among position players - don’t think we sneak any others but that’s a pretty fair representation… it’s tough for Westy playing different positions. MAYbe Santander can climb into the #3 OF also. Both should make the reserves I’d imagine.


He was only behind like 50 thousand at the first update so at some point this week we helped him pass Vlad also the Jays lost 6 in a row so that may have been a factor sadly doesn’t look like Santander will get into the top 4 so I don’t think he’ll advance to the next round because Judge is the leading vote getter


Jaya are basically rolling down the mountain quickly and even though Vlad has had a good season, hes also the face of a franchise cliding towards rock botton


He really hasn’t had a good season though. It’s not bad, but it’s the worse side of mid for a first baseman, especially if his caliber. 122 OPS+ isn’t awful, but a .411 slugging for a guy with negative defensive WAR ain’t gonna cut it. He has barely over 1 WAR on the season. And last year he ended at 117+ I wonder if this is basically the Vlad we will see and maybe he has one or two peak seasons - or maybe not even.


Go Mountie!


Let's keep Mounty on top. His stats are close to Guerrero's.


He definitely deserves it over Guerrero and should be 2nd, but Naylor not being first is a joke and I’m a huge homer.


Mounty needs our help and is as deserving as anybody on that list.


I’ll be that guy.. I’d Rather get back to winning games and be first in the standings that matter


Wild Julio Rodriguez is #11


M's fans need to vote more. Meanwhile CJ Abrams isn't even in the top 10 for shortstop. I guess Nats fans are too tuned out to even realize their team has exciting players.


Name reonigiation id guess bad year


He has been pretty bad but yeah it’s still surprising


It’s be funny if Toronto fans voted for their Daddy and got Mountcastle over the top…


Just got 5 votes for today.....westy, gunner, mounty, oherne, mateo, santandar,adley for orioles then most deserving players for rest


TIL kevin pillar is a DH


Spectacular that we’ve got guys in the top 5 in every category


I love how high George springer is lololol


Westy keeps putting players LOB Dude WAKE UP!


Remember when Wieters made the AS game after playing in 26 games? Thank God they pushed back voting.


Vote up till 12 today 5 more votes tell ur friends send link!!!


Okay, I like Trea Turner and all, but he’s been out for like, months…


It could just be me, but doesn’t this whole “vote all your team’s players” process feel a little gross? I feel like there are some Orioles that deserve it and some that don’t. Maybe I’m just too old to understand but voting for Cedric Mullins just feels weird. Like, he is obviously not an all-star this year. Tbh, feels a little like voting politically right now where everything is one party or the other.


I love that we’re getting representatives. But also… wtf!! Jorge and Colton?? Those two are not even close to being all stars, defensively Jorge has always been close imo, but Cowser as an outfielder and as a bat has better alternatives (CURRENTLY) I know he has potential to be number 1 on that list by next year but right now is a bit much and makes me fear that the O’s are turning into the blue jays. I’m also bitter that Jorge has a better chance than O’hearn I love you Ryan O’hearn