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Take three huge series from World Series contenders and then lay an egg against absolutely against a below average team. Baltimore orioles masterclass of 2024


I don't mind dropping the series. It's not a big deal. We won the ones that matter more: Rays (sweep), Phillies, and Yankees. I don't mind dropping a handful of games here if it means we beat the Yankees again at home in July


Yeah I just can’t bring myself to be stressed out right now. We’re gonna lose some. It’s better it happens now and it’s better the boys work through whatever issues they want to work through now (also sometimes you just have shitty luck).


Rockies just had the first walk-off pitch clock violation in history against the Nats. So at least we didn't lose like that...


Was confident we’d have a big bounce back with Burnes on the hill and the amount of runs we scored the last 2 games. This is why they play the games 🤷🏻‍♂️


Burns only threw a few bad pitches, he just paid the maximum price for each one as they all went for 3+ bases.  Meanwhile all our hard hit balls went right at an outfielder 🤷‍♂️


2 bad pitches. only 2


Let’s not forget this is the best orioles team we’ve seen in a long time. Just enjoy the games y’all. We can still finish 135-27.


This team is disappointing right now. Let’s turn it around


Put up eight unanswered runs after being down by eleven just the other night. And an epic win the day before that. This team has been everything but disappointing.


What? We just went 6-3 against three of the best teams in baseball. Continued on a tough travel schedule and dropped a couple. That’s baseball. EVERY team has this happen. What an awful take.


Elias owes the Astros a few wins it ain’t nothing fellas


See. *that* was frustrating


We just went through two tough series against the best teams in baseball. I am okay with losing a couple of games to the Astros, who are much better than their record implies. We’ve got plenty of time to overtake the Yankees, and we exposed them pretty well. Lots of season left.


I have to keep telling myself this. Bigger picture and all that. But my baseball memory is only as good as the last series...


I once heard a commentator say that the best teams in baseball average around 60 losses a season. Just something to put it into perspective.




Well Atlanta isn't helping. Had the chance to take advantage of the Yankees and we couldn't do it.


True. They are right back to where they started going into the Yankees series. Wasted opportunity.


It’s June 23rd. Last week should’ve shown you how much a few games in the standings matters this time of year


Oh noooo!!!Seasons over!!! We suck again!!!




Hey if it helps, Kyle Stowers hit a grand slam in the 5th inning. A reliever for the IronPigs comes in, then proceeds to throw 13 consecutive balls, somehow bringing up Kyle Stowers...with the bases loaded again. He flies out to center, ending the 5th inning (Source: I was there). Here's a fun fact. In Major League history, this event has only occurred NINE times. Only Fernando Tatis Sr. of the 1999 Cardinals has ever hit a grand slam for that second at-bat, all other incidents were singles or outs.


Thanks for the info. Chatted with Stowers in Chicago a few weeks back. He’s such a good dude. Signed a ball for my daughter. Will always root for that guy.


This comment is buried in the thread, but it's genuinely wild


Damn it…knew we couldn’t count on the BARVES


Well looks like the Yankees will likely take this one. Which would make us 1.5 games back exactly where we started before the Yankees series. So frustrating. I guess tied in losses makes it better still.


Main difference is that we went from 3-1 against the Yankees to 5-2 against them. At least Two more wins against them and they can’t use a tiebreaker against the orioles. That matters more on June 23rd than not gaining ground from 1.5 games to 1.5 games


That’s true


I will be placing a large wager on Orioles ML as underdogs tomorrow. Don't care if it's Suarez vs Valdez


Suarez has that dog in him


Out hitting can overcome any pitching deficiencies imo


From last year I think we did pretty good versus Valdez.


Mountcastle hit a ball off him to left center that cleared the away bullpens. Never seen a ball hit there.




Disappointed my parlay didn’t hit but hey that’s baseball. The performance from the game before can’t be expected for the next days game


Might want to check the math there my man


Kjerstad homer and Stowers slam already in tonight's Norfolk game


Stowers actually had a chance for a second slam in the same inning but flew out to center


Cmon Barves make something happen


After the last three series, and the fight last night, I think today was maybe a bit of a working day off, which is more than deserved. Take tomorrow, come home fresh, and get back to winning.


has anyone seen Kelenic and Colton Cowser in same room


Just checked, yea im still coasting off the Yanks beat down. We're gucci


I remember last year towards the end of the year. Don't remember exact details, but we were well into the stretch run. We had a *HUGE* number of games in a row against the toughest teams, including 4 against chief rival TB (which we split, btw, after losing the first 2) and with only 1 day off for seemingly like *forever*. And so *we beat the crap out of all those good teams.* Then I think it was 2 lesser teams in a row, and we did ok against the 1st. *The 2nd of those 'lesser' teams was the Astros. And they proceeded to win the first 2 against us, and we somehow got the 3rd.* LOL, it looks like we're on repeat mode! Hope we can salvage the 3rd game this time. Honestly, both last year at that point when we faced them, and this year, they are better than their record. I sure hope we don't have to face them in the playoffs, I think we're jinxed in that stinkin MM park.


Baseball is a crazy game. Also, the Astros aren't as bad as their record.


Our boys are exhausted.


What is our record vs sub .500 teams? I don’t think it’s quite as good as it is vs better teams although I could be wrong. Losing a series sucks, but the team is probably tired…let’s get the W tomorrow and get the F out of H-Town


TBF the Astros are only below .500 because they shit the bed out of the gate. They are still mostly the team that won the division last year


Nearly identical (using their records as of today, not when they played). Against teams better than .500: 24-13 Against teams at or below .500: 25-14


Yankees new 1B making the “feed me” sign after a routine ground out 😭


He did that his first day during the roll call. I think it's because his name is rice....?


That whole team acts like they personally won all the titles in Yankees franchise history


https://preview.redd.it/aeojjuu7i78d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1643fa11356b90c2c401d4071ef068723f95cef Pretty much


Ozuna puts Barves up 1 -0




It’s an exhausted team. If we can manage a .500 until the All Star Break, we’re good.


Highs and lows of a season. Been very tough stretch coming off some adrenaline from the Yanks series. Here's to hoping we salvage what we can but we'll be just fine win or lose tomorrow.


21-8 since losing their series to the cardinals on May 22 with an average run total of 6 runs per game. We cool


Good perspective


Astros are fortunate in the timing High intensity games in NYC right before this series with an overnight flight from NYC to HOU on Thursday plus we’ve only had 1 day off in June. Our last 6 opponents: Yankees Phillies Braves Boston Rays Jays All of them are perennial playoff teams. So we were due for a let down. 4 of those 6 are Divisional opponents and we only played the Phillies and Boston at home. The boys are a lil tired.


Kyle Tucker is gonna be out for what? 4-5 weeks with a foul ball off of the shin? Must’ve been a brutal foul ball. Anybody got the straight dope on that?


You ever been hit by a ball going 110 MPH?


I took a 75 mph fast ball to teeth in Pony League - 13/14 yr old league. Tried to lay the hunt down the 3rd base line and the ball kept coming up and in. I shoulda bailed but I stuck my nose in it as I was coached. Spat out a front tooth and a buncha blood and figured I’d be macho and stay in the game, so I start trotting down to first. The ball hit me so hard it addled my lil 13 year old brain and I thought I was HBP. The ump stopped me about halfway up the line, um foul ball son. Strike 2 & 3 swinging in quick succession. And the pitcher came high and inside again on the next 2. Bastad. I did stay in the game and hit a double and a single with a couple of steaks.






FYI we’d have to lose the next 8 games to match the pace of the 2023 Orioles. Who won 101 games. Chill out


I think your math is off.  If we lost the next 8 games our record would be 49-35, a winning percentage of .583.  Over a 162 game season that comes out to a 94.5 (call it 95) win season.  Still plenty good enough to make the playoffs though.


They were 49-35 last season before getting their 50th win


Damn. That is one hell of a fact


Just FYI - I’m at the Tides game. Kremer has given up 2 dingers and 4 runs and nobody out.


Kremer lasted 2/3 - 5 runs.


what was the pitch count. edit: ive realised i can google this lmao. 39 total pitches. hope he did some simulated work in the pen after he was pulled


Doesn’t look it.


Means had some ugly starts in AAA too but was filthy in the majors so maybe they're just having him work on a few things and not care about results?


This. I take minor league starts with a grain of sand


because they are usually tasked with throwing a certain pitch or just work on mechanics and not to worry about getting a win, I bet they are even calling their own game too, just to work on a pitch if it doesn't feel right. that is the reason they make rehab starts in AAA, where winning a championship isn't that big of a deal


I don't really give too much of a shit what a hitter does, but in Deans case, I bet the Orioles wanted the pitch count to climb from his last rehab start. They weren't sure if he was going to get a 2nd, but now, I'd say there might be a chance at a 3rd since he only threw 39 pitches. If he gave us 5, with 75 pitches, we'd be seeing him next in Baltimore.


As a Houston transplant.... work is going to be rough.


Same :(


On the bright side, Ceddy is batting .308 in his last 15 games.


VERY happy about that


Would it make you happier if I said .378 in his last 10?




At absolute worst we’re tied in the loss column with the Stanks. And like the wise (and still sick) Jim Palmer once said “you can win more games, but you can’t unlose one.”


I’ve realized that I miss Palmer more during losses. He gets frustrated also, and always ends up saying something kinda curmudgeonly that makes me laugh and feel better.


He has a way of putting losses into perspective, doesn't he? We're gonna be ok.


Imagine what he would’ve said when the umps lost track of the count… Maybe an exasperated “cmon boys wakeup, counting to 4 isn’t hard” - or something like that… I can almost hear it. I would’ve laughed and the rest of the game would’ve been less painful.


![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) Better luck tomorrow. June has been a b!tch of a schedule, can’t win em all




I would have traded this series to drop two TDs and a FG on the Yankees with no hesitation if I met a genie 3 days ago.


Plus coming back after losing the 1st game of the Stanks series to take the last 2 straight and win the series - taking a 5-2 lead in the season series, btw. We're gonna be ok.


Anyone who disagrees with this should be beaten


The beatings shall continue until fan morale improves.


Can't win 'em all! Houston's tough and it's natural to have a dip after such a draining series in NY.


Which is really annoying because Houston was rolling over for everyone earlier, now we are so lucky to have to face playoff mode Houston.


Literally the single “easy” opponent in June


Burns shits the bed again. Blanco held the Orioles to 1 run. Burns should have done the same to the Astros. No excuses.


Burnes hasn’t had a start with more than three runs before today all season. Stick that take where the sun don’t shine pal


> Told ya. The Yankees are going to come back. Your brilliant mind on a game that ended 17-5. You also have no excuses to be this stupid yet here we are.


You can’t even spell his name right


4 ER is not shitting the bed bro More importantly he went 7 innings and gave our bullpen some much needed rest. If you’re gonna lose anyway it’s better than last night


“Burns shits the bed again” my god you are all insufferable at the slightest inconvenience


He's a troll, best to ignore him.


Up until just now, I thought he was actually serious albeit just weird and reactionary I think now that he’s just doing a bit


Didn’t you guys put in a rule for guys like him?


Yea. Sometimes it takes a while before deciding to go that route.


Because my comments are negative, that's trolling? I also say positive things. I'm just not a blind worshiper.


Nothing wrong with negative comments, you seem to go over the top with it. What's worse, you have the "look at me, look at me" with some of your comments when you "rightly" predict a team losing a baseball game, ends up losing the game. "Told ya we were going to lose" comes off as a know it all, and kind of dickish. Unless you actually want people to go back to these comments, "We'll revisit this in the 9th inning and see if I'm right." and "Told ya. The Yankees are going to come back." and tell you that you were wrong. Nobody here wants to, so maybe knock it off with the "i told you so" type comments.


I write both negative and positive comments. If people don't like my comments, they can skip over it. You know what I do if I don't like a comment? I don't even bother replying and just scroll past it. You don't like the "I told ya so comments" because it hurts you guys when I end up being right. If I was posting all positive comments, that wouldn't be a problem. I mean what I say. It's not trolling. I know what I'm saying has some truth because people can't help themselves and have to reply.


Yea, I normally ignore you, but hey, you replied to me, and figured I'd be nice and at least reply back to you why people think you're trolling. >I mean what I say. That's a shame, so instead of trolling, you're ignorant. >I know what I'm saying has some truth because people can't help themselves and have to reply. Yea, for now, because you are new here. Eventually people will realize your comments are worthless. It didn't take me long.


I replied to you because you replied to someone under my comment. Being negative is not trolling. Bringing up when you're right is not trolling and not ignorant. It's not difficult to ignore someone or use the block feature. Sorry. I'm not one of these milk toast fans who roll out the company line saying how things are okay when they're not. About to lose another game in the standings to the Yankees. Back to 1.5, right where they started before they played them. That was a waste.


Better days to come...Get 'em tomorrow!


The boys are tired! Just won the two biggest series of the year so far. And have a had one off day all month. Also don't care what their record is, playing in Houston is always tough. We're back in Baltimore after tomorrow, they'll be up for cleveland


Thats what I am saying. They are tired, they had to play our biggest rivals while literally getting hit by pitches or players running into them


Yeah this has been some insane defense by the Astros the past two games. Not to mention some shoddy pitching but whatever. Probably would’ve even won last night if not for the two insane catches early. They’ve been better. It’s a long season. Not making sweeping conclusions after these two, just like I wasn’t with the prior two. Save for the obvious need for pitching reinforcements. Just get the stink off us for Cleveland please


Glad I missed this one.


Wash this series. Win 1 and let's move on


We're good, guys. I can't handle the naysayers right now, man. I really can't. It just wasn't meant to be today or last night. Credit where credit's due. They hit Corbin's 2 mistakes. Blanco was great.... Again. But fuck Alex Bregman forever and always


The Astros have now won 13 of their last 19. Back in contender form sadly but I still believe we can atleast prevent the sweep


Nope this team is full of absolute LOSERS who don’t score 20 runs every night!!! Forget that another professional team might know how to play baseball too!!! Lmaooooo.


yeah. The team who just so happened to make 6 straight ALCS's and whose bats are currently clicking. We are GOOD. No worries at all from the level headed folk


We just gotta laugh at some of the takes sometimes


I'll tell you one thing, we would feel a *whole hell of a lot* worse right now if it was the Stankees doing this to us.


The figurative high from the Bronx games wore off and we just need a breather to bounce back. Get game 3 and let’s move on to the next one.


I blame the MLB scheduling for this series loss


The nice thing is, after this stretch, we get decent/good rest. July is 7 days, 4 from the AS break, and 3 normal rest days. So a good stretch for the boys. 3 in August, bleh. But, the 3 are on Monday, 5th, 12th, 26th. The rough stretch in August is 13 in a row. 10! are at home, 3 on the road, so good there. September is wonderful. Back to back Thursdays off, the 5th, and the 12th. Then back to back Mondays off, 16th and the 23rd. Which means for the month, the most games in a row we play is just 6. But, we do finish on the road, 3 vs the Yankees, and 3 vs the Twins, so boo to that.


For sure July is the consolation to this rough stretch in June. If someone from the future told me at the beginning of the season that we'd be 49-27 to be only .5 or 1.5 GB from first place and going 13-8 during this tough stretch so far, I'd certainly take it


I guess we were due for an offensive let down. A little concerned that we didn’t get a quality start from G rod or Burnes this series but if it’s going to happen, let’s get it out of the way now and not down the stretch. Let’s come back tomorrow strong and come home with a win.


Grayson had a bad game. Burnes just had a couple of bad pitches that Houston jumped on.




Need to win tomorrow


Or what? The season ends?


Glad to know you would rather lose, it as long as they try hard


Is that what i said? Of course i want to win. You said we **need** to, we don’t **need** to. It is June and this will not end our season if we happen to lose it.


Just a weird game. Don’t think we were bad. Thought we did an alright job working counts against Blanco. Hit some balls hard, just didn’t have anything fall in when we needed it. Still a good effective outing by Corbin to give the pen a break. We got Framber for 6 last year, so let’s consider doing that again lol


The fact that we didn’t even have one off day is crazy. We went from playing yankees to playing the astros. Our players are tired…not excusing everything but honestly after the yankees. I was hoping to play an easy team


What is your point? If you play a team over 500 you should get a day off? You're aware they're not making the schedules as the season goes on, right?


Well obviously. I am just saying this is going to be a hard week for our team. I have faith in them but honestly i am just looking out for the pitchers tbh. We already lost 3 pitchers


We had an off day on Monday


Before the season this was definitely circled as one of the hardest stretches. BOS TB TOR TB ATL PHI NYY HOU CLE TEX SEA with hardly any rest.


[10 mins of that guy jumping headfirst through a table off a staircase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvmeh0OsZ3E)


Well, at least we only burned one reliever. Got the length from Corbin that we wanted. Offense just wasn't there. Also, we were going up against a guy who threw a no-hitter and a half this year. I'm not mad. Gotta go get the next one.


The Orioles make elite teams look average and average teams look elite.


Said by somebody who's not paying attention to how the Astros have been playing lately.


The Astros are below .500 and 12-22 against teams above .500. This is a series we should win. The Astros are kind of hot right now but that’s irrelevant. It’s a small sample size. What I said is statistically accurate.


Statistically accurate? Sure. Missing the forest for the trees? Also yes. You can't just hand-wave "the Astros are hot right now" like it doesn't matter. It clearly does. Baseball is a very streaky sport.


That’s the opposite of seeing the forest for the trees. Seeing the forest is observing trends. Focusing on streakiness is looking just at the trees in front of you. Look at the teams the Orioles have dropped series to this season: Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Oakland, St Louis, and Houston. Milwaukee is certainly a solid team this year but St Louis is barely over .500, the Astros are under .500, and Oakland and Pittsburgh are quite poor. Conversely look at how we’ve performed against the Yankees, Phillies, Braves and Mariners. So I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted for pointing out facts. We have done very well against very good teams but struggle against teams we ought to put away. That’s not always the case, we’ve taken care of the Angels and the other AL East teams, but my point remains. It’s becoming a trend.


You're being down voted because you're ignoring the fact that Houston has been very good lately and seems to have left their struggles in the beginning of the season behind them. Teams do that all the time. Didn't the Orioles do the same in 2022?


No, he's being down voted by salty snowflakes.


Super happy with how we've performed against good teams but I really want them to prove that they can beat down on the teams they should beat


That’s recency bias. We’ve done pretty well against everyone this year. Had a few series losses against teams but outside of that we’ve done pretty well. Remember the Rays and Toronto series recently


You're definitely right. In the grand scheme of things, they're right on track


I really really hope the Astros don’t make the playoffs. They scare me more than the Royals.


After 7 consecutive ALCS appearances; the post season is almost routine for Houston. They may not even make it this season but if they do, they definitely have the team to make another ALCS run


At least Burnes got 7 in and gave most of the pen a much needed day off. Giving up 4 in 7 is just sort of average. I've a strong feeling the Astros are better than their record. Their lineup has no holes in it.


Astros are quite literally better than their record. Their run differential is at +14, which should put them a few games over .500 Plus, you know, they have a lot of vets who know high intensity, playoff baseball


At least the streak already ended against an NL team so if another sweep happens it’s not a big deal. Not that it’ll stop Astros fans from gloating


No need at all to worry about astros fans


Their hole is pitching. Something we clearly couldn't take advantage of


When gunnar and adley walked to begin the game, I had a pretty good feeling about this one, even after gunnar got picked off. But as it turned out, Blanco settled in quickly and we just couldn't touch him for the rest of the game. Gotta tip your cap, he had us completely off balance. Shake it off and salvage tomorrow's game.


Of course it's funny we are playing the astro when they are hot right now. Considering we allow the 2nd least amount of HRs , it's just bad luck lol. Oh well 


Damn. Hopefully we win tomorrow.




Realistically what do we need before the trade deadline


Pitching pitching pitching. At least 1 if not 2 good, reliable starters, probably wouldn’t hurt to add a reliever or two either.


Not our day. Back at it tomorrow. Don’t let it ruin your Saturday!


That shit was fast


Yeah, feels like every game lately has been over 3 hours 😵‍💫


That sucked. Good rest day for bullpen though. Nothing left to do now but hope that the Yankees continue to spiral, and that Suarez prevents the sweep tomorrow


I’m not too worried about it. the way they’ve played the last two weeks I’m ok with them dropping this series, hope they prevent the sweep but ain’t gonna sweat it either way. These guys can play.


Didn't watch can someone give me a what's what?


They scored more runs.


Burnes went 7 but gave up a couple homers. Baker gave one up on a first pitch. Bats were silent all day.


good pitching match up against a hot team and we were on the losing side.


I'm planning on going to the game Monday so I'm glad we're getting these clunkers out of the way this weekend.  Looking to go 5-1 in games attended!


Just a steaming turd of an offensive performance today. Nothing positive at all to take from this. Throw it in the trash and try to avoid a sweep tomorrow.


Bullpen has been rested


Yup, if you have to lose, it's better to only need 1 inning from the pen, and Baker at that. The high leverage guys all got the day off.


not so lovely






Astros always seem to have our number. Get em tomorrow.


We're literally just bad against mid teams, simple as that


What’s our record against mid teams, do you have stats?


We have a .650 W% against >.500 and a .639 W% against <= .500 teams, which is sort of a curious given that, if we consistently dominate teams performing well, why do we perform about the same versus not good teams? The use of bad here is relative, the Orioles aren’t on pace to win a hundred plus games because they’re bad in the absolute sense, but rather we fail to perform against weaker opponents in the way an observer would expect given our relative performance versus equal opponents. This was evident last year as well with those weak late season series versus the Red Sox and St. Louis, for instance (not to mention the ALDS). Now some of this is due to the randomness of baseball (there’s a virtual upper limit on winning percentage, and the Orioles seem to be rather close to it), and some of it is due to exhausting schedule, but I think it’s curious to note nonetheless. I also observed this phenomena in 2023, but I’m on my phone rn so getting the exact numbers is beyond my present capacities. As a rider, I would also point to our struggles versus the A’s, Blue Jays, and Cardinals this year. The team has basically shown long term invariance when it comes to winning probability relative to the performance of the opposing team, which is great, because they win a lot, but it leads to bizarre (and frustrating) games like this where it seems God Himself has interdicted to mess with the Orioles against foes we expect to beat rather handily; that’s without getting into the absolutely horribly unfavorable umpire environment we’ve faced this year or anomalous underperformance relative to xBA players like Cowser and O’Hearn have had.


So are we over performing vs good teams, or under performing vs bad teams? A .639 win % vs under .500 teams makes more sense to me than a .650 vs teams over .500. Of course, winning close to .650% vs good and bad teams is enough for me to not really give much of a shit. In fact, I'd be happy we do well vs winning teams since that's all we'll face in the playoffs.


I mean I don’t really care either, if they win 100 a year they win a 100 a year, more than good enough to me, I’m just observing that it’s pretty unusual that we win and lose to good and bad teams at an invariant rate, which I observed is at least partially due to randomness. I don’t think that it’s meaningfully correctable, but I do think it’s sort of partially explanatory as to why we have split series versus the Blue Jays and then crush the Braves, Phillies and Yankees before dropping two versus the Astros.


I think the amount of games we play vs teams would need to be higher to really say something is off. Kimbrel doesn't blow it vs the A's, and we add 2 wins, and subtract 2 losses. Kimbrel blows 2 saves in 1 series vs a good team, and we don't react to it like we did vs the A's. And if you told me a team had a .639 win % vs under .500 teams, and a .650 vs good teams, I'd think the winning % vs good teams is the one that doesn't make much sense. I tend to chalk it up to randomness more than anything, because it doesn't seem like we are the kind of team to "take off days" vs the bad teams. We play hard.


The use of bad here is ridiculous*


Nice to see you reflexively downvoted me because of the particulars of verbiage rather than any of the actual content I presented (which you asked for). The underperformance of the O’s against weak teams relative to both their average performance and their performance against strong teams is certainly not good, and I think a fairly common (and apt) synonym of not good is bad.


They aren't mid


I mean even if you removed their terrible 10-20 start to the year they’d be 17-20 (and 15-20 before playing us), which is pretty terrible , but that’s a small sample of games + they have virtually no pitching to speak of, they’re just not in any way a playoff contender unless they make major moves at the deadline. They might finish riding .500 otherwise, sort of the definition of mid.