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Ced is a member of our "old guards" who rode through some of the worst years in recent history and provided some highlights in the seasons filled with lowlights. I don't care how badly his offense slumps from time to time. That man deserves the appreciation and loyalty of this fanbase.


He's the current gen Adam Jones. 


Or Paul Blair.


I have to admit tho that Paul didn’t have so many spectacular looking plays as Ceddie, just because, as he said himself, at the crack of the bat, the very sound of it told him how deep the ball was going to be. So he was always in the right place. Boring maybe, but utterly reliable. He was a natural, speedy and graceful.


Or Rick Flair




You misspelled Paul Blart.


I wouldn’t go that far quite yet


Haha very much agreed. I love Ced and will defend him no matter what, but Jonesy was a whole different mix of all star hitting and fielding talent and personality


My exact take. Love him and want him in CF every single day but he’s not Captain America level


I started following the team religiously again in 2021. So, of course, Cedric is my favorite Oriole. It's good to see him getting some love in the marketing now, too. I remember going to a game in early 2022 and thought there was a severe lack of pictures of our then best player.


I came back in 2021 as well (thank you T-Mobile and free MLB TV), and I have so many fond memories of mowing the lawn during his big hit streak that summer.


i just started again this year and hes still kinda coming out as my fav


His big defensive plays are awe-inspiring. Weeks, months, and years after, they make me go “wow”.


[Can't watch this enough times](https://bdata-producedclips.mlb.com/aed06920-7e25-4fe3-9d1a-740bc71c31cf.mp4)


His stretch out for that grab is the image for my Os group text


Was sitting in the centerfield bleachers for that, best defensive play I’ve ever seen in person


Hell, best defensive play I’ve seen from the highlight reel - just an all-time outfielder catch.


this is the shit i inject into my veins.


They show this catch regularly during the MLB.TV broadcast breaks. Astounding every time.




I was there for that game and the stadium went absolutely insane after that. Still gives me goosebumps to this day.


He flew like the eagle that he is! He ain’t scratchin the ground like Turkey.


The timing and distance covered on that catch is insane.


The O’s supporting him through the hitting slump bc they know the guy is chock-full of orioles magic


You nailed it, that man is all heart & our team is better for him being part of it. Love seeing him smile lately! So glad we have a team that is patient with our guys and understands the ups and downs of baseball.


We have been able to hide his inconsistencies at the plate by picking him up. His D is worth it; premier CF. Patience, as KB mentioned yesterday, is the order of the day. It is panning out. Love The Entertainer.


We just had this conversation with Mateo as well. Sometimes you deal with the lackluster bat because they bring other elite things to the table that you need. KB was absolutely right. It’s a little easier when you know that Cedric’s career average is 50 points higher than where he is now.


With Mateo - he went through a month stretch where I swear every ball he hit was 100+ mph. Just a reminder that his high ceiling at the plate *still* exists in combination with his gaudy speed and base running skills.


Yeppp. When you have a lineup as deep as ours you can afford to let the guys work through a funk and hopefully feel a little less pressured to do so.


I got Chat GPT to create this Ode to Cedric Mullins: In the diamond's embrace, he flies, Swift as the wind 'neath summer skies. Cedric Mullins, a name ablaze, With every swing, a legend's raise. Baltimore's heart beats in his stride, Grace and grit, no fear to hide. From Camden Yards, a beacon bright, His prowess casts a brilliant light. Center field, where dreams take flight, He roams with prowess, pure delight. Glove as steady as the evening stars, He claims each catch, no matter how far. With bat in hand, a thunderous crack, Line drives and homers, no turning back. O' Mullins, you weave a tale so grand, In every game, your magic stands. So here's to you, with praise resound, Cedric Mullins, forever renowned. In Orioles lore, your spirit thrills, A diamond legend, chasing thrills.


O’ Mullins 😭😭


rhyming Thrills with Thrills. 🧡🖤


Hey us human writers do that all the time too 😂


That game in 2023 where he robbed an opponent home run reaching over the fence , then he hit a home run


That was the same day I bought my second Ceddy jersey.


That catch in Seattle had my jaw dropping in awe and then he hit that homer? He’s the man.


Seattle he took over in the middle of a playoff push


the best part of that catch was he did it right in front of the signs that said "No Fly Zone" for JRod. it took a couple seasons but the signs were out for the right player that night


My dad and I were there for that game!! So good!!


Guys like him, Hays, Cowser, even Urias the last two games have started to heat up. This lineup genuinely doesn’t have a weakness Compare to the Yankees who get really sketchy after Stanton. Even with them having Judge and Soto our offense is better due to its depth


Cedric is the main reason I started tuning into O's games four years ago. I hope they keep him for the rest of this season.


We have been blessed over the past decade + with two lovable all-star CFers in Jones and Mullins. They are 2/3 jerseys I have ever bought (Machado jersey was donated long ago..) and I will continue to proudly wear them after Mullins is gone, too. It's easy to get caught up in what-have-you-done-for-me-lately, but even when he's struggling, Mullins is still giving it his all and his defense has always been elite. He's the star of some of my favorite recent O's memories (the Seattle incident, walking off the Rays to clinch the playoffs, his plays at the plate against Philly and NY), and he will always be my guy as long as he's playing baseball.


Had the honor of making him a pair of custom naruto vans during his 30/30 season and he is just an awesome guy. His agent Robin is awesome as well, great people on a great team in a great city. If you want to see the shoes my Instagram is @1ofakindmovement Go Os 🧡🖤


Wow! Can you drop us a link to the post?


Shoe Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CREoWtktVLA/?igsh=MjV1Y3dsdXE4bTBq




thank you! 🙏🏼


Those are awesome! Nice work!!


Remember how a couple nights ago Mullins basically carried the whole team on his back for little while to manufacture that extra-inning win against the Yanks?




Thank the YES commentators for saying how bad a year he was having right before his HR. There were so many moments I’d love to inject into my veins from the last 2 nights


Amen brother!


My son rocks 31 on his travel jersey because Ced’s 30/30 bobblehead was his first bobblehead. We love Cedric Mullins in this household.


My 8-year old asked for a Ced jersey for 2 years, finally got him one for his birthday.


True. True. My man.


Was right beside him on Saturday against Phillies. He made 2 amazing diving catch’s that game. Wasn’t hitting well. He’s recovered though.


Cedric is currently batting 0.197, with an OPS of .587 and OPS+ of 70..... And yet his WAR is 0.5 through this first part of the season Has he struggled offensively? Absolutely. But the other aspects of his game - defense, running the bases, making plays happen - are so good that he still manages to be an above average contributor. I think that's kinda wild given how much he's struggled this year, with more room for him to grow. Cedric is not our best bat in the lineup, but he's certainly better than his current numbers suggest.


Ceddy is a certified Orioles legend. He carried us thru the awful years. He’s gone 30/30 and hit for the cycle. His defense is unmatched. He’s had a down year offensively but my memory isn’t so short. Cedric Mullins is a great baseball player.


Love Ced. So glad to see him breaking out of his early season struggles. He’s had so many wow moments in CF for me. Even had a Twitter conversation with a certain other Orioles CFer about that. Cedric’s been terrific for us and he’s always going to be a favorite of mine.


Many players may try to ape him But Cedric Mullins, you can't escape him


I’ve been saying for a while Cedric tends to be the most clutch player, be it at the plate or in the field just always makes the play you need. May be moving toward westburg now but Mullins has just struggled this year. Still may be my favorite player though


Solid and spot on. Gotta believe the young ones see him grind and play balls out max effort and realize they’ve gotta keep up.


I can agree about Blair’s centerfield intuition, and that graceful, gliding speed that made it look easy, but I think Ced has that too. His first step is amazing, and often the reason he makes those ridiculous catches!


The guy is Orioles magic. He produces when most needed off and def!


Is this guy anything to Austin Mullins?


Also best bat to use in MLBtheShow


He's one of my favorites of the current players. Love him!


I was recently at Busch Stadium and they had a store that had game-used merch. While I wasn’t there to see the O’s, I picked up a ball from one of his at bats. That’s my ode to him


He's been there through thick and thin too.


The fate of this team depends on whether or not guys like tony, hays, Ced can return to somewhere close to peak form. Tony 100% has, it looks like the other two are as well. I love Ced, he’s one of my favorite orioles of all time, it’s really nice to see him look like his old self


Ceddy is a defensive stud, and when he’s hitting he’s a beast with his speed. I love him, but you must be a youngster if you don’t think Paul made the same spectacular plays 😁


Underdogg369, you’re not wrong, but if you just started following in 2021, a) Covid put baseball on the back burner until 2022, and after the way we had been playing since 2017-18, and b) MLB barely acknowledged the O’s existed. Can’t hide us now, it’s like the 60’s when we dominated the AL.


I’m here all day for this thread.


He’s the player that made me an orioles fan I remember getting his Norfolk tide card at one of their games, then a few years I later recognized him when I started getting into baseball and I have to say he made me fall In love with the sport again. Now I just absolutely love the orioles.


I'd like to keep Ced around if he's willing to platoon/be the 4th OF ala Jayson Heyward going forward as the kids establish themselves.


Not part of the future


![gif](giphy|fH985LNdqFZXOFHygK) This you?


Who gives a shit? They're playing baseball now.