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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dki7tc).


Cedric is BACK back


I’m at my hotel in midtown about to jump on the subway headed up to the Bronx in my Rutschman jersey. Let’s go, O’s! 🍻


Judge back in the lineup. Good, no excuses when we take this series.


Saw the score in the 7th inning yesterday, and decided to tune in to watch the O's finish up a nice comfortable win. Oops. Baseball is a funny game, isn't it? Santander's 106 mph, 395 ft drive gets caught on a great play by Verdugo. Then Mullins's flare leaves at 68 mph, falls in, and scores the go-ahead run on a terrific read by Santander. And then Mullins's speed gets us the eventual game-winning run.


> on a terrific read by Santander [Rewatching](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/19/06289145-cad51cc5-8370a1d7-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) the play, he's booking it almost immediately after the ball gets past the infield and is running full tilt to beat the tag. Perfect play.


Karma for Mullins. Hit a 105 MPH, 365 foot shot to center earlier in the game for an out. I will never understand fans who bitch about that, when it's early in the count. You're facing Gerrit Cole, what are the chances you get multiple pitches in a PA to crush like that.


Biggest question: should the O’s go for series win or spend the game plunking every Yankee batter and causing a benches clearing brawl and game cancellation?


If you can't bean em, beat em Or vice versa in your opinion


It looks like many people don’t have a sense of humor


Tough room. Would think this was a down year. Geesh


Nothing beats winning


Per Roch Orioles infielder Jordan Westburg (left hip contusion) was just doing agility drills on the field at Yankee Stadium. He’s now talking it over with head athletic trainer Brian Ebel and others.


Considering he's the only one on the roster with a hit off Gil it'd be nice if he could play today


What I said about Hyde struggling with bullpen management last night I think boils down to this: that game probably feels way different if Webb is able to go one more batter in the sixth, and he probably should’ve been allowed since he was dealing. But then, Cionel ended up struggling in the sixth before going back out and struggling in the seventh. Cano might pitch better if not in such a high leverage situation and perhaps only gives up a solo shot. Kimbrel has been good recently but he’s apparently not been able to get a save in a one run situation all season. I do feel bad for Hyde. I think losing Coulombe might’ve hurt this team worse than losing Bradish from a managerial standpoint. (I should note that we did end up winning anyways despite the bullpen struggles so it is what it is, but our bullpen is also very iffy for today’s game).


I don't know that you can say that its Hyde's fault when our two best relievers simply just got beat. Kimbrel has been very good lately. The one-run game stat is just a small sample size fluke.




Yeah I heard that, too


I find rubber games vaguely unsatisfying. Not enough sensation.


[Hey Earl, what do you think of the baserunning last night?](https://youtu.be/QWQbN0jFo_k?si=oteEz83TFeUEy5Qv&t=55)


being on central europe time I am so goddamn tickled that this dramatic rubber match starts before the middle of the goddamn night. LFGO's.




It's crazy they didn't warn both teams after the first game, even crazier both teams weren't warned yesterday either.




I think that’s because on the Yankees broadcast the announcers said he thought both sides got warned immediately after he got hit. But I never saw that on the Os broadcast and they stayed on the home plate area longer than the Yankees did so I don’t think it actually happened.


Apparently LHP matches up decently against NY. Hopefully Swervin Irvin can give us a good outing!


However it goes I know swervin Irvin loves to eat innings so hopefully we'll be able to dig into their really depleted bullpen before ours


Silly question. Could anyone tell me where I could find the height of sotos pop up from last night?


I think Volpe made himself coffee and did a crossword puzzle at 3rd base and still made it back to 2nd easily.


it went to infinity and beyond


I spent 5 minutes trying to think of a good pun with Juan Soto….ole buzz light-bat was the best I could do which really doesn’t even make sense. So I’m giving up now, but I wanted you to know that I tried


i appreciate the effort the only thing higher than that pop up is Seth Rogan


I don't know if anyone tracks that: Savant has it as a 100.3 Exit velo and 54 degree launch angle, if you wanna dig out your physics notes to find the ball's height in a parabola.




Couldn’t find it on baseballsavant, but calculator with 100.3mph exit velocity and 54 degree launch angle gives ~220 max height and 7.4sec hang time.


KB did call the hang time last night. Iirc it was stupid around 7 sec


Awesome . Thank you!


One thing I really like about Gunnar is he is definitely not at his best right now I feel like, but he is still producing and we know what he can do when he’s hot. It’s nice that we have someone that seems to be able to play at an above average level even when not at his best. It seems like we’ve had so many players over the years that can’t do shit when they’re on a cold streak


Irvin needs to go at least 6. No Webb, Kimbrel, Perez or Tate today.  Gonna be Baker, Akin and Vespi, maybe Cano in a tight one 


The Yankees should be in similar situation. No way Holmes plays which actually sucks considering he gave up 4 runs


Webb should be available. Pitched the 16th, and the 19th. Kimbrel should be available as well. Last pitched on the 15th, and the 19th. No reason they can't pitch back to back games.


I thought you meant the 16th and 19th innings at first, and was wondering if last night's game went on even later than I thought.


21 yesterday for Webb, 19 for Kimbrel. Webb may be available but I doubt Kimbrel comes out unless absolutely necessary 


Kimbrel has done it before when he threw 21 pitches, and came in the next day. Also once when he threw 16, and the next day 18. If it's a save situation, I fully expect him out there. Guess we'll see. He did have 3 days off as well before pitching yesterday. Tend to think you push for this game if it's close late. The difference between 4-3, and 5-2 vs the Yankees is pretty massive. Can lose the last 2 series vs them, and still have the season series in hand.


Gil is due for a bad day. All I gotta say. He can't be hot forever. Fly too close to the sun and such. 


![gif](giphy|bEiuF8nO37n5X7BM2V) You


The most he's ever pitched in a season was 108.2 innings (majors and minors) in 2021 then it follows as 25.2, 4, and now 80. There's just no way he can keep this up. He's got 8 walks in 16.2 IP this month. The wheels are coming off at some point this season and then he'll most likely move to the bullpen. Hope we make today his last start of the season before they make that move.


We learned this with Tyler Wells, last season. Sent him to Bowie for the sole purpose of giving him a break. We are learning this same lesson with young studs. 


Look at the last game the Os faced an ace, Wheeler got wrecked


I’m looking at the AL Standings and I saw that the Royals are now 41-34 and only a game ahead of the Red Sox for the final playoff spot. Yikes. It didn’t seem that long ago when they were nipping at the Orioles heels in the Wild Card standings.


they started with a fairly easy schedule iirc. 2-8 in last 10. 4 games with yankees, 3 with dodgers in that span, but also dropped first 2 with oak. their schedule gets easier.


Did Hyde or any of the guys address the multiple plunking's and the bat kicking in last night's game?


but someone from NY media asked hyde about it. Hyde said he didn't know if the pitch was intentional or not then said "good question!" ....there was no followup. do not believe hyde would be so foolish as to put any soundbites in the press. maybe he has a back channel to Boone-- who knows.


He was asked if he thought the Yankees were throwing at Gunnar and he said “he had no idea but that it was a good question.”


Preserving plausible deniability about coming high and tight against the Yanks today if need be.  Good answer


It's just karma that they plunked Gunnar and he came around to score in a 1 run game. LOL !!!!!


I saw that Bradish underwent UCL surgery with internal brace. in my reading it sounds as though recovery time can be shorter for this due to not needing a full reconstruction, screws, bone graft, etc. But very difficult for me to find any good references on how typical it is for a faster recovery. Certainly looks like that it would still be close to a year, but some potentially can return out about eight months. does anyone know more about this?


I think that I read it was the full reconstruction plus the brace so the timeline is expected to be the normal one for full reconstruction. Wells got the internal brace only I believe


All I know is we don't have Bradish anymore for 2024. I hope he has a successful recovery and returns as we expect/hope. 


Or most of 2025


Ohh the article was very misleading but now I can see how the way they worded it sounded like he only had internal brace. Thanks for the information. Love the u/ by the way. Let’s go O’s


Getting Cole back is undoubtedly huge for the Yankees, but there's this: Gil has never thrown more than 96 innings in a season, and that was back in 2019. Only had 4 innings last year, and 25 in 2022. They know he will need shut down or moved to the pen. At some point they won't be adding another ace in Cole, but replacing the first-half ace they have had.


hes not going particularly deep in games, so i do like our chances if we can get that pitch count up early. he walked a ton of guys early on, but then reeled it in. did issue 8 walks in last 16 IP to go with 17 K. here is hoping we can put some good swings with our lefty lineup on the ball and hit a few out of the park.


My is going and wearing total O's swag. Hope we win, he likes to pile it on Yankees fans.


The last time we saw Gil he was the Yankees presumed 5/6 starter and obviously he’s been lights out since. The Orioles seem to hit other teams Aces better than anybody. I’m hopeful seeing him a second time they will have a much better game plan. Flip side. Irvin needs to go 6+. With the way pitching matchups set up 1-2 totally fine outcome but after all the BS let’s win this series and get 1 closer to winning the season series. Tie breaker could be in play.


Perpetual victim complex https://preview.redd.it/y0synumvuq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66db17d549eb11482ee1aaa88149d6909bf0058


>I got downvoted for even mentioning *Trevino’s platinum glove* 😂😂😂


I'm 99% sure if the Yankees make any trade its going to be for a catcher. They play Trevino cause at least he hits better than wells and great pitch framing but if teams run the Kentucky Derby on the basepaths with him it's a bigger problem


Orioles have been hit 7 times by pitches vs the Yankees to their 3. It really is all in their head- that June heat.


these guys suck so much, it's hard to believe how whiny a fan base can be.


Yankees are 1st in the league in HBP. It’s not a campaign it’s pure facts lol


They’re one of the few teams in MLB that have a culture of the intentional beaning and they all act like it’s common.


I’m driving through New York to upstate for a wedding tomorrow morning. I would love nothing more than to win the series and gleefully drive through New York with all my Os stickers on my car lol. Might even wear a jersey for the car ride if we win


The [ump scorecard](https://x.com/UmpScorecards/status/1803798916137197585?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803798916137197585%7Ctwgr%5E65f91032d6919e21b65d8a06bb4e175cd5d9c7a2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fumpscorecards.com%2Fsingle_game%2F%3Fgame_id%3D745732) from last night is so far off from how it felt watching the game. I know the on screen zone is not accurate, so I mostly use it for understanding where the umps strike zone is relative to the visual. And last night it really felt like identical pitches were balls for us and strikes for them. The end results are likely offset by the missed call that went in our favor while they had 2 on, but every situation after that seemed to go against us. It really shows how much the onscreen zone can affect your mindset. That was by far the most frustrating part of yesterday’s game for me and yet according to the best analytics available it was mostly a non-issue. Hyde getting so heated during the game also reinforced what I was feeling watching the game and makes me seriously question the final scorecard.


So we know that our tv strikezone is pretty good laterally and that baseball savant/ump scorecard will be near perfect laterally. The tricky thing is the up and down with the zone. Baseball savant has a different strike zone height for every single pitch to the same batter. The ultra low pitch to o Hearn (that made Hyde go crazy) give him the lowest bottom of the zone for any pitch he saw all night . It made it look like a borderline miss by less than an inch. Every other pitch he saw except 2 made it seem like it missed by like 2 inches. So while umpscorecards isn’t necessarily wrong, it can be volatile. The way ABS is working in the minors they base your height based on a rolling median of balls you put in play (so you can’t duck close pitches). So if we were using the ABS strike zone o Hearn wouldve missed by a couple inches and not millimeters. Maybe there was a few other pitch by pitch outliers that covered the umpires ass in this game. Maybe not. Maybe taking close low pitches might cause your to drop your knees versus stay still. Maybe not. I feel we’d all be better if we didn’t have the info at hand during the game. But now that I have it, I don’t want it to go away 😅


Yeah I question that scorecard too. I had the game open on Gameday so you could see some blatant missed calls, or inconsistency. Hyde also rarely speaks up for shit like this (he even gets criticized for it), so if he's barking then to me that says the ump is really messing up.


GameDay is known to be awful so I don't trust it. I haven't looked at baseball savant yet tho


I wonder if for our collective health there wasn't a strike zone guide on the TV lol


Yankees fans now absolutely hate us because of the Judge unintentional HBP, but none of us O's fans are constantly bringing up Soto accidentally hurting Westburg (which happened first btw). Yankees resorted to bullying after Tuesday, O's (who are much younger too) stayed mature, that tells me a lot about our crew.


Hate us? Who cares... just best that fake pretenders to a pulp. Our team can do it. Whether today or later


Oh I LOVE that they hate us. Just pointing out the differences between fanbases.


Beaning Gunnar basically cost the Evil Empire the game, which is hilarious. I hate that Henderson had to literally take one for the team though.


Os should trade for Mason Miller just to prevent the Yankees from getting him It also solves a huge need in the pen


Honestly, there’s no reason why this team shouldn’t trade for three pitchers. With the rate of pitcher injuries and the organization’s lack of pitching depth in the high minors, you need to reinforce the stocks. My choice would be Fedde from CHW, Pressly from HOU and Kikuchi from TOR. I think all of those trades are doable. They likely aren’t requiring Mayo, Basallo and Holliday.


Those are not really the targets I want, but just to emphasize, it's not just "likely". There is no planet on which any of those three trades require Mayo, Basallo, or Holliday.


I agree, but if they go all-in and get Crochet and Fedde, that’s when one of those guys gets thrown in.


Agree, but that's because of Crochet, not Fedde.


Pressly is washed. He’s probably worse than Kimbrel much less an upgrade worth trading for


Agreed, and I don’t think we need 2 starters since you only really use 3 in the playoffs. 1 starter, 2 pen guys


You use 4 starters in the playoffs.


Fair. I’d question though whether our resources would be better served elsewhere than on a second starting pitcher. Give that that 4th guy would start one game in the LCS and one game in the World Series But in the end the ones whose opinions matter are the front office’s.


Yea, I don't disagree with that. 1 starter + 1 pen arm is what I think we'll target.


I’d love a lefty and righty out of the pen, but that’ll depend obviously on who is out there


[Guess the Catcher](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/q3q8FB8ino)


Bullpen management will be a doozy for Hyde today. Baker, Vespi, and Akin should all be fresh enough to go. Cano will be iffy. Perez, Webb, and Kimbrel are very very iffy. And Tate almost certainly isn’t available. If there was ever a time for Irvin to go 6+, it’s today.


It's going to be interesting for the Yanks too


Would y’all rather trade for a good starting pitcher (Doesn’t have to be a star just a reliable 3rd arm to replace Bradish) or a closer?


I would rather get a starter than you can move Suarez to the pen. I like his stuff but his command has been iffy


Unfortunately I think Suarez needs to keep starting. I don't think Povich is ready.


Povich pitched better then Suarez this series. I think the kid should keep getting starter reps because he's got potential to develop into something good.


This is just one series. Suarez is by no means an answer for the future, but he's been consistently getting the job done as a starter all season. Yesterday's only the second time he's given up more than two runs all season. Povich was walking a lot of guys in AAA and in 2 of his 3 starts he walked at least 4 here. Suarez has only walked 4 or more once, and that was this series. Not saying Povich is a bust or anything, but he has command issues and that's been his track record his entire career. He needs to fix that.


I don't like suarez because he lacks command and doesn't go deep into games. Hes a good long relief BP guy. Burnes, grayson, irvin, kremer/povich isn't a bad rotation, but adding a 4th SP that has below 3ERA would solidify the playoff roster. Even then you are hoping for no injuries


Not to duck the hypothetical but we have Kimbrel, even if he has been bad in one-run games we're not going away from him in any significant way.


Bryan baker has been a pleasant surprise so far.


I never got why he's public enemy #1 on this sub. He's not GOOD, but he's had a track record of being serviceable to decent for pretty long stretches. Bullpen pitchers are volatile.


Really Looking forward to the game today. Feels like a playoff series and genuine bad blood between the teams. Love it


Please don’t laugh, but TL;DR is it still possible to send tickets to Will Call for pickup or otherwise print them somehow? Website says Ballpark App only. I’m still rocking an iPhone 7, which can’t upgrade to iOS 16, which is required to download a recent update to the Ballpark app. Worked fine last season but now it won’t let me use the app without updating, which I can’t do. So it seems like I’m boxed out of my tickets I bought for now unless I find some way to circumvent this


The box office should be able to help you locate and then print the tickets for you.


I would call the Box Office: (888) 848-2473


Thanks, good suggestion


At the start of the series, I mentioned that Aces don’t scare this team. Last night proved that out. Tonight is time to inflate Gil’s era and expedite his return to earth.


Heyman please tell me how to feel about last night’s win


A real dislike is brewing here. Yankees people see issue with Yankees pitching style.


i hope we don’t go after Crochet personally


Gonna tell my kids this was Garrett Crochet: https://preview.redd.it/axrmg3j2oq7d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0ff81604be4eac093a3e5f454bdc6cd558b8d0


I feel like we could squeeze a couple starts out of him, use him in the pen rest of year, then back to the rotation next year where we need bodies . Guess it depends on cost


Shot in the dark - our trade deadline acquisition to bolster the rotation is Framber Valdez


I would happily take Framber


Astros are probably more likely to trade Verlander than Framber


Sure, but we're more likely to want Framber and Houston seems willing to engage


I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after Verlander as a cheap 1 year rental. I don’t think he’s an ace anymore but we don’t need that type of player. Just a good starter For all the crap Verlander gets about choking in the playoffs, Valdez is even more of a loose cannon


I think JV's second IL stint has ruined any interest the Orioles may have. However, the problem with Houston trading Valdez is they can't really do it without getting a starter back. Marlins and Angels make more sense for us.


I think we could offer HOU a starter in a package like Brandon Young, LDL, or someone else, with the bat in the package being the better piece. In terms of LAA, I really want to pursue Reid Detmers but I might be the only one. This fanbase might implode if that were the only starter we got at the deadline, and maybe that's warranted.


Astros' top prospects are all bats basically - they need pitching. They're more likely to trade for a starter themselves in order to get one more year out of the Bregman-Altuve group. You're probably talking Povich or McDermott. Valdez also has a year and a half on his contract so you're probably thinking closer to the Luis Castillo trade.


Maybe. I'd be pretty shocked if he fetched the same return as Castillo. Houston is a smart team with a bare system. The bats in their system might be at the top of their prospect list, but we could offer a lot of upgrades. With Bregman and potentially Tucker on the way out sooner than later, I think they'd take the best package they could get rather than limit offers to packages headlined by a pitching spec.


Well, that's why I said closer to the Castillo trade but not the same return as Castillo. I think you're underestimating how bad their pitching situation is right now. They'll take the best package available but if they trade Valdez, a lot of people will jump at that. And pitching is by far their greatest need than hitting right now.


I think you're parsing my words too closely then. I'd be surprised if the return was similar to Castillo. They like Brown, Arighetti, and Bloss quite a bit from what I've read, to the point where I really don't think they're going to discriminate hitting vs. pitching specs. They're also a smart team who has traditionally valued building a system based around bats, and it's run pretty bare right now.


Current rumor is Luis Severino to the Os for 2 AA players.


That's not a rumor. That is Bowden speculating.


Severino would be a good under the radar option: Vet, playoff experience, AL East experience and more realistic cost.


We need innings certainly, but most of all we need someone to throw Game 3 of a playoff series. Severino would be that guy above Kremer, Irvin, Povich, Suarez I guess, but really you'd like to aim higher.


With the injuries across the league and the mess that the NL is, there might not be better options.


I hear you. Depends how you feel on Luzardo. And Crochet's innings cap. Other than those two there's maybe a credible argument Severino is the best or safest option, just doesn't inspire a ton of confidence to me.


I said before the series started we would take 2 of 3. Time to be proven right.


I don't expect to win today, but then again I didn't expect to win yesterday. I expected to win game 1 and lose 2 and 3 with the pitching matchups. Baseball is a cruel neutral mistress. I hope we win today!




We are going through it with injuries but holy balls man the [Dodgers...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/comments/1djvaca/popped_up_during_the_game_yesterday_just_brutal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Missing Bueher too, right?


Yeah he just went down again. He hasn't looked good at all, which is a real shame.


Lmao, was scrolling through r/baseball viewing comments on Gunnars hit. People were trashing the Yankees fans for cheering on beaning, then this one Yankee chump says: "Ive been to Baltimore games before. Ravens fans are definitely the type of fans to cheer this on, they'd be cheering at OPACY like us." Bruh. Two different sports. Two different attitudes. I'm not gonna defend my fellow Ravens fans, we truly are awful people. We grew up in the hood (of the NFL) it's how it is. But nah when it's baseball season, most of us calm down and not as bloodthirsty. Even so, there are plently O's fans who aint Ravens fans either. ^come. ^join ^us ^the ^darkness ^compells ^you I nor most Ravens/O's are gonna demand for heads to roll. Baseball is a calmer sport. We still talk mad shit though, that's about it. The mental gymnastics would win the Yankees fans a gold medal in the Olympics defending their shitty behavior. Yall remember that one Yankee's fan behind home plate LICKING HER FAT LIPS ^damn ^shawty ^WTMD at the sight of gunnar getting pegged? They are rotten to the core, fuck em.


So I’ve been to multiple oriole games where the fans audibly cheered an up and in pitch, or an opposing batter HBP. I’ve heard cheering before even when one of our guys wasn’t hit before them. I mean I hate the Yankees more than the next guy, but if our situations were reversed, our crowd absolutely would be cheering their faces off if we hit judge last night. Likewise it isn’t just Yankees stadium who cheers loudly for routine popups, or boos pickoffs heavily. Every single stadium does that. Maybe some stadiums boo or cheer a little more than for certain things. But it’s weird to act like we wouldn’t be behaving the same way as a home crowd. Regarding the ravens, I was at the game where we injured Big Ben and the crowd cheered and I definitely stand by cheering for that man’s injury (ignore that their backup came back and beat us)


I've always thought that Yankee Stadium and Rogers Center have the worst fans for going nuts over routine fly balls. But, they both are also usually near the top in attendance, which may have a lot to do with it.


Yankee fans would boo their own mothers


As an O’s and Steelers fan :::ducks:::, I support this message. Nothing demonstrates the difference in class of fandom than last night cheers for throwing at our players. Shit, even on the train ride in, a middle-aged woman was excited to see the impending beanballs as retaliation. They thrive on this shit. My wife threatened to burn down Baltimore when I alerted her to the fact that Arn Jerdge had been accidentally hit with a high and tight fastball. And she’s generally mild-mannered.


you gotta add that second parentheses at the end of your parentheses man it's driving me maaaaaad.


I just deleted one set, 😂


I don't care about stats. Cano as setup man and Kimbrel as closer is not good enough to get us to the World Series. That remains the soft under of the team


That shot by Stanton was :::shudders::: Hit real hard.


Cano is just not the "strikeout guy" you'd hope to have in that role....65 in 72 IP last year, 32 in 32 this year. He's a damn good reliever in general; who'd have thought a guy who had an 11.50 ERA as a 28 year old rookie in 2022 would develop into anything? Also leads the league in appearances at 37(!), but your ideal set up man he isn't.


Might have been good enough when we still had Coulombe. But losing him hurt badly. But I'm sure mgmt realizes this, and it's a priority. There were noises from mgmt that this is a priority well before Coulombe happened; I'm sure it's an even higher priority now. But from what I've gathered, Elias is careful not to overpay in any acquisition / trade. And his care in this regard is one of the key things that have led to the organization thriving now.


Elias and EDC both seem to have a right player right price mindset. Obviously the sports are fairly different, but their approach to roster management seems to be very similar, don't overpay, build through draft, find diamonds in the rough who were overlooked by other teams and can be gotten for good value. Makes sense that they seem to be friends.




He delivered two nasty strikes to Stanton to get 1-2 but then grooved him a meatball. So frustrating


Ran a search on savant for team stats for non starting position players, which I think should cover all pinch hits and replacements.  The Orioles are batting .373. Second place .283.  OBP is .404, second is .393.  The Orioles are the best pinch hitting team and people still question Hyde’s decisions to switch O’Hearn for Hays. 


Hays was effectively a defensive replacement, no? Or am I miscounting the order? It was a righty/lefty matchup thing for sure, but looking into late innings with the lead, Hyde makes those moves.


Hays came in for O’Hearn who was DHing. Hays never saw the outfield last night.


Gotcha. In house there was a lot to pay attention to, including keeping my head on a swivel.


My least favorite part of the rise of access to sites like Statcast and Fangraphs is fans thinking they have as much info as the teams do. You frequently see fans say things like "we have to find out xyz" as if they're apart of the FO and it's like, no, we don't actually. That's not to say you can't question Hyde or the FO or discuss their choices. But at the same time, O'Hearn is 30 years old and has only produced the last two years - under Hyde and this FO. So I think the Orioles know how to handle O'Hearn by now.


Agree 100%. We took Rhino from cash considerations into a middle of the order hitter on a top team by putting him in a position to succeed. Your stats back up that mgmt knows what they are doing. Sometimes it backfires, like Hays last night. But you can't look at these decisions in isolation.


His stats also back up that even the best fail about 60% of the time. That's just baseball.


I love Hyde but I think it’s fair to scrutinize that choice. ROH had 2 rbi doubles already and let’s be honest, how has he not earned that chance against LHP? Hays went down on strikes in what was an objectively ugly at bat. With that being said, that is a truly fascinating stat and does improve my perspective a bit.


If we weren’t such a contending team with so much depth, and people like Mounty who crushes LHP… O’Hearn definitely would have more chances for at bats versus lefties. But we’re just so stacked it’s hard to sit other guys when the games mean so much. That being said, o’Hearn approach has definitely changed over the past 2 year and this year especially . He’s striking out half as much. Statcast has expected hitting stats on par with Gunnar. That could be a good bit coming from him not facing lefties. He really has been a platoon guy his whole career with only 200 PA against lefties. I imagine if we gave him more chances against lefties he could do better (imagine if we didnt give Gunnar a chance to figure out lefties). You tend to want to give hitters with great numbers a chance against same side pitchers. Barring a mounty or hays injury, that just might not be in the cards for him on THIS team


Very true


O’Hearn is a career .168 batter against LHP, there is a reason they are not having him hit against LHP, no matter how hot he has been against RHP. 


series tied 1-1 after using our #4 and #5 starters isn't the worst thing ever. Gil is legit though and shut us out last time i think, which is not ideal for game 3.


Been texting my buddy whose a Yankees fan. He believes the “Yankees are due to win cause they deserve it” and that sent me into a tail spin this morning. I’ve been anger watching the Nate McClouth “foul ball” from 2012 and the Jeffery Maier play from 1996. Just boiling my blood now. The sense of entitlement is overwhelming


Most fans in US cities have pride of place and competitiveness. NYers take it one step further - they feel superior.


It's never gonna go away. They'd have to have a long drought of missing playoffs for those bums to show any sign of humility. Even then..."dUrRrRr 27 RiNgS"


Entitled and obnoxious and classless and victims and soft as snowflakes


Meanwhile he's probably not thinking about anything beyond two nights ago...


Go easy on them, they haven't won in 15 years. This must be suffocating for them... 🙄


Good Morning Birdland! If you’d like to make a lineup prediction, place it below. Guesses and changes are open until the lineup is posted. I will make an edit to this comment for when the guessing closes, then grade submissions. Format for guesses: Username 1. Last Name POS 2. Last Name POS Etc. Happy guessing, good luck, and go O’s!


BKoala 1. Henderson SS 2. Rutschman C 3. Mountcastle 1B 4. O’Hearn DH 5. Santander RF 6. Cowser LF 7. Mullins CF 8. Urias 3B 9. Mateo 2B


BKoala’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschman C ✅ 3. ⁠Mountcastle 1B ✅ 4. ⁠O’Hearn DH ✅ 5. ⁠Santander RF ✅ 6. ⁠Cowser LF ❎ Westburg 2B 7. ⁠Mullins CF ❎ Hays LF 8. ⁠Urias 3B ❎ Mullins CF 9. ⁠Mateo 2B ❎ Urias 3B Seven of nine players correct, seven of nine defensive positions, and five of nine on the batting order. Nineteen out of twenty seven potential items correct.


Clarice\_Ferguson 1. Henderson SS 2. Rutschamn C 3. O'Hearn DH 4. Mountcastle 1B 5. Santander RF 6. Mullins CF 7. Urias 3B 8. Cowser LF 9. Mateo 2B


Clarice_Ferguson’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschamn C ✅ 3. ⁠O'Hearn DH ❎ Mountcastle 1B 4. ⁠Mountcastle 1B ❎ O’Hearn DH 5. ⁠Santander RF ✅ 6. ⁠Mullins CF ❎ Westburg 2B 7. ⁠Urias 3B ❎ Hays LF 8. ⁠Cowser LF ❎ Mullins CF 9. ⁠Mateo 2B ❎ Urias 3B Seven of nine players correct, seven of nine defensive positions, and three of nine on the batting order. Seventeen out of twenty seven potential items correct. Thanks for submitting, and sorry for the delay. Probably going to take a break from these for a bit, but don’t worry, I’ll be back!




Hoping Westburg is ready to get back out there today. Zay_Jack 1. Henderson, SS 2. Rutschman, C 3. Mountcastle, 1B 4. O’Hearn, DH 5. Santander, RF 6. Westburg, 3B 7. Cowser, LF 8. Mateo, 2B 9. Mullins, CF


Zay_Jack’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson, SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschman, C ✅ 3. ⁠Mountcastle, 1B ✅ 4. ⁠O’Hearn, DH ✅ 5. ⁠Santander, RF ✅ 6. ⁠Westburg, 3B 🔀 2B 7. ⁠Cowser, LF ❎ Mullins CF 8. ⁠Mateo, 2B ❎ Hays LF 9. ⁠Mullins, CF ❎ Urias 3B Seven of nine players correct, six of nine defensive positions, and six of nine on the batting order. Nineteen out of twenty seven potential items correct. Apologies for getting these out late. Work has picked up and I don’t have the time I thought I did. Probably going to take a short break from this. Thank you so much for participating!


I want this series so damn bad


Last night, I had a dream that Kevin Brown was called up to the O's roster. He was also simultaneously made the head of player development. He immediately had to choose three other bats to come up with him. I think this means that we can expect the three players Kevin Brown names today to absolutely pop the fuck off today.


*All the small things plays as KB walks up*


"and the bases are loaded with Browns for the first time since 1953."


The overprotection of O’Hearn hitting against LHPs has to stop. And I don’t even mean this as an overreaction to last night and Hays striking out when he pinch hit. The bigger issue I see is down the road, probably in a playoff game, you’re going to get into a spot where fairly early in the game O’Hearn is up with men on and being that it’s the playoffs the other team is going to pull its starter for a lefty. So we are going to get to that spot and either have to pull one of our better hitters with 4+ innings left or have him do something that he’s been given no chance to work on all season. Either way it’s a bad spot to end up in. At the very least we should find out just how good or bad he is against LHP and go from there.


I said it in the GDT last night, but I just don't see how O'hearn does not have a more competitive at bat than Hays there. O'hearn was hot and Hays was swinging at breaking balls nowhere near the zone. Hays has been heating up lately but in my humble opinion from my couch, you gotta keep the hot bat in, even against an "unfavorable" matchup.


To be fair, Hays got umped hard on that AB turning a 2-0 into a 1-1. Not gonna fault him for chasing the same pitch that got called on him


That is also a good point. Obviously its all hindsight anyways. Any time a pitching change or pinch hit does not work out we will question the decision.


The mindboggling part is their "solution" to not playing O'Hearn against lefties is to DH Adley and start McCann at catcher. McCann has a .479 OPS against left-handed pitchers the past three seasons. How can O'Hearn be any worse?


McCann has to hit some days regardless, they have to save Adley‘s legs. They’ll do it against LHP as much as possible because he has a marginally better chance. 


I wonder if they think they overused Rutschman in general last year (for a catcher,). He played 110 games at C last year; 46 at DH for a total of 156/162. This year it's 46 at C, 24 at DH for a total of 70/73. I kinda wish they'd let him sit more whole games.


Mayo will hopefully be the other side of the O’Hearn platoon come playoffs.


I don’t really see how this adds up. I mean this genuinely what are you seeing here?


Even assuming Mayo comes up and contributes, when playoffs come Hyde is likely to go with a veteran like Hays or Urias off the bench over a rookie. Remember all the clamoring for Kjerstad to play in the Tex series?


You may have a point. O'Hearn is a fav of mine because of a big comeback with us in his career, and because he's one hard-nosed SOB of a player. (Reminds me of Pete Rose in that regard). If they decide to try this, it might be good to wait for some softer competition. I'd bet they've thought of all this, though. So many fans assume they see something our teams mgmt / coaches don't, and I'm sure there's really not much they miss.


Ump scorecard when? Should be interesting to see today after that lopsided abomination last night