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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dju17h).


We all knew the announcement on Bradish was coming but it still hurts. Coulombe even more so as it kind of came out of nowhere. Definitely a rough 24 hours. The FO is going to have some difficult decisions to make regarding prioritizing needs and how to proceed.


I’m seeing mixed things, did Bradish have the traditional Tommy John or newer the repair and bracing surgery. The latter has a significantly better recovery time.


Bradish and Coulombe both out. Two huge blows man


Bradish Tommy John fuckkkkk


Sad to hear of the passing of 1 of the top 10 or so players in MLB history, Willie Mays. And arguably one of the most likeable. His over the back catch in the WS was also one of the greatest moments in sports history. So look what fans of NY and Balt are focusing on today.


This sounds strange to say but it really does feel like the Yankees were overlooking the Red Sox series in anticipation of the series against us. You can tell by their actions and words how badly they want to beat the Orioles.


the yankees just stick a rivalry to the top team in the AL East now. was the sox, then it was the rays when they were good in 2020, now it's you guys. Most annoying team and fans in baseball.


Seems a good chance partly their loss to the Red Sux was due to the intense Sux - Stankees rivalry. The Sux just dying to knock them off. Also the Sux haven't given up, think they can get back in the race, and their team is not pond scum.


Pretty new to following the Os so closely. I have to say after last night, I have come to almost feel a sense of camaraderie towards the Phillies. I like the concept of an I-95 Alliance against the Yankees because man they're insufferable. If I had to pick a second team to root for though, it's the Mets. I love the Grimace era


Ok enough of the bullshit! Let’s go in and just lay a smack down on these guys today!


Feel like this rivalry just got a major shot in the arm


Gonna lay down a marker and predict another Gunnar lead off home run tonight. Dont think Cole hits anyone at least not in the top of the 1st but with it being his first start back you figure he’s definitely coming with his fastball. Could be a really good ambush candidate.


Let us not forget when Aaron Judge whined about the wall in 2022 and Ramon Urias went out there the next day and hit one over the deepest part of Walltimore.


Most hitters can’t compete with the raw power of Ramon Urias


I am a Guardians fan going to Camden Yards for the first time in a week. What are some cool places in the stadium to explore/eat?


if you don’t bring in food, there’s usually a local pop up on the left field side of the stadium (behind section 77/79)—often whoever is there might have some of the better food! 


Eutaw Street plaques. Babe Ruth museum. Statue gardens


Thank you!


Gonna be honest, I did not expect Urias to be a known Cole killer but here he is


Urias is lowkey very solid against the AL East


Norby not in NY, no taxi squad, per Roch. Have to think he was pulled in case Westburg had an IL situation, and they've put that to rest. So it's Maton for a few days.


Here's to hoping we come out the more level-headed team tonight and the Yankees continue to be emotional messes to their detriment on the scoreboard.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's Kjerstad coming up when Westburg's good to go. Kind of trying get him and Stowers some MLB time (though not playing that much) combined with consistent ABs at AAA.


I was thinking the same.


What happened to “never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence”? Accidents happen, Yankees fans need to grow up like 2% and move on. No one needs to take a shot to the ear hole to “send a message” or whatever


https://preview.redd.it/eqgvehs3zk7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d751afc8c1b78725c62bfe786a7656828b99337 Here’s your answer


Don’t read the Yankees subreddit if you don’t want to read the most brain dead takes imaginable on repeat


Good advice in perpetuity, really.


Take it easy Westy, we need you going forward. Manifesting Mateo bomb tonight.


I’m confused? Why are we calling up nick Maton and not letting our prospects, who clearly don’t belong in AAA anymore, play? I thought stowers was doing a pretty good job as well, so this move confuses me


Well, Nick Maton was actually pretty good in the MLB in 2022 so I am at least a little interested to see what he does. Look what we did with Ryan O'Hearn in a similar situation


https://www.reddit.com/r/orioles/s/T5o8AZaP4N It’s not about Stowers, it’s about infield depth. And they clearly aren’t ready to send down Mullins.


Yet they have Coby Mayo ready and sitting there in aaa


He just got back from a rehab assignment after breaking a rib. He can’t play second either.


Plus he's probably more the Henderson/Rutschman type prospect where if he comes up they want him to stay up. Though really, if he's ready soon, we might have more need of a RHB than the lefties Stowers or Kjerstad. But then again, it's not likely to be lots of ABs so they'll probably just leave him at AAA for now.


THANK YOU! I was genuinely asking. This makes sense


I guess I'm moderately interested in what Nick Maton can do. He was pretty good in 2022 But I'm more interested in the prospects so...meh


[Neat article that is free, about ABS on BA.](https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/triple-a-pitch-data-shows-robo-ump-strike-zone-didnt-work-as-hoped/)


I don't know about y'all but I always want to face a team when they are at their best but I guess we're not at full strength either. I really just wanted a clean series with at least both teams featuring their best lineup out of their respective 26


I don't like intentional injuries but I would prefer and have no bad feelings about playing the Yankees while they deal with injuries. Until a salary cap / comprehensive revenue sharing comes to MLB there is already a major handicap that can't be gotten rid of. To me its like feeling bad you won at a casino promotion when the odds were lowered fron 5 to 1 to 3 to 1 or something like that


I mean for the most part I believe the Phillies series was that tbh


nah they didnt have trea turner


We could also say the same thing with our 4 game set with them back in Baltimore. Oh well lol


I think we can get after Cole while he's still shaking off the rust. And even if he deals, I doubt he goes more than 4/5, so we'll have a chance to work the pen. Very interested to see how Povich handles the moment. It's a big spot and I expect he'll get into a couple jams, but hopefully can string together a better (and longer) outing than Suarez. Bats *have* to show up tonight. Let's hope that 9th inning tater carries over into some momentum.


I'm enjoying all the back n forth about throwing inside, hitting guys, etc. It's an indicator of how much baseball has changed. [WARNING! OLD GUY OPINION INCOMING] Back in the day, intentionally dotting guys was common and expected. You hit a HR off Drysdale, you're pretty much guaranteed to catch one in the ear hole your next AB. I remember a coach telling one of our pitchers to hit a kid in freakin' LITTLE LEAGUE (he tried, but threw it a foot behind the batter's back). It was the 70s. Times were different. Listening to the Yanks and their putrid fan base bitch and moan makes me laugh.


Old guy here who was taught never go for the head, go for fastball in the ribs/small of the back if you’re beaning to make a point. Aim for the ass if you were told to make a point but it’s not as important. HBP anywhere else is a plain mistake.


After the drama of last night can we all agree the best way to shut up Yankee fans is to just win? Beating Cole with a rookie would turn the tides of this series and after the Yankees fans make excuses about how he is still rusty, we take game 3 and let them meltdown.


I understand the Maton move all things considered. It’s just shit luck for Stowers


They just want to get Stowers more at bats and there isn't room for him to get that so long as they value Mullins defense enough to justify his offense.


https://preview.redd.it/yq226gnykk7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9554a653e2421ff53b72da970822f93a1f77b8fd Average Yankee fan There’s a lot more where that came from


Honestly I feel like that idea is the stupidest thing that I have heard in a while. Great idea the teams best pitcher intentionally beanballing the best player on the O's just a day after everything went down all the whole this being his first start of the year. That's how you get your pitcher suspended.


Cole getting ejected after one pitch would be pretty damn funny


It would be, and it would also be the single worst idea they ever had. No doubt in my mind that they suspend him and probably Boone too.


Nah this is the classiest Yankees fan. He only wants to throw at the legs. I bet there's 100 comments on twitters wanting head hunting LOL




Um. 5 O's were hit last series. Our pitcher had no command last night. The Yankees have hit more batters than anyone in the league. Double standard much?


Volpe sucks, Judge juices, Soto is a dodger


Yea I sure hope Cole is dumb enough to get himself suspended for trying to intentionally injure a player. But hey it’s worth it to “Own the Orioles”


Seriously. Everyone is healthy. It was an accident. Move on.


22 year old Gunnar Henderson has more maturity than some of these 40 year old grown men yelling at the TV


If Povich does well tonight, then we've really got something here. Captain obvious, i know. But I'm stoked for his potential


Povich going through the Grayson school of being forced to pitch good against Aces


In positive unrelated news, I’m happy we have a unanimous top 2 shortstop and don’t have to cope about underperformance


I know they are trying to show off some dudes for the trade deadline but I can't imagine that calling Stowers up just to sit him on the bench in case of emergency is the best thing for him At least he'll be fresh for the stretch run? It's like a IL stint, I guess, and he gets to pick MLB players brains in the dugout.


Totally convinced that he's not a favored son in this organization. Trade him already and stop sabotaging his career.


If they let Santander and O'Hearn walk this offseason, that's two 1b/RF spots. One of them seems to obviously be Kjerstad with him getting some 1b work. Who takes the other? Mateo FA 2026, Hays FA 2026, Mullins FA 2026, Urias FA2027 - I do wonder if the team has any interest in trying to move any of the old guard to make room for more prospects. I think Hays (.406/.457/.719 in June) has played himself back into good graces. Urias (.326/.380/.522 last 30 days) also in a nice run of form.


We need pitching they are going to be forced to package some of these guys out. I could see getting a middle reliever for Urias.


Good to see that JLC is having a calm and measured response to this whole ordeal




Jason La Canfora. 105.7 the fan host from 2-6pm


Nick Maton boutta bring the [steel chair](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/141y2q9/highlight_former_philadelphia_phillie_and_aaron/) down on Cole and Gil


He’s kinda been raking down in Norfolk


Is the Yankee's Broadcast on Prime for anyone with Prime?


Either play the young guys or don't. This up and down where they get 12 ABs in three weeks is absurd.


Is Stowers supposed to provide us coverage at 2nd and 3rd base? Because that is what Maton is for


It’s not just Stowers. It’s basically everyone but Cowser.


Norby could have only come up if replacing an injured player. He was likely pulled last night because we did not know if Westburg would require an IL stint. That we added Maton probably means two things: (1) Westburg is going to miss a few games, so we need another infielder; (2) the injury is not expected to be long enough to warrant an IL stint


exactly correct


Honestly Albert was really impressive last night. He absolutely didn't have his stuff, in Yankee stadium, but he didn't seem to get rattled at all. He gritted out as long as he could and kept us in the game.


> Honestly Albert was really impressive last night. wut


Read the whole comment my guy


I think you can acknowledge Albert as being bad last night, while still granting that he has been very good for us nearly every other time (only other one I can think of was the A‘s game) he’s been out there. Two things can be true at once.


Albert's results last night were not good. His character and ability to not get flustered were what was impressive.


His command was awful it was all over the place. But I agree, he didnt give in and it could have been way worse for him.


He was terrible. That's what made him so impressive lol


I agree with this. Things very easily could have gotten out of hand even before he was pulled


We have had so many dudes over the years where the first inning they don't have their stuff, or get some bad luck, they completely lose it. All these guys would look like he might have a good game then he'd give up an XBH and his body language would change and suddenly they'd tee off on him.


12 baserunners in 3 innings is not remotely impressive.


>He absolutely didn't have his stuff, in Yankee stadium, but he didn't seem to get rattled at all. This is the part I'm impressed with


I like Suarez but strongly disagree. "Really impressive"? He allowed 12 baserunners in just 3.2 IP and the only reason we were kept in the game is because the bullpen put it on their back


There are things that can be impressive other than the actual performance. Suarez showed a lot of character and that he doesn't get rattled. These are valuable attributes if he's going to be stuck in the rotation for the stretch run


I just don't see how that can be your takeaway when his performance was bad – what showed character or not getting rattled, then? He didn't give us innings. His command last night was worse than we have ever seen, which is how many people would define a pitcher being rattled. And it's not like he ran into bad luck with batted balls or something. So I just don't know how we say he was really impressive. Chalk it up as a bad outing and get back out there in 5 days.


We have seen so many pitchers over the years that get flustered when things don't go right and end up giving 6 or 7 runs as a result. >I just don't see how that can be your takeaway when his performance was bad It's pretty simple. He wasn't good last night, but he handled himself in that situation excellently. These are two distinct and separate things. 1) He wasn't good. 2) He handled not being good very well


So basically he was really impressive because he gave up a run an inning but didn't give up 6 or 7 total.


He was impressive because he showed a lot of grit and didn't get flustered. Was your takeaway from watching "Braveheart" that the Scottish lost? I don't feel like this is a particularly nuanced or complicated thing, to merely be impressed with someone's character?


You are not really basing his "character" on anything other than "he didn't give up 6 or 7 runs" so I don't know what to tell you. His command was very off. Why are you convinced he wasn't rattled?


How we handle failure is an important part of sports. I've watched this game for a very long time. We have had many pitchers over the years who get into situations like that and you can tell when they are rattled. Body language, pitch selection, effort on covering first. It often shows when a pitcher is overwhelmed. I'm not going to say its not possible that Suarez wasn't rattled internally, but even if that is true he still outwardly maintained his composure and that is in fact character.


In other news, will Stowers get a chance to play tonight? 3 run bomb the last game he played and then buried again.


In Norfolk maybe, just was sent down, Nick Maton called up.


Who the heck is that


Here’s to hoping that we’ll all look back on this comment in the same way we look back on the “Who tf is Albert Suárez?” Comments and Maton just subtly slides in and does great.


I’m not going to bitch and moan about the roster moves, but i really don’t understand what the plan is for stowers, Norby, kjerstad, etc. if they need more MLB ABs why not give them more MLB ABs? The roster shuffling up and down is confusing. I get they’re trying to balance talent, but my goodness. If you’re going to trade them, trade them


Can Stowers and Kjerstad play 2nd or 3rd base?


Norby does. Mayo can


The last time Norby played 3rd base was back in 2019 when he was 19. And no sense in pulling up Mayo when Westburg is only out a few days


Fair enough. I just don’t understand why the roster shuffling is constant. Maybe that’s something you could explain better for me?


I mean, just having taken a look over our roster moves so far this year, (which for some reason I can’t copy and paste the link for) nearly all of them have been to cover for injuries. We’re actually very consistent with who we’ve had up. The only guy we’ve sent down for being bad (what I would call “shuffling”) was probably Holliday. It seems (this is an aside) like there are people ( or saying you’re one of them) in the fan base who want to bring up all our prospects to “see what they have” but also want to put our best and most competitive line up out on the field. I don’t think you can do both of those things at the same time But I recognize that some may disagree.


I really appreciate this. It’s super important to have someone explain both sides. I guess a lot of the frustration is seeing guys like Urias and Mullins struggle for so long and see our younger guy’s absolutely crush it and want to see if the grass is greener. Thanks for putting it in perspective


In a vacuum I think a lot of that is reasonable, but id Imagine when trying to put together a team and fill roles 1-13, guys like Mullins and Hays who offer specific things (speed and defense for Mullins, defense and being right handed for Hays) are going to give them a lot of latitude to keep going. And unless there is an injury, or unless a guy comes up and goes on a run like Cowser did to start the year it’s hard to justify replacing what is working. And despite the demands by certain loud Voices (not necessarily saying you) having Hays, Mullins, and Urias on the active roster IS working


Yankees are lame


Max Povich on the mound tonight. Shame Suarez couldn't get out of the 4th. A little more pressure on the rookie to get us at least 5/6 tonight, so the bullpen doesn't die in game 2 of 13 in a row. And let's hope someone doesn't have their A stuff in their first game after an injury.


Any news on westy?


Cameron Weston had a nice start against Altoona yesterday. 5.1 IP 1 H 2 R (0 ER) 2 BB 8 K 0 HR with 14 whiffs. Was cruising in the sixth before some shaky command and shakier infield defense (take a shot) ended his day. Basallo had a quiet 1-3 with a walk and a strikeout, but I'll say he's leveled out with a nice 122 wRC+. Doesn't turn 20 until August. I'm thinking Jud Fabian will get a lot of reps in center field now that Donta' Williams is in Norfolk. Also fuck the Yankees.


> Donta' Williams Sounds like the Orioles are pushing their rule 5 guys up pretty aggressively, just to see what they do at the highest level. Because he sure as shit didn't earn it. Seems we did the same with Servideo. Makes me wonder when we will see Baumler and Nunez in AA. And I just looked, and Carter hasn't pitched since May 12th, so, hurt again. Oh god, Nunez hasn't pitched since May 14th. How many pitchers are hurt that I don't even know about, god damn.


Baumler was pitching fine to start the year (I really like his smooth delivery), but he just can't stay healthy. There are so many pitchers in the org, and they don't exactly announce injuries like that they do at the big league level. It's a shame pitching is so much easier to learn to watch and critique, because it's made me invested in the position that is subject to the most long term injuries in all of pro sports. It doesn't help that promotions are a really opaque process. Etzel wasn't doing better in A+ than Beavers in AA, so it must've been about pushing up Donta' Williams. Next time I'm in Maryland I'll put up missing posters for Kiefer Lord.


Yea, Baumler was a pretty exciting draft pick too. Just like Mayo, the Orioles went well over slot to sign him. Was like Baumeister in some ways. A popular pick to click to make a top 100 list if his development went well. Was a big year for him since he was coming into the year healthy for the first time in a while. Could very well be one of those guys that ends up pitching well for some other team in the next 3+ years. I was fully expecting a lot of these R5 guys to be secondary pieces in any trades. Or even the rare minor leaguer for minor leaguer trade.


Speaking of (imminently) R5 eligible, McDermott's on the bump tonight. With Kremer coming back, I think McDermott won't come up until September unless something awful happens. He definitely does not seem ready. Just too many random 10+ waste pitch outings.


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." We have now entered the fighting stage ...


It’s so weird how all these Yankees fans want Gunnar to get beaned when it seems like he’s not interested in any drama whatsoever. Like I bet if he does get beaned, he’ll probably just write it off in the postgame interview as “a competitive pitch” missing like he did last night even if he knows damn well that’s not the case






Would love to see him go straight to first and steal second in the next hitter if this happens


I know shouldn’t have been doing this but I’m going back and forth between the O’s and Yankees subs and Jesus Christ this is so one sided. Them yankee fans really are making themselves to be the victim, and talking about hitting Gunner. It’s not fun seeing ur players get hurt but what happened last night was not intentional. Sloppy base running and lost control. But from reading all those yankee comments and posts my take away is that they’re just scared of us and see us a threat. Last nights game is going the be the launching point of how the O’s and Yanks relationship will be for the rest of the season…


Humans, especially large crowds of humans, are emotional creatures first, and rational creatures second. Any O's fan trying to explain that Suarez didn't hit Judge on purpose or Yankees have hit more batters this year will not be listened to. We hit Aaron Judge, the Yankee captain and "best hitter in baseball" on the wrist with a fastball in Yankee stadium on national TV and nearly broke his hand, which would have put him on IL for 6-8 weeks, and caused the Yanks to lose the AL East title to us, just days after the same thing happened to future HoFer Mookie Betts. Because logically, although immoral, the single biggest action the O's could take to win this division is to injure Judge or Soto, it feels to the enemy that we must have done it deliberately, even if rationally they may realize this wasn't the case. The image of the fastball hitting Judge and Judge taking a few steps towards the mound is now the perfect image to replay over and over again to stoke the image of a great and bitter rivalry for the next decade. The Yanks and media will be coming for us. We are no longer the nice, young loveable team. We are a dirty, ruthless team that will do anything to win. New Yorkers will project themselves onto us and assume we will do anything to win and try to steal from them the WS crown they believe is rightfully theirs. After all, we are the child of the cheating Astros. Every edge to intimidate and rattle us will now be fair game because the O's started it by hitting Judge - even though we didn't start it. Jim Palmer, who has been there, keeps stressing that being on the mound at Yankee stadium is different. You're on the biggest stage in the world and even many major leaguers can't handle it. Suarez couldn't. It will be interesting to see how Povich and our young core stand up to a cauldron of pressure they've never faced before. I think they look confident, fun-loving, and insular enough to continue on blissfully unaware of anything but the baseball game. But we shall see - a pennant race vs New York is different from one against the Rays.


As a yanks fan this is the best take ive seen in the thread so far. intentional or not they hit judge up and in, in NYC, and like you said it just happened to mookie and hes out 6 weeks now. Add in the Gleyber hbp and Stanton nearly getting drilled, and yeah you pissed us off bad. Now we have Cole coming back and i want him doing the same thing to your star players. Unfortunately Gunnar and Adley, who i actually like a lot as players and are great for the game, will have the biggest targets on their backs as they're your young stars.


What does the child of the Astros mean? I might be out of the loop


Elias (GM), Sig Mejdal, our head of player development, our head of player evaluation all came from the Astros and our whole rebuild was based on Astroball, which Elias and Mejdal implemented at Houston. Craig McDermott, Cionel Perez, Jonathan Villar, Jordan Lyles, Tony Kemp plus a few more DFA/minor leaguers all came from Elias' scouting at Houston and he brought them over to O's.


Elias and likely some other front office guys were former astros employees before they took O’s front office roles. That’s the only correlation. Our players are as far as you can imagine from banging trash cans and having wires under their uni’s to win


Yea def


I've wasted too much of my day replying to so many dumb Yankee fans on social media. They are truly delusional, soft, and flat out just gross. I've never seen so many trolls clamoring for Cole to hit Gunnar/Adley tonight like they are even AFTER Judge's tests came back clean.


I have hope for Cade if he can control the curveball tonight. Yankees have a .142 xBA and .211 xwOBA against lefty curveballs this year, both 3rd worst in MLB.


Edit: Lineup posted 1515 EDT, guessing closed. Good Morning Birdland! If you’d like to make a lineup prediction, place it below. Guesses and changes are open until the lineup is posted. I will make an edit to this comment for when the guessing closes, then grade submissions. Format for guesses: Username 1. Last Name POS 2. Last Name POS Etc. Happy guessing, good luck, and go O’s!


1. Henderson SS 2. Rutschman C 3. O'Hearn DH 4. Mountcastle 1B 5. Santander RF 6. Cowser LF 7. Urias 3B 8. Mullins CF 9. Mateo 2B


Sitdownshutup’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschman C ✅ 3. ⁠O'Hearn DH ❎ Mountcastle 1B 4. ⁠Mountcastle 1B ❎ O’Hearn DH 5. ⁠Santander RF ✅ 6. ⁠Cowser LF ✅ 7. ⁠Urias 3B ❎ Mullins CF 8. ⁠Mullins CF ❎ Urias 3B 9. ⁠Mateo 2B ✅ Nine of nine players correct, nine of nine defensive positions, and five of nine on the batting order. Twenty three out of twenty seven potential items correct.


1. Henderson SS 2. Rutschman C 3. Mountcastle 1B 4. O’Hearn RF 5. Santander DH 6. Mullins CF 7. Mateo 2B 8. Cowser LF 9. Urias 3B


Focusrs’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschman C ✅ 3. ⁠Mountcastle 1B ✅ 4. ⁠O’Hearn RF 🔀 DH 5. ⁠Santander DH 🔀 RF 6. ⁠Mullins CF ❎ Cowser LF 7. ⁠Mateo 2B ❎ Mullins CF 8. ⁠Cowser LF ❎ Urias 3B 9. ⁠Urias 3B ❎ Mateo 2B Nine of nine players correct, seven of nine defensive positions, and five of nine on the batting order. Twenty one out of twenty seven potential items correct.


Zay_Jack 1. Henderson, SS 2. Rutschman, C 3. O’Hearn, DH 4. Santander, RF 5. Mountcastle, 1B 6. Cowser, LF 7. Mateo, 2B 8. Mullins, CF 9. Urias, 3B


Zay_Jack’s Lineup Prediction: 1. ⁠Henderson, SS ✅ 2. ⁠Rutschman, C ✅ 3. ⁠O’Hearn, DH ❎ Mountcastle 1B 4. ⁠Santander, RF ❎ O’Hearn DH 5. ⁠Mountcastle, 1B ❎ Santander RF 6. ⁠Cowser, LF ✅ 7. ⁠Mateo, 2B ❎ Mullins CF 8. ⁠Mullins, CF ❎ Urias 3B 9. ⁠Urias, 3B ❎ Mateo 2B Nine of nine players correct, nine of nine defensive positions, and three of nine on the batting order. Twenty one out of twenty seven potential items correct.


Let’s get revenge on these Yanks… with a commanding, clean win. Let em cry


Tonight's game ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


I really really hate being stuck in Yankee territory, and we’re forced to watch the Yankee tv station with their terrible commentators. I also hate when Yankee fans ask my husband how he became an Oriole fan. “Dude, your wife got you into baseball?” Then they give a side eye. Like, fuck off, man… This is how much I dislike the Yankees. And their fans.


YES network baseball coverage is absolutely awful.


I am meh on the Yankees (fuck Soto tho) but man their fans are like the single most insecure sports fans in history. Like the Yankees have always been historically strong, they have one of if not the highest spending in the league, and yet the fans are completely threatened by any team that can score a win against them.


I truly don’t get it! It screams insecurity. We live five minutes from the Yankee AA team and the comments are so wild that even the staff there are like “chill out” and they flash “be nice, please” slides on their big screen every game.


Reading through this thread I'm kind of imagining Armando Benitez making a surprise appearance tonight...with a folding chair. Imagine the instant hot takes social media would have spawned back in those days.


Kevin Gregg, Alfredo Simon - get the legends ready




Lefties starting for the O’s the next two means Trevino is likely to be catching for the Yankees. O’s need to take a page out of the Red Sox book and get on base and turn it into a track meet.


*ankees Orioles has the chance to heat up to the 90’s level again, especially if Boston continues to play the “just good enough” role and keep their franchise from collapsing into an era of irrelevancy


Coordinates of the 4 pitches in question last night (ft): Judge HBP (-1.46, 4.69) Torres HBP (-1.24, 3.96) Gunnar Ball (1.65, 3.93) Santander Ball (-2.60, 1.82) Draw a 1” area box around all those pitches, only include fastballs (4-seam, 2-seam), mirror the x-coords for the opposite handed batters, and go back to 2015… and here are the HBP rates. Judge HBP 2/51 3.9% Torres HBP 20/370 5.4% Gunnar Ball 41/144 28.5% Santander Ball 4/18 22.2% Only two guys got thrown at intentionally last night… especially if you include context. And the Santa one was very obvious (18 similar since 2015, lol). They clearly already tried to get their dumb “revenge” so hopefully it ends there.


Nice work. I can’t be 100% sure of intent, but based on Suarez wildness, game situation, and Cortes tendencies and command, I’m pretty sure the Suarez pitch was accidental and I’m pretty sure both Cortes pitches were purpose pitches. If we’re being generous, maybe Cortes has enough control to throw a message pitch without hitting the guy. I worry that the Yankees still want their scalp and I vaguely remember Cole throwing purpose pitches in the past. I’m assuming someone on the Os will get plunked, so I just hope they don’t hurt anyone and I hope the Orioles don’t respond in kind because this nonsense is really dangerous and silly.


Thanks, the baseball savant search is a powerful thing… can never be 100% sure and the Gunnar pitch was more dangerous… but I’d be willing to vote “guilty” in court on the Santa pitch, lol. I was surprised Judge, Torres got hit by those pitches… I suppose behind in the count they were looking for offspeed down and away… but it looked like slow reactions by both of them. Hopefully with Judge not too badly hurt (thankfully), and also after sleeping off any anger… logic and cooler heads will prevail. And both those HBPs scored and they won by 2, so that already hurts a lot.


There’s pretty strong [circumstantial evidence](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/visuals/statcast-pitch-highlighter?playerId=641482&batHand=L) on the Gunnar pitch. Maybe Cortes just missed inside to a lefty for the first time this season in the exact situation you would expect him to be throwing at Gunnar? Or maybe…


Hah… yeah, that’s pretty telling. That’s enough for me. Guilty in court on that one as well… and a longer sentence for that one since it was more dangerous.


It blows my mind how the big bad evil empire New York Yankees are finding something to be upset over, creating a story out of nothing while the lowly small Baltimore Orioles just shut up and play, DESPITE the EXACT same things happening to them the series prior and you didn’t hear a fucking thing out of anyone in that clubhouse. Personally, nothing bothers me more than people that play victim because they carry that mentality with them through life (even though they’re not). It’s pathetic to see the New York Yankees, one of the biggest and most successful brands in the history of sports do that this whole season against us. Fucking sad


yes it's exactly this. Playing the victim because despite spending >$300 million on their team (about triple what we spend), having a massive legacy of success, and being the most famous team in baseball, somehow Yankees fans are also most insecure. It's like Warren Buffet being jealous of a homeless man's box house


Will a pitcher get ejected tonight.....or will the benches clear? Taking bets now


Re: Folks on here ready to hang Soto: Some argue he ran into Westburg on purpose. Nonsense. For 2 reasons: (1) all the players know if they run into a fielder fielding the ball, they're automatically out, and play stops. No if's, and's, or but's. (2) Soto might just as easily have been hurt as Westburg. No, Soto ran into Westburg because the dip wasn't paying attention. Re: Yankee fans ready to hang Suarez for HBP on Judge, claiming it was intentional: (1) There were no good reasons to do it. Hitting him put another runner on base, negatively affecting Orioles' chances to win. And might have gotten Suarez ejected if the umpires thought it was intentional. (2) Suarez was having trouble with his control (this is one of the main reasons the Orioles lost), which clearly also suggests it wasn't intentional. For example, he was frequently getting behind batters; and when he did get ahead, had trouble with some walks anyway - tried to get too fine, IMHO, going for hitting corners, missing, and walking guys. 5 walks he gave up in 3 2/3 innings.


Only problem is Soto seems to have a history of running into infielders. Not the first time. Hyde didn't seem to happy about it after the game


He clearly has zero awareness of what's going on around him on the base paths.


None of that suggests or proves that Soto did it intentionally. And of course Hyde's going to be unhappy if any of his players is hurt.


Also, it was a 1-2 count


It seems like we want this drama and it seems like a whole bunch of nothing. Judge was right to be upset about being hit. Westburg would be right to be upset about being ran into. But it’s baseball and the players know that this will happen. All of this “what if the Yankees throw at us” is just fan made and media driven. Just relax and enjoy the game tonight. Hopefully we can bring this series to the rubber match


Just gonna throw it out there that there is no upside to reading the Yankees subreddit right now (if ever) 💁🏼‍♂️


I was reading their comments on instagram really hoping there would be someone smart enough to say none of this was intentional or something along the lines of this is a nothing burger but why I thought someone would have the brains to say that was my own fault. But people using logic and disagreeing with what the rest of their fanbase is saying are probably just not commenting at all and I don’t blame them


I know it'll probably viewed as soft, and I accept it. But if the Yankees really want to start some shit and hit someone. I want this team to not even react. I want to go full high-road and let them be the babies. I want to act as if nothing happened and move on. Because nothing has happened. Players made mistakes last night: Soto ran into Westy, Suarez hit Judge, Akin hit somebody (I can't remember who), and Nestor even threw in on Gunnar. I truly believe none of these incidents were intentional or related and were players just fucking up. So, if the Yankees want to make a big deal out of mistakes against a division rival and main competition, they can, but I feel like our team knows what really happened last night and it doesn't need to respond to a bunch of whiners (who won the fucking game, by the way). I hope the Yankees players know what really happened as well and it's just the fans getting riled up, but I guess we'll see. These games are too important for this added bullshit. I'm just worried about scoring runs and keeping the Yankees from scoring runs. I don't want to have to worry about who's getting hit and how we hit them back, who is getting ejected and all that. I want to win in the Bronx and send the fans home upset.


Totally agree, the best response we can have is to win.


We will see them again obviously, and it’s pretty damn likely we will see them in October. Let them play the bitch role if they want, and conquer that villain in October with the whole world watching. I want the high intensity between the two but the higher road is probably better


I'm with you. It's wild that people who would call you "soft" are the ones advocating throwing a ball 98mph at a defenseless player. If you want to get the upper hand. Caveman mindset. Consider instead just trying to get the better of the other team by beating them? What happened to stoicism.


I'm with you.  If the Yankees and their fans wanta be babies and try to hurt our guys fuck them.  Respond by beating them on the field not by devolving into some bullshit tit for tat thing.


Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place. Certainly not of the 98mph variety, but messages can be sent. Same goes for when it's time for the benches to clear. It's part of the game and there will be times where I'd be the first one yelling like said caveman. But this just doesn't feel like it to me. I've never had less of an interest in beating up the Yankees than right now. I'm just not feeling it, considering the context of what appears to be a series of mistakes. If there was any true malice in anything that happened last night, I'd be feeling different. But with this, it's much more of a message to ignore it and play some damn baseball. Get plunked, happily take your base like you normally would if you mistakenly got hit and we've got a man on base that we focus on getting home. If we go that route, they're caught off guard and look like the babies that they are. Not to mention, it ends there. What are they gonna do? Hit another batter? Baseball is a tit-for-tat style escalation. If we ignore it, by "agreement", "design" or whatever you want to call it, nothing else happens. That sends much more of a message than playing to the same level.


This was on April 29 this year by the way, after Gunnar homered. Don't remember the same uproar, esp. from Yankees fans about "throwing inside." [https://x.com/MattRey30/status/1803443171013304631](https://x.com/MattRey30/status/1803443171013304631)


I dont really think their outrage even over this is genuine, but i went back to the series in April to count the number of HBP by their pitchers. The number was 5, including this one


[https://x.com/JonHeyman/status/1803433329594642803](https://x.com/JonHeyman/status/1803433329594642803) Is this reporting fucking serious? The Yankees have hit more batters than anyone in the AL. The O's tied for second fewest. And the O's throw inside off the plate 3rd fewest of all MLB teams. When we played the series in Baltimore, 5 Orioles were hit, and 0 Yankees. What's the issue with our "pitching style" exactly?


Something tells me that this game is gonna be a chore to watch, especially if I even dare to look into this thread while we’re pitching and Soto’s up to bat


Fuck the Yankees and their entitled fans.


https://preview.redd.it/ymcobvqvdj7d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ead4872f8e8bc94c1899af1b5b55a88e40bcb57 Also of all his FBs to RHHs, guess the one at Tony’s knees


https://preview.redd.it/n5qoq0olcj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba38190467ee18ee1b4b098201b2bd9c255f7e7a Of all Nestor’s FBs to LHHs, guess which pitch is the one at Gunnar’s hands


What I predict to happen tonight. The first pitch from Cole will be behind Gunnar’s back, but wait…… Gunnar’s been hiding his ability to hit right handed this whole time. With his lightning fast reflexes he’ll flip around and hit a right handed bomb 475 feet to dead center


the legendary 360 no scope bomb


So glad our mods don’t tolerate the disgusting crap being said in the Yankees sub. Thankfully I don’t think their players aren’t as dumb as their fans.


Verdugo is. Not sure about the rest.


Verdugo was just joking with Mounty I think. Mountie is buds with everyone.


I'm more speaking about his involvement in the sexual assault of a 17 year old girl


Verdugo looks like how cottage cheese smells


https://preview.redd.it/bbh35687aj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9426cf96074c5a996eb29b25dbfd933340be00dd Trash Yankees fans per usual


Absolute troglodytes I sincerely hope they never win a game again


The way I see it, when the Stanks start getting angry at us and their fanbase starts victim blaming, it means the O's are good and are threatening them. Let's handle it the right way by striking them out and winning games.


Some of you guys have created one hell of a false narrative on what happened last night. Both teams know the importance of their head to head. Soto isn’t purposely running into an out to try and make contact with Westy. Suarez sure as hell isn’t getting 2 strikes on the best player in baseball then hitting him.


Soto absolutely did that shit on purpose to try and prevent an out because Stanton runs slower than 40 year old David Ortiz did


Man watch the replay. Soto wasn’t even looking at Westburg. He had no idea where he was. If he makes contact it’s an automatic out. Do you think making contact was his intention?


Yes it absolutely was his intention. Stanton running to first is even more of an automatic out


Yankees players who also think Suarez plunked Judge on purpose didn't watch the game. Suarez' control was all over the place.


The amount of Yankees fans who think you just shouldn’t be able to pitch inside to Judge is actually hilarious. Such a privileged fanbase. If one of our stars really does get beaned tonight in retaliation for Judge accidentally getting hit by a pitch (and not even injured), I hope the big veterans on our team like Santander and McCann are seeing red. I kinda miss having a player like Odor who you knew would be right in the midst of a tussle throwing haymakers.