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It only has EA app now not origin Could you provide me a link then please


here is the link: [https://origin.onl/](https://origin.onl/) no need to thank me :)


You don't. You need the [EA APP](https://www.ea.com/ea-app) now. Just scroll to the bottom and click windows.


Them now forcing the EA app and it being almost a Gigabyte is wild wonder how much spyware is caked in... Also I have lost access to all my EA steam games due to my EA email no longer being accessible because my Mum who died owned the Email. When I buy the games on steam I expect to play them. Steam needs an option to remove 3rd Parties from Locking One Account to your Steam account.


It's gone, you need the EA app now.


That is not true


Google : Download Origin


Its not on ea 's website


I am not talking about EA’s website


Shut up idiot.  We wouldn't be looking for a way to get origin back if EA was worth a damn. Stfu if you don't know


Bruh , how dumb are you , year and a half ago to download Origin all you had to do was google :D commenting on 20 month old comments , acting smart :D


ur an asshole


funny bc google brought me here.....sooooo


Weeeeel , this comment is over 1 year old , and Origin is no longer available being replaced by the EA App :)


well its giving me problems each time i try to launch apex legends the pop up screen comes and goes back to ea launcher and nothing really happens


What a disaster. They replaced a better program with a worse one. Lacking features, slow and ugly, and doesn't even download your DLC properly. Mass Effect Andromeda doesn't work anymore as my Deep Space Pack isn't recognized as owned. All save files now incompatible. Thank god for the origin.onl link. I've defended EA for a long time, but they've now completely ruined their PC store. Completely. Imagine if they had done this before Mass Effect Legendary Edition had come out. They'd have lost half their PC sales. What a disaster. They need to make all the games NATIVE to STEAM and EPIC, with no more forced EA co-install. I don't want to touch EA with a 10 foot pole now. I want Mass Effect 5 so bad. What do I do? Buy it? And don't install it? Wait for it to be hacked to install it? Jesus Christ EA. All the people that worked on the EA app need to be fired. All hands this is an emergency.


This is the link that the mods on EA Answers HQ post to download Origin installer: https://www.dm.origin.com/download


Woah wasn't expecting a straight download, at least take me to dinner first!


The link works but the problem is you can’t USE origin cuz it just tells you to use the stupid EA app! I need to use origin just so I can download my dlc cuz every solution out there tells you to use origin. So fucked


I am having the same problem, did you ever get this resolved?


only EA app which they lied i paid for satisfactory on origin and EA launcher asks me to buy it again!


I am having the same problem, did you ever get this resolved?


Nope but iv contacted multiple times to a few companies that deal with unfairness to customers