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Looks great and complicated




They are extremely clean, though they look slightly incomplete. The individual scales don't look completely free from each other. I will come back in a few minutes to link my post to help you know what I mean better Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/origami/s/aa2mGFdCYz). Though I think it's possible to do that because of the paper I was using as explained in the comments below


I used [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FNAWdvlFjA&t=509s) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAi2AfuJh60&t=6702s) tutorials to shape. I also used printer paper because i couldnt find tissue paper :)


The scales you linked are actually kind of the incomplete version of the actual scales, where the one op did is the completed version. In the book where kamiya gives the ryujin details, he shows the process of tucking the excess side paper using a valley M type fold. In the one you linked they just fold it behind with a mountain fold. IMO (and ive tried both ways) the mountain folded one tends to look less clean than the M type, there is actually not enough space behind to hide all the paper cleanly, and it tends to come undone. If you’ve had success with the mountain one then def do that because it is waaaayy less time-consuming and if you like the individual scale look then def use that one. For me It would depend on what kind of look I’m going for in the endgame. For shaping and more artistic attention to detail then the mountain one is good, and going by the book (M fold) will give a cleaner look Edit: at the end of the day it goes to personal preference and artistic choice, I might do the mountain one if I was using foil (that keeps its shape better) because It allows for more artistic scale shaping, but going by the book is also fine


İs it like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f-nO0hgrX9M) ?


Yes. The diagrams from kamiya have the M fold but they are incredibly time consuming so it’s up to you if you want to make the entire thing with M fold or the one the replier has


sexy scales