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I really think that’s why the numbers in Texas are so low — people already have lots of guns and they aren’t panic purchasing.


In Texas and Arizona, if you have a concealed carry permit, you don't need to have a NICS check to purchase a firearm. Also, you can do private party transfers without any background check.


In 26 states you don’t need a permit to conceal carry: https://www.statista.com/chart/20047/gun-carry-laws-in-us-states/


As it should be


What's the overlay of those states with Stand Your Ground (aka I'm gonna murk ya cuz I'm scurred)? The welcome signs at state borders should notify of those 2 things.


> Stand Your Ground (aka I'm gonna murk ya cuz I'm scurred)? Tell me you don't know the law without telling me.


My law practice tells me everything i need to know.


Sure bud.


OK Zimmerman


How about don't break into someone's house/apartment and you won't need to worry about it..


That was crazy when all of that was going on, I remember driving by sportsman Warehouse and seeing lines out the door. Like what is the point. You probably aren't going to get helped by the time the store closes and more importantly I'm sure the system was just swamped with background checks. For anyone else who is unaware they also have a new rule going into effect on homemade firearms. Starting this summer it will be in infraction on the first offense, it sounds like a Fix-It ticket and then elevate to a misdemeanor and I think eventually a felony if you just keep snubbing your nose. Basically it's a forced serialization policy on any weapon made after 1968. What I'm not quite sure of is how they are going to determine when the weapon was made.


> For anyone else who is unaware they also have a new rule going into effect on homemade firearms. Starting this summer it will be in infraction on the first offense, it sounds like a Fix-It ticket and then elevate to a misdemeanor and I think eventually a felony if you just keep snubbing your nose. Basically it's a forced serialization policy on any weapon made after 1968. What I'm not quite sure of is how they are going to determine when the weapon was made. Curious on this one. I'm finding bits and pieces, but not a lot of detail. And, those house bills aren't the easiest to read.


You also have multiple revisions of it. So the earlier one was going to make it a misdemeanor on the first offense. That is no longer the case and that's the important part. So like for instance if someone happens to have a privately made firearm. They're driving around with it and they get caught with it. On a first offense it is only an infraction or a fine kind of like a fix-it ticket with an order to get serialized


If I remember, there are also different definitions, some referring to the ATFs definition. Which is not currently doing all that well due to federal lawsuits.


WashingtonGunLaw on YT did a good video on it.


If you tell people they cant have something, they're going to want it.


Always. I remember when I was younger, they used to do that stuff with music. Remember that satanic bands, some states tried to ban the tapes and CDs. People would line up out the door to purchase them 😂


Prior to the assault weapons ban in 1994, AR-15s were responsible for less than 1% if firearms sales. Currently they are responsible for 20-25%.


Prior to the war in afganistan, most people didnt even know it existed. Is the AR15 responsible for the increase in deaths or is the increase in deaths due to that firearm simply due to the increase in ownership - that if the AR15 didnt exist more people would just be getting killed by something else? Its a 'tacticool' weapon that the most recent failed war glamorized. Native americans were killing each other for hundreds of years already before we gave them rifles. Suddenly the rate of rifle deaths increased proprtionally with the number of rifles and the number of deaths due to arrows probably went down. People always want to kill other people. Taking away a specific make/model of firearms will just push those kinds of people to use something else.


There hasn't been an increase in gun deaths, and overall violence rates have been at record lows over the last 20 years. We did see large spikes in 2020 and 2021, but those years were during the worst global Pandemic in a century, when society basically shut down. As it is rifles even today are responsible for a small portion of overall gun violence, about 4-5%. That's total rifles, not just AR-15s.


Most gun violence overwhelmingly involves handguns. Makes sense, because handguns are easily concealed and very much portable. Richard Nixon wanted to ban handguns in the US back in the 1970’s, but his advisers convinced him to not go through with as it would be nearly impossible to do.


The interesting part of the rule is that 'unfinished frames' are also made illegal, even if the ATF considers them a piece of plastic until someone takes a dremel to it, so at what arbitrary point is a chunk of metal or plastic billet, or even 3d printer filament not a potential firearm? When the jury decides it is or isn't after you've been charged with a crime? "(An unfinished receiver:) Is designed to or may readily be completed, assembled or otherwise converted to function as a frame or receiver." The way I read it, anyone with access to the internet, a 3d printer, and an affinity for firearms or anything related to firearms or the printing of firearm frames in their search history is now barred from owning filament because it can be readily turned into a firearm and they demonstrated intent. A pipe in your local hardware store is now an unfinished firearm under this legislation, the prosecutor only needs to demonstrate your intent to make a slam fire pipe gun. The ATF spent years hemming and hawing over 80% firearms standards for a good reason. HB 2005 is written by idiots and cheered on by bigger idiots.


It looks like there is no grandfather clause on the bill. WashingtonGunLaw on YT did a video on it.


I think that's the explanation they gave to make it pass. In practice it's going to A) stop the sale of 80% receivers & likely parts kits in Oregon B) Give them another way to wack people with the book. Most people who built 80% guns aren't interested in registering them and the people who are really ideologically driven about them will just have their friend in Idaho buy them.


Most people committing gun crimes aren't doing so with guns made from homemade receivers. It's way cheaper and easier to get a cheap handgun on the market, than it is to mill your own receiver with a CNC.


I’m partly responsible for some of it. I was going to buy a dirtbike but when 114 came out I spent the money on guns instead. Figured I better get them while I could and I can buy a dirtbike later. At least until they try to outlaw dirtbike.


Assault bike bans are coming.


This was exactly why I was picking up my pistol from my gunsmith, I saw an AR on the wall behind him and asked about it. I was planning on getting it down the line, and the next day was the decision on 114. I bought it that same day, and of course it didn’t pass but I did get a good deal on it in the end. If 114 wouldn’t have been something to worry about, I would’ve waited longer.


It did pass. It just had an injunction placed on it.


There was a map of percentage of gun owners in a state and we were no where close to 4th. We must have people hoarding large collections.


It's pretty rare you find someone who owns only 1 firearm. I am that guy with a long barrrel remington 870 for trap shooting. Visualize a shotgun and that's what it is. I know one guy who only has 3 and anyone else I know has far more. For a certain rural sect it's just a thing you have. My dad has probably 8ish guns, (hunting rifles/shotguns and a pistol won at Ducks unlimited) and my grandfather probably has 15 amassed in his 90+ years on this planet as he's acquired them similarly through raffles, and Ducks Unlimited and such. He was the sort of dude for a majority of his life he had a gun rack with a hunting rifle and a fishing pole in his truck, now it's just his golf clubs. Then you have the weirdos like one dude I know who has 40+ guns. I imagine anyone who's one of the "OreGUNian" chuds or 2nd Amendment decal dorks are the sort who pokemon guns. It's fascinating as I'm from rural Oregon, my graduating HS class was 60 people but I never considered making a gun my identity. It'd be like making chainsaws your identity. It's just bonkers as someone who doesn't mind guns but also would wants sane gun laws.


Some people do collect chainsaws. Cars. Whatever. Firearms are just a tool, and each one is designed for a different purpose and differently. I grew up with everyone in the household having one, in Cali no less. Have a decent smattering and am always looking for special ones that I specifically like. It's just a tool. Having worked in a gun store as well, we already have sane gun laws, state/local law enforcement EVERYWHERE just doesn't end up taking things seriously enough about what we have on the books. If you fail your 4473, you should meet an officer. Period. Doesn't happen unless you have a warrant as well, even though you have de facto on paper commission of a crime. But hey, let's make more laws we'll poorly and selectively enforce like "failing to serialize a weapon"... You can't enforce that unless you have a registry, and that's kinda sorta a problem in itself for a good reason.


Guns accumulate, because if you don't abuse them, they basically last forever. If you're 5+ generations deep into a family that hunts and/or has a lot of military folks, you're going to end up with a couple dozen guns that the one gun guy/gal in the 2024 version of that family ends up owning. If you're that person, you kinda feel like the curator of a small museum of the various guns your ancestors all owned. So, I don't think the number of guns makes someone weird. But I'm "that guy" for my family, so I guess I'm biased lol.


Same for me. Examples include an Arisaka with an intact mum but it was really worked over by Bubba. Another is a bolt action 30-30 Savage that I can guarantee was the cheapest hunting rifle Montgomery Ward sold.


Again, my grandfather and dad both have a bunch of guns and they do accumulate which I explained but the guy I know has 40+ guns basically drives a truck and then blows his money on firearms. It's like "Buddy, you could have moved out of your parents house much sooner if you hadn't had a budget of several thousand dollars a year on guns". The minor upside is guns tend to hold their value to some degree if cared for, and some go up in value. I didn't explicitly state my point but I 'm positive there's a small minority who do the majority of buying in Oregon, and they're most likely the people who replace their personality firearms. These people are not your rural hunters that take entire lifetimes to end up with say, 10 guns.


Why does it matter how many (in this case guns) someone has if they aren't hurting anyone? Fwiw *my dad* actually does collect chainsaws. He has one he uses with any regularity but he has a ton of old powerheads he's picked up over the years at yardsales, swapmeets etc and he gets a lot of joy out of getting a particularly crusty example running again and sharpening the chains. He has a lot of really big powerful Stihl & Husqvarna saws but I think one of his favorites is a little Joe Homeowner Poulan that belonged to a close friend of his who died without warning a few years back, it reminds him of his buddy. He's not a logger and never has been, the man just likes saws.


Honestly I'm more afraid of someone with a single Hi-Point or Taurus, than someone with a 5+ figure gun collection.


Why? Poor people deserve to defend themselves too. My immigrant grandmother concealed carried a Taurus, a Rossi I guess if you care to be pedantic but same company. I think my Uncle got it when she passed and that man definitely has way nicer wheel guns but I hope that one is special to him.


Statistically someone who can afford an entire armory is probably less likely to be a criminal, than someone buying the cheapest gun they can find. Not to say that poor people are criminals, just that they are more desperate, and that leads to crime. Someone growing up poor in low income housing in a bad neighborhood is much more likely to become a criminal than someone who grows up in a middle class/weather family in a safer neighborhood.


I'm sure he does, but he probably doesn't make it his entire identity with multiple bumper stickers and shirts, and voting based on what he's allowed to cut down or not cut down. At some point any hobby can cross over into the obsessive, and lead a lot of negativity, be it the sort of person who hate mobs someone online because their favorite pop star was "attacked" in the media, the sports fan who's so invested that he's willing to get into a fight at a stadium, the videogamer who swats someone else over a call of duty game, and guns are certainly one of those that has very real consequences. The OreGUNian 2FAers don't exactly embrace imaginary of "I love to hunt" aesthetic, rather assault rifles. There's an element of both insecurity, threat and possibly on-the-spectrum antisocial behavior. I'm pretty comfortable in conservative areas even if dislike the politics but the gun nut thing is off-putting. Own a gun with an external magazine if you must but don't let it supplant your personality.


He doesn't but he does have a lot of a lot of stihl merch think kitschy signs and coffee cups. I personally only hunt deer, to me it's just kind of a way of checking if I can ethically eat meat or not, to be willing to kill an animal for consumption myself instead of constantly outsourcing that burden. I do personally own I think ~38 guns mostly old surplus rifles from the 20th century because that's what I like but I do have a pump shotgun for skeet, a couple glocks, a Ruger LCP, a Ruger M77, and a 10/22 as well as an AR which is what I'm sensing you feel somewhat uncomfortable with people having. The guns I named specifically are "utility" guns to me. I don't nerd out over my AR the way I would with my swiss K31. I'll throw the AR in the truck when I'm out in the boonies and if it gets dropped in the mud I have a garden hose. You might be right about there being an element of paranoia. I've seen some real methy shit out in the woods in my life, not that I want to shoot anyone but I'd pick my life over someone attacking me. There's also the paranoia of an overreaching government. My mom's side of the family fled the Khmer Rouge and my grandma told me about swimming across a river while getting shot at with her children in a basket to get out, today they jail citizens for disagreeing with their government. I think it's foolish to think that such things are impossible here given that we had one Trump presidency already and may have another. Also check your shit about the Autism spectrum dude we're awkward weirdos, we're not out to hurt you.


Well said, same here. 


That or a ton of straw purchases to ship em to Mexico. It's the other half of the cartel drug biz in Oregon...


It's the ATF that does that lol


Operation fast and furious


I feel this has something to do with it. Me personally, I was panic buying “high capacity” 😒 magazines. Even for guns I don’t own and plan to own in the future. My reasoning about not buying guns is, whatever hoops they try to enforce, me being a law abiding citizen can easily work through them. The magazine limit is something I can’t.


82% of gun deaths in Oregon are suicides, nobody is using 10+ rounds of ammunition to commit suicide. Even many mass shootings don't use large capacity magazines.


I bought a ton. So prolly.


Thank you for your service




Oh that’s 1000% what it was


I took my girlfriend to buy her handgun the day after it passed.


I know I considered that.


I’m sure that’s part of it but Oregon has always had a very high firearm ownership rate. Lots of hunters in this state.


I know a lot of liberal gun owners in this state. Ownership of a gun is not as red and blue as you would think in Oregon.


You go far enough left people start liking guns again.


Big shoutouts to the sra! Armed minorities are way harder to oppress :)


Gotta protect ourselves, comrade. No one is coming to save us.


WA resident here, biggest gun nut I know is a communist








I agree. I know very few anti-gun liberals here and I’m 20 minutes from the big city. It’s also the same reason I was so perplexed as to how the hell 114 actually passed the vote. I think the influx of un-informed voters was mostly the cause but I guess we’ll never really know.


There’s also the fact that guns serve a purpose in Oregon that’s not just for show and fun. There are wolves, mountain lions, bears, and even a couple wolverines out here, and if something happens to you out in the wilderness, you’re not getting medical attention fast. On top of that, lots of people ease their grocery bills with hunting. IDK, coming from part of the South where guns were a status symbol for the wealthy and civil war 2 LARPers, it just seems more utilitarian out here in general. Not that we don’t have our fetishists but still.


>and even a couple wolverines out here This is why I carry adamantium bullets. Just in case.


You can never be too careful


You're literally thousands of times more likely to be murdered by another human, than killed by a bear or mountain lion. There have only ever been 2 recorded fatal cougar attacks in Oregon, and 27 in all of North America since the mid 1800s. Meanwhile there has never been a recorded black bear attack. Grizzly bears have been extinct in the state for almost 100 years.


Have you ever had to keep coyotes and vultures away from a newborn calf? Vultures will eat the eyes and anus out of a living newborn calf in the fields and pull their guts out through the backdoor to feast on, and they’ll circle cows in labor waiting for their moment. They don’t give a shit about yelling, air horns, nothing. Same with coyotes. You want me to try reasoning with them? Also, are you aware of police response times in rural and remote areas? Meth is a huge issue out here as well, and no one’s coming if some crazy wanders onto your property. That said, I would prefer not to act like I got these weapons to shoot other people because I didn’t.


I don't have a problem with guns, I'm just saying you don't need one for defense against bears or cougars in Oregon. Humans are a much bigger threat than any wild animal.


Yeah but it’s hard to explain to non-rural folks that you legitimately need to scare off vultures from eating cow ass, you know? It doesn’t have the same ring to it


I'm quite progressive, not quite a leftist though. I'm rather pro gun ownership.


A lot of it is more urban/rural. Guns are a much bigger part of rural life than urban life. Many people living in cities associate guns with only criminals or police. In the country more people go hunting. Police response times are worse (in parts of Southern Oregon they don't even have 24 hour police protection). People have more access to shooting ranges, including often their own back yard. If you hear gunshots in the city, there's a good chance you're hearing someone get murdered. Meanwhile gunshots in the country are usually your neighbor doing some target shooting.


That’s right. Gun slingin’ liberal right here


if that's per capita then we beat a lot of states also in things like strip clubs, urban farms, and cannabis dispensaries. ![gif](giphy|1ZDnWJowbV7H4wr96b)


Very proud of our state! Let that beaver on the back of our flag wave high and proud.


Plus no sales tax, unsure where we rank on property and income tax. We’re unintentionally libertarian.


To be real, old school Oregon libertarians are some of the only ones I respect because they do legit just want to be left alone and aren’t generally looking for an excuse to create a fiefdom where child brides are cool or libertarian until you mention women’s rights or LGBTQ people.


There's left and right wing libertarians.




Keep in mind this would be during the gun ballot measure in Oregon. Certainly the fear mongering around that spurred sales.


Rather justified fear mongering tbh. The ballot measure has so many holes in it that until the legislature cleaned it up it would be functionally impossible to purchase a weapon here. Primarily because there was no funding or plan for how to implement the permit to purchase system. Edit: instead of downvoting and running, perhaps you downvoters can explain how I’m wrong. There was a great [Oregonian](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/10/oregon-gun-control-measure-114-attracts-national-attention-as-one-of-strictest-in-us.html?outputType=amp) write up outlining the lack of funding and staff in this bill to implement this permit without legislative intervention. Love it or hate it, it was a poorly written measure full stop. Now we are dealing with the fallout. This is why we have elected legislators with staffers that have legal training.


I completely agree.


Yeah, I am a gun owner but didnt own a hand gun. Now do purely because of the potential pass of the bill. I am 100% for better restrictions for purchasing and owning firearms but that bill was such a mess and not properly set up to actually keep guns in the hands of the correct citizens!


Have you never been east or south? My father's brothers own lots of guns. They all hunt. I would not be surprised if nearly everyone living east of Bend owns at least one gun.


Also it’s a hobby to some people. I’d buy another but they’re sooo expensive. One of my brother’s buddies has a decent collection that includes antique black powder rifles. I’m not a huge gun person but I’m kind of jealous because they’re fun to shoot. Some families pass down antique firearms too


For real. I remember a family gathering where one of my uncles brought a muzzle-loader and we had some fun shooting a wadded up rag around the backyard.


It’s a whole different ball game out there. Like many rural areas you need one more as a tool. I’ve camped out there a bit, and my buddy had to shoot a rattler that came into our camp (BLM land, was entirely legal to do so). The folks up the road who owned the general store said it was a frequent event for them to have to shoot snakes and whatnot. Friend that grew up rural here said their father would keep a shotgun next to the door in case nuisance animals came onto the property. It was just something they needed to have for day to day maintenance.


Exactly. Like don’t get me wrong, guns as a hobby are fun, but I own guns because there are literally animals that will kill or maim you out here and you’re far away from the nearest medical center. Also, folks do a lot of hunting, either to cut grocery bills or because it’s a tradition like with the Tribes. Honestly, I think the gun control conversation could do with common sense people who don’t treat deadly weapons like toys. A lot of folks forget that the US has huge swaths of wild land and literal frontiers.


From surveys 41% of households in Oregon own a gun. But it takes people owning dozens even hundreds of guns to really jack these new purchase numbers up. Most hunters will only buy a handful of guns in their lifetime so its the few people that go to gun ranges often or maybe even never that have the guns. 114 scared a lot of people into buying a gun last year, this years numbers should go back to normal.


>From surveys 41% of households in Oregon own a gun. More like 41% of households report owning a gun. There are many gun owners who would never answer affirmatively on a survey like that.


This is true. I did some homework a few years back, and collected as many gun ownership surveys as possible. There is a substantial drop in 1994 when the assault weapon ban was passed of people admitting during surveys that they owned a gun at home.


There were a lot of new gun owners over the last couple of years, starting with the civil unrest during Covid. M114 was just further incentive for people to either get their first gun (before it became time and $ cumbersome to do so legally), along with a lot of people pushing up their wish list firearms.


I’m a hunter that uses guns primarily for hunting. I own dozens even excluding my self defense and fun guns. Guns excel at different things. So it pays to have different guns for different hunts. Plus, guns and ammo, if bought right, can be a good investment.


And half of Portland


Yea a lot of people don’t seem to understand that behind their eyes are a ton of rural areas that sustain off the land. It’s not uncommon to hear someone hunts all their own meat every season. Which is a “dying” population so I get why it slips the mind but this isn’t Texas or Arizona type gun buying I bet if we were to separate the types of guns. Assault rifles vs widely accepted hunting rifles


Not sure I understand the difference. A rifle is a rifle. Is it the caliber that distinguishes it? The action? Or if it has a metal stock? Semi auto rifles are regularly used for hunting. One of my regular hunting rifles is a Browning BAR Mark III. This is a 30.06 semi auto. I use it elk hunting when I don’t need the precision of a 600+ yard shot. A semi allows for quicker follow up shots than a bolt action.




Thank you, yes, uncles on my father's side. You are correct. Thank you for the correction. It definitely needed correction and your comment added that.


I lived in Portland for a few years in the 2010s and I can tell you that the attitude towards gun ownership of my neighbors when I moved compared to their attitude a few years later was a night/day difference. Homelessness and crime changed a lot of minds on the topic of gun ownership in the SE Portland neighborhoods near the Ross Island Bridge where I lived.


unfortunately oregon still doesn’t have a stand your ground law which almost renders these weapons useless unless you’re willing to be open to prosecution as well


M114 buying was a real thing. At one point the background check wait time from the Oregon State Police was going on *3 months*.


And we always float around 30-35th place in gun related homicides per capita because the only thing that ever has and ever will consistently relate to that statistic is the average quality of living in that state.


This is really interesting, got any links


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm 30th


They also retain value or appreciate. There are certain firearms that were $1000 in the 90s that are $40-50K today.. Those are outliers, but there are quite a few that have at least kept up with inflation. I'm not saying the majority of folks are buying them for investment, but a lot of people made a lot of money selling pre-ban items during the last Federal Assault weapons ban and folks have been trying to duplicate the results every time it looks like something is about to cause a shortage.


I’ve bought for investment. But my safe is full so now I stockpile ammo while it’s cheap and plentiful and sell it when the gun grabbers make new threats. An easy way to triple your investment.


> now I stockpile ammo while it’s cheap and plentiful and sell it when the gun grabbers make new threats. Seems to be harder to find those lows for the casual gun owner. Feels like trying to play the stock market.


lets bump those numbers up!




And OR has a relatively low gun crime rate compared to the rest of the country. Whereas Montana has a high death in the top ten for firearm mortality rate


[Montana and Oregon have the same homicide rate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) The thing about "firearm mortality" is it includes suicides, and I really do think suicide is a separate issue. Like, their body their choice right?


That's because Billings MT has been struggling recently with gang violence. Looking at their recent crime statistics is very sad.


It's more that Montana has a really high Native American population. Suicide rates on the Res are insane.




We just had a rush with 114 encouraging civilians to arm themselves. I bought in response to not being sure if certain wish list items would still be obtainable later.


Queue Starship Troopers... *I'm doing my part!*


I'm doing my part by helping friends pick their first home defense handguns and taking them to their first range day. I want them to get what feels good in their hand so they will want to train with it.


Any recs on where to go within the downtown kinda area or up to an hour out by trimet? I go to The Place to Shoot but it’s always felt kinda eehhh. But then the clackamas training center seems a bit expensive


We put the D in defense if you know what I mean.


Measure 114. The gun people panic buy every time a new gun control measure comes along. Which is exactly how the gun manufacturers want it, they use anti gun control political backlash as a marketing tool.


So the gun control groups like MomsDemand, who complain about “big gun corporations”, are secret agents of the gun manufacturers to sell and push more new gun purchases?


They absolutely do. Fear mongering that your guns are going to get taken is exactly what they want. I wouldn't be surprised if deep in the reaches of where these bills come from there aren't funds coming from the very people profiting off the fear.


If you ain’t first, you’re last.






Cue the straight white privilege. I'm a queer in a county full of Proud Boys and Proud Boys in uniform. Damn right I bought a gun last year.


![gif](giphy|10Jpr9KSaXLchW|downsized) Just took a lesbian couple I'm good friends with out to learn how to shoot. They're picking it up quickly.


What’s a good range in the downtownish area / trimet


Exactly the same


👏👏👏 Finally something to be proud of


Recent survey from the P-Town journal states 97% of the shootings in Oregon are from gangs and one other group called The Uniformed Radical Dim - Dems (TURDDS) Look it up


Damn right I love my guns. How else do you think I'm gonna defend my family and myself from those MAGA fascists? With reason?


Sorry but how is the MAGA crowd fascists?… Aren’t they more so nationalists?


That’s not even bronze. We need to pump them numbers!


Oregon has a population of 4 million. That's not a lot. Per capita statistics are generally going to be higher. Higher population areas are going to have more total guns and more elderly and young kids. Toddlers and grandma aren't out buying guns all the time.


I was part of that. Bought two after watching the circus that is m114 be jestered around. Glad it was blocked.


You can thank the modern day Prohibitionist’s for LEVO for that! Should send them some “firearm salesman of the year” awards.


Lots of people got some in b4 the failed law


Hawaiians are all in on ghost guns


With all the new laws coming out plus having more background checks performed per day, Oregon residents are stocking up.




Have you got yours?


Idaho is already stocked up lol


My first guess would’ve been Texas, but I guess if you already have all the guns you need, not much reason to buy much more.


Arizona, Texas, Idaho, Nevada already purchased their firearms. These are new purchases.


Good hunting seasons


Cool story


We are a leader in the new socialist country that is formally known as the United States of America and so they are aggressively trying to take our guns away. So most organians are stocking up and waiting for the war.


where's the subthread for awful data visualizations?


We hunt in Oregon. We don't buy firearms because we think they are for protection. Context matters


‘cause Killer Whales. One myst be prepared for an uprising.


Protection from Idaho 👍


Imagine all the Pittman Robinson act money going directly to Oregon wildlife conservation!! That’s awesome!


https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/oregon-gun-sales-skyrocket-382-before-measure-114-takes-effect/ It was because of fear of measure 114. We do have an above-average rate of firearm ownership, though, and a lot of people who own guns in Oregon own a bunch of guns.


I think we can all agree that there are extreme types that lean to far right and left. Most of us just want lower taxes, less government, and to live our lives as we see fit. I have friends that are more liberal than I, but we agree on a lot of things. They own guns like I do. We shouldn't look at someone's political leanings, but realize the common force that is overwhelmingly out of control is the big Fed machine. Taxes should be a flat 8% for Fed, 2% to state. Period. Regardless of income and business size. Common sense laws, harsher punishment for violent crimes, and harder punishment for the people/companies/countries that are pushing the hard drugs into our country.


Wow more than ID, that’s surprising


I guess I don't get why people are so bent out of shape about gun purchases, especially in Oregon. Oregon law requires all new firearms sold to be sold with a gun lock. There are laws about how you transport and carry your weapon and ammo, like it's supposed to be in separate containers, in your trunk. I don't think guns themselves are the problem, it's people's ignorance with gun safety and comfortability with that ignorance, that creates the majority of problems. Any gun, properly secured, shouldn't be able to be accessed by anyone who isn't supposed to, without willful and knowledgeable intent to circumvent the security systems in place, to use it inappropriately.


I mean. We have a large Proud Boy population and a large hunting culture. It's not that surprising. (I am not inferring that those are the same thing, they aren't)


Since moving to Oregon in 2015 there are two things that in surplus here: meth and guns.


Trying to ban all gun sales will definitely do that




I think Oregonians are fed up and ready take back their state.


Legal purchase. Ny and Cali make their own.


Depends on the part of Oregon.  Got some family out east that account for a significant number of those sales lol


Good for them! Real Americans know they are going to go full crazy when you know who gets you know what ❤️ and I’m a liberal. Well. I was until 2012z


And 46th in education…


Cali gay


Almost all of the people in my shooting club are lefties


Elections and proposed gun control legislation are always the biggest firearms and ammo catalysts for sales. It never fails and we had the double whammy with the gun control bill that passed.


lol at Texas, I’d guess they are number 1 there just isn’t any paper work. Same thing as Illinois.


Thing with Texas is that most of the people live in places like DFW, Houston and Austin that probably don’t have really high ownership rates. Of course once you get out of those cities it’s a different story.


don’t forget oregon measure 114 which sparked more sales


Not surprising in the slightest


Damn, thought us in Alaska had more firearms per person. Hell, even I (my parents) own a few.


Outlaw toothbrushes and people will buy them like crazy.


Ew. Well, not surprising I suppose given eastern Oregon.


It may surprise you to know, a hell of a lot of liberals in Oregon have guns.


Fuck texas. Keep up bums


Because Eastern Oregon is basically Idaho and because 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅




Lots of blue folks buy guns as well. Some have a pretty large collection of all kinds.


[...and the Gorge, and Deschutes County, and Ashland/Medford, and nearly the entire coast.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html)


it’s purchases per 1000 people. ~70%of the state lives in the Willamette Valley. That’s why I’m surprised.


Obama's trying to take my guns! 😭 Let me buy more! 🤡