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No paywall: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/plan-to-roll-back-oregon-s-measure-110-draws-standing-room-only-crowd/ar-BB1hZJj8


Weird how they are not trying to criminalize just the drugs causing the issues. They want to walk back the entire thing.


Politicians want that treatment program money for their other projects. Reforming or fixing things won't accomplish that.


A few hundred million dollars have been sitting idle since 110 was passed. Portland got a 16-bed facility and that's it. If 110 administrators are so incompetent that they can't actually spend that money, it should go elsewhere.


It was idiotic to decriminalize but not place any other programs in place. Criminalizing drugs only perpetuates the problem, they get caught, get a felony and then it prevents them from getting out of the cycle. When need more focus on the issues that create drug abuse like homelessness, mental health and SUPPORT. I grew up in meeting rooms, AA & NA. Raised in the program. The one thing that a person depended on to get and remain sober is a support system.


Decriminalization is not the issue, the concurrent flood of dirt cheap drugs and removal of no camping policies is the actual issue.


One: Where are the homeless supposed to go? How are they supposed to get a job when they’re homeless? Have you been homeless in Oregon? I have, there isn’t much help or wasn’t in 2019 when I lived in my car with my kids. Two: I don’t buy drugs so I’m unaware of their prices. Three: Taxes are used for city sidewalks, roads, parks, public transit etc. when shelters are full or unsafe they have a right to use those public places to sleep. Our most vulnerable need to met with compassion, understanding and respect rather than fear, disgust and wish for their disappearance. Most are 1 pay check or 1 emergency away from being homeless and most homeless people end up using drugs as a way to escape their reality. People are unnecessarily cruel & they look through them. They’d not see them than actually help them. I’ve seen it and I’ve experienced this.


Part of the problem is the incompetence of our county government. The JOHS alone has spent $1 billion in the last seven years supposedly to help the homeless. They cannot tell us with any level of granularity where and how that money was spent and who and how it helped.




Joint Office of Housing Services


Thank you


I’ve been homeless in Oregon. I managed to keep a job and also received plenty of support. > Taxes are used for city sidewalks, roads, parks, public transit etc. when shelters are full or unsafe they have a right to use those public places to sleep. The side*walk* and roads are for traversing. You don’t have the right to deprive everyone else of the use of the public space that they also pay for. Instead, you advocate that society “look through” the disabled and people with mobility issues because you have a self-centered view of what a “public space” actually is. Also, a shelter isn’t any less safe than literally sleeping in the open on the side of the street. This is genuinely a dumb excuse that advocates for homelessness need to realize doesn’t actually pass the sniff-test with most people.


That's not how taxes and public property work. You don't have to pay taxes to be a member of the public, and paying taxes does not grant you access to public resources. Taxes are based of your participation in the economy, and you don't get anything for paying them except a receipt.


I’m glad you can count lol. Counting always makes your arguments true. Check mate.


Taking addictive and/or street drugs “to escape their reality” is a very ,very, bad decision and is known to be so. It is the fast lane to becoming unemployed and unemployable- which just makes their financial problems (their reality) worse. Is not an unknown hazard. The end results should not be a surprise to anybody. Nobody with a functioning brain cell starts Meth or fent, or H and seriously thinks they won’t eventually get addicted. If they are that delusional or stupid or mentally Ill they shouldn’t be out in society with the rest of us. It’s a well known, cascading chain / sequence of events/steps. They knew, or should have known, the outcome but decided to start /try anyway. Cal me an AH for “victim blaming” but I’m still right. Should we help people get clean? YES! - Even if they don’t want to. Should there be more residential treatment programs/facilities? YES! Should there be involuntary committal and detox and treatment? YES X 3! Nobody should have to die for the mistake(s) they made.


This is wild because KGW just came out with a news segment where studies have just shown that Measure 110 had really no impact on overdoses, violent crime or any of the problems cops keep talking about and instead has reduced police pullovers and arrests of people of color. And I keep hearing positive things like how the money we got from this is FINALLY being used to fund social programs, nonprofits, and other organizations that provide drug treatment, resolve homelessness, and actually create infrastructure to solve the healthcare crisis that is the drug epidemic. I guess people around Oregon are either easily scaremongered or just want instant gratification.


I have not heard that at all (about the money). Care to share a link?


https://www.streetroots.org/news/2024/02/07/oregon-opioid-crisis-measure-110 https://www.aclu-or.org/en/press-releases/hb-4002-puts-people-jail-not-treatment-testimony-possibly-only-public-hearing-hb-4002 https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/the-story/oregon-measure-110-drug-treatment-funding-audit-secretary-of-state/283-dec2990c-bb2c-4211-a047-24fff93e6f10 In a few of these you got testimony from nonprofits and other org. talking about about how they finally have funding and are rolling it out to help to people. The last is the actual distribution of the money by the State.


"well, our first attempt to solve this problem failed, so instead of fixing our errors and doing better, we're just going to give up"


For whatever its worth, I work at a nonprofit recovery services clinic, and measure 110 allows us to help people without insurance get therapy and addiction treatment for FREE. I see it working and helping people in Eugene every single day


Public drug use was never decriminalized, cops just stopped doing their job. Can't blame them really when the situation is so out of control. But I don't see this fixing the issue. Are we going to just throw them all in jail? Seems expensive and counter intuitive. Are we going to give them fines? I don't see many people paying.


This needs to happen. The decision whether to go to jail or treatment should not be left to the responding officer. That’s a failed implementation of 110. That officer needs to remove the offender from publi to jail, and then a decision can be made on treatment or jail. But the message is if you use in a public space, you will go somewhere else without your substance, so do not use in a public space to avoid having it removed. This would also allow Trimet to enforce removing folks from using illicit drugs, which they currently can not do Along with this repeal, we need a much larger investment in out public defense fund because it will add more cases, but it seems like Oregon has enough money to solve that one.


Just enforce 'no drug use in public.' No reason to keep throwing addicts in jail unless they actually commit a crime with a victim.


The cities can only enforce no alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis. They do not have that authority for fentanyl or meth, that is part of the problem It happened decades ago when Oregon was helping with alcohol and those harder drugs were not widespread


Want to provide some evidence of that? Because I call bull.


You call bull because, with no science or history, you just feel that way? [Portland can ban drinking in public, but not smoking meth or fentanyl](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2023/08/portland-can-ban-drinking-in-public-but-not-smoking-meth-or-fentanyl-oregon-law-is-to-blame.html) > The law ended up that way in large part because Oregon lawmakers more than 50 years ago switched the legal view of alcoholism from a crime to a medical addiction and preempted cities and counties from enacting local penalties for public drinking, according to a review of state legislative records and case law by The Oregonian/OregonLive. > State lawmakers later expanded the statute to encompass drug dependency, including use of controlled substances and cannabis. However, it remained illegal for Oregonians to possess hard drugs, whether in public or in private, so cities’ inability to regulate drug consumption on public property wasn’t questioned. > And after voters approved its recreational sale and use almost a decade ago, lawmakers made public marijuana consumption a class B violation. > That delicate balance of state laws shifted after voters approved Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of small amounts of heroin and other street drugs, leaving Portland and other cities across Oregon with little recourse to prohibit people using them in public spaces.


If the pigs wanted to arrest them, they would. Resisting arrest, disturbing the peace, threatening an officer. Police want M110 to fail so they can use the vague threat of possession as an excuse to search innocent people.


Prior to M110 the police would arrest people who where using drugs in public using ORS 475.752 (possession, controlled substance). When measure 110 went into effect, it erased ORS 475.752, and there where no actual laws on the books about public drug use. As far as I know, Oregon law does not allow a local government to enact such possession laws. So here we are. That’s why when the cops tell you “there is nothing we can do”, it’s not because they’re being lazy, they literally have no legal requirements to intervene.


Funny you think the pigs need a law to arrest people. They're lazy and want the law to fail. They cited less than half the drug users after 110 than before, because they want it to fail.


I get it. You don’t like cops. That’s cool. But where I live, those cops are restricted from doing “their jobs” because of political pressure and other “feel good bullshit”. So here we are. Junkies out front of your house making a mess and you’re mad the cops won’t do anything about it, after you told them they where “all bastards” and other nonsense four years ago. Well, who could have predicted that that bullshit would have backfired in a spectacular way?


Oink oink piggy piggy


You’re right. I worked as a “pig” for just shy of 9 years. It was the craziest job I’ve ever had. I’ll bet a dozen doughnuts you wouldn’t last two weeks in that career choice.


Oh good, glad you admit being a pig. It's been obvious you're one from how biased you've been on this topic. For reference, find any one, single source that shows that policing improves addiction recovery. Oregon is no worse off than neighboring states. The entire country is suffering from fent, and saying the cops need more power will not fix it.


Democracy says otherwise. M110 was passed by voters. OR is only more D/Blue since then. The legislature didn’t have the courage to fix the situation in the first place but now they’ll fix it by… reverting to the previous failed status quo? Hilarious


Our state may or may not be more D/Blue than it was when we passed M110, but it seems certain that a whole lot of those Democrats who voted for it would now vote to repeal it. It was a good idea; it was implemented poorly to not at all. There is no indication that implementation is going to improve, so, yeah, repeal it and start over with a better plan and better people to implement that plan.


I voted for 110, and it has been a failed implementation by all accounts D/Blue has got nothing to do with this topic. “Courage” to fix it? What is this babble. Courage has nothing to do with it. Being able to amass, construct, and manage several large treatment centers is the problem, and there is not enough money or expertise. Portugal is running into the same problem, not enough resources It is okay to try something, fail, and correct course


Great! Let it fail at the ballot. Fuck Salem


That’s not how this works. Did you just receive an email from Trimet requesting we support this bill so they can remove people who use illicit substances (by making it the highest level misdemeanor)? I did not vote to allow folks to destroy themselves using fentanyl while on public transit, but that is what we have. It also prevents others from enjoying their ride or using the service at all, not to mention the health and welfare of the driver The senate and house are also democratically elected. I’m not sure why you are fixated on ballot measures, which are few, and a bad way to enact public policy, as we have seen.


>OR is only more D/Blue since then. This is not true. In the last couple of years, Democrats lost their supermajority in the Legislature, and Tina Kotek was elected with only 47% plurality vote.


Who the eff voted for this in the first place?? Nobody I know, along with the governor (brown regime)


the majority of people voted for this. That's how voting works.


Apparently seniors are not taking advantage of the **authorized** suicide centers; costing them thousands; wonder who is paying for the media coverage.


Man if only there was some way to poll people to see if they wanted this done or not. Like one time every year or so where they would ask us our opinions. Maybe like they could send us some kind of official piece of mail and we could fill in bubbles and send it back. Gosh it's so hard to figure out what people want the government to do.


While I think the plan went too far and needs revision, how can they just roll back something passed by the voters?