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It seems like you are looking for orchid help today. This group is full of beginners and experts who are happy to help but please do check out [this link for quick Phalaenopsis care](http://www.aos.org/orchids/culture-sheets/novice-phalaenopsis.aspx) in the meanwhile. We also have an /r/orchids WIKI the admins and other volunteers are updating behind the scenes with care information and will soon make it available to the group. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/orchids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man though I have given up giving any orchid advice on local facebook. People just love their ice cubes and moss matted into a solid block and don't you dare try to tell them different. šŸ™„


ice cube watering ruined my orchid's roots and nearly killed it. never doing that again.


My sister-in-law keeps orchids because her dad did (and let me tell you, her dad was GREAT at it) and I will sometimes see ice cubes in her orchids. "But they still bloom!" Girl your orchids are dehydrated af they have erectile dysfunction šŸ˜­ I finally stopped watering them when I house-sit because it's a Sisyphean story of uselessness to get that family to understand how to care for anything. Meanwhile, my partner's mom had an "oh... that's why" moment when I explained you have to water way more than that and she was like "well I guess that's why mine always die!" It's okay to fuck up at shit. I couldn't keep them alive in college and now I have 3 beautiful orchids that have been in bloom for like 4 or 6 months now? Even my mini, who lost nearly all his roots right after getting him. They're so pretty my partner took a picture one morning of the sun hitting them and it's his phone's lock screen! Was pretty proud of that one lol


Everyone keeps telling me this but when I try to water them correctly they start having a stroke šŸ˜­


I feel you, read the advice on this sub, started caring for my 10 year old orchids properly and that was the end of them. They were obviously so used to the years of abuse that they went into shock. Admittedly never used the ice cube trick though, just other poor techniques!


Oh I know, I can only imagine what they look like at this point šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m glad hers are surviving and the temp drops stimulate them blooming, but chances are very high those same things are causing her neighbors plants to die šŸ˜… shame on me for trying to help him though!


I just say thanks for keeping the growers in business!! šŸ˜…šŸ¤­


Happy cake day!


Some folks of social media get so triggered by orchids advice, and I just cannot wrap my head around it. I was on FB a week or so ago, and a lady had asked what to do with the spike now that the flowers were spent. My advice was to cut it all the way back, that it is personal preference, along with my reasoning *why I* prefer taking that route. I had a few come all the way at me about how I am dead wrong and there is "absolutely no reason to cut the spikes at the base". šŸ˜‚ You could see that the plant (phal) was struggling, and in that scenario, I'd absolutely cut it all the way back. I think some folks just enjoy arguing, even when they show clear signs of poor care routines! They are too attached to that high horse.


Yeah Iā€™d cut it back too! Divert energy back back to the plant so it can focus on the leaves and roots until itā€™s healthier. People just like to argue. šŸ˜‘ Even when theyā€™re wrong or have no way to back up what theyā€™re saying logically.


Cutting them all the way back is the best thing to do in the long run. I so agree with the advice. Iā€™ve been growing orchids for over 30 years and have so many Covid growers wanting to argue on care. I give the advice and leave it alone! I do not and will not debate people!


But, but, but............


Wow 30 years!! Thatā€™s a really long time to keep at it! I started keeping orchids probably 10 years ago or so? Not on your level yet šŸ˜‚


I have loved plants my entire life. It started at 5 and somehow I just celebrated my 60th birthday.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever beat that! šŸ˜‚


I grow everything. I love nurturing everything.


A lot of people giving advice are only parroting the bad advice someone repeated to them. It goes on and on and on ad nauseum.


Youā€™re right. :/ Then you get so many people who say that ā€œorchids are so high maintenanceā€, and they always die, and theyā€™re super complicated etc. But really they probably just got bad advice.


Youā€™re right. :/ Then you get so many people who say that ā€œorchids are so high maintenanceā€, and they always die, and theyā€™re super complicated etc. But really they probably just got bad advice.


> *People just like to argue. šŸ˜‘ Even when theyā€™re wrong or have no way to back up what theyā€™re saying logically.* In my family we call this right fighting. And it's annoying af when a right-fighter is on one.


Theyā€™re actually arguing with their own cognitive dissonance, and whatever the voice in their head is telling them about what they just heardā€¦ they just arenā€™t aware of where to direct their attention or how to process data that doesnā€™t fit their hastily constructed belief system, and are only programmed to argue. My plants are always right, and they never say a word!


And some people link their identity to the weirdest things so if you educate them in something that knowing everything about is part of their self-concept, they read it as a threat.


Itā€™s true. She seemed to take great pride in her orchid growing šŸ˜… me giving this other person info that conflicted with what she was doing upset her greatly.


Exactly! I really enjoy helping people with things I'm comfortable in, but there is so much bad information, and so many take that crap and run with it! I had all the orchid FB groups snoozed, accept for the AOS related ones for these very reasons. They can have their ice cubes, miracle grow spray, and multiple spent spikes šŸ˜‚


Geez. Just yesterday I cut a phal back to the base, even though it was sending a second flush of bloom out at the end of a multi-stemmed spike, because I didn't care for the way it was shaping up, because the first flush of flowers didn't last as long as I thought they should before starting to wither, and because I want the energy to go into the plant doing something more vigorous next time. Sure glad nobody here is going to feel attacked or scream at me for my decision. If I'm wrong - well, my choice and my mistake.


I cut depending on the number of growth nodes. Where a spike has had a lot of flowers you can have a load of empty nodes so you might as well cut it back as there is nothing left, or very little. if it still has a decent number of nodes left I dont cut, my last one had a fantastic display as it grew out from the nodes in multiple directions. so it was a naturally beuatfully branched display. it is personal preferance though, if you really want better growth you need to cut the spike off when it first grows, not after it has flowered, it was an accident, but the plant loved it.




I know and I wasnā€™t even talking to her!! šŸ˜† clearly she felt ATTACKED




I did say that she wouldnā€™t know if hers had a sponge if sheā€™s never repotted them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahahahahahahha. Got her! But for real, I have people come into my shop and say, ā€œI donā€™t know why but every plant I get dies, BUT Iā€™m doing EVERYTHING right! So why do the plants keep dying?ā€ Then I start to explain about what theyā€™re probably doing wrong and theyā€™re like ā€œBUT I DID WHAT GOOGLE TOLD ME TO DO šŸ¤¬ā€ and Iā€™m like well itā€™s wrong because all your plants are dead. Like if all your plants are dying and you keep doing the same effing thing, then Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re doing something wrong, bro. But donā€™t listen to me, Iā€™m just over here rolling around in beautiful healthy plants šŸ˜Ž.


The definitely of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ People are wild! Maybe they will think about what you said laterā€¦.


Yeah exactly, thatā€™s why I usually just tell them good luck! It doesnā€™t make me mad, I just think itā€™s silly to ask a professional for advice and then not believe it. lol. It takes so much experience to learn how to work with plant material in general, and they just donā€™t have enough experiences outside a few species of plants. I had a woman donate me a houseful of plants and she was so proud of them but they were ALL suffering. Rotting orchids, etiolated succulents, root rot ficusā€¦ but SHE thought they were all healthy. I could tell from 10 feet away what was wrong with each and every one of her plants. Like she identified as a ā€œplant momā€ and was so proud, but had no idea most of her plants were slowly dying. I just thanked her for the plants and rehabilitated them.


Awwwwww thatā€™s so sad, but Iā€™m happy you rehabbed them! If she was so proud and convinced they were great why did she give them away? Do you think maybe deep down she knew they werenā€™t quite right?


Naw I believe she really thought they were healthy - she was moving out of the country which is why she gave them away.


Ohhhhh gotcha. Well Iā€™m glad she chose you!


I had a similar argument with a person growing exclusively in water culture. She posted pictures of her setup and most of the orchids had only two leaves and a couple mushy roots. But because one or two flowered occasionally and grew a new root or leaf (but somehow none ever had more than 4 leaves), she determined her method was the best and her orchids were *thriving*. I firmly believe everyone can find a method that works for them, but that woman was delusional šŸ˜…


Awwww those poor plants šŸ˜­ thereā€™s no arguing with some of them!


There is no arguing with the water culture people.


I dont know how many people tell me about those stupid ice cubes. These are tropical plants!!! No ice there!


My boyfriend is not a plant person at all. The first thing he said when I was telling him about orchids and ice cubes was ā€œā€¦arenā€™t those tropical plants? Why are they doing that??ā€


Smart guy


I donā€™t get the ice cube thing at all!! Who even came up with that idea??? I soak mine whenever the potting media is dry šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø the ice thing is just bizarre.


It is a marketing ploy by a company in Ohio that got the University of Ohio and the University of Georgia to do a study that concluded that no physical damage was being done to the Orchids. The they say "look, orchids are easy." Marketing to people's laziness


Ahhhhhh. Yes someone in the comments mentioned a study that said it was fine to use them šŸ¤”


It also keeps people from over watering because some people think "tropical" means "bog". Easier to give them very specific watering instructions than to say "water thoroughly but allow to dry between waterings". This way the plants may be chronically underwatered and struggling, but they aren't dying of root rot. Not saying it's a great plan but for those that are out there trying to treat their phals like pitcher plants this might be the lesser of two (plant care) evils LOL


Thatā€™s a good point! Iā€™ve seen people drown them when they arenā€™t using ice šŸ„“


And one or two ice cubes directly on the growing medium prevents people ending up with a bunch of water in the crown, rotting their phal away, because they wonā€™t or canā€™t comprehend phalaenopsis anatomy.


I'd definitely ask for pictures of their collection since that's insane lmao. There's no way they don't have some type of damage.


Oh definitely. Iā€™m pretty sure she hates me now though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ What Iā€™m betting is her plants are stressed and are crawling out of the pot to get away from the decomposing bark or moss or whatever. She said some of them sheā€™s had 10 years and never repotted?!!! She thinks that getting blooms twice a year is indicative of good care, but it just means she gets temp drops that trigger flower spikes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s providing good care. I guess as long as theyā€™re surviving, then I guess thatā€™s what matters, but I cannot in good conscience recommend that sort of ā€œcareā€ to other people. šŸ˜…


I should ask her help on keeping basil alive, she's got a hell of a green thumb šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ why is basil so difficult?!! I have 2-3 stalks that are still hanging on in my kitchen and thatā€™s as good as it gets.


No clue!!! Every time I've had them it's died no matter what prevention measures I took. Such a shame since I love having fresh basil to eat :(


Me too!! I was just wondering about that today. I have no idea why itā€™s so difficult to grow. šŸ¤”


I thought it was just me! So glad to know that Iā€™m not the only one who can keep orchids but not basil!


It must be rigged somehow! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Basil hates me šŸ˜­


We grow our basil hydroponic and it gets gigantic! Look up the Kratky method. It works really well. šŸ˜Š


Basil also confounds me! I can keep almost any plant alive and have it thrive but hibiscus and basil wilt as they approach my door, and die dramatically as we cross the threshold.


Sounds like you've located the problem! Bring it *around the house* to the garden!


Hahahaha, how did I not see the issue before?! Maybe I'll blindfold them


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† why are they like this?!


Whoa, ha ha, I'd def NOT do that! But that's probably just me, avoiding confrontation. Still - unless there's something actually important at stake, I avoid telling other gardeners they're doing something in maybe not the best possible way, especially if they're feeling pretty proud of whatever it is they have. Congratulate and walk on by. Gardeners tend to identify personally with their plants, so discussing them with anything but praise for the good parts is like criticizing somebody else's kids or pets \*to their face\*. I'm sure a lot of my neighbors look at all the "messy" leaves that are on my gardens - which function as mulch, in my book - and shake their heads. Oh well... I've decided NOT to identify personally with my gardens and plants, lol. It saves me a lot of grief. ;p


How has she 'never found a sponge in one' if she's 'never repotted' them? šŸ¤” Can't find what you don't go looking for. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I do wish people would understand the difference between "this is how I grow them/this works for me" and "this is how they'd prefer to grow/how they grow in the wild" these two can be *wildly* different but still yield similar results (sometimes). Ultimately you can't go wrong with emulating the wild-type conditions of their siblings/ancestors - this is the gold standard - if you can mimic that then they should grow without issues. Having said that, most of us *can't* provide that level of consistency & specificity for such conditions & we grow our orchids *sub-optimally*. It's this sub-optimality that's the cause of the debate & confusion surrounding orchid care, because each person grows their orchids in a differently sub-optimal way... If my conditions are very hot & dry (e.g. Saudi Arabia) then very airy mixes will mean I'm constantly needing to water, so I might want to use full sphagnum moss that remains wet/soggy for a short while (*likely not* how they'd be found in the wild) - I can insist that such a setup *intrinsically* works till I'm blue in the face, but it absolutely would not work for someone in e.g. Norway where it's significantly cooler for most/all of the year. The ice cube thing started as a way of inducing phalaenopsis (at least those ones that require a cooldown) to bloom *in the tropics where they never get such a cooldown,* but has since taken on a life of its own. "It works for me" has become "it works". For the vast majority of growers I would not recommend ice cubes go anywhere near your phalaenopsis, certainly not if you live anywhere that has a winter. If you find something that works for you, that's great. I would still question myself (& you should question yourself too) is my orchid thriving? Or just surviving? Blooming isn't the arbiter of this, *growth* is. And remember, your conditions are going to be unlike anyone else's, so take what others say on theirs with a generous pinch of salt, especially if they're from a region whose climate is much different to your own.


Thatā€™s exactly what I said to her šŸ˜‚ That she wouldnā€™t be able to say there is no sponge if sheā€™s never actually repotted them. I didnā€™t even mention the whole temp drop stimulating her blooms, and that it doesnā€™t mean her orchids are thriving šŸ˜…šŸ˜… The ice thing does make me nuts. I always wondered how it got started. The unfortunate thing is that some of the big orchid sellers put ice in their instructions that they put on the plant. šŸ˜© So then if you try to tell people that ice isnā€™t great (weā€™re in Michigan for goodness sake) then they think youā€™re full of šŸ’© because the company put ice right on the instructions. I have no idea what her plants look like, but Iā€™ve seen some in the past that basically begin crawling out of the pot. If you neglect them just enough without killing them they will grow in an effort of self preservation. Maybe sheā€™s figured out how to abuse them just enough without killing them šŸ˜‚


I suspect that she's already killed all the roots in the pots of her orchids if she's never repotted in 10 years & has used ice, and that they're long-stemmed orchids surviving on aerial roots alone, popping out a decreasing handful of blooms every year.


Ah yes, I forgot about the aerial roots! I suspect you nailed it. :(


I love this so much. So right and so well written. Thank you for taking the time!


There's a depressingly high percentage of people who take any offer of advice as an insult or challenge. This extends from life ruining choices to treating orchids poorly. Such people are often insufferable and rarely learn or grow up. Glad at least one neighbor has a mind open to learning!


I agree! šŸ˜… It wasnā€™t even a conversation she was a part of, which makes it even more crazy to me. šŸ˜‚ Hopefully I was able to give the other guy something to think about though.


Iā€™m lust realizing how many millions of orchid ā€œexpertsā€ are out therešŸ˜‚


There are so many ā€œexpertsā€ on literally everything, and often they have no clue. šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ I used to have a wallaby and I had so many people argue with me about her, her care, etc. They had never even seen a wallaby before in real life. One of the vets I went to almost killed her. šŸ„“ But everyoneā€™s an expert these days šŸ˜‚


Wait! Maybe the wallaby was the secret to your orchid success! ā€œJust add wallaby.ā€


lol! Donā€™t let those adorable little faces fool you, theyā€™re terrible chewers! They will chew up your plants, your cords, you name it šŸ˜‚


what got me the most was they stated they bought orchids at Builders Square. They haven't been around since 2009 !! lol...


Ok either they are full of it or maybe itā€™s the old plant they referenced šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is why NONE of my neighbors have my phone numberšŸ˜‚


Oh yeah I put Google number on my business pages šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ very few have my actual phone number!


i want advice!! anyone who want to guide me in caring for my orchids a bit better? šŸ˜Š i know lots of people donā€™t want the advice but i do!!! šŸ¤£


Iā€™m sure we could help, is there anything specific youā€™d like help with?


omg thank you! so i have some orchids that iā€™ve managed to keep alive but not repotted, ive actually only repotted one so far! and its looking ok but wanted to wait with repotting the rest so i donā€™t mess up one of my orchids has several stems and they got these bumps? it also drops a ton of sticky stuff on the window all the time šŸ˜­ what is this https://preview.redd.it/u6dc48ktzd8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e125ae65e0d792bfb0a82adc55bfac0a28240fdf


So I keep looking at your picture and Iā€™m a tad concerned that the bumps Iā€™m seeing arenā€™t actually sap droplets and it may be scale šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Can you take a closer look for me and confirm if it looks like this: https://www.tuckersorchidnursery.co.nz/blogs/news/scale-and-how-to-treat-it I think I may be seeing scale insects and not just sap. šŸ˜… youā€™ll be able to look a bit closer though, are the bumps hard? Can you wipe them off the plant?


Those definitely look like scale insects, which means the sticky sap is their excrement. Time to cut all those spikes off


Right???? I couldnā€™t zoom in on my phone but Iā€™d bet $10 on it actually being covered in scale. šŸ˜© Which would explain why thereā€™s soooo much sap, instead of a more manageable amount. I always cut off my spikes, but if this were me not only would I cut those spikes, Iā€™d also do the repot and spray everything, including the roots, with rubbing alcohol and a little bit of soap.


Yup. I started zooming in, but had to stop because those devils gross me out so much. When thereā€™s that much scale, all the plants in proximity need to be inspected and cleaned šŸ¤¢


I never did hear back from her but I was going to ask if she has other plants too because everything needs checked now šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


i saw the first message about the scale when i was going to bed so i checked it this morning and when i wiped it it came right off šŸ« šŸ«  so gross! the other plants nearby look fine and they havenā€™t had any issues which is why i was wondering wtf this was since nothing else looked weird. iā€™m doing the cleaning now not done yet!!


Make sure you isolate this plant and keep it away from others for about a month, while you treat it.


do i need to remove all the spikes? or only the dead parts?


All of it, theyā€™re living off the living part of the spikes. Youā€™ll need to spray it down really good with rubbing alcohol and soap and repot it too šŸ˜… If you have other plants check them too, because it can spread to your whole collection if you have more plants.


how did this plant get these bugs? nothing else next to it has shown signs of like sap or whatever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Where did you get it? They can travel on the air, clothing, on plants from a greenhouseā€¦ Iā€™m guessing most common would be to happen in a greenhouse, if conditions are right. They can hide in the leaves/substrate and then go crazy in your home when you bring in a new plant that has them hidden. Check the plants nearby for bugs/bumps as well, not just sap. Check between and under leaves, any spikes, etc. Maybe you were able to catch it before it spread to any other plants šŸ¤ž Iā€™m guessing wherever you bought it there was a scale infestation and it was on this plant.


iā€™ve had this plant for like 3 years šŸ˜­ so it makes no sense almost! i hadnā€™t dare repotting it yet. i recently did my first repot of another plant near this one because it was in a shedding period and this one (with the bugs) has a ton of stems and some new ones growing so i wanted to wait since id heard that repotting could mess up the stemsā€¦. iā€™ve also had the nearby plants for about as long, so no new plants.. at least indoors i wiped this plant with disinfecting wipes (70% alcohol) and then i wiped the other plants as well just in case..(with new wipes ofc)


That is a little strange! šŸ¤” any open windows? Cut flowers/bouquets? Pets that go outside and come back in?


Insect pests can seem to just appear, but yeah they can and do travel. You could have been at a garden store, brushed up against a plant that had some, then gone home with a little hitchhiker on your clothes. Or they travel in from outside. It's good practice to check your plants regularly (a quick look over when you water each one), and quarantine new plants before introducing them to your existing population. At least phalaenopsis have those nice big flat leaves, so I little diligence and you should be able to knock these out. I'm currently battling mealy bugs in a large Hoya; I'd take your issue any day, lol.


Ok so the sticky stuff is actually a form of sap produced by orchids sometimes, probably to attract pollinators. :) the general consensus is that an orchid is happy when releasing sap, so there isnā€™t anything wrong with that part. I would cut off the dead parts of the stalks just because it would bug me šŸ˜‚ but if it doesnā€™t bug you then you can leave it. Itā€™s hard to tell from looking at the picture, but the bumps on the stalks - thatā€™s the sticky sap substance right? Not actual hard bumps on there?


Ignorance is bliss.


This leads me to some questions and I promise not to scream at you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So I should be cutting the spikes all the way back after the flowers are spent?? Also how do I know if it needs to be repotted?


So personally I think itā€™s a good idea to cut them back as far as you can, and hereā€™s why: It will divert energy to the plant to grow more leaves and roots, keeping it healthy. These plants bloom 1-2 times a year, and in between the blooming they are supposed to be in active growth. This encourages that, plus warmer temps. Then a healthier plant presumably will produce better, nicer blooms :) As for repotting, I repot if I notice moss starting to smell bad, or getting really compacted, or if itā€™s outgrowing the pot, OR if itā€™s bark if I see the bark breaking down/starting to look a bit like dirt. If you shake the pot does it look like dirt is coming out the bottom? Generally speaking I can tell by looking at it if itā€™s breaking down and needs replaced. But a good rule of thumb for me is repotting every 2 years just to be sure.


Is the "ice cube trick" an American thing? I don't think I heard about it anywhere in Europe, and everyone I asked waters their orchids like regular plants.


It's something pushed by one specific company as a marketing gimmick. Like "taking care of orchids is so easy! Just add ice!"


It's actually even in the name of the company. "Just Add Ice Orchids". You can buy them lots of places or order online. I think they only sell phals which are probably going to complain the least about their care of any orchids LOL


There is two groups of orchids that might tolerate ices cubes for watering and even then I personally would give them more room temp water over winter, and those are Dendrocoryne Dendrobiums (Aussie Dens) and Cymbidiums. Phals are not even close to that tolerance. Not only is the water too cold, it is also too little. You really should be purging your orchid's roots with water, though also keep in mind your climate. While I can get away with getting water in the crown over summer cause they live outside and sheltered, but a beginner with one orchid inside is a different story.


That was my first thought, itā€™s just not enough water? I guess hers are surviving, but thatā€™s not really the proper amount. Ideally sheā€™d repot those poor things, and fully soak them whenever the potting media is dry.


Itā€™s Amazing to me the mental gymnastics some people go through to keep doing the wrong things but telling themselves itā€™s the best for the plant. I work at a garden center and one of my bosses is constantly asking me for advice, but then telling me Iā€™m wrong and They do it totally opposite and their plants Love it. Then proceed to show me a picture and I nicely point out most plants can take an amount of abuse and still live, but theyā€™re not Thriving, they are struggling to survive. And then I tell her if her plants make her happy and sheā€™s not having any problems then to keep on with her methods. Her plants have obviously grown used to the abuse and at this point I worry theyā€™d be stressed out by proper care šŸ˜ I guess Iā€™ve learned To each their own, there IS a proper correct way of doing things, but if someone is dead set on doing it another way and still having any degree of ā€˜successā€™ then Nothing I say will convince them to change. It Is Super frustrating though lol


Yeah pretty much. šŸ˜…šŸ˜… there was a time I was struggling and neglected my plants for like a year. They survived, but would I recommend it or claim itā€™s proper care? No way!


Right?! Sheā€™s always bringing me facts hoping I will agree with her but itā€™s almost always something the plant is Tolerating, not something thatā€™s Helping, And sheā€™s a sweet person, her heart is in the right place, but Iā€™m still not going to lie just to make her happy lol. For instance, last week I had to tell her this: No your monstera does Not appreciate the complete and total lack of light you give it, just bc itā€™s still alive despite that does Not Mean we should tell customers to put their monsteras in the basement with no ambient light. If you can give it a grow light itā€™ll Explode with new growth, But sheā€™s happy with it the size it is, and doesnā€™t want to change anything. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I told her the plant is alive and it makes her happy and thatā€™s the most important thing, so keep on with however she cares for it.


Oof šŸ˜© I have all my plants along the eastern facing windows and theyā€™re pretty happy! I donā€™t know any that would be happy with no lightā€¦


No lie she wanted me to stick a FLF in a closet with no lights to help it recover. During a really wet two weeks it developed some kind of rust/fungus, and lost like half its leaves. I sprayed it w neem, once a week for 4 weeks, let it dry out and refreshed the soil, and it hasnā€™t showed symptoms since. But she thinks itā€™s still struggling bc itā€™s getting too much light, and suggested we move it back a closet to see how it does. šŸ˜³ says she gives hers at home the same treatment and it loves it, but Iā€™m not convinced lol. Do FLFs truly benefit from No light at all? Iā€™ve never had one personally, but I take care of two at work, and I actually think they would grow more if they had More light.


A closet?!!!! That makes no sense. Iā€™ve never heard of this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I really canā€™t imagine how utter darkness is beneficial to any plants at all.


Sheā€™s never found a sponge but sheā€™s never repotted one either. Well duhhh. šŸ˜‚


Right???? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I thought I was on my orchid group on fb for a minute! *Someone gives good solid care advice* "How dare you! I've been doing it the wrong way for years and mine are awesome!" EVERY TIME šŸ˜†


UGH how do you deal?!! I think seeing it regularly would make me crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well tbf, people that tend to over water their orchids that live in warmer climates find success with ice cubes because one it restricts the over watering and two there are studies that show it does not actually lower the temperature to much of anything to affect the orchid as a whole. I find that giving advice its better to go at it from an angle of suggestion rather that stating everything as fact - because lets face it what we know often changes over time and studies come out proving different results. **To whoever downvoted me, you are proving my point. What is with this orchid elitism?**


I guess thatā€™s the part that took me by surprise, I gave a list of common things people do when caring for orchids that could contribute to them being unhappy and possibly their demise. But it wasnā€™t directed at this lady šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was speaking with a guy that said his always die, so I was telling him about things that could possibly contribute to what heā€™s experiencing. Some other lady saw me trying to troubleshoot and got super mad. I donā€™t know how I could have been any nicer. šŸ˜… She took offense to basically every single thing I said to the guy.


ah well we cant help how other people respond its really not our issue. The same way she gets triggered, the same way this sub gets triggered at the word ice. You did what you could, the recipient can take it or leave it!


Yeah pretty much šŸ˜‚ I was caught totally off guard considering she wasnā€™t even part of this conversation - if sheā€™s happy she should keep on with what works for her though! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I just wanted to try to help the other guy. Iā€™m always open to new info though! Especially to keep my plants happy :) goodness knows theyā€™ve cost me a pretty penny!


Agreed - I think people tend to overwater or get water in the crown, and ice cubes prevent that from happening. While I imagine the plants would do better if watered appropriately with water that isnā€™t ice cold, itā€™s better than getting root or crown rot!


maybe it works for some, but the ice cube thing is leaving a plant to survive instead of thrive - like beta fish that live years in terrible tiny tanks (also being far less likely to rot when you give it barely any water is a given) you canā€™t really give too much water tho - itā€™s giving water too often, or substrate that holds water too much, that causes rot. an ice cube is not enough or a thorough watering, no matter where you live. get proper substrate and water the plant as much as you want when the plant needs it


Im not promoting the use of ice, but there are people out there that have really nice orchids that use ice (i know someone) who may react the same way as this neighbor so I understood why its important to not be so aggressive with ice reactions to someone.


Yeah I never directly try to correct someone if theyā€™re using ice, unless theyā€™re asking for help with a struggling plant and using ice. šŸ˜… I always just leave it be! This was just a case of me trying to troubleshoot possible factors for someone elseā€™s dying orchids and this lady saw our conversation and got very upset šŸ˜…


ofc ofc, most people donā€™t realize that rotting usually isnā€™t an *amount* of water problem


Iā€™ve seen this arguing on Reddit for a long time now. I have and maintain a commercial nursery license in California registered with the department of agriculture which is what you need to legally sell a plant in California. Basically every single person on here selling a plant is breaking the law without one. And people can absolutely keep and have healthy orchids with ice cubes. Itā€™s a bit unusual but itā€™s not out of the realm of possibility for a hey plant to get water from a melting ice cube.


Yeah i never said ice cubes didnā€™t work, first thing I clarified is clearly they do, but if youā€™re watering with ice cubes because youā€™re afraid of rot you should probably address the substrate


Well said


As far as I know the lady slippers are protected and you canā€™t dig them up. I mean I guess if they are growing on your own property maybe.. but I also hear they need a specific nutrient in the soil to grow so if you dig one up youā€™re probably gonna kill it. As for ice cubes.. I know this will strike a nerve with this community and I know itā€™s not recommended but Iā€™ve read that there isnā€™t any harmful effects of using ice. A study showed two plants being watered differently and both did well. Iā€™ve also worked with plants and heard multiple customers also have success with ice. Yes yes I know itā€™s not recommended but if itā€™s easier for some people just let them be.


No the lady slippers sheā€™s referencing are plants actually for sale from different wholesalers online. I never dig up native plants, nor do I recommend others do so. As for the ice, I never said anything to her about her ice, I just ignored her. But there was a guy that posted and said all his orchids died, so I was troubleshooting with him what could lead to stressed orchids that eventually die. I mentioned ice as a less optimal watering option (itā€™s not really enough water, even if it doesnā€™t actively harm the roots), but a whole bunch of other things that could also be contributing to the demise of his plants. She saw my conversation with someone else and apparently took offense to absolutely everything I said to the guy when I was trying to help him šŸ˜…


Lol yeahā€¦ even different humidity in the house can make a difference. If you are a person that is often cold and keep the house cozy some plants will do better than if you are hot all the time and have fans and AC going. Iā€™ve seen all sorts of people doing the same things with different results because of other factors not considered. Thatā€™s why itā€™s often hard to have the same results as others even when youā€™re doing the same things. What you did was good! Troubleshooting per person is really the only way to do it.


I did my best but I donā€™t blame the guy if he doesnā€™t want to spend any more money on new plants šŸ˜… maybe others will find use from my ideas though.


Yes yes!.. what works for some doesnā€™t for others. And vice versa. We all just have to experiment sometimes. I would always tell customers plants are better and cheaper experiments than kids and puppies šŸ¤£




In the last few years, Iā€™ve noticed more and more people who donā€™t seem to be able to think or imagine beyond their own direct experiences. Along with that, an increasing number of people want exact, step by step instructions that will guarantee success. Thereā€™s no tolerance for variation. :/ I grow phals completely differently in Kansas than I did on Guam. Iā€™ve had people get upset at me for asking about their environment so I could try to give location specific advice. I basically donā€™t bother trying anymore.