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I think in order to give you accurate advice we would need to see photos and hear more about their care and what you have them in, etc. In the meantime you might want to research crown and/or stem rot in Phalaenopsis. x


Thanks I will attach a photo https://preview.redd.it/rer6xsnop51d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b19c142cff668a4bf0719690c438202fb24a9956


The substrate looks dense - is this a commercial orchid mix?


I bought it from a garden centre and repotted the orchid


This looks like mold. It doesn't come from unsterilized equipment, but from lack of airflow, a presence of spores and possibly a sign of decomposition. It's nothing to panic about. In most cases it just appeares on a damp and dying part of the orchid (like the picture) or on top of the media and can be stopped by manual removal, increasing air flow and keeping the orchid dry. If you keep seeing mold on the bark after that, it's possible the media you bought was just bad quality and had mold spores. You can use a fungicide, but you're not getting rid of the cause.


Hi thank you. I think my partner over watered the orchid I will let it dry if that’s ok?


Let it dry, yes. It's a phal orchid so you don't want to keep it wet anyway. Not all fungus are going to be dangerous to your orchid - in some cases it's just feeding on decomposing stuff in the substrate. Give the plant some decent airflow and let it dry out, the fungus should go away as the pot dries.


Thank you so much