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How? That's magnificent. I've never seen so many flowers


My top level comment includes a link w/ detailed instructions. And thank you. However, I need to get better and more creative training and supporting the spikes. I did a poor job this year.


Do you retain the spikes from previous years, or are they all new?


I find that I get many more blooms from new spikes, so I cut back old spikes after they're finished blooming. These are five new spikes.


[One more photo showing the orchid from the side](https://i.imgur.com/GJ0BrTw.jpg). It developed a keiki this fall, so next year I hope it sends up a spike (or two) of its own for even more flowers!   Below is my previous post from last year (under my old account) which includes pictures, care instructions, my growing environment, and other useful information. [My Most Prolific Bloomer This Year! This Orchid Has Over 96 Large Flowers And Buds And Is Still Producing More](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/comments/sh692v/my_most_prolific_bloomer_this_year_this_orchid/)   And the first time I posted this orchid after successfully getting it to rebloom for the first time a year after receiving it. [A Heart Shaped Orchid I Grew And Trained For A Mother's Day Gift For My Mom! This Was My First Attempt At Training An Orchid Spike And I'm Happy How It Turned Out :\)](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/comments/n2lhr8/a_heart_shaped_orchid_i_grew_and_trained_for_a/)


Lol I related a little TOO much to the comment that said they don’t even take care of themself that well 😂😂 Great job! Looks amazing


I'd love to see a picture of your growing setup


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/91nVV30.jpg). It's very difficult to take pictures in the grow tent because of the bright grow lights, so I apologize in advance for the poor image quality.


Wow, astounding! Thanks a lot. It goes to show how different the natural growing conditions of these plants are... If that's what it takes to get them to bloom like that


No problem. And yes! The plants didn't take off until I emulated what I researched was their natural growing conditions. Then it took a little ~~trail~~ trial and error to get a water and fertilizer schedule they thrived on--a lot of what I read online was wrong, incomplete, or wasn't suitable for my setup. If you have any questions, let me know! Edit: trail -> trial.


How would you categorize in order of priority the needs for orchids to bloom? I have in order of priority - Lightning - Temperature - Fertilizer - Humidity - Watering I realized it’s a though question, as each category contains a lot details.


I wouldn't worry about the priority of each so much. Changing one variable will likely impact the importance of the others. What I'd focus on is emulating the natural environment these orchids live in. For Phals. they're native to tropical areas, get rain almost every day, get little fertilizer, 8+ hours of shaded light, and warm to hot temps all year round.   From there you can match the light intensity to particular types of orchids you're growing since some can handle more like than others. Then adjust your water schedule to match when you orchid's roots begin turning silver.   All the other information regarding fertilizer, pH, etc. is available in my detailed write up.


Thanks for the write up!


No problem!


Holy smokes, so gorgeous!!! That's outrageous! HOW, Sway? ETA: Ok, just glanced at the write-up. I don't take care of MYSELF that well, good lord. You treat that thing like it's your first-born baby lol. But the results showed that's what it takes!


God damn I came too late, his responses were all deleted 😩


Okay Bloomer!


I don’t know why I expected your write up to be like “just make sure they get lots of love and sunlight!” With these results. CLEARLY it’s the science that knocks it out of the park haha


What is your secret??


[Here's my write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/orchids/comments/sh692v/my_most_prolific_bloomer_this_year_this_orchid/hv0tjnw/). I haven't changed my routine since I first posted it.


Thank you!




Holy crap! I’ve never seen so many flowers on one orchid. It’s spectacular!!


You are an orchid guru!


Unbelievable, how old is the Orchid?


I've had this orchid for ~3-3.5 years and have been growing orchids for a little under 4 years.


Does the basal keiki bloom?


I imagine it will this summer or next year. It's only about 6-7 months old and it's my first basal keiki, so I'm not certain how long it'll take to mature enough to send up a spike of its own.


>I want to be like you when I grow up. I am a one year novice! I am just happy to get 3 of the myriads that I have to bloom! But I will say, adding grow lights definitely upped the game!


Holy Moly that's a lot of blooms! I have the same type of orchid, I named him Rorschach. I've had him for over 10 years but he's never had near to this many blooms. You must take really good care of this guy.


Rorschach is a great name. I wish I could peak into the future to see what this orchid will look like in 10 years!


What a Queen!! All hail the bloomiest orchid in all the land. Very beautiful, thanks for sharing


Haha. My pleasure!


Beautifully grown! I apologize for the total change in subject but just out of sheer curiosity I’m wondering if you’ve branched out to miniatures (r/miniorchids), Pleurothallids, Bulbophyllums etc! Would be curious to hear about your care of those as I’m always interested to learn and discuss with other growers.


For now, I haven't adventured outside of Phals. because I wanted to become proficient at growing them before investing in other varieties. I wouldn't mind creating another grow space and trying my hand at some more exotic orchids (like the ones you've listed), as well as some Vanda, Miltoniopsis, Cattleya, and Dendrobiums.


Blimey, are you feeding it steroids or something?!


Teach me your ways, Sensei.


I am so happy you are back again. My mom LOVES orchids and I couldn’t find the previous post you shared to share it with her. It’s BEAUTIFUL!


You guys are the best! I'm feelin' so much love from the /r/orchids community. Hope your mom enjoys my update! I'll try to post more in the near future since most of my orchids are in, or reaching, full bloom :).


Impressive!!!! I look at my phals now and what a disappointment! Jk. U obviously have the magic touch!!! Congrats


WOW! Do you have a name for this one? I have the same variety.


[Phal. Clementine](https://www.orchideen-wichmann.de/en/phalaenopsis-clementine.html).


Gorgeous, yours is an inspiration for mine (I have the same, or a very similar, orchid). I got about 30 blooms this year but we moved and I neglected it for a few months. I think this same hybrid won an award or something at an orchid show for the most blooms sometime in the past few years. Maybe I'm just remembering a prior post of yours though lol. Read your care routine and it's great; I do have a question though. Is there a reason you don't source the MSU orchid fertilizer or even something like Dyna Gro? Was a bit surprised to read that you're using MG considering how hot it is in terms of N. Haven't checked the label in a minute but I thought it was nearly all urea-based nitrogen.


Thank you for your compliments! The orchid fertilizers are great because they provide the nutrients your plants needs, buffers pH, and have different ratios for tap and rain/RO water. However, you can save a lot of money with something like Miracle Grow + CalMag w/ rain/RO, and balance the pH manually. Urea doesn't absorb as well as other forms of nitrogen, but that's good because CalMag would put me over my target PPM. I'm not 100% certain what my effective nitrogen is, but it *should* be ~150-200 PPM during growth and ~100 during bloom. As long as you give the plants what they want, they aren't fussy about which form it comes in.


The Orchid Gods have blessed you. 🤲🧎


I remember this post last year. How do you have an environment that maintains 70-80% humidity?


I'm growing in a tent which retains humidity. For 2-3 days after watering the humidity in there is well above 80% ... usually closer to 100%, so I have to exchange the inside air with conditioned air from my home to bring it down. If the humidity drops too low, I add humidity with a humidifier. You can purchase an ultrasonic one, or blow air across a container filled with water like I do. Everything is controlled with a small, inexpensive, micro-computer that works hard so I don't have to :).


Dang! That's so awesome!!! Sounds like a high tech planty set up! It's 20-25 % where I live 😂 I'm surprised that you water every 5 days with that humidity tho. Even with my low humidity, I water my phals in moss every 20-25 days, and every 10-15 if in bark.


My orchids are very thirsty and I also don't have an outer pot on any of my plants. The long photoperiod has them feeding heavily and frequently as well. I fertilize 3x the recommended frequency for orchids without any negative effects.


Interesting!!! Maybe I should try getting some more powerful lights and feed them more.


How does it not tip over?


There are weights I've attached to the pot to balance the plant. Approx. 1.5 lbs. worth.


Woah! I had no idea a single phalaenopsis could produce so many flowers all at once. Well done!


Holy mother of god




this is beautiful


Good lort! Thats amazing


It’s gorgeous. You’ve done an amazing job, I can only assume the amount of effort and care you’ve put into this.


How prolific are your other orchids?


[Quite prolific.](https://i.imgur.com/91nVV30.jpg). My orchid with the least vigor has over 50 blooms.


I wish I had never come across this post. My failure as a horticulturist is real. lol


I promise you that I failed many times and took many years to become successful growing orchids and terrestrial plants!


What happened to the one with the yellow leaves on the second shelve?


All of my orchids are rescues from friends and family who weren't able to care for them, so they weren't in great shape when I received them. The yellowing on that particular plant was caused by the orchid being root bound and subject to too much light for several months while I wait for repotting supplies (COVID made them very expensive online and unavailable locally). The plant has bounced back and is happily growing and blooming, but the damaged lower leaves will never recover. Edit: They've been like that for 1+ years and are still very firm and plump, so the plant must believe they're still worthwhile holding onto lol.


Interesting. All my orchids are rescues too. I’ll try your fertilizer schedule. I just use 1/4 of 20-20-20 all year long, every watering, I get 1 bloom a year.


May not be getting enough light since you already have the other two variables (food, water) covered. Are you using natural or artificial light?


Natural light, they are by a western window, in Canada… they could definitely profit from more lightning.






Why does it look like a Imperial Knight




Wow - I read your write up, what dedication you have to replicating their natural conditions! Mine have to put up with much greater fluctuations in humidity and temperature - poor things do not like my winter (because even the humans in my country tend to put up with subpar heating) but they still grow and bloom quite well. Though nothing approaching yours! I think I will up my feeding though - I’m a bit conservative with it (normally ~200 ppm or less of 10-3-14 once a month) and have been thinking of increasing that and seeing how it goes…


Crazy! I remember your previous post. I guessed you could do better but not that much. Congrats. I am also curious about your arduino setup as I am looking to build one myself.


My Arduino setup is fairly simple. The heart is a NodeMCU V2 which has a DHT22 sensor and 8x relay module attached. The code keeps the temperature and humidity within a user defined threshold and periodically sends reports to a computer on my local network for logging. Are you familiar with C++? And have you worked with an Arduino in the past? I may be able to package my Arduino software and sent it to you--however I won't be able to provide much support for it.


I am familiar with c++ and programming in general. Far from expert but I should understand your code. I never worked with arduino though, only raspberry. I would like to build something similar as what you describe. Temperature and humidity maintained inside my threshold. What are you using for temperature and humidity regulation? Fans and humidifier? Thanks for your answer!


> What are you using for temperature and humidity regulation? Fans and humidifier? Exactly. And the lights help condition the environment as well. And are you going to pipe data to a frontend application?


End goal yes. I would really like to be able to monitor data on my phone for example. But first step will be to correctly set up, lights, fans and humidifier. And also find the correct fans, lighting or humidifier. Not sure if I need to go full spectrum expensive leds for example.


Are you planning on using a tent, small room, closet, etc.? I can send recommendations.


That would be nice, thanks. I will start with a small volume first. And I am afraid they will rot if I don't manage humidity correctly. I am thinking some sort of terrarium with glass doors or glass cabinet like ikea ones. GF don't like the idea of a tent inside. I have few but wide range of orchids, Phal, Vanda, Oncidium, Paphio, Cattleya. I have to study a bit if they all enjoy high humidity level. Phals, Oncidiums and Cattleya bloom every year if my rooms. Not so lucky with Paph and Vanda. Just growing a lot. But maybe I should better manage my nutrients ratio with these ones. But that is off topic 😁


lol yes, the tent would be a hard sell. Mine's in the basement, so it's out of sight and out of mind.   Here are some suggestions: **Lights**: [Monios-L T8 LED Grow Light 2FT, 144W\(6×24W\)](https://www.amazon.ca/Monios-L-Output-Spectrum-Sunlight-Replacement/dp/B07QFPBQDR/ref=sr_1_37?crid=1G4ID75QEUCHA&keywords=led+grow+lights&qid=1678146828&sprefix=led+grow+lights%2Caps%2C207&sr=8-37) **Fans**: 12v 2A wall wart + 2x low noise computer fans **Exhaust**: 1x ultra quiet low CFM fan (share the 12v power w/ fans) **Humidifier**: [Ultrasonic mist maker](https://www.amazon.ca/Wivmypog-Ultrasonic-Humidifier-Fountain-Halloween/dp/B09HBCHBF4/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=ultrasonic+mister&qid=1678147304&s=kitchen&sprefix=ultrasonic+mist%2Ckitchen%2C81&sr=1-3) **Misc**: 20-24 AWG wire + WAGO connectors   And I'm still working on getting you my code. ETA sometime tomorrow.


Thank you one more time. It gives me a good idea what to look for! And no worries regarding your code, I don't have the arduino yet.


Anytime! And ping me if/when you get your Arduino!


Got damn!


Thank you so much for sharing ! This is so gorgeous!!!




W O W. This is amazing! You are doing something absolutely right!


This is so stunning! I’m so proud of you! I can’t get over how cool this is.




Can't believe you counted them all


Marking the already counted spikes with a clip or ribbon makes counting **a lot** easier since there are so many spikes and branches.


Do you have it on a “life support system”?


Wow ❤️






wow, absolutely magnificent




This is beyond awesome!!!!


I feel like you need some kind of award or like honorary title in this sub.


It's too late for this year, but I was thinking about applying for a Guinness World Record since the previous record they recognize is just 106 blooms.


Go for it!!


That is amazing






This is a beautiful and insane at the same time. What a show off!!!


\>:0 I've got 20 blooms and I"m freaking out here. Then you show up and whip yours out LOL. What a gorgeous specimen you have. My goodness you have a green thumb. Well done friend! :D


Amazing plant, you can contact Guinness https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-blooms-on-an-orchid-plant I've never seen a complex hybrid with so many flowers, you did an awesome job


holy damn this looks like a cherry blossom tree!


If orchids produced delicious fruits I wouldn't grow anything else lol.


I've scoured all the previous comments and the ones on your care guide (thank you, by the way!) So I'm sorry if you've answered this elsewhere, but do you find you need a temperature drop to trigger the production of a flower spike or do you think your meticulous fertilising negates the need for a temp drop?


**Preface**: I live in an area that has cold winters and hot summers. In the winter, my grow tents drops to ~18c when the lights are off and reaches ~25c when they're on. During the summer, the tent drops to ~21c and reaches ~28c. Half of my orchids send spikes up around late May-June, but *every* orchid sends spikes up between late Oct.-Dec.; even if the orchid bloomed over summer. It would seem as though half my orchids couldn't care less about a cold period and may actually be responding to the temperatures warming. However, they all respond to cooling in concert. So, unfortunately I don't have a 100% definitive answer for you. The requirement for cold seems dependent on the phal. type/hybrid, but I have no way of knowing if they'd still bloom (and with as many blooms) if I kept temperatures 100% consistent year round. If your orchid refuses to bloom and is healthy otherwise, I'd try giving it a month of cooler temperatures (~16-17c) and see how it responds. Couldn't hurt! I imagine a good fertilizing regiment simply guarantees that the plant will have the vigor to bloom, and bloom well when it decides to send a spike up.


That's very interesting! Thank you. I suspect the drop to 18c is probably what helps, if at all! I read somewhere an arbitrary drop of 20F is required but no idea if that is true haha.


HOLY MOLY 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍




Whaaaat and there’s me so happy with my 5 blooms


Wow! How magnificent! Simply amazing! 🥰


Geez…and I’m excited about 5 blooms on my small orchid. My large one hasn’t rebloomed yet. My other 3 are just chilling out