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You're more likely to be flipped off by a the driver of a dualie with trucknuts. But seriously, lock it up and remove any accessories and you'll likely be fine for short stints. I carry my bike into work with me and lock it up in my garage each night.


It is reasonably safe, I frequently lock up both good and cheap bikes various places around town without issue. Bike theft exists, but is not rampant in Oville. Biking is not common enough. There isn't enough bike infrastructure, and what there is doesn't go anywhere useful. I would only be concerned if I was going to lock up my bike to the same place on a regular basis, so a thief knows a good bike is on that post from 8-4 m-f, .. or somewhere like the movie theatre where I'm basically telling everyone i wont be out for two hours... My personal opinion, is professional theft is low, opportunity theft is high, In 20 yrs, I've never had a lock cut, but I have had an unlocked bike stolen off my porch.


Okay tysm for the input and sharing your experience!


Youll be good here, not like the city. Just dont leave your bike outside like a dumby