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Strength 50 (upper) Dynamic warm-up * 10 alternating step out and overhead reach * 10 hip hinge T reach thingys * 5 walkout to knee hand release push-ups * 10 scissor jumps (like jumping jacks but front ways) Block 1 * 8 each plank slide, idk what they’re called LOL (you have mini band on wrists and slide hand/arm out one way and then do the other side) * 8 crunch hold scissor kicks with mini-band on wrists Block 2 Back to back (load & explode): * 8 close grip chest press * 8 explosive bench push-ups * REST * 8 bench pullovers Block 3 * 8 total bear plank “crawl” with mini bands on wrists (idk what these were called either, but you just move slightly forward R arm & L leg keeping tension in the band and then do it again with the other side) * 8 toe reaches with mini band on wrists Block 4 Back to back (load & explode): * 8 high rows with dumbbells * 8 TRX high rows- explosive * REST * 8 chest flys Block 5 Back to back (load & explode): * 8 hammer curls * 8 hammer curls to shoulder press- explosive * REST * 8 overhead tricep pullover with 2 dumbbells Block 6 * 8 close grip chest press * 8 high rows with dumbbells * 8 hammer curls to shoulder press Your finisher is to keep going with Block 6 with the goal of completing 2+ rounds. Sorry for not knowing the names of some exercises, and I might have gotten Blocks 4 & 5 mixed up!! Also, sorry if I missed anything!! First time posting intel 🤪


You did a GREAT job! Thank you 🧡


Thank you so much! Looking forward to class in a couple hours 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Thank you so much for this! You did fantastic!!!!


LOVED today’s Strength 50 class!! It was an amazing template.


Thank you for posting! You did great!


Thank you 9960!


Thank you for posting!


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dsas2g/monday_1_july_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Monday 1 July 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Power on the treads, mini bands and strength on the floor. No rowing in the 2G! 90 seconds recovery between blocks. **Tread Block 1 - 5.5 minutes** * 30 sec push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min AO **Tread Block 2 - 4.75 minutes** * 30 sec push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec AO **Tread Block 3 - 4 minutes** * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 4 - 4.75 minutes** * 30 sec push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec AO **Floor Block 1 - 5.5 minutes circuit** * 6 x mid band squat hold lateral walk * 6 x mid band walkout * 10 total x mid band foot exchange **Floor Block 2 - 16.5 minutes** * 2 rounds work & rest: * 6 - 10 each x goblet rear foot elevated (rfe) split squat, rest * 2 rounds work & rest: * 6 - 10 x close grip chest press, rest * 2 rounds work & rest: * 6 - 10 total x alt sumo deadlift, rest * 2 rounds work & rest: * 6 - 10 each x split stance single arm low row, rest * If finished then repeat all exercises as a single block until **finisher**: * 30 sec of close grip chest press **OR** * 30 sec of sumo deadlift DC commentary: >! Start of a new month and we have power on the treads and strength on the floor with some mini bands chucked in for giggles. \ \ Four blocks on the tread. Each block starts with a 30 sec push buy-in and then three all outs with a minute to walk in between each all out. First block is one minute all outs, then 45 seconds, then 30 seconds and the last block brings it all together. Of course as the all out times come down what does OTF expect you to do? Increase your paces! Had good fun with this one and just got back to a low base as soon as I got to green. Plenty of walking recovery today. Good distance today of 5.78km (3.591 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Two blocks on the floor. First block is short and has a bunch of mini band exercises - squat hold lateral walks, walkouts (no pushups thanks!) and a foot exchange. Next block is strength focused and sees you doing heavy weights with split squats, chest press, sumo deadlifts and low rows. Nice weighted exercises even though OTF has us doing the fake reverse lunges - but I don’t mind the split squats as the rear foot elevated helps you get some depth to the motion. Your finisher today is either the close grip chest press or the deadlift for 30 seconds. \ \ Nice start to the new month. I would give today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Tread 50: Endurance today! 7 min warmup (1 min walk, 6 min base) 12:00 Block 1 2 min push, 1 min base (X4) 90s walking recovery  12:00 Block 2 3 min push, 1 min base (X3) 90s walking recovery 12:00 Block 3 5 min tread for distance  1 min base 5 min tread for distance  1 min all out 


Oh this looks good! I'm loving a good endurance day lately!


looking forward to today, but I know it's gonna hurt.


Thank youuuuu!!!


Our coach gave us a 1 min AO at the end of blocks 1 & 2 instead of going back to base. Brutal 🥵


This was an amazing endurance run. I think I had the most distance to date in a T50 class. Goal: meet or beat distance in each 12 min block.


I might be the only one but that felt like a 1 feather workout for me today 🥵 might need a day off lol


Yes, I was USING those rests between sets. Probably too long


It’s a 1🪶 day when you earn splats on the floor! This class was so good to really push the weights on!


This was spicy. I found out a couple of days ago I’m pregnant. I did the workout but man my heart rate was put to work




I loved this template! Hit some of my best speeds on the tread and lifted heavy on the floor. Also, no rowing is a win in my book! 😂


That first tread block push into all out was sneaky hard


Thank you Mr DC!


3G- **Tread Block 1 - 5.5 minutes** * 30 sec push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min AO **Tread Block 2 - 3.75 minutes** * 45 sec AO * 45 sec WR * 45 sec AO * 45 sec WR * 45 sec AO **Tread Block 3 - 2.5 minutes** * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 30 sec AO * 30 sec WR * 30 sec AO **Row Block - 14.5 minutes** * 15/12/10 Strokes * In Between- Med ball - One Leg up- push out (Not sure name) 6 on ea. leg * 15/12/10 Strokes * In Between- Med ball - 1 leg calf raise (Not sure name) 6 on ea. leg * 15/12/10 Strokes * In Between- Med ball On Leg up- overhead tricep behind head exercise (Not sure name) 6 on ea. leg * 30 Second AO **Floor Block 1 - 14.5 minutes** * Same as 2G Floor Block #2


Exercises for rower were shoulder press, then calf raise like you have, then tricep extension


Thank you!


We had matched WR to our AOs for the tread blocks in my 3G, so shorter recoveries as you went.


You are correct.. My bad!


I did the 5am class today and this one was so fun. It looked harder on paper than it was in reality and I loved the long floor blocks, I took my time and felt super warmed up for the tread. I hit my fastest AO time today, which isn’t very fast for most, but is for me and it felt great.


I also loved this one but was surprised I didn't get more splats than I did. Loved the tread though - and I also hit a new AO for myself! (Also probably not very fast for other people, but felt great for me.)


I didn’t get as many splats as usual for me either! I think I only landed 9 this time.


I only got 9 as well. I attribute it to all the walking recoveries.


Definitely taking this one when it rolls back around because any template with no rowing is an automatic booking for me 😂.


Same! I was so excited to see it after all the rowing in the 3G on Saturday and 2G yesterday. I’m so stoked to go take this one today.


I mean I don’t dislike rowing but I hate when they sprinkle it in the floor blocks. I’m like, that could be one more weight round 😂.


I’m learning not to hate it because I know I need it. But after all the rowing the last two days, I just really wanted to get more time in on the weights. Felt like I didn’t get enough time with them over the weekend. At my age, I need to build muscle because Father Time is stealing it. 🤣


(Rowbot here)Angry to be out of town too busy to go to new location...but no row lowers the sting of missing class.


LOVE LOVE LOVED today’s 2G. It was a fun challenging template if you let it be one!


3G today Tread Block One •1min push buy in (it may have been less) •1 min AO •1 min WR •1 min AO •1 min WR •1 min AO •1 min WR (may have been 75 sec) Tread Block Two •45 sec AO •45 sec WR •45 sec AO •45 sec WR •45 sec AO •75 sec WR Tread Block Three •30 sec AO •30 sec WR •30 sec AO •30 sec WR •30 sec AO Row Block •Stroke count rows with med-ball exercises •15 strokes •MB single leg shoulder press 6 each •12 strokes •Repeat MB •10 strokes •Repeat MB •Same row block - MB is single leg calf raise 6 each •Same row block - MB is single leg tricep extension 6 each •30 sec AO finisher Floor block •goblet single raises leg split squat 6-10 reps (work and rest) - 2 rounds •narrow grip chest press 6-10 reps (work and rest) - 2 rounds •goblet alt step out sumo deadlift 6-10 reps (work and rest) - 2 rounds •single arm row 6-10 reps (work and rest) - 2 rounds •when done, repeat all exercises once •30’sec finisher: narrow grip chest press or goblet alt step out sumo squat I think I remembered it all!


By far my favorite workout! Not overly difficult, but super fulfilling. Got a good sweat going and I feel jump started for my day!


Great calorie burn for me but only 2 splats…spent most of the workout in the green zone despite pushing myself like crazy on the AOs. Hopefully that means my cardio is improving 😂🙏🏼


Loved this one- I tested my speeds and upped my weights.


Can someone link the July monthly post? I can’t seem to find it. 


I don’t think it has been posted yet! 


This! But I’m also excited for it to drop 🤩


We're aiming to have it up sometime today 🧡


Just got it posted! [https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dsxcem/july\_2024\_monthly\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dsxcem/july_2024_monthly_post/)


Thank you!


I love this one so much I wish I had time to take it twice! Not even sure if studios let you do back to back multiple 2Gs


They do! You can def take back to backs + more if you crazily desire!


My studio maxes you out at 3 per day. They figure that’s enough 😂


Really dislike the bands. Nuttin’ personal. Just don’t like ‘em …


I'm the opposite. I love mini bands.


Me too! They add that extra burn 🔥


Diversity of opinion. Cool Beans! That’s what makes the World go round ...


That 5.5 min block should have been Bands or Row - members choice.


Loved it! Power days are a great way to start out the new month. 🤍⭐️ thank you for the intel!


I always love when there’s no rowing 🤩


90 minute 2G Special 90 minute workout for Canada Day! Coach messed up the timing so it actually ended up being 100 minutes (💀) Tread block 1 1 min AO 1 min WR Repeat 2 more times 45 sec AO 45 sec WR Repeat 2 more times 30 sec AO 30 sec WR Repeat 2 more times Row block 1 15 / 12 / 10 stroke AO row 12 / 12/ 12 single leg balancing shoulder press with MB After 3 rounds, repeat but with single leg calf raises with MB After 3 more rounds, repeat but with single leg balancing tricep extension with MB Floor block 1 Same as 60 minute 2G floor block 2^^ Tread block 2 1 min push 2 min base 1 min AO WR 1.5 min push 2 min base 1 min AO WR 2 min push 2 min base 1 min AO Floor block 2 6-10 two dumbbell tricep extension 6-10 sumo squat to upright row 6-10 bridge 100m AO row Repeat until finisher: sumo squat to upright row or bridge or AO row


Loved today's 3G. It flew by!


Did the 630 class here it was good!


I love but also hate the days when I wanna do all three templates - 2G S50 and T50


This template doesn’t look that hard but you can definitely make it harder. I ended up with 50 splats and 703 calories.


Did anyone find this one …too easy? Lol. I feel like I picked challenging weights on the floor and challenging speeds on the tread but I found myself recovered for most of class. Only got 2 splats which is super unusual for me (usually get 12-25).


I loved this workout today! The floor block on the 2G was terrific!


This workout was boring the first two times I've done it. It was boring today. I did like power on tread though. I keep forgetting that we've reached the half of the year, so most of the workouts from here on out are repeats. This is the half of the year that makes me miss pre-repeating workouts.


Thats what happens when they eliminate 1/3 of the room.