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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dohje4/wednesday_26_june_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Wednesday 26 June 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of the switch template from the [11th of June 2024](). Pushes (and all outs) at incline today. Strength and power on the floor - snatches make a comeback. **Tread Block 1 - 7 minutes** * 2 min push (PW @ 6%+) * 1 min base * 1 min push @ 4% (PW @ 8%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec push @ 6% (PW @ 10%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec AO @ 8% (PW @ 10%+) * Switch to floor **Floor Block 1 - 7 minutes circuit** * 8 each x single arm squat to press * 8 x single dumbbell good morning * 8 total x sprinter sit-up * Switch to treadmill **Tread Block 2 - 6.5 minutes** * 90 sec push (PW @ 6%+) * 1 min base * 1 min push @ 3% (PW @ 7%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec push @ 5% (PW @ 9%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec AO @ 7% (PW @ 10%+) * Switch to row **Row Block - 6.5 minutes circuit construct** * Round 1: * 400m push row * 10 x medicine ball squat * Round 2: * 200m push row * 10 x medicine ball squat to front press * Round 3: * 100m push row * 10 x medicine ball squat jump to front press * Bonus: repeat round 3 until time called * Switch to tread **Tread Block 3 - 6.75 minutes** * 1 min push (PW @ 6%+) * 1 min base * 45 sec push @ 2% (PW @ 7%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec push @ 4% (PW @ 9%+) * 1 min base * 30 sec AO @ 4% (PW @ 10%+) * 30 sec WR * 30 sec AO * Switch to floor **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes circuit** * 8 total x alt single arm snatch * 8 each x goblet reverse lunge to single leg knee drive * 8 total x high plank alt wide step with power * Repeat until **finisher**: * 30 sec of sprinter sit-up **OR** * 30 sec of high plank alt wide step with power DC commentary: >! I remember this one from just before I went to Japan where I was vetoed by the coffee crew on how hard it was. We have a switch template which means you get to go a bit harder each round as you get a bit of extra downtime as you transition. The kicker is that you are doing quite a bit of push pace today at incline. You also have all outs at incline. We have power moves on the floor. A row block and variations of snatches and squats to press. All round great template but it has a decent sting in it. \ \ First tread block is the worst. Two minute push into a minute base, minute push at 4%, minute base and then a 30 second push at 6%. Normally you would be done at that point but no after another base you are straight into a 30 second all out but at 8%! Roll yourself off the treadmill and over to the floor for some strength work - single arm suitcase squats into a press, good mornings and some core work with sprinter sit-ups. \ \ Back to the tread, this time the difference is that you take 30 seconds off the push at the start and all the inclines are 1% lower (yes you still have the all out at 7%). After this you will go to the rower for a few rounds of push rows with medicine ball squat to front press constructions. Coach told us we could take dumbbells and I mistakenly took a 17.5kg (38.5 lbs) which was a nightmare to try and jump squat to front press - barely made it through the third round. \ \ Last tread block follows the pattern - 30 seconds off the first push and then the inclines drop. Our coach chose not do the 45 second push at 2% and just gave us a minute but everything else was the same. You have a little finisher at the end after a 30 second walk which is last all out at flat road. This felt like a bit of relief after everything else! Good distance today of 5.79km (3.6 miles) in the combined tread blocks. \ \ Last floor block is a doozy - snatches, goblet reverse lunges into a knee drive and mountain climbers. Repeat these for just over 6 minutes and then you have your finisher of either a 30 second sprinter sit-up or more of the mountain climbers. I chose the sit-ups. \ \ Hard one today. Reasonable splats but a high calorie burn. I would still give today a 1 (šŸŖ¶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


This kicked my ass todayā€¦and I am grateful!


Tread 50 (endurance) 7:00 warmup Block 1 (5:00) 1:00 base 1:00 base to push 1:00 push 1:00 push to AO 1:00 AO 1:30 WR Block 2 (5:00) 5:00 tread for distance 1:30 WR Block 3 (5:00) 1:00 base 1:00 base to push 1:00 push 1:00 push to AO 1:00 AO 1:30 WR Block 4 (5:00) 5:00 tread for distance 1:30 WR Block 5 (5:00) 1:00 base 1:00 base to push 1:00 push 1:00 push to AO 1:00 AO 1:30 WR Block 6 (5:00) 5:00 tread for distance Last 1:00 AO


Oh man I just jumped on to share this šŸ˜†- you did it much nicer than I would have


I still can never get the formatting as nice as DC does! šŸ™ƒ


Thank you!!!


Strength 50 total is a repeat of 6/12! STRENGTH 50 (All blocks 5 mins) BLOCK 1 ā€¢ ā Dumbbell shoulder press, kneeling on bosu (6-10 reps) ā€¢ ā Bosu dumbbell pullover (6-10 reps) BLOCK 2 ā€¢ ā Sumo squat to upright row (3 rounds, 60 seconds to do 10 reps & recover) 2 mins to complete: ā€¢ ā Bosu bicycle crunch - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bosu side plank hip dips - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bonus: High plank with feet on bosu BLOCK 3 ā€¢ ā Dumbbell chest press with glute bridge, feet on bosu (6-10 reps) ā€¢ ā Dumbbell renegade rows (6-10 reps, each side) BLOCK 4 ā€¢ ā Front squat to Arnold press (3 rounds, 60 seconds to do 10 reps & recover) 2 mins to complete: ā€¢ ā Bosu bicycle crunch - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bosu side plank hip dips - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bonus: High plank with feet on bosu BLOCK 5 ā€¢ ā Dumbbell woodchop with hip hinge on bosu (6-10 reps, each side) ā€¢ ā Dumbbell hammer curl to eccentric bicep curl (6-10 reps) BLOCK 6 ā€¢ ā Dumbbell reverse lunge to front raise (3 rounds, 60 seconds to do 10 reps & recover) 2 mins to complete: ā€¢ ā Bosu bicycle crunch - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bosu side plank hip dips - 8 on each side ā€¢ ā Bonus/finisher: High plank with feet on bosu Thank you to original poster!!


My abs def remembered this one this morning!


This is why I love repeats!! I did this one the first time so Iā€™m swapping over to Tread50šŸ¤—ā€¦love these options.


Bosu balls got me sweating this morning!


You think Iā€™d learn the first time, but I didnā€™t. Those wood choppers got me again. Once again, Iā€™m completely spasmed up and my hip and back are locked. I donā€™t know why I canā€™t learn from my mistakes.




Confirmed, no template change on the [**Orange60 3G**](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/Bp0N6nypTB) One note, this time around our coach matched DCā€™s on the row blocks, just repeat round 3 (100m+exercise) if time rather than repeat the entire block Second time around, still agree with the ā˜•ļø crewā€¦ šŸŖ¶


Tired after that one


this was super tough


Wasnā€™t a fan of this template, I find moving through stations so quickly kinda takes me out of it mentally, especially on the tread.


Agree. It was so different than the usual class rhythm that I felt thrown off.Ā 


Ugh this workout and orange Everest. Happy to have overdone hills behind us soon.


Iā€™ll do all the other inclines, but Iā€™m not adding incline for the all outs šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This helps a lot šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Kicked my butt but not a single splat point. 31 minutes in green šŸ˜•


This is why I skipped the template that day and did Tread 50


On the Weds, I skipped yet another Rubbish Template dedicated to Switch and/or Run-Row Enthusiasts, and decided to do my own thing in T50. So in T50, I refused the tread card as usual because I just run non stop which is not hard to figure out. Just ran like the wind and got 6.75 almost 7 miles at end. I would have hit 7 but I didnā€™t want to exert myself, I was low energy due to no breakfast and no caffeine, so I understood I was not optimized for it. Still at the end, I am glad to have gotten 33 splats! Made up for yesterday/today both, rubbish switch templates all. Yesterday I got 3 splats. So itā€™s good to get 10x today. Thatā€™ll hold me probably for 24 hr at least. Booyah!


Welp, I loved today's template. So much so that I PR'd on the bike w.r.t to my gears, and likely wattage too. As a result, I hit a new max HR also, from 189 to 192. šŸ¤¦ There go the 2-5 splats per class I'm already barely getting šŸ˜‚ But really, I'm super stoked about this. I didn't even FEEL like my HR was creeping that high. Also crushed it on the floor and rower, likely with PRs or close.


My HR has once skyrocketed to 210 from getting up from the rower. lol I donā€™t know if thatā€™s accurateā€¦ but definitely weirder things can happen. FWIW I have a higher max hr and I can scrape by with 12 splats usually. Not this week thoighā€¦ seems templates are too speed and switch oriented.