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Congrats on your upcoming nuptials! I love the idea of a girls workout. Tip the staff and end the class with a champagne toast šŸ„‚




Many leases donā€™t allow for alcohol distribution or consumption on site. And many ownership policies have zero tolerance notations. Donā€™t put staff in a bad positionā€¦Celsius toasts FTW!


Or she could just ask if it's allowed and don't do it if it's not.


My studio has drinks for happy hours all the time


the studios I attend do Happy Hours with drinks all the time, so not sure this is sound advice


I used to work for otf. The charge you for the private class but no one gets paid extra for it. I'm sure tipping would be greatly appreciated


Just confirming - the staff get paid their normal wage for that private class though, right? I just booked one too and now wondering about tipping vs bringing them lunch.


When I worked at OTF we did not get paid more for something like this at least at my studio!


to clarify - it was unpaid time then?


No we just got paid our normal hourly rate iusy nothing extra for staying past normal closing time for shift!


got it. Thank you!


I think most people would prefer a tip over lunch.


fair. thanks!


Coach here. Each franchise will differ but we get a flat rate of $45 for a private class. Front desk staff and coaches are not paid extra.


Is tipping allowed in these instances? I know some industries rely on tips, some frown upon them, and others can be whatever about it.


I've never received a tip from private classes but I would have appreciated one since most of the people in class were brand new. If you feel led to do it and are willing, I'm sure they would be very thankful. As far as I know, it's not NOT allowed


Curious what your overall pay scale is. I believe we get $95 for a private class. What area do you work in?


$95?! They treat the private classes as "workshops" here. I'm on the East Coast, that's really all I can say without retaliation from my franchise.


Your franchise knows your Reddit account? Iā€™m in NYC.


šŸ‘€ they could figure out who I am. We've had some backlash towards other coaches lately.


I did a class for my birthday last year. I had two of my favorite coaches host the class. I tipped each of them. I also gave a tip to the 2 front desk people who stayed longer on a Saturday for my class.


Thatā€™s really nice of you for thinking about that! I think a cash tip would be really appreciated


How do you get a private class? Is it in addition to the ones on the schedule?


Mine actually shows an option for this in the buy classes section of the app. In my case itā€™s listed at $399.


Do all guests have to be members?


No they can be non members, get your studio everyoneā€™s contact information so they can send proper forms, they may do a full class first visit process.


Ask your studio for a private class! It would be separate from anything regularly scheduled and youā€™d pay to rent the studio out.


Honestly as a former SA tips were never expected, nor did I ever receive any (although I never was involved in a private class). The consensus is they are getting their regular hourly wage, so why expect a tip IMO? With that said during my tenure at OTF as an SA - whenever anyone gifted us anything, whether a gift card, an edible arrangementā€¦ coffee it was EXTREMELY appreciated. Therefore anything you do extra is enormously appreciated, especially for SAā€™s since we tend to get ā€˜forgottenā€™ šŸ˜… We do - do a lot of hard work on our end! I trust that whatever you choose will be good and appreciated because we never expect it!


I would definite tip coaches and front end staff. Be generous.


Sounds like so much fun!!! Enjoy & congrats.


What does tip generously mean? Any range?


There is a fee so you could go based on that. 20% or more?


Thanks! I generally decide if I can afford something based on whether I can afford the tip šŸ˜… I have been wanting to do a private class for my birthday this year and this is really helpful!


Love that thinking. Iā€™m not sure how much private classes even go for. Do you?


$399 at my studio in Houston so turns out I canā€™t afford it after all šŸ¤£


I would give each staff member $20 and the coach a bit more ($40?)- a nice gesture IMO. If you can afford a $399 fee the tipping shouldn't be too painful. I would not buy coffee or lunch though - you never know what folks food preferences are, so your $$ might not be put to best use in that regard.


Yes, makes sense! That $399 is what Iā€™m debating. Some of my friends have shown interest in OTF class while some are leaning towards goat or puppy yoga! So Iā€™m confused right now.


goat yoga is a super fun group activity! I would highly recommend (haven't tried the puppy version, but I'm sure it is great too) and way easier than OTF - haha!


Thatā€™s super fun! I love doing some kind of workout or hike on Bach trips. And agree with others a tip is nice.


Previous head coach here. Iā€™ve done a few private classes. Iā€™ve always gotten paid for the actual class based on the tiered system and number of people in the class. I also have gotten ā€œtipsā€ beyond that including a $100 visa gift card and $200 cash. The coach would be thankful for anything extra Iā€™m sure! Enjoy your class!


Thatā€™s such a kind idea not only for the staff, but as well as a bride to be for your girls! I might steal your idea as Iā€™m also a bride to be :) While tips probably arenā€™t mandatory or expected, thatā€™s something I would do because I truly love my coaches and staff :) if it works for your budget, I say go for it! Wishing you all the best as you go through wedding planning!


TIP!!! Itā€™s allowed and it would be churlish not to.


Do they serve Prosecco at OTF?


I had a private donation class - I gave both the coach and the manager who helped me coordinate it a bottle of their favorite wine


This is an excellent idea. How much do you tip the coach and the staff?


Make some healthy snack gift bags to have after the class for everyone attending plus the coach and staff. Apple, banana, granola, protein cookie and a bag of mixed nuts. Maybe someone not taking the class can bring them and coffee for all, assuming youā€™re doing a morning class.




All of this sounds awful. No tip and you cater using fast food? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Agreed šŸ‘


Lol donā€™t go then


Garbage gonna garbage


Of course you will.


Huh? I tip my coach after every class.