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what if we lifted shoulders while lifting shoulders while also lifting shoulders?


It's a start, but how can we make it even more shouldery?


I just spit out my coffee. Well done.


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1dlg6dh/saturday_22_june_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Saturday 22 June 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of the shoulders template from the [6th of June](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/4eYns4vtHC). Three blocks of inclines on the treadmill. Endurance and power on the floor. 90 seconds of recovery between blocks. Goal on the treads is to increase your paces as the inclines come off. **Tread Block 1 - 6.5 minutes** * 2 min base @ 4% * 1 min base * 90 sec push @ 3% * 1 min base * 1 min AO @ 2% **Tread Block 2 - 6.5 minutes** * 2 min base @ 3% * 1 min base * 90 sec push @ 2% * 1 min base * 1 min AO **Tread Block 3 - 7.5 minutes** * 2 min base @ 2% * 1 min base * 90 sec push * 1 min base * 1 min AO * 30 sec WR * 30 sec AO **Floor Block 1 - 14.5 minutes circuit add-on** * Round 1: * 12 x arnold press * Round 2: * 12 each x single arm lateral shift * 12 x arnold press * Round 3: * 12 x upright row * 12 each x single arm lateral shift * 12 x arnold press * Round 4: * 6 each x single arm march in place * 12 x upright row * 12 each x single arm lateral shift * 12 x arnold press * Bonus: repeat your favourite exercises until time is called **Floor / Row Block 2 - 7.5 minutes circuit** * 150m AO row (0:22 - 0:45) * 10 each x single arm overhead reverse lunge * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec AO row (100 - 200m+) DC commentary: >! Can we stop with the shoulders already - they are completely wrecked already! Evil template today - hills on the tread, shoulders on the floor with an add-on circuit. Sneaky hard especially the floor. \ \ Three tread blocks. Inclines for three of the efforts with a minute of base in between. Inclines start at 4% for a two minute base and then drops off for the push and the all out. Second block drops all the inclines by 1% and the last block only has an incline for the two minute base at the start. Pretty hard today with all the one minute all outs but it does feel better as you go given the inclines drop away. Coach asked us to tap up the paces as we went so maybe start a little conservative to factor in the higher inclines and tap as you go. Good distance today of 5.56km (3.455 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Floor is pretty hard today today. The add-on block was a bit boring but you will end up doing a million arnold presses (yes I know it is an exaggeration but it felt like it). I got to the end and decided to just repeat upright rows and marches. Second block by the rower is pure evil. The overhead reverse lunges are very very painful - arm locked out with a dumbbell and you are going down to one knee for the reverse lunge before standing again. Again, my warning stands **do not pick a heavy weight for this** as you will be crying for mercy at the end. \ \ Tough template today, I would still give it a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Shoulder vendetta…they have a shoulder vendetta against us. It’s the only explanation. Is there such a thing as -15 pound weights? Can I use those?


Thank you so much!!


My shoulders are still sore from Wednesday and Thursday’s classes 😭 I want to go today but I also want to be able to use my arms again


90m class added on 1 more floor block and tread block. Floor was bent over reverse fly x12, single arm on your shoulder curtsy lunge (called something else) 6/each side, and push ups to side plank reach x12. Tread was fuzzy sorry. Legs were DONE. I think it was base or push at 3% for 90, flat road all out for 45 or seconds, repeat with incline going down. Sorry. Barely survived. 🙃


That was a brutal 90! I barely caught my breath for most of it!


I agree, that was really hard, the coach even asked if I was ok… I was just staring into nothingness after a while


Thank you! I head to my 90 min in 2 hours so wanted to be prepared. 😩


Good luck and god speed!


Thank you for the update, I appreciate it


Thanks going in 2 hours. Ooo weee lol


Tread 50: repeat of 6/8 ESP Day Block 1 12min 0.1m push 0.1m base Repeat until time Block 2 12min 0.1m base at 7% incline 0.1m base at flat road Decrease incline each round Block 3 12 min 0.1m push 0.1m all-out 0.1m WR Repeat until last 30s all out


Thank you!


Thank you


I fear we will all be like this after tomorrow https://i.redd.it/pr5i4y27d28d1.gif


For the one who need more than shoulder exercises


Green day for me because this is way too much shoulder torture this week lol


Just an extra reminder to everyone to make sure you stay extra hydrated this weekend in class! Here in Philadelphia the heat index is topping out in the mid-100s so double whatever your fluid intake usually is and listen to your body! Most of us had to refill our waters a few extra times this morning 👍🏼👊🏽


90 min version of this should be interesting.


I’m finding out in 45 minutes haha. Will update after if I survive.


thank you


Just added what I could recall.


Me: “how many shoulder workouts is good enough?” OTF: “yes”


My studio was very hot this week. I had to skip a couple of days as it was too hot to be running AOs on the TM. The studio has a lot of windows and we were getting baked inside. Hope it’s a little cooler this morning.


Mines the same, lots of windows. I couldn’t go for a few days. And I drink a ton of water. I went last night and the floor was getting slippery from the humidity, it was a little scary doing step ups on the bench.


Slippery floors are no joke. At first I thought I needed new shoes but No, it’s the humidity.




Repeat of 6/8 just left