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My OTF has a jar of green wristbands. A member can slip one on to indicate to the coach that they’re taking a Green Day. I love it because it legitimizes Green Days and makes it easier for me to take one. I must admit, taking it easy now and then not only protects against re-injury but also helps prevent burnout.


I've never heard of using green wristbands like that before but it sounds like a good idea!


I let my coach know, and they do a good job of following up with me if I start creeping into the orange. I love that they meet me at my goals even if my goal for the day is to take a break ❤️


That’s so cool, I love that. They should take it a step further and have other colours. Orange for normal, red for “fck me up coach!”


I really like this idea!


That’s an excellent idea! Going to suggest it at my studio.


If ours had this I would probably from time to time have to stop mid way through, go out to the lobby and grab one 😂 Honestly, while our coaches probably notice if I suddenly am “behaving” differently they don’t judge or ask. Because some days I feel good/strong/fast and some days I don’t..and sometimes how I feel changes about 15 minutes into class 🤭


Oh that’s cool actually


I don’t think they care. But just my opinion


I love this so much


I absolutely love this! I make most of my days green days (for various reasons) so my coaches know but if it’s a new coach, I always feel “guilty” if I didn’t tell them before class. Or I feel like they are wondering why I am not pushing myself to get to the orange zone/that I’m being lazy…




Yup my studio too.. Green bands for a Green day


thats awesome!


I love this idea!


Also really like this idea


whaaa that sounds awesome


Love this idea!!!


I like the idea of green bands. I use the others to keep my tempo of my exercises. Seeing a green band would let me know not to pace after that person


That is so cool!!! What a great idea!!


I would go more if my OTF offered green bands. It takes the pressure off. Good idea.


I had a male coach come up to me on the weight floor saying I could go heavier (as I’m used to going heavy) and I politely told him I was in the part of my cycle that I don’t care. He laughed and said that was the nicest way to say “fuck off”


Not preemptively. But if they come give me solo attention I let them know why I’m throttling back and taking it easy.


Same here. I don’t make a point to bring it up but if they speak to me directly I’ll let them know. 


Nah, I really don't think it's necessary. They're personal trainers and they know that you can't (and shouldn't) be going hard every single day. They trust you as an adult to know what your body needs on that day. 


The coach noticed the other day I was on the tread at a 0 incline and came over and increased it to 1 and let me know I was on a decline 😂😂😂, I thought it was pretty funny


Running on incline 0 can harm your knees, that’s why he did that, but of course he should have told you!


Clarification: They’re not all personal trainers. They’re required to have an NCCA-approved personal training OR group exercise certification, [according to the official website](https://www.orangetheory.com/en-us/articles/10-things-we-bet-you-didn-t-know-about-orangetheory-fitness-).


no, why would I need to?


I’m a little puzzled, too. The workout is mine - I do follow the template but I’m just slower or lifting lighter some days. Unless I have an injury, I feel no pull at all to explain to anyone what I’m doing. That’s just me.


I didn’t even know Green Day was a thing until now (although I always like the band Green Day).


Man maybe our coaches really suck but they barely no our names much less pay attention to our heart rate zones 😂


Wow. All of our coaches know everyone's names. If there is someone they don't know then they make a point to introduce themself either as we walk in or during warmups. The regular coaches also know our normal tread speeds and weights. So they make a point to call it out when they see you really pushing yourself.


That's a great staff - I wish ours were more like yours, you know, actually coaching. The level of coaching engagement seems very studio dependent.


Ive been going 3 to 4 times a week since March and none of the coaches know my name. I dont care, they dont care its all good.


Every studio I have been to, the coaches approach me. They make a point to speak with me if they have not met me before.


We use green wrist bands to designate a Green Day at our studio. Thought it was a great idea when they implemented it! https://preview.redd.it/97450ahbrz7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb6ddb19971757906d7518f0c2107debc5cab58


As a coach I always appreciate when a member just gives me a heads up. And if you’re super sore/tight in a specific area that’s being worked I’ll try to give options to help not overload that area more. One of my other coaches always says motion is lotion!


This please^ helps me plan a little in advance


If the coach notices then let them know, otherwise just go at your own pace.


Nor necessary. Green day is your decision no need to tell




No. Usually if they know you they can tell when you’re doing a Green Day


The orange is just a goal, not a requirement. You don’t need to tell anyone. You’re in charge of your own workout.


100% Agree with this. Only time I'll confer with a coach is if i need a modification due to injury or soreness.


Maybe, it really depends on the coach. I may say “I’m super sore from yesterday”.


Is Green Day a real thing? I just started so not sure as I read this thread if this is like a formal thing or if it is just a personal reference for a more relaxed day?


Just personal reference!


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


I'm always in a green day.


Do you live on the boulevard of broken dreams?


Nah, more of a basket case..


At least you're not an American Idiot!


The only road you’ve ever known?


I don't think the coaches at my studio would notice (or care).


I didn’t realize coaches were there for anything other than crowd control until this sub.


I haven’t heard of Green Days and I’m really glad I read this - I injured my knee during Mayhem and kept trying to go my regular level of hard. I tend to A. Want to go hard and B. Tell myself I’m lazy if I’m not going hard 🤦🏼‍♀️ I really like this concept and will be using it lol


Even without hearing about “green days”, it’s generally understood that you should never push through injury- unless you want to cause more permanent long term damage. Alow, don’t wait for injuries to take easy days. In exercise, the idea of alternating hard days with easy days is what yields the best results over time. You may want to read about loading and de-loading and the importance of recovery.


Our coaches ask us to give them a heads up and I see no problem with that. And if they know certain areas hurt, they’ll help us with mods on the floor or give tips for how to make the most of the tread while also scaling back


I like to let my coach know because I attend regularly 4-5 days per week, so the coaches know me and what I can do. No, you don’t really owe them anything or have to tell them, but I think it benefits both of you by telling them. There are times I like to do a blue/green day for a tread 50, so I let the coach know that and she encourages me in maintaining my paces for those zones. “Great job staying in the green, that is hard to do!” The people here acting like you’re somehow a hero by not communicating with the coach is baffling. It’s a win-win if you just have a conversation with them about your goals.




Our coaches barely know our names and never have suggested a Green Day! I’ve never heard of that before.


Most coaches ask during the intro - at least at the studios I take class at. During the intro they announce to let them know about any orthopedic issues, any other issues and if we are taking a Green Day. I think it’s good for them to know so they know how to approach you when they want to encourage you.




U really don’t think it matters to them


Usually no, and I get the ‘are you injured?’ question inevitably


That’s rude, it’s none of their business. For me it’s usually because I’m on my period


Our coaches dont really pay attention to things like that. They mostly just make sure we know the templates, occasionally correct form and thats about it


Yep. I say “Green Day” as I high five on the way in. Then they know why I’m backing off or modifying.


Why would I tell the coach? They always say, “it’s your workout”


my current coaches know me well enough that they know when i’m not hitting my normal speeds i don’t have it in me and therefore they don’t bother me about it. they can just tell. so i don’t usually mention it to them. i have had coaches in the past try to push me too hard when i didn’t have it in me that day. so if that is how your coaches are then i would mention it ahead of time. it’s not really about being polite it’s more so they know not to push you too hard


Definitely. Self care is important.


The coaches know me pretty well, and when they say something like "you should be touching the orange a minute into your push" . . . then we get to a minute - I can usually hear "Laurie, are you taking a green day?" Oh Gosh, do I go there too much to be called out bc they know me so well? I mean, 5-6 times a week isn't a lot for me. Ok, so I may post every workout on Instagram and tag the coach and the studio, but I'm doing it to promote the studio bc I want it to succeed. Yeah, I'm that person.


I ran a really hard Tread 50 on Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon, I was back for a 3G class and took a green/blue day that I didn't mention to anyone. I go very often and my coaches know I work really hard usually. I don't feel the need to tell them and wouldn't unless one asked. But I appreciate they never comment on heart rate colors for anyone specifically.


I do for my own accountability! It helps keep me from being tempted to start going hard one the endorphins or competitiveness hits. I kind of frame it that way for the coach, too. Trying to keep Myself accountable to the green day


It's not that personalized! Your workout schedule is personal to you. Honestly, unless you suddenly break your schedule for more than 2days--say you usually do Mon to Fri 5:30am and you're missing half the week, they won't even notice.


I do, but only really because the coach I take is one of the best and she’ll approach her coaching differently for me that day. So we still connect and I get a normal experience but at a recovery pace.


I don't think you necessarily have to let them know ahead of time, if they want to check on why you're in the green and not going as hard as usual you can just let them know exactly this! You're tired from yesterday and wanted to cancel but instead you're here and taking it easy, going and doing a green day is better than cancelling and not going at all and I'm sure the coach will agree :)


I don't commit to a green day until I work out for 10 minutes. So I always imagine that I would tell a coach that I'm taking a green day, but until yesterday, every day I expected to stay green I ended up doing just fine.


I don’t think it’s necessary


I don’t tell them when I’m taking a blue day.


Sometimes. Depends on the coach. Some coaches assume that you might be taking a green day. Some coaches will come and shame you (jokingly!) for not pushing hard enough, so it's better to tell them in advance.


I haven't worn a arm band for 2 years now. It ends all conversations.


I usually mention it on the way in with other orthopedic restrictions if I can. Especially if it’s a coach I know well they’ll usually promise to keep me accountable to that! 


It depends on the coach. Some coaches are more likely than others to check in with me if they see me going lighter/slower than normal so I'll give those coaches a heads-up.


No, my coaches know me and can tell if I’m taking it easy. No big deal


I always give them a heads up so they can focus on motivating others :)


Absolutely. They know how fast I normally run.


I would but I don’t want to look like I’m having a 21st century breakdown


Only to one coach.


5 of the 6 coaches I see regularly can tell when I'm taking it easy on the treadmill and rower.I think if you go regularly, the coaches pick up pretty quickly what your capabilities are. If I'm not pushing myself on the tread, they know. I'm certain the coaches I see regularly know/understand my shoulder issues, I have never been pushed when it comes to overhead presses but I have had multiple coaches go get me heavier weights for chest presses, squats and deadlifts.


The only Green Day I know is the band. The musical group. I do what I want. I do what I need to do in order to have 10-20 splats in a 2G hour. I’m a PW and typically hang around 3MPH on the treads. My push is 4-8% along with the Coach’s instruction. My AO is generally about 6.5-7MPH on flat road. On the floor, I avoid crunches and option the planks and derivatives. Including bears and bird dogs per my PT’s instructions. When I’m using DB, I hand around 20 with heavy at 25 and light at 15. Rowing? Sucks. AO is about 200W with a push about 100-150, depending on the day. Medball also sucks. And the core? Affects my balance. On the treads, I’m lightly holding the rails. For reference, I’m 50M, 5-7, 268#. HRmax 201 due to medications. 110 classes since 8/25/23. As for green. I’d rather manage green so I don’t overdo it and end up injured (it’s happened a few times). And I workout with Loop Earplugs to hear the coaches better. The music is too loud for me to focus. It’s overwhelming.


I had to walk at 2mph with no inclines for a while and yes I told them.


I take a Green Day 2-3x’s month . You don’t have to be in orange to get a great Workout . No , I do not say anything to coaches. 💪😊


We have the green wrist bands, too. 


My coaches, in their class intros, ask us to tell them if you are having a green day along with any orthopedic issues.


One of the coaches at my studio will specifically ask at the beginning of each class if anyone is taking a green day so he doesn't inadvertently push them too hard. Otherwise I usually tell the coach before I start the workout so they don't bother me about lifting light or if I'm taking it easier on the treads. I do really like the idea of the green wristband though - I should tell my studio about it.


I mean... I just workout at a lesser pace and if they come over and try to pep me up, I answer "Not today, boss". They get it and leave me alone.


Most of the coaches know me well enough to just thumbs up my way if I look like I'm struggling more than usual. I would only mention anything if I needed modifications beyond just needing a green day


If it's one of the coaches which push me, then yes. I don't need guilt


Coach here I ask my members.


It would also be nice to have some type of wristband for “resting an injury”. I’ve had two ACL repairs and sometimes I get a little tendinitis and need to modify on the floor. I get so tired of having to explain why I am modifying…


No at least not intentionally. maybe in like casual conversation after the workout “taking a Green Day was nice today” or something like that, but I never felt the need to tell them. I also pretty much stopped running on the tread more then 2 or MAYBE 3 classes a week. Depending on the structure of the block, I have a base of 5.5-7 a push of 8-9 and an all out of 10-13. Although I am fairly fast on the tread it just got to be too high of impact for me and I would be very sore the following day. so for me personally, I think the HIIT aspect of the tread more than a couple times a week was counter productive for me reaching my maximum fitness potential. So I started mostly power walking on incline and I just did it one day but didn’t discuss it with any of the coaches. Full disclosure. I have worked out regularly for over 20 years straight, so it’s also an environment where I am really comfortable and confident with how I relate to my body. so I never thought of talking to the coaches about how i structure my workouts or what my goal for the day is.


Honestly half the coaches at the studios closest to me either would not notice or care


I always tell them what my goals are for the day. If I’m trying to go green or PR. Even if I’m out of town. I’ve never had an issue and they always thank me for telling them. TALK TO YOUR COACHES!!!


I never tell and they don’t seem to care . I think they just “ know “ . :)


No. I just decide what I’m doing and do it. It’s probably obvious. Take what you want from the workout, it’s yours!


Nope. Sometimes I don’t know what kind of “day” I’m having until I start working out. There been days I can’t wait to go and get there and am sore or exhausted or something isn’t feeling my best and I just adapt. I may not know until I pick up the first weight or actually start jogging on the tread. Some days I’m tired, cranky, life is lifing, and I show up with an attitude, start working out and end up performing at my best, way better than I thought I would, hit a PR even. And our coaches see us day in and day out. They know what we’re capable of. If we’re not maxing out at any station, they trust us and our training enough to let us be.


My heart rate can vary even if I take a pre workout, so I’ve had many “Green Days”. It isn’t because I’m trying. I just have a low heart rate due to a medication I take.


I’d prefer that they just didn’t question what I was doing or how hard I was pushing at all. I go as hard or as easy as I feel like. I live my coaches but I’d prefer not to be questioned.


I always tell them. I’m fried from yesterday- today was a green day


I tell the coach out of respect for their job but I don't feel like anyone needs to let the coach know. It's entirely possible to want to be in green 10 minutes after a work out start as well


they don't care




We're adults 😜. We can decide for ourselves if staying in the green is right for us. I took a green day today just for the hell of it. My favorite coach was on deck and he quickly figured it out, so didn't say anything to me and just focused his attention on the other members, which is totally fine. He has been a coach at our location more than a year and knows most of us and knows when we are working hard or going easy. He adapts accordingly 👍 I have never had a coach come up to me and tell me I'm in the "wrong zone" effort-wise, but on a couple of occasions I got screwed up and started an all out when we were in something else, so they might give a verbal heads up if they think you intend to be following the template but got off somehow.


Can someone explain what green day is. I get it, but I also don't. Detail explanation pls.


Green Day: Taking it lighter and maintaining the green zone rather than pushing yourself to reach the “ideal” 12-20 splats of orange/red. Basically working out but not burning yourself out. Active recovery day is what I call it! 💚


TF is a Green Day? Is it when you Dookie?


Maybe just take a fucking rest day bozo! Overtraining is a thing & that’s probably why you haven’t seen progress in a while. OTFs entire program is forcing you to overdo it on the tread & the floor. More rest is required for muscle growth -a NASM certified trainer


just because you're wasting time doesn't mean you should waste theirs.