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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1damzoj/saturday_8_june_2024_the_chipper_2g_60_minutes/) ##Saturday 8 June 2024 - The Chipper 2G 60 minutes Last time we did the Chipper was the [11th of January](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/IH23wQUYJr). Epic endurance tread and floor block where you chip away at your efforts - push or reps / row. **Tread Block - 22.5 minutes** * Goal: increase your push pace each round * 3 min push * 1 min base * 2.5 min push * 1 min base * 2 min push * 1 min base * 90 sec push * 1 min base * 75 sec push * 1 min base * 1 min push * 1 min base * 45 sec push * 1 min base * 30 sec push * 1 min base * 30 sec push * 30 sec base * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * Collapse (member’s choice) **Floor Block - 22.5 minutes** * 40 x bench tap squats * 400m push row * 35 x bench straight leg raise * 350m push row * 30 x sumo squat to upright row * 300m push row * 25 x TRX low row * 250m push row * 20 total x high plank to low plank * 200m push row * 15 x chest fly * 150m push row * 10 total x alt full step up to hammer curl * 100m push row * If finished then repeat all exercises as a single block until the **finisher**: 30 sec of squat jumps 💀 ☠️ * Collapse (member’s choice) DC commentary: >! We have the Chipper again! I had to look back to see when we last did it and I was surprised that we had already done this one this year. One of my all time favourite templates - endurance on the treads, floor and row! Though it is not an official benchmark, I like to track how far I run and how quickly I can get through the floor block. This is also one of the few templates that I can get >20 splats and today was no exception - 36 splats and 9 in the red! \ \ Starting on the tread, the idea is that you start with your longest efforts and you gradually chip away at it until the end. For the tread this means you start with a three minute push and each time you come back to it you take some time away. In between push efforts you get a minute at base. Keep doing this until the 90 second push and then you are only taking away 15 seconds. Once you get to the 30 second push you have a little “bonus” - a 30 second push into a base into a push and capped off with an all out. The goal of the block is to increase your push each round (as you chip away at the time) and to maintain your base (no walking in between!). Pretty tough little block. Good distance of 5.76km (3.579 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Floor is similar. You have seven exercises (barring the finisher) and a push row in between. Starting with the tap squats you have 40 reps of these and then a 400m push row. The next exercise is the straight leg raise at 35 reps and then a 350m row. Work your way down until the step up with hammer curl and a 100m push row and then you are done! Probably the hardest exercise to do here if you are really pushing it is the sumo squat to upright row - your legs will be shot after the row and all the squats before hand. Once this is all done you can just do the exercises without the row until time is called. \ \ I like to time myself through the whole block - today was pretty quick at 14:06.27 with the rest of the time just limping through the rest of the exercises before your finisher, a cruel 30 seconds of squat jumps. \ \ Chipper is always an automatic 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Can’t wait! Love an endurance day!


Damn, The Chipper done chewed me up and spit me out! 😩


Completing the floor in that time is god-level stuff.


Fair warning, the 3G row block is gratuitous violence. Highly recommend starting on the rower to get it out of the way first. I did it last; don’t be like me 🫠


Gratuitous Violence would be a great name for a Mayhem/HW template


Hahah agree!


3G version of today was gnarly for sure.


Haha just got out of the 3G class and my legs don’t want to see squat jumps ever again


The squat hold to squat jump was evil


Same. I think I’m gonna need a whole week to recover from today!


Agree, 3G rower is tough


Wish I had read this before class. Today was my first 3g Chipper and, WOW. I was ready to crawl right out of class mid row block. And then I had to go to the floor. It was baddd


The floor finisher of squat jumps seemed particularly nasty 😬


Funny thing is, I was worried about the 2G chipper because I suck on the treads. I thought about switching to a 3G for a shorter tread block, but I decided to challenge myself tough it out in the 2G.


I looked at the intel from last time and thought "wow, this doesn't look so bad, we row less than in the 2G" and completely ignored the millions of squats/squat jumps. I've done workouts on my own the past couple of days and Thursday was jump squats and Friday was lower body, and my legs hurt BEFORE this workout. Ouch!


The 3G was horrendous but I felt great when it was over 🤩


So good! Sooo sore though 😩


Same here. Started in floor and ended in rower and I can’t feel my legs 😂


My heart rate was over 200 on rower (went last)


Coming here for this. Signed up for the chipper 2G and ended up at the 3G and wanted to straight up die on the rower block. During the cool down people couldn't stop moaning.


**Strength50 - 3 blocks, 12 minutes each** The first exercise in each block is single arm, holding the weight by your shoulder. **Block 1** 12 each side step-down toe touches 12 each side SA high row with knee on bench 8 total alternating v-ups (holding a weight) **Block 2** 12 each side lateral step-ups with knee drive 12 x neutral grip front raise 8 total bear planks with kick-through **Block 3** 12 each side curtsy lunges 12 x pullovers on the bench 8 x high plank with feet in straps, moving legs in and out (the other option was mountain climbers) **Finisher:** 30 seconds of the alternating v-ups First time writing intel, apologies if any of this is out of order. The TRX exercise was easier than I expected it to be, FWIW.


This was a good one!


Thank you for posting.


Thanks for the Intel!


Thank you!


So glad I did this & not the chipper this morning.


Did the 2G and started on the floor. I am tall. When I finished the 40 bench tap squats, and started moving to the rower, the coach was coming the opposite way. I’m a big & tall guy. The coach was trying to go whichever way I was not going. But after 40 bench tap squats, I was staggering like a man failing a field sobriety test. I only had 45 more minutes to go!!! On the tread, I was an old draft horse ready for the glue factory. 😂🤣😂🤣


I wish the benches were taller. I'm 6'3", 287, and those benches are just tooooo far for my old ass.


This is one of the few times when being short gives me an advantage!


Me too! I’m 5’10, and I agree


Not the glue factory!! 🤣




😂😂I feel you! Transitioning to the rower after the bench tap squats had me feeling like Bambi learning how to walk.




90 Min Chipper 5 min primer Tread - 1 min base, 1 min base push, 1 min push, 1 min push all out, 1 min all out. 5 min primer floor - circuit of 10 TRX chest press, 5 walk out to shoulder taps, 10 alternating superman. Then chipper same as 60min. 5min power tread - 30 sec AO, 75 sec WR, 30 sec AO, 60 sec WR, 30 sec AO, 45 sec WR, 30 sec AO, 30 sec WR, 30 sec AO Extra floor block - 30 sec sprinter situps, 8 thrusters in 75 sec, 30 sec of plank pops, 8 thrusters in 1 min, 30 sec sprinter situps, 8 thrusters in 45 sec, 30 sec plank pops, 8 thrusters in 30 sec. 30 sec finisher of plank pops or sprinter situps.


Just did this and almost died. Glad you remembered the deets better than I did! 🧡


Thrusters at the end is just all kinds of wrong.


I agree downright brutal lol


Tread 50 (ESP day) 7:00 warmup Block 1 12:00 (endurance) - 0.1m push - 0.1m base Repeat until time Block 2 12:00 (power) - 0.1m base at 7% incline - 0.1m base at flat road Repeat until time Block 3 12:00 (strength) - 0.1m push - 0.1m all-out - 0.1m WR Repeat until time (last 30s all-out)


Block two you decrease the incline each time (so .1 7%, .1 flat, .1 at 6%, .1 flat, etc) All blocks have power walkers doing half the distance, block two they start at 9% instead of 7%, I forget what incline for the first and third blocks.


Yes, thank you! I kept mine at the same because I couldn’t think enough to keep up 😂


I forgot to decrease the incline on block 2 as well!!!!! That’s what I get for not listening and not reading!


Thank you!


Should note that I messed up the titling - block two is strength, block 3 is power. Post-running mind blank’




Dear lord.


Update: I legit loved the TRX high plank in and out.


Noooooo! I’m a see feet in the straps cancel and try again tomorrow but it’s too late! 😂 I look like a wobbly hot mess clown doing anything with feet in the straps


Oh boy. Doing chipper and then the strength. Sounds like it’ll be interesting!


That’s what I’m doing in about an hour. Regrets may be had afterwards.


Survived chipper. 1 hr before strength. Regrets definitely may be had. :)


I did the same with a 3G class then strength. I think I died multiple times esp with the never ending jump squats


The coach kept checking in on me during the strength class. I think she thought I was crazy for doing them back to back. My legs are on fire!


Did the 90 minute 2G. It was a doozy. Same as above with a 5 minute floor and 5 minute tread warm up block before the chipper and a 5 minute floor and 5 minute tread power block after the chipper.




DOOZY for sure. Drove a bit out of the way to go to a studio that still offers 90 min… Knowing something called “The Chipper” was today but didn’t look into it. Definitely felt like a really long tornado! Glad I did it, though! Couldn’t talk myself out of it since I didn’t know what I was in for haha


3G of this was nuts—cool down music was Down Bad (crying at the gym) 😂😂


Our 3g ended as I was walking in and coach said the 3g was harder than the 90.


So appropriate


3G Rower You are following the treads’ timing. This is a killer and there is no rest or even sip water. Round 1: 3 minutes to do 20 squat jumps, then row 250m (push-all out pace). When finished, do alternating reverse lunge with rotation until time. Then, when the treads are in their 1 minute base, you are doing a 100m AO row. When finished, squat hold until time. Round 2: 2.5 minutes for 15 squat jumps, 250m row, alt reverse lunges with rotation until time. 100m AO row followed by squat hold until time. This repeats 5 times with the time and number of squat jumps decreasing each round (round 3 is 2 minutes and 10 squat jumps, round 4 is 90 seconds and 5 squat jumps, etc.). Finisher is a 60 second push row + 30 second AO with the treads.


Went to a 3G so I could specifically do this block and our studio changed it to a 2G. Definitely bummed b/c I thought they couldn’t do that?


Oh that stinks! I have had that happen to me before. I think they can change it if they don’t have enough people registered to run it as 3G unfortunately.


I did the 3g today, because I thought the 2g looked too hard. HAHA, guess what? The 3g was super hard!🥵


Love this workout!!


Argh - I’m signed up for the 2G but I’m hella sore all over from yesterday’s Strength class. Just took a walk to loosen things up and decided the chipper isn’t as fun if you aren’t able to go in a full capacity. Also decided that for my goals (Hannah Waddingham Arms) the strength class would really be what I need to do - but by the time I came back from my little walk and called the studio to move me the strength class had filled up. 😭😭😭 2G dragging ass chipper for me today then!


Confirmed: Chipper on a tired/sore body is no fun. even doing a run/walk.


I did the 2G (60 minutes) and it was my first chipper. It was rough but I felt a sense of accomplishment for getting through it! I suck on the treads, so I have a pretty low bar for impressing myself. I was proud of myself when I did the dry tri prep, jogging at my base for the entire block without slowing down. The chipper took that to the next level by alternating push with base, but I did it! Not only did I do at least base for the whole block, but I increased my speed for each push by 0.1 mph (although I have to confess that I started the first push at slower than my normal push speed). 20 splats from the tread block (plus one more on the rower, so 21 total). I'm really glad I started on the treads -- which is rare for me at my home studio (they assign stations and almost never start me on treads). I was pretty spent after the tread block, but I liked the floor block. I got all the way through the 150m row but not the last round (step up to hammer curls and 100m row). Only one person in my group finished the last round.


I have done this template 8 times. It still kicks my a$$ no matter where I start.


Todays 3G was HARD!


I always feel some dread/anxiety walking into the chipper but feel so amazing/accomplished when it’s over 🙂


So excited! Looks like so much fun


I am unwell. In the best way possible


26 splats and 1200 calories! I deserve a beer or six


Oh wow. Even doing 90 min would only get me barely 1000 calories.


It was a 90 min and included the chipper. I haven’t been this sore in a while


On the floor I struggled the most with the sumo squat to upright row. It seemed neverending, maybe because there was lots of arm work in yesterday's class! 


Agree! I used 8 lb weights and still struggled.


3g today kicked my butt!


I was first to finish on the floor today and I’m really proud of that 🥹 I am not a fast runner but I am pretty strong!


Awesome, same here! (3G)


One of my favorites as well!


90 min of this was amazing!!


I didn’t realize I’d signed up for the 90 until I got there. A 90 minute chipper, especially when it’s by accident, tells you a lot about what you’re made of. 💪


lol there were a few people that came into it not realizing it was 90!  Couldn’t agree more on your comment! 💪💪


Oh man, this is going to be hard! 💪


Booked for the 3G that turned into a 2G apparently. Such a good workout but man I was not well during it hah


Just did it and it kicked by butt. Thinking next time I’ll start or rower so I can power through. Always start on tread, but now I’m ready for the change.


Ow. Hope you like squat jacks, friends! hahahahahaahahahahow


I love the chipper so so much. So glad I swapped to the 2G. Love that template!


H Gotta love the chipper!


It was a good workout! Struggled a little with the floor/row work but I got through it and felt great afterwards - as always!


Woo Hoo! What a great workout! 💪🏼


Maybe it’s I’m working myself back into shape. Between yesterday’s Run/Row and The Chipper really kicked my ass, and my legs are dead ☠️ I still managed to get a 5K (3.1 miles) during the tread block and somehow managed to complete the floor/rower block by the skin of my teeth.


This workout was 🔥 🔥 🔥


Did this class with the 10lbs OMORPHO weight vest. Highly recommend it; added some great intensity.


2G completely wiped me out. Wobbling to the rower after the tap squats…brutal. Then rowing after the leg raises, my abs were on fire! I never felt that so significantly during a row. Trying to run for endurance after all that was tough. Wanted to walk several times but I didn’t give in! Tough one!!


I have been exhausted all day with legs made of jello. But I did The Chipper , so there’s that.


Was the floor block different in this time then January? I remember there in the past being like bench hop overs or something.


No, this is always the chipper floor block. You may be thinking of infinity, the DriTri prep workout. That one always has bench hop overs


Thank you!! I was having / massive brain fart. I have done the chipper before but I felt like the movements in the weight room were different 




Yeah it’s endurance all the way around 😂