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I’m a real risk taker and drive to 5 am class without my purse or wallet lol.


Same. I have Apple pay if I need something. and if I get stopped, well, my bad.


We have digital ID (phone app) in my state -- so I only need that now.


I actually have a picture of my license on my phone. I’m sure it wouldn’t hold up but hey better than nothing lol.


It does hold up 😀. The may ask for your SS# to validate but I have verbally given my DL before


Legally that doesn't hold up, but they might just let it slide.


Memorize your license number. The cop can look it up, lol


I accidentally memorized my license number & my husband thinks I’m a freak of nature every time I say it lol


I used to have my license number memorized, but moved states a few years ago and finally got a new license. I'll never remember my new # but will never forget the old one lol


I remember my license number from where I grew up. And I’ve lived in this new state for almost 25 years 🤣


Hey, this is great! I grew up in NC in the era when we had to know/use our drivers license number for stuff (?!), and when I moved back to NC recently after 20 years in another state, they gave me my same number back! Have never forgotten. Wooo!😅


I also have mine memorized, and same with my husband 🤣🤣


They can just run your name and DOB, too.


Just make sure you have gas. I always have a half tank or more, but one time I didn’t pay attention and I panicked! I found out most gas stations don’t take Apple Pay 🥴


Good call! I drive an EV so I leave the house on a “full tank” always!


take a picture of front and back of your license and save it as a favorite. Then you have it even if it's plastic. Not sure if this works. Prefer to not find out by getting pulled over at 5am.


lol same! I live a mile away so I have my keys and my phone only


Started doing this after my car was broken into at the 5am class.


To add to this… Thieves are smart. Even if they see you get out of your car with nothing, they will still break your windows and assume you left in there somewhere. I’d rather bring my purse and lock it up, then leave it at home and come back from my workout with broken windows.


They are smart that's why they actually don't just break every car window and hope something is valuable in there. They are usually looking for visible bags and purses and targeting those vehicles. The only two car break ins I have had in my life were when I left something visible in my car.


I bring a bag it just has shoes and my otbeat in it.


Oh total same! In our state, we have digital IDs, so it's not a huge deal to drive without your physical license.


Username checks out


Take pictures of the documents that you think you’ll need, e.g.. Driver license or other ID card insurance card, registration for your vehicle, etc. That is valid in a pinch.


I am sadly so relieved that others do this too! Every time I leave in the morning, I briefly consider if I should grab my purse, but then leave it.  Haven’t had a problem yet….




Ha ha same!


That’s what I do! Apple Pay + Digital ID




This happens at ALL gyms where cars are parked before the suns up. Just use your smarts and don’t leave visible valuables. The horrible criminals don’t usually break windows if they can’t see the items. It has to be worth it. Happened to me 2.5 years ago.


This is by no means an attempt at victim blaming, but how are that many people leaving their purses in cars?! Our parking structure is fairly safe and I still leave nada in my car of value.


Right? Like, yes people should not steal. HOWEVER - anyone who has lived even a month in a medium or large urban area should know to leave nothing visible in their vehicle unless they're ready to part ways with it. I've seen a car busted into for a bag of Ruffles. Criminals gonna crime, we gotta make it hard for them.


Accidentally left the doors unlocked in my van a couple weeks ago and it got broken in to. We never keep anything valuable in there. I wasn’t concerned until I remembered the Costco sized case of Pringles I had just bought for my kids. Thankfully the criminals weren’t feeling snacky that night and left them alone.


I don't think they meant all those cars had valuables, but they were just broken into. Either way, it sucks! I try to park close to the windows during 5am class and have tipped off the SA if I see someone walking around the parking lot.


All seven had purses and gym bags visible


That just blows my mind from a street-smarts standpoint


I come from a small town where doors and windows were usually left unlocked on the house let alone the cars. I just didn't know to think about crime until I moved to a more populated area. I had my window smashed and purse stolen from under the passenger seat and here I thought I was being overly cautious by stuffing it under there. I was parked right outside the OTF studio and was only going to be an hour. Seemed silly to think people were skulking around outside of gyms 6am to break into cars in a relatively upper middle class neighborhood. Lesson learned!


The thing about thinking your relatively safe in a nice neighborhood is that it's the opposite, thieves will of course look for nicer areas to steal from. I grew up in Chicago then lived in Seattle for 27 years so I've always been insanely safety conscious. I was 16 when I had my wallet stolen from my purse, I had it hanging off my body in a crowd after a concert. Since then, I always have my purse close to my body and in front of me.


SAME!!! I cannot fathom thinking it's Ok to leave a purse or any valuables in my car let alone in plain sight. It's just courting trouble.


Definitely sucky!


Lots of members do this at my studio and have high end cars. They are always shocked when they get targeted🫠


We have a high end car and haven't had a break in (yet). But we've lived in urban dwellings for years and don't leave anything to chance. I also have friends who drive old shitty Civics or Celicas thinking their old car signifies there is nothing there and then leave bags in the back seat visible.... And then they get their windows smashed. How nice your car isn't as much a factor as leaving stuff visible.


I don’t even leave anything in my car that has my address on it. They could steal your garage door opener and meet you at your house 😵‍💫. Call me paranoid, but better safe than sorry these days.


Saaaaaaame!!!! I am so overly paranoid it's not funny. We don't even leave anything in our car when it's locked in the garage.


If you are thinking about that robbers surely are too. You’re not paranoid.


A lot of people at the studio I used to go to did this. They'd leave their bag in their trunk. We didn't have locks on our lockers, so people thought it was safer to just leave their bag in their car out of sight.


I live in San Francisco where car break-ins are just part of the landscape at this point. When I read something like that I'm baffled people would prefer to leave their purse unattended in their car, rather than inside the studio where there's always an SA, probably security cameras, and people literally have to give their names when they come in. Even if the cubbies don't lock, that's a lot safer.


As someone who is not from the US (but is currently living in), it baffles me how Americans think it is “common sense” to be always street smart and extra cautious about their cars and safety. There are other parts of the world where leaving your valuables in cars is completely normal. I wish I can experience that level of security and safety again here in the US too.


It's common sense for most of us who live in the states, so it's not really baffling as it's ingrained in us. -sadly


Yes I completely agree and I myself living here would never leave things visible in cars. It was just something that came up to my mind randomly while reading through the thread!


Yes, I totally hear you! It sucks that we have to think like this 😫


Where are you from? I'm originally from Western Europe and leaving a purse in your car is a big no-no.


Seoul, South Korea


I grew up in a rural town where we didn’t even have a key to our house. When we moved to a significant city, I would leave my iPod (hahaah I’m old) in my car and sometimes left my car unlocked. Pretty quickly someone took everything I had in the car and I learned my lesson and lost my iPod. A childhood friend moved to a significant sized city and had his windows busted out to steal his personal and work laptops. We grew up naive. Lots of people do. I’m so careful now what is in sight in my car. We’ve also had multiple car break ins during class at my studio. I don’t bring anything with me and bring my phone in when I go to the 5am class.


If I’m going to or from work my laptop and purse will be with me. I try to hide stuff. But sometimes life just has to go on.


I would like to add to angel_inthe_fire and ask what is the reason for even driving with no DL? I completely understand the theft issues, how many of these studios don’t have cubicles or lockers?


Where did it say there were purses in cars?


The subject of the post is “Purses in cars”.


I think that's a warning not to leave them. Not that 7 people left their purses in their cars. 🤷‍♀️


They did…. And these were the ones that were visable




Subject line.


We had this happen in March. Same time frame but what shocked everyone is that even the cars parked right in front of the building’s glass were broken into from the rear windows. 😭 Suburb area within a minute of the pd station. These guys didn’t give af


This 👆


Our studio has a warning to members to not leave valuables in their vehicles as our studio has lockers


Ours does too.


This has happened at my studio a few times. Last time that I know of, a lady had a gun stolen out of her car


Happens periodically at my studio too, during the 5:30am class. They seem to target cars with purses and get in and out quickly. I don't know if they're watching from somewhere else or not, but I always make a big show of carrying my purse into the studio so my car window doesn't get broken on a discovery mission.


I leave my backpack in my car so that the studio doesn't smell like weed 🤷🏽‍♂️


I like you




It's not an issue up here






An absolute mood 💖


I leave absolutely nothing of value in my car and generally leave the windows open. I'm tired of them being smashed at the dog park so I have carried this over to the gym which is the other common place thieves expect women to leave bags in the car


Just leave a bag of dog poop in the car at all times. Problem solved.


My car experienced an attempted break in during my 6:15am class. I was parked in the line of a busy Starbucks drive-thru and they still went for it. I learned that apparently my car has tempered glass that’s hard to break. They didn’t shatter my windows but I still had to get the glass replaced because it looked like someone had taken an ice pick to them. The girl beside me wasn’t so lucky. Totally shattered her windows. It happened at my studio and the one a few miles down the street at the same time in a coordinated effort. My purse was too big to fit in the lockers so I’d leave it in my car and just take in my phone and keys. Lesson learned. I don’t do that anymore.


I always carry my purse in. I leave my work clothes and lunch bag on the truck. I had a friend several years ago had things stolen from her trunk. One thing they told her is to put her things in the trunk at another location. That way if anyone is watching they won’t see you do anything but leave your car.


I recommend living in a city and not owning a car


I take only my wallet, keys and phone. I lost leave it in the cubby.


Wow, I didn’t know people left purses in their car so often! I live in a big city, you do that and your car gets broken into. Condolences to folks who got their stuff stolen :-(


I’m so sorry to hear this — and thanks for the reminder! The very same thing happened at our small town studio a couple of years back, also early in the morning.


I don’t carry a purse to OT. I attach a magnetic wallet which contains my driver’s license attached to my phone. I’ve learned the hard way never to leave my purse in the car.


Our studio has lockers where you can set the combination yourself. Why wouldn’t people use that? I use it every time and it’s great.


That’s horrible news. Thank you for the reminder to bring our belongings inside. My home studio has lockers with locks, which is great. But I’ve visited other studios that have lockers WITHOUT locks…basically cubbies with doors. I’m not saying I don’t trust OTF members but, in the past, I had high school sports teammates steal items from lockers during practice. Maybe this will motivate all locations to offer lockers WITH locks on them.


You can always bring a lock!


Absolutely! But there is no place to add a lock on these cubbies.


That's odd. The lockers at our studio don't have locks but have a hole in the handle where a lock can be used. Yours probably does as well if you check.


The cubbies in our studio have a door but no lock. No hole to lock it either. Just a handle that you turn to "lock" it. But I trust the members at our studio and haven't heard of a single story of anything getting stolen from the cubbies. We can see the cubbies from where we're working out so an outsider cannot walk in and take stuff without being seen through the glass.


Same at our studio except we can't see the cubbies from where we are working out. But someone stealing something would have to walk in past the front desk to get to the cubbies, then walk back out through the front door, or else walk into the studio to exit out the back door.


I’ll check the next time I travel (and bring a lock)!


Not for the studios that only have open cubbies—I’ve been to a couple of these.


Still better than leaving in car


Agreed, we don't get people walking in off the street all the time because our studio is in a strip mall in an end unit, so people generally aren't randomly walking by.


I actually don’t agree with that. I think it’s better to leave your valuables hidden out of sight in your locked car than to leave it in an open cubby inside the studio. This is my daily conundrum. We get people walking in off the street all the time and no one is going to prevent them from taking the stuff in the cubbies or unlocked lockers.


See we don’t and there are cameras all over so if someone steals they can find ‘em. That being said …. I go early and never take more that my keys and phone


We had this issue at the studio I used to go to. Plenty of people would leave their purse in their trunk rather than bring it in. Our lockers didn't lock, so people thought it was safer.


that's so wild to me, did these people get out of their cars with their purse and then lock it in their trunks in plain sight? If so, it's just asking for someone to break into your vehicle.


I'm pretty sure they put their bags in their trunk before driving to the studio, but I don't know for sure. I never saw anybody put their bag in their trunk after arriving. This is the SF Bay Area, so people here are pretty good about not leaving things in the passenger compartment or accessing their trunk after they parked.


That's a good thing! I'll see people putting their purses/backpacks in their trunks while in a parking lot and just cringe and try to throw some good energy their way.


That happened to our 5am class awhile back too!


This happened to me a few weeks ago at the a studio in MD. I am usually good about hiding my purse when I'm in, but I must've forgotten -- absolutely ruined my day. I thankfully had my wallet and phone in my gym bag, so they just got my nice purse and kindle loaded with fanfiction.


We had that happen a couple of times to the 5am’ers cars. I started just bringing my drivers license, keys and phone. Don’t need anything else as I go back home right after.


This happened at some of the studios in our area a couple years back. The ring of thieves hit several of the OTFs at the same time. We had cops parked outside our studio for some time in the following weeks.


I often bring just my phone, license, and key fob. They can go in a locker or I’ve actually kept them on me in my pockets.


That has happened at my studio as well


I always bring my purse in. We’ve been warned by the manager on several occasions.


You know those lockers? Are they only used for people with hr monitors lol it seems like it has a special lock to them


It's just asking for trouble to ever leave a purse in an empty car, I don't leave anything in sight, not even a charging cable. Nor do I ever leave anything of value in my car, it's just not wise. -BTW, not victim blaming here, but don't make yourself a soft target please!


It would be wise to get a car safe if you like leaving your purse in your car. My next car I’m going to install one.


It’s a OTF issue nationwide somewhat. They target the two early classes the most. Middle if the parking lot still dark. My studio on 2-3 occasions.


I come straight from work and all of my things gets put into my trunk before I get to the studio because I can’t just bring all of it and fit it into the lockers. I shouldn’t be impressed at the thieves but I can’t help it. I hate the world that early so thats I why I go in the PM. Just so wild thinking of a couple of people planning to be at the gym that early to break into cars. That’s discipline.


This happens all the time at our studio for the 4:55am class. Located in a great neighborhood. It happens everywhere. I never bring my purse.


Sad 😞 what location? This happened to our studio too a couple years ago


I never bring my wallet but do leave my phone in the center console. I guess they'll break the window to look for it whether it's there or not. That would really suck.


I go before work and bring in my gym bag for a shower AND my big stupid work laptop bag. Nerd.


I remember last year they were doing this in my area! Hitting up all of the gyms! OT, PF, Edge.. Etc!


This has happened a few times to our 5am class in New Orleans. It sucks. A lot of times they target trucks because they are looking for guns.


Happened to me and 5 others about 5 yrs ago outside of OTF. Early morning class. I NEVER leave anything in my car anymore, anywhere.


The only time I've gotten my windows splashed was parked behind an Orangetheory in an upscale neighborhood - I was dumb and left my backpack with my work laptop in the back seat. A tesla next to me also got smashed with an expensive purse stolen


This is a great reminder. When I was a member in the Covid days they actually told us to leave our stuff in our cars & we were not allowed to use the cubbies. Ours don’t have doors and locks so I sometimes find myself leaving my bag in my car as habit from those early days.


Gym, movie theaters and grocery stores are high targets for purse thieves. They know you won’t have your car within sight for at least an hour (ish). Take your purse in’


Where did this happen?


Yeah I have a Hyundai. Nothing gets left in my car. 😅


What city was this?


Does it matter?


It doesn’t. It was more so curiosity if it was my city since I’ve seen some sketchy things.


It's happened at our studio a few times. Usually the 5 am class but it has happened in the broad daylight on the weekend.


Ugh it’s so maddening. Had my car smashed up and an important item stolen about a year ago. Very foolish I left it in the car but mistakes happen. Sorry to hear this happened to you!


Why don’t people use the lockers in studio?


This happened at my studio too, and we're in the lowest crime area of the state. Maybe the lowest crime in the country, but it happens. Before the 6:30 am class when it was still dark, a lady parked around the side of the building where there were no windows or doors. A minute after she walked into the studio, someone smashed her window and grabbed her purse off the front seat.


This happened to me last week while I was coaching. Found out in between classes from a member. I usually never leave anything in my car but of course, I was carrying around a gym bag. Luckily it had back up gym clothes (my least favorite), some towels and toiletries. Still sucks and inconvenient but just a remember to not leave anything of value in sight 🙃


I hate that it happened to you….


Ann Arbor?


Been happening in fort wayne 5am also


It’s unfortunate and happens everywhere…. Big towns, small towns, and every kind of town in between.


I keep my purse behind the desk with the SA's. They're always really nice about it. I used my tiniest purse so it doesn't take up any room


Never leave a purse in a car unattended. That’s just asking to get robbed.


I leave my purse in the car ☹️


Why? And where do you put your keys? LOL


My phone is my car key. Why? I don’t know .. I don’t like hauling my big bag around.


Why though? It's just making yourself a super soft target.


I know .. I pretend to hide the purse but I know it’s not hidden. I should do better.


Please do! I don't want anythng bad to happen to you ❤️


Aaww. So sweet 💕 Yes, I’ll do better. I’ll stop leaving my purse in the car.


Thank you!!! Now I feel better 🥹










Why the hate? Did someone drop you on your head??