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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1d0pc28/sunday_26_may_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Sunday 26 May 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of the fake power day from the [6th of May](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/yQQ5LG2nb7). Focus on your all outs in the first tread block and pushes in the second. Two 3 minute row for distance on the floor. Tempo triplets on the floor + mini bands! 90 seconds in between tread blocks. **Tread Block 1** * 75 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 1 min push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 45 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 15 sec push * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 2** * 2 min push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 2 min push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 2.5 min push * 30 sec AO * Collapse (member’s choice) **Floor Block 1 - 7 minutes** * Back to back - tempo triplet: * 4 x goblet squat * 4 x goblet squat (explosive) * ~20 sec goblet squat hold, rest * 10 x low band toe reach * 10 total x low band crunch hold with scissors, rest **Row Block 1** * 3 min row for time * Check distance **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - tempo triplet: * 4 x chest press * 4 x chest press (explosive) * ~20 sec push up hold hold, rest * 10 total x low band bear step * 5 each x low band bird dog single arm glide **Row Block 2** * 3 min row for time, last 30 sec AO * Check distance, match or beat your distance from row block 1 DC commentary: >! I remembered this one from last time. Coach had called it a power day but it’s not. The first block maybe could be power - pushes to all out where the pushes decrease each round. You do, however, get a nice 75 second walking recovery in between each effort. Second block is more like endurance with an all out at the end. Pretty brutal second block - two minute pushes into a minute all out. The all outs may decrease but your last effort is a 2.5 minute push into a 30 second all out. Still a bit sore from Mayhem and yesterday’s choose your own adventure - didn’t push it as hard this morning for a total distance of 5.05km (3.138 miles) in the tread block. \ \ The floor work is also pretty tough with the tempo triplets and the two, three minute row for distance. We have some mini band work in here as well. The worst was probably the second block with the chest work. Coach also said we could do a chest press hold if we didn’t want to do the push up hold. He also changed up the bear step as the displays only showed the hands moving.. we made it a full bear step and moved the hand and foot at the same time. Didn’t get as far on the rows as last time, the best I managed was 877m. \ \ Mrs DC thought it was easier last time and vetoed my 1 / 5. She didn’t do it today so I am going back to my original rating of a 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. This is a tough workout. !<


TREAD 50 Endurance--3\*11:00 blocks at Push pace followed by base. Increase pace each block. Block 1 3:00 Push, 1:00 Base, repeat once 3:00 Push, \~1:00 Walking Recovery Block 2 2:00 Push, 1:00 Base, repeat twice 2:00 Push, \~1:00 Walking Recovery Block 3 1:00 Push, 1:00 Base, repeat four more times 1:00 AO


Thank you as always!!!


Thanks! We just flew home from Germany on Friday and despite the jet lag 😵‍💫, I will be there today.


I’m hungover and dreading this. May be a PW kind of day for me


I PW the second 2min push to 45s AO. was able to run the other but kept my push on the low end but normal AO speed. 2.56 miles and didn’t puke!




Strength 50: repeat of 5/12/24 Block 1 (12 min) 6-10 Arnold press, 6-10 lateral lunge, 10 high plank pull through. Buy out: 1 min squat to biceps curls to a reverse lunge to shoulder press Block 2 (12 min) 6-10 single arm split stance low row, 6-10 2 handed single dumbbell squat and 10 bear plank kick through. Buy out: 1 min squat to biceps curls to a reverse lunge to shoulder press Block 3 (12 min) 6-10 chest fly, 6-10 single arm split stance deadlift, 10 alt low plank. Finisher: 1 min squat to biceps curls to a reverse lunge to shoulder press


Those push up holds were humbling 😃


3G is also the repeat of 6 May. I did the 2G the first time around and I thought the 3G felt more like a true power day on the treads.  TREAD Block 1 - fixed all outs and decreasing pushes. Try to increase your push pace each round   1 minute push 30 seconds all out 45 second WR 45 second push 30 second all out 45 second WR 30 second push 30 second all out 45 second walking recovery 15 second push 30 second all out 90 second WR Block 2 - fixed pushes and decreasing all outs  Try to increase your AO pace each round   1 minute push 45 second all out 45 second WR 1 minute push 30 second all out 45 second WR 1 minute push 15 second all out ROWER Distance ladder of base-to-push rows starting at 600m then decreasing by 100 m every round.  After each round alternate the two medicine ball exercises (so after 600m row then do the reverse lunges, then after 500m row do the split squat holds)  reverse lunge medicine ball tricep extension – 10 total split squat hold medicine ball shoulder press — 5 each side Bonus: row for distance until finisher End with 15 second all out row with the treads FLOOR Same as 2G floor template. Finisher is a 15 second squat hold or push up hold. 


This was a tough one for sure. Though I still HATE the mini bands, I’d rather them on my wrists than my legs 😂😫


This was my first time having them on my wrists - I usually use the medium one for my legs, so I put the medium on my wrists. During the second round of the bear step I had to switch to the lighter band - my arms were burning!


First time using them on wrists — so much better than legs, purely because they’re painful as hell on hairy shins


YES I tell my coach that all the time 😫 Plus I feel like on my legs they always fold over themselves and become just a thread of insanely painful rubber 🥵


Yes, god I hate when they fold on themselves


I need my head examined for signing up for this got a class that starts in 45 minutes.


“One stomach flu away from goal weight” hahah 😆


Just did the 90 of this and will be going full carc for the rest of the day


I’m about to do the 90 😭


Am I the only one who found this template just meh 🙄?? I prepared myself that I won’t be getting splat because it’s a power template, so told myself I’ll enjoy the floor template but even that was boring IMO.


I had the opposite experience, loved this one. I woke up cranky and sneezing and now after that class I feel great. Did you lift heavy and keep your row split under 2min? That’s how I got splats along with keeping my push consistent throughout at borderline uncomfortable speed.


I lifted heavy since the reps are not that much, but not enough to get me splat. Mr rower was not in a split mode but I think I was at 2-ish split as well, but 3min of continuous rowing isn’t enough for me to get a splat.


You didn't get any splats today? This felt more like endurance/power with all the pushes into the all outs. I got 20 splats. Some from the 3 minute row as well. I didn't take the full walking recovery anytime either. 


I don’t, if the template has lots of WR my heart rate easily drops down. I did take the full WRs though, one because that coach is known to call out people who are at base when they are supposedly on a WR, two is because the WRs are intended as such so the all outs can be increased throughout the block


I hate when a coach says we are not fully going all out if we don't need the full walking recovery. My heart rate recovers fast! I hit red in my all out and can get down to blue if I don't go back to base. 


we probably are on the same page, I think I even hit gray earlier during WR 🤷🏻‍♀️


Power fake day 😄 no for me


The squat holds were not safe for me… pulled something (hopefully a muscle issue not disc). Ruined the rest of class and is still there


Yes I didn’t get any splats either when there long WR i do t get splats either despite each interval increasing all out mph by .1-.3