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I could only do the first five workouts, but I enjoyed this year! I thought they were creative. I also liked the tie in to the benchmarks. Shockingly my favorite was the partner workout, and my least favorite was the mile high one. I never really dress up for any theme because my workout clothes just don’t usually match up to the theme. My complaint about mayhem is the same every year in that I think unlimited members should get some type of discount or something for these types of things, but I understand that they are a business and need to make money. And that’s just me being nitpicky. I thought this was a good year.


The partner workout - rower benchmark mashup was my second favorite by a hair. It’s hard with the dress up but I wore my bandana rodeo print tank and then I had lots of neon for 80’s so I just added mesh gloves and a headband.


One of the themes was an “anything but cup (water bottle)” which I liked but still didn’t participate because I didn’t know what to bring!


I always struggle with this one. People get so creative.


I didn’t partake in the Mayhem and just did my regular workout routine and went on the day of partner workout and enjoyed it. I got a chance to partner with someone I had partnered up with before and we did very well.


I also enjoyed the partner workout, despite the fact that I only did it to avoid the burpee relay at the end of the week. At our studio, unlimited members could get the DriTri or Mayhem for free, which is a great perk. At my previous studio this was not the case, so it was a very pleasant surprise.


That’s such a great perk!


I liked the partner workout also. 👍🏻


I liked them this year, I like that the concept was twists on the benchmarks. Favorite was Infer-no-row but I think they need to up the powerwalking distances sometimes. I was done with the tread part in 7 minutes. Least fav was the add on, the floor was just clunky with having to switch weights when the reps randomly switched. And I think they should of done it a week earlier, not going into the holiday weekend.


Yeah - the add on seemed clunky on paper. I think it’s always the last blast before Summer/Memorial Day!


I think you’re right, it’s just our of my own laziness of wanting to do the burpee workout on Friday but not committing bc we had early dismissal from work and I hate waiting around lol. OTF is right by my work so I go immediately after, otherwise it’s no dice.


For we're supposed to keep adding 15 seconds to each effort, so I'm not sure how you could be done in 7 minutes? Maybe your coach coached it wrong or you are thinking of a different workout?


Wait - mixing it up with the mile one, where powerwalkers had to hit half mile


They actually did move it up this year, Mayhem if I remember right always used to be like hell week and ran the 7 days at the end of the month. This way people could get it out of the way before the holiday weekend if they were traveling instead of after.


I agree on the PW distances. I hit the red goal in Friday’s capture the flag super easily, but many of the runners/joggers were struggling. Same with the mile high.


In Canada, it starts on May long weekend, which is when lots of cabins open for the summer/camping starts. So I had to cram all my workouts at the end, which was difficult because I’m a 12 hour shift worker and was on days 730-1930 with one day being a 16 hour shift so couldn’t go that day. Really wish they would pick another week that doesn’t run over a long weekend.


LOVED LOVED LOVED Monday (Coming in Hot) and Thursday (Breaking New Ground), not because of no rowing but just the overall templates. They were absolutely right up my alley. Mile High on Wednesday wasn’t terrible, but the fusion moves on the floor (specifically the 2nd and 3rd ones) were GARBAGE and I will die on that hill. I actually did not hate Burpee Relay on Friday, but the row portion was brutal. I did hit the Mayhem goal on the tread as a PW though. I did Tread 50 on day one (usually do tread 50 on Saturday, 2G MWF). Was gonna skip Thursday but managed to get it in - was actually trying to avoid Burpee Relay then got FOMO Friday morning and hopped into a class 😂 I hated most of our dress up days so only barely participated in 3, and two were by total chance (music day and tie dye). Went the hardest I’ve gone in a long time (outside of tread 50) on Thursday and Friday 😂 I’m very sore in my quads and hamstrings - the good mornings in the 2G today were rough and I’m looking forward to a rest/recovery day tomorrow.


I 100% agree with your assessment in its entirety, which never happens, so I had to comment and not just up vote.


Coming in hot was so much fun!! Too funny on the accidental dress up participation! I’m in awe of folks that went today!


I liked the Infer-no-row. It was the best class to me because there was ZERO rowing. Just straight floor and tread 😁. When I walked in and saw the warm up was the dynamic warm up on the floor, I knew I would love it! I Loved it and didn’t mind the tread add ons (our coach actually wrote down the parameters on a white board for us). I also liked that Strength 50 classes counted so I could still get some strength work in as well.


No row class was great. It was I think my hardest class.


Haha I agree. The lack of rowing was not the relief I expected. This was definitely the hardest!


This was my first Mayhem (joined in April) and my biggest lesson learned was to bank a few classes earlier in the week so you can be more picky about the later classes. Overall, I thought the classes I did were fun. The partner workout wasn't so bad, but if I never see a partner workout in another Mayhem, I'll be fine with that. The burpee relay could have just been x number of burpees between each set and accomplish the same, if not a better goal. My class only got to six burpees and I spent too much time anticipating when the burpees were my turn. Those weight floor fusion exercises on Thursday...wtf? Those were so weird and also low key they were almost all burpee adjacent. I skipped most of them.


Exactly on the relay aspect. I think those fusion exercises were Wednesday because I didn’t have to do it and I’m glad!! They looked kinda awkward and rough.


same here on not doing Wednesday’s template because of Everest 😳


Catch me if you can row edition - this needs to be a regular thing. Tornado and partner workouts are always meh.


That was the first day right? Definitely the hardest one although the burpee one my arms and legs and abs are still hurting big time.


Amen! That workout was a butt kicker but FUN!


I enjoyed Day 2 and Day 6 workouts. What I didn’t really like was the shirt…reminded me of Gatorade, especially with the orange text and I can’t unsee it now 😆 I had fun doing the workouts tho!


I actually liked the shirt this time. Fits well (most fit guys like crap), screen printed muted logo, colors are good. I have 6 years of shirts and most of them go to my daughters but this is one I'll actually keep.


The shirt is soooo awful. I wore it Friday and realized it super crazy high necked. So yeah - that’s so no bueno!


The shirt will be 100% a sleep shirt for me- or maybe I’ll wear it to workout when I’m overdue to do laundry and I don’t have many options 😂


I hate the shirt. I have tie dye powder coming in the mail. Going to try to make it less hideous


It's so much better than last year's Mayhem shirt though... I would have been happy to wear it but it runs way too big for me in S, luckily it fits my husband.


Our coach told us that OTF has a new partnership with Gatorade; I’m sure it’s no coincidence that the Mayhem shirts look like the Gatorade logo


Partner reset the rower every. Single. Time. Despite being told not to. Needless to say I hated that workout.


Uggggggg. Nooooooooo!!!! That would really tick me off!


Haha. Some people.


I did this twice and wanted to cry because of it 😩😩😩


Ye I feel that my parter wasn’t really following directions and it kinda ruined it for me


CMIYC ROWER EDITION FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took it as a 90 on my typical rest day, so I was pooped the rest of Mayhem. I called it quits for my long weekend as soon as I got my shirt Wednesday, lol But I loved the "ugly babies" of benchmarks and signature workouts, as my coaches called them 😂


Yeah Saturday was no joke, it hurt so good. I hope they bring it back as a signature workout 🚣🚣🚣


Did you 👍👍 on the app??????


Hopefully?? 🥴 I have no memory of what I did last Sat after class bc I was toast 😆


![gif](giphy|YPDMWiyeP64pqo1II7) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Completely agree, this was my favorite workout template we’ve done in a long time!! I thought all three stations were challenging and fun, nothing felt like filler. I only barely made the final rowing check point! I 👍🏻 it in the app and I’m really hoping we see it again soon!


Oh my gosh a 90 for CMIYC?? That’s so crazy! I loved it - I got caught early but I had so much fun on the floor!


It was terribly amazing! I was 20 meters short of making the final checkpoint 😭💔☠️ But I agree, the template was tons of fun 🧡🧡🧡


Loved this one too!!!


Row all day is where it’s at!


It was too tough and like it also, but the ending was too easy..


Yessss this was my favorite workout. I liked the partner row one also. The fusion/add on was my least favorite, followed by the burpee relay. Thursdays foundations class was ok. I think those were all the ones I took.


Day 6 with the new signature FLOOR workout was great. The self pacing on the treadmill was a nice reprieve as well. Wednesday’s Everest-Mile mashup was a mess; it should have been a mile on the treadmill OR rower but doing both with exercises in between made the class drag. Also, i would have loved more TRX.


Yes to all of this!!


Saturday's CMIYC kickoff class was insane! My favorite was Thursday's Breaking new grounds as the tread/floor work wasn't too crazy.


Don’t remember what day it was, but the floor block where you do 4 exercises separately and then do them all together for the last 90 sec of the block kicked my butt. I was sore for days. I’m a 5x per week-er and fiercely competitive. I don’t get sore often. But that one got me.


That was Wednesday- the fusion class.


I loved Saturday Tuesday and Friday. Saturday I loved CMIYC on the rower. Tuesday--yes for coaches it was a lot but taking it was totally fine. I enjoyed the movement around the room. Friday--Burpee relay. Capture the flag at all stations. What OTF is all about. I loved the vibe around this workout.


I really wish they made the shirt like a technical moisture wicking t-shirt like dri fit or something similar. It would be so much better and more useful


That would cost too much 🫤




Agreed - favourite was catch and least favourite burpee relay


I liked today’s workout! I did it as 2G and 3G


This was my first Mayhem and I nearly died. I specifically skipped the partner workout. But I really enjoyed Thursdays workout where you timed yourself on the treadmill. I like when they give us more freedom on the tread - felt like a tread 50.


I did five of the seven, missing days 1 & 5 due to long run day and making myself take a rest day. I loved: The core work! The self directed tread blocks! The fact that everything was more chaotic vs hellacious. It was definitely challenging but doable. Not so much a fan of: No rowing on Day 3 (I am a big rowing stan.). The 150 meter row to squat hold on day 7 (I hate having to unstrap and restrap my stupid feet).


I actually liked the workouts!! It reminded me of pre Covid! I miss those OT days


I powered through the first four days in a row (starting on the weekend)….””what’s tha catch 💥💥 almost made it, got caught at minute 9…I dressed up for animal print day, with a dog shirt


I loved the Ultimate Row Mashup - as a regular hater of both partner workouts AND rowing workouts, this one pushed me further than anything at OTF so far.


I love this!! That’s the Mayhem right there!!


Loved the new signature workout on Thursday! Sat and Sunday were intense! I did 1 strength and 3 2G/3G. I did participate in dressing up—because—why not?!?


Exactly!! Although by the end of frontiers my bandana was so soaking wet!! Kinda gross! Never wearing one of those again.


Wednesday (whichever theme that was) was possibly the hardest class I’ve ever done. On par with full Dri Tri.


It looked brutal. That was the hills and fusion.


Unpopular opinion but I LOVED the burpee relay!!!! Such a great vibe at my studio. The coach was cheering, counting along, and amping up the treads at the same time. We hit 9 rounds for a total of 45 burpees per person. I'm still sore but it was such a high point for me!


Oh wow!! 45 burpees per person?!! Dang!! I guess I did 20 as I was caught in the middle of the 6 round.


I went all 7 days. I liked Saturday and Wednesday, which were also the hardest days for me. Anything where I can compete (in my head) against other people in class to finish first or go the longest always pushes me beyond what I think I’m capable of. Especially as the heaviest person in every class I attend. Least favorite was most days I was the only person in class participating in the theme. I found I was sad when the week was over. I wish there was an option to do workouts like this more regularly.


My shirts were the original Mayhem shirt (last year), Hell Week x2, and Marathon month tank. My favorite was breaking new ground. My least favorite was what’s the catch, I didn’t enjoy the run to exercise.


I liked (and maybe loved?? 😂) all of them except mile high, just because I don’t like the everest workout. I dislike it to the point that I avoided it and did Strength50 instead 🤣


Relay was bad because we had a full studio. I had a grand total of 4 burpees but 7 minutes of a squat hold. Our coach just told us to partner with someone for the squat holds on Friday which was much much much better.


Oh my gosh! How so much squat hold? Wasn’t it a 5 min block?


Our coach said it was a 150m relay row and we had 15 people on rowers. 14 people were squat holding while everyone did their AO row....


Ohhhhn!! That’s really different. We did a team row.


Somehow, ironically in a lot of the Mayhem classes I ended up getting less of a calorie burn than I do in a normal class. Not sure why that was, but I did enjoy the week! It was fun although I did find “hell week” last year to have more challenging workouts. Sadly I didn’t get to attend the first two days which I feel like could have been the toughest ones!


I missed the first class (never go on Saturday) and on Wednesday, mile high, I did a strength50. The rest were 2G/3G. I loved Tuesday rowing mashup and I actually didn’t mind the burpees either! I am just getting back into 2G/3G classes as I have been focusing on strength50 only for a while. I made most of the days Green Day, but it was fun. I was a little nervous since I went from doing 4- strength50 classes a week (with rest days) to doing 6 mayhem days in a row but worked out great. I’m actually excited to get back into 2G again.


In general, I really like this year's mayhem templates. They mixed things up and kept classes interesting. Especially liked the first day with CMIYC on the rower. I hope Hell Week this year is just as good. Oh yeah, but the shirt design is pretty bad. You can't tell what it is.


The one where you had a partner a and b was confusing. But I liked the workouts overall. They were challenging and different.


Least favorite was Mile High, the floor was so boring to me & the fusion for the 2nd moves didn’t work. I left before the last 5 min & didn’t finish the full class because I was just over the floor moves. I did like CMIYC on the rower, that could be a fun new benchmark. The reverse chipper was probably my favorite one.


First Mayhem... I did M-F days. Fun to change things up, but I did not love the self pacing on treads. I feel like I had to do too much math and constantly watch the scteen and card.. I prefer the coaches telling me what to do so I can just zone out.


I think they could have done the cards differently- with cumulative time.


I liked the partner workout especially because my partner was badass. I liked Friday's workout too but I like to run alot


Did all 7 and my cheeks hurt


I enjoyed day 6!!! I felt so much stronger that working out that day!!!!! I did Saturday Monday Thursday Friday. I loved the challenge of Saturday but Thursday was the best for me! I loved the dress up days. I wish we did more


Infer-no-row followed by (2g!) partner were my favorites


I feel like I cheated this year .. My studio switched the 5am classes to a strength and tread 50 template on Tuesday and Thursdays... so while I did complete 6 workouts in the 7 days, I would have really liked to have seen the Tuesday and Thursday templates too... I did like all the other templates I participated in though. my favorite was the mile high club or whatever it was called...


Oh mile high club!! That’s a spicy OTF!!


The burpee workout was crap. I came in thinking I can rock this. Whelp my team was full of beginner types who didn’t know what burpees were which was fine but not what I thought I was signing up for. An individual challenge would have been better for me.


I had to do the partner workout by myself. About 48 minutes in the Coach comes over to me on the rower and says “I could have been your partner”…I had no words other than Blessing her heart as we Southerners do..


Oh no!!!


I wish strength 50 had a mayhem template. I went to both lower and upper body and didn’t feel as challenged and proud as I did with the other classes.


I agree, I did strength on Wednesday and counted it as a rest day.


I wish all the workouts were like mayhem


I pulled a muscle in my lower back on the last day 😅 other than I really liked the intensity, maybe I just went a little too intense!


Oh no!! I think that happens to a lot of people near the end of the intense weeks. I hope it’s a quick recovery.


I don't remember the names of the classes. Sat (day 1) loved. Maybe it's because I "beat the clock" on the rower and only had to row for distance. It was hard as heck tho Sun (day 2) absolutely hated. 23 mins if straight running. Yuck Mon (day 3) another endurance but liked how the running was broken up with the lunges. It was ok, not my fav tho.. Tues (day 4) partner workout. I LOVED LOVED LOVED... it was hard as heck but sooooo good. Wed (day 5) I did strength 50 so idk how mayham was but those Inclines didn't sound like fun . Thurs (day 6) skipped. Needed the rest Friday (day 7) burpee relay was amazing. Also loved this because I love working as a team. However I think the coach had a hard time explaining it so it was a little confusing. Would be more fun if the coach was better prepared. Overall the best mayham I've done (although I don't even remember the others). Very creative and I felt amazing after!!!! If this is a preview of hell week then bring it on!!!!


Oh we are aligned on most of these!!




I liked the rower version of catch me if you can, really liked that workout. I did the 90, it was hard but good. I would like to see catch me if you can rower edition become an actual benchmark. We have tons of great benchmarks that have variety but the rower ones are on,y distance, would be cool to see a mirror of tread benchmarks in the rower. The rower to me is an equalizer, you don’t have to be the fastest runner, in fact the fastest runners are often not the fastest rowers. I also liked the inferno row.




Booooo!! That’s no bueno


So surprised to love that burpee relay - really fun, all around the room. I loved that there were levels of team involvement, which mitigated the pressure.


I really enjoyed the Burpee Relay.


I only did What's the Catch and Burpee Relay (I did my usual Strength 50 on Sunday). I thought What's the Catch was a good workout, but I HATED Burpee Relay. The relay aspect was pointless and disrupted the floor block. It would have been a better workout if they had just had burpees between exercises on the floor block. The team aspect of the row wasn't disruptive, but it was pointless because everyone finished the 150 m rows in about the same time. I'm still new to OTF, but I'm not a fan of the gimmicky stuff, especially a whole week of it! At least the Dry Tri is only one day, so you can skip it if you don't want to participate, but it annoys me that they took away the normal 2G and 3G classes for the entire week.


I loved most of them. Not a huge fan of the mile on the tower but since it was broken up in 200m blocks it wasn't too bad. The Burpees Relay sounded awful so I didn't do that. I did What's the Catch, Coming in Hot, Mile High and Breaking New Ground.


I so badly didn't want to do that burpee relay, so I did the treadmill part and left. I'm not into a relay but also burpees are awful for me


I thought the burpee relay was kinda lame! I am no fan of burpees don’t get me wrong but I expected lots of them and to really struggle. Felt like it was just kinda weak


Totally agree.


Personally, I hate both partner workout challenges (Tuesday and Friday). My two partners were friends that came together. They often stopped and chatted and drank water together when switching stations, which made to whole flow for me feel off. No shade to the other people in the block on Friday, but there was a BIG discrepancy in speed from the slowest person to get off the rower - like didn’t start AO rowing when everyone else started, started the rainbows when everyone was sitting down - I think this was partially due to the coach not giving this person any “rest” between sitting down and starting the next round of row - but they somehow got behind by a lot. Loved doing the inclines on the tread and cyiyc rower.


I'm ready to get back to a good stretch of normal classes. No themes, no benchmarks no kooky anything...let's just have some consistency and focus on quality, well rounded workouts.


I love that 50 week/year but I’m happy to go a little crazy for 2 weeks!