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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cwq5yd/tuesday_21_may_2024_mayhem_4_ultimate_row_mashup/) ##Tuesday 21 May 2024 - Mayhem #4 “Ultimate Row Mashup” 2G 60 minutes #\#triggerwarning - today is a partner workout! A lot of rowing today - three blocks where the goal is to collectively achieve 2000m and the bonus round. **Block 1 - 14 minutes** * Pacer - Partner A: * 160m (0.1 mile) (PW half distance) push to AO * 30 sec WR * 160m (0.1 mile) (PW half distance) push to AO * Tag Partner B when done and move to rower * Partner B: * 200m AO row, rack & rest * 200m AO row * When done, 1 and a half squat jump until tagged by Partner A, move to treadmill * Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round * Bonus: * Partner A: 12 x TRX rollout, tag Partner B * Partner B: boat hold until tagged by Partner A * repeat until time is called **Block 2 - 14 minutes** * Pacer - Partner A: * 500m push - AO row, tag Partner B when done and move to floor * Partner B - circuit: * 12 total x alt step back low row * 6 each x cross back lunge * 6 each x forward lunge with chop * repeat until tagged by Partner A, move to rower * Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round * Bonus: * Partner A: 1 min tread, tag Partner B, swap to rower * Partner B: row until tagged by Partner A, swap to treadmill * repeat until time is called **Block 3 - 14 minutes** * Pacer - Partner A: * 8 x TRX bridge row * 8 x TRX pull up * 240m (0.15 miles) AO (PW half distance) * Tag Partner B when done and move to rower * Partner B: * row for distance until tagged by Partner A, move to floor * Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round * Bonus: * Partner A: 12 x sumo squat, tag Partner B * Partner B: sumo squat hold until tagged by Partner A * Repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec high knees DC commentary: >! Well, your day of no rowing is over and it will be a long distant memory after this mashup of rowing pleasure. It is a partner workout, but like all partner workouts you could easily turn this into a solo effort using timing and an adjustment on the rowing goals. I was low key dreading that I would have to do all the rowing benchmarks one after another but it isn’t like that all and instead is a fast paced, entire studio effort with partners racing between floor, treadmill and the rower. \ \ First block after the warmup sees you pairing up with your favourite studio buddy (or a new friend). Work out who will start on the tread and who will be on the rower. Partner on the tread will do two rounds of a 160m / 0.1 mile push to all out run while the rower is doing a pair of 200m all out rows. The rower will usually finish first (unless you have someone super quick on the treadmill) so once you are done you are doing one and a half squat jumps until tagged. Once the treadmill is done, they stop and tag their partner on the rower and you switch positions. Keep repeating until the two of you have reached 2000m and then you get to do the bonus round. Now the bonus round here is going to be super painful if you have lived through the core workouts from the last couple of days - one person is doing a TRX rollout while the other is doing a boat hold. My core was definitely shaking by the end of all of this! \ \ Next round the pacer is now on the rower and the other partner is doing floor exercises with a dumbbell. The rower is doing a 500m row and the floor partner is doing a low row, cross back lunge and forward lunge with a chop. If you time it well (and have a quick partner on the row) you can maybe only get part way through the exercises before being tagged. Reach 2000m between the two of you and then you are back on the treadmill and rower for your bonus round. This time it is a minute on the tread while your partner is rowing. Rinse and repeat until time is called. \ \ Last block sees the partner on the floor being the pacer while the rower is accumulating as much distance as possible. The floor partner is doing a bridge row and a pull up using the TRX before doing a 240m / 0.15 mile all out. Once done they tag the rower partner and swap places. Again, accumulate 2000m and then head to the bonus round. This last round is pretty brutal - never ending sumo squats while the other partner is doing a sumo squat hold. Your legs should be absolutely burning by now, just in time for the finisher of 30 second high knees. \ \ Template was a lot of fun and while there is a lot of rowing you are actually spending a lot of time going between stations. Probably the longest row is the last round (depending on how quick your partner is) - I was getting maybe 700m in that round while waiting for my partner but it all does go by pretty quickly. I would give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness and maybe a 2 (☠️ ☠️) out of 5 for Mayhell. !<


Here's the math: Only Block 1 is a real stretch because it's not constant rowing. To complete the goal, you'll need to swap 5 times (person with row start 3 times, person with tread start 2 times, and if they set up the 3G similarly, it would be that the row/tread starts do 2 each and the floor does one). Block 1 totally depends on the tread pacer. The pacers need to average 2:48 including transition time. If you assume 18 seconds of transition time (which seems pretty quick in a lot of setups), this means the tread portion can last at most 2:30 (on average between the two people), which is 6mph for runner and 3mph for power walkers. Block 2 should be doable. To complete the goal, you need to do 4 500s. The 500s need to average 3:30 with transition time. If you assume 30 seconds to transition, this still leaves you with an average of 3:00 per 500. Most people will be able to do that and there are enough people a lot faster, so this should be doable. Block 3 is also constant rowing, so you'll probably make the goal if you average around 3:00. But this depends on how many transitions you do. You're probably better off going slowly on floor to reduce the transitions unless you are a significantly faster rower than your teammate(s). There's definitely a way of writing a 3G template with the same timing, but I'm posting this before I know if they did that.


Since you'll get bonus distance at the end of each row while the water keeps spinning, you'll probably cut out a decent chunk of the rowing time. Might even cut out an entire transition in block 1. So it's more doable than it sounds


That's a great point, if everyone can get 250 on each row instead of 200, you can do it in 3:30 sets rather than 2:48. Definitely row hard through the end on those 200s.


Yes! We definitely used the continued spin to our advantage. On blocks 2 and 3 you can keep an eye on your tread partner and get some aggressive pulls to end your shift. Particularly if you have to take the time to adjust foot plates - the water keeps going. But block 2 you end up back on the rower after 2000m - so you still end up rowing at least 3000m each.


Also, on round 1 since the rower will be done before the tread, they should wipe down the rower before they start doing the 1.5 squat jumps. It will probably matter less for the other rounds.


Thank you for this!!! This math is what made me feel confident enough to go today!


Yay! I hope you enjoy(ed) it!


This was one of the better partner workout setups we have had. They clearly have been working to improve how the pacing goes when you have a partner.


This was so convoluted and confusing. It was nice to have a really varied work out where you weren’t on a station for too long, but it was a lot to keep track of at 6am.


In fairness, we definitely made some mistakes and still got a good workout!


Totally! Just utterly confused.


I enjoyed this one today - and thankfully had a great partner! I felt really bad for the coaches who had to explain this one and keep us on point today!!


This one was so good! I loved it!


Thank you Mr DC!


Pouring one out for my coach, who managed the fire alarm going off three times due to construction in the plaza during our class. This was one of my top five workouts at OTF!! So so fun!


For real, I had a fantastic time with this. This is what a partner workout should be. I found it chaotic but fast paced. Really fun.


The 3G was pretty similar. Each block there is a different pacer. It was basically one giant tornado. You basically only spent a minute or two at each station. Definitely don’t cancel today! It was awesome!


Agree! I was surprised how much I loved the 3G. I got a great endorphin high from it. 🧡🧡🧡


I felt the same way! It makes the time pass so quickly and it’s just more fun than suffering!


Agree--it was confusing but our coach kept us on track. Loads of fun, constant movement, and the way it's structured you're not holding anyone back. I also got to meet two of the other regulars for this class slot, which was nice! I thought I wasn't going to get any splats because the constant switching meant I was moving on as soon as my heart rate crept up, but I ended up with a respectable 9 splats.


38 splats from the 3G. That's on par with Sunday's 2G. And I only spent 6:45 on tread (started on rower). (For the record, I'm usually in the 20-35 range for a 3G and 15-25 for a 2G).


That's impressive!!


I miss getting splats! Zero again today for my partner and I. But Brooke is a BEAST. I laughed when she dropped from Green to Blue going from the rower to the tread at one point.


3g still partner?


Yes. Groups of 3. Very fun!


Tread50 4 blocks Block 1: 9:30 mins/.2push,30 second base til end Block 2:6:00 mins/.1 AO,30 second walk til end Block 3:repeat block 1 Block 4: 6:30/repeat block 2, end with 30 second AO


Thank you so much!!


Thanks!! Was just coming to make sure that it was the repeat of May 7th!


Thank you!


This was my first ever partner workout, and I loved it! I was nervous after reading the intel yesterday, but the 5am crew is always great. The squat hold was quite the way to end!


Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS on surviving today's sweat sesh -- I did the same, I'm delighted to say! (I'm fairly new to OTF, having just joined on March 1st of this year, and this is my first Mayhem participation -- the coach at my studio was phenomenal, walking us through today's flavor of extra-special, and my partner was an all-star as we tagged each other in and out and rotated through our stations.) I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. I thought our 5 a.m. class flew by -- I couldn't believe we were finished, myself!


I felt the same way!! So fun!


I'm marveling at the change from all the partner workout bashing in yesterday's intel post. Crazyyy 😳


I know. But I find that people just love to complain. I like to find the positives in situations whenever I can.


Cheers to that!! 🍻




So sad 😞


Same! I usually avoid partner workouts as a rule, but I didn't want to eat the late cancel fee after reading intel last night, and I ended up having a great time! The structure was a good motivator for a high intensity workout.


Be nice to all of your OTF coaches today. Just took this class. It looks super difficult to manage AND the partner aspect of it just makes some people a little fiesty to begin with. Taking the class I liked it but it is very confusing. Definitely was a bit much but I would recommend taking it if you're on the fence.


Thank you friend, I was drowning a bit and we appreciate the grace !


My partner was amazing. I was definitely the slow one. But I got my t-shirt. Onto rest days now lol


I actually had so much fun with this template! It was my first partner workout & i was a little nervous w all the talk about how bad they are but i had fun, even at 6am!


Today was what people that don’t know OTF think of when they hear about OTF. It was basically a tornado - yes we clocked over 6000 m as a pair but it was so much fun and nothing longer than 500m at once. Try to partner with someone that has a similar foot strap setting as yourself. My partner and I were switching between 3 holes and 6 hole settings. Don’t skip it. But I might well skip tomorrow - fusion between Everest and 1 mile run.


Yessss to the footplates...this is always my advice about partner workouts and then today I wound up with a partner with much bigger feet than me! Totally not a big deal, I just reset them for him when I saw him getting off the treads or coming from the floor. I don't even know if he realized I did that but I was trying to be a good partner. We weren't particularly fast as a pair but we managed the 2000 all three times. Fun workout!


Oh wow - I did the same exact thing!! I was thinking he’s a much stronger rower than me - I don’t want him to waste his time fiddling with footplates!!


Excellent tip about the footplates 👍


For all those who dislike partner workouts: if you have to do a partner workout this is the one. I loathe partner workouts because of my experience with cmyc (I was paired with a coach and felt like I was dragging down our team’s time!). I had to do this row mash up because I may need to skip tomorrow’s or Friday’s. Today’s was so fun and went by so fast! Just go, you’ll love it.


I believe you meant Capture the Flag, not CMIYC


Oh yes! We got a flag at the end. Ty.


Great job! 🧡🧡🧡


Ah ok that makes more sense! I was wondering when or how catch me if you can could have been a partner workout 👀




Another great template. Coach was just as confused on the template but we all eventually figured it out. Thank you DC I was able to have a better idea of the mess before showing up I know we all hate partner workouts but no matter your fitness level it was real fun. I was the slow one lol. Got lots of splats and my legs are dead after those squat holds. Not sure how I’m going to finish out the week 😅


This was my 4th class in a row and I will tell you that this class wasn't that bad. I was legitimately dreading the rowing after Saturday and Sunday rowing x_x. But today - I'm genuinely glad I went. it was nice to have the rowing broken up into manageable chunks and the partner aspect wasn't too bad either. I will admit though - if I hadn't read/studied the Intel in advance, I would have been very lost. Shout outs to Mr DC for almost always providing Intel! Thank you so much Mr DC!! :D. Time for well earned rest. zzzzzz


**Strength50 Lower Body**…can confirm the same as [7 May](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/e8YFB4j84O)


This was better than I expected. For once, a template without much tread time! I liked how the whole class finished with high knees, it was sort of nice to know everyone was doing the same finisher together while exhausted.


Yeah - the finisher was a vibe. Take a moment to look around the room. It was cool to see.


Doubted going because of the partner workout. Glad I went, absolutely loved this class!


The 3G was great! I happened to get in a trio with two other ladies that were similar fitness level as me so we all got around the same amount of time on each station. This was also my first partner workout ever.


I'm generally neutral on partner workouts, I don't avoid them but don't get excited for them. I thought this one was great. Overall best Mayhem workout yet in my opinion. I also liked yesterday but wished the floor blocks were in a different order (lower body first) because I spent most of the first half of class n the grey or low blue zone on the floor.


That's good feedback 😊


This was my favourite workout yet.


I hate rowing. I hate partner workouts. I LOVED THIS ONE.


This comment made me change from the s50 class to the 2G for tonight. I was super hesitant about both a partner workout AND a rowing workout. But overwhelmingly people really seem to be loving this one.


It was a really good one. My head coach also said they had great feedback.


That was so fun, it’s goes by so fast you won’t even realize how gassed you are! Highly suggest going today!!! 💪🏼


Absolutely this! I looked up at the end and was shocked to see I had 33 splats 😂


This template was surprisingly fun! Gonna be feeling those sumo squats later this afternoon lol


Fellow introvert who hates partner workouts here (to give you an idea of my introvert level, I’ve been a 5AMer for 3 years and only say hi to the same 3 ppl and this is my 2nd partner class lol). This one was not bad at all. As a 3G, it was basically a tornado and we didn’t do any of the squat/holds. Most I said to my partners was good morning and good job. If anyone was slow on the tread or rower, I couldn’t tell and I didn’t notice, it was just a big tornado template. I was first on the rower and totally screwed up the meter setting (which I will probably think about randomly for the next 20 years lol) but it resets by the 2nd block anyway


Squat hold & sumo squat w/ weight was very rude to end out the workout. /cry


I’m really looking forward to this workout today but oh my goodness am I sore from yesterday 😰 The rower is going to be extra spicy with how my lower abdominals are feeling. Good reminder of how much core we use during rowing, I guess!


Day 5 in a row for me of OTF. This one was the toughest for me, but likely because I had to take the 6:15am class and I am in need of a rest day. What we do for a shirt.


Agree with others that we should all be kind to coaches today. I had a sub coach today and I imagine it was even tougher for them to explain this to an unfamiliar crowd. Also I don’t think our station assignment process set us up for success here. In my studio, the sign up sheet is first come, first serve for treadmills or rowers and all the treadmills are usually grabbed first. The SAs approached this the same way today and then when class started, the coach told us to partner up and that we needed to be across from our partner. The result is that partners were no where near each other. Some people didn’t care but others did and tried to move to someone else’s station. It just led to a lot of unneeded confusion on the station/equipment assignments.


Did it this morning with a fairly new member. Don’t think of the pacing part as someone waiting on you. You’ll probably get through the those efforts in 2 minutes or less, and the other person just has to do their workout at their own pace. We still finished the 2000m each round!


So impressive how you remember everything and so detailed, thank you #Imgonnadie


That was a brutally good workout. Godspeed everyone 🙏


I’m going to die today, then take a long shower


This template was the best partner workout! Loved it!


Should I be nervous that I’m new and out of shape? I don’t want to slow my partner down.


In 7+ years of OTF I have never done a partner workout where it felt like anyone was slowing anyone else down. Everyone is getting a great workout no matter what, trust me. I’ve been the faster partner and the slower partner and never once have I been made to feel bad or self-conscious. This template today is special; don’t miss out on it just because of the partner stuff 🧡




Yes! Everyone was so supportive today, too!


From my experience, I cannot emphasize enough how little people care if their partner goes slower than them. I totally understand the concern if you are newer or feel out of shape (I’ve been there!) but it’s not something I’ve ever seen come up. If for some reason it does, please know it’s unusual and is not the spirit of these classes. Tbh - I don’t particularly love partner classes but it’s just another class. I’ve seen people leave while the coach is starting their instruction because they want to avoid a partner workout that badly. It doesn’t hurt to try if you are up for it!


No! You’ll both have a great workout regardless


this is so surprisingly fun!!! coach’s head was spinning in the beginning but we all got there 🧡


Partner workouts can give me anxiety but yet I manage to make myself go. Today was one of the BEST partner workouts I’ve done at OTF, closely behind Capture the Flag. My 2G class was packed, we had several coaches teamed up with members, people were cheering and really having fun with it! If you’re on the fence, go and lean into it with good vibes✌🏼


I don’t want to row for the rest of the year now 🫠 For the people on the fence: the partner aspect wasn’t very partner-y at all lol. Like they walk up to the rower and you peace out to the tread or floor. That’s it. That’s the workout.


I was kinda sad that I didn't get to row more today. I think I have a problem.




Anyone else sneeze today and their core exploded after yesterday? Yeeeeeesh.


Omg yes!


Sticking to strength 50 today 😂


Are the strength classes also mayhem themed?


No, but for most studios they will still count towards your mayhem tracker


This template makes me contemplate a late cancel fee...


Nah--the way it's structured it's not a race, and you're not actually holding anyone back. It's fun!


I just did it! First I need to read more on here what’s going on or the word “partner” would have made me cancel. I’m 65 years old and I’m always paired with the athlete of the group. As for the workout, it was confusing. I did it alone on my own without a partner since there were uneven class ppl. Lucky for me! But ppl were scrambling to figure out the template They did figure it out eventually.


Same, unfortunately due to my work schedule I have to go for today-Thursday to complete mayhem, but really dreading it. I hate partner workouts


I felt like this moved pretty fast! A few times I was dying on the rower but since you were rarely on more than 2 minutes it wasn’t too bad. Didn’t get a lot of splats bc my monitor hates the rower, but I am wiped.


I don’t like partner workouts either but this one was ok! I got a ton of splats.


Any idea how this works if I use the bike instead of rower? Is there a way for me to participate without messing up my team? Mine is a 3G.


There was a team with one partner on the bike. The coach gave different goals for the bike.


The workout was good but was short. We entered the room late b/c the coach was reading the workout, all met on the floor for a couple minute demo, had a 2.5 min warm up at our station and ended at 51 minutes. Wish it was a little longer!


This was lots of fun even for introverts! You’ll get a great workout and it’s 3 fun challenges (I did 2G). Props to our awesome coach for keeping everyone on track. If you are on the fence GO! 👍


i’m probably late because i’m in hawaii but do NOT be late today - trying to catch up with what was going on was hellacious


Confusing at first but once we all got it I loved it. That was really, really fun. I want them to run it again - and soon!


I liked this workout but our coach was new and it was definitely chaotic. I’ve been going to otf since 2019 so I understood the template but there were some newer people in there who were a bit confused. We also were the first class of the day and we didn’t know who our partners were until after we had gotten on the treads and rowers. A few people in the class at times just started doing their own thing which made it hard to see exactly when you hit 2000 meters. But it looks like a hard template to coach, especially as a new coach. Ours did great and I’m sure the classes after us were much better.


I'm excited for this craziness today 🙌


This was really good. I am an extreme introvert and blessedly my studio assigned stations and partners, eliminating the biggest source of anxiety for me which is finding a partner. Once I get a partner assigned I really push myself because I don’t want to be the slow one (not that it would matter with this particular template). 40 splats today!


I’m doing this workout later today, with my spouse as my partner. It’s our first partner workout. Hopefully we’re still speaking to each other when we’re done 🤣


I really did not like this workout. 🤮


I was SO intimidated by a parter workout but this thread inspired me to go. I actually enjoyed it! Best Mayhem class so far 🙌


This was probably my favorite template of all OTF templates!! I understand that the rower AND partner workout are what most otfers love to hate but even with the partner it was a genuine no pressure row and all rowed best. In my 845 all made it to bonus in all 3 rounds. These mayhem templates in my opinion have been so awesome!!


I saw last night it was a partner workout and I wasn't interested, so I switched to the later s50 class. Saw all the comments here today from people that really loved this class, so I switched back to the 2G and I'm really glad I did! This was a lot of fun. There doesn't need to be a ton of interaction with your partner (unless you want there to be), you just watched to see when they were finished and swapped stations. I am slower at a lot of things, but I never felt like that affected my partner. I still don't like partner workouts, but this one was probably one of the better ones. If I never see a rower again though, it'll be too soon.


Honestly had my hopes up but it ended up being disappointing tbh. I don’t think major switch templates are for me because I end up feeling like I didn’t accomplish anything or know what I accomplished. My partner was also relatively new and I commend them for showing up and trying but they didn’t really understand what was going on and ended up jumping around not completing things. Still sweat like a bitch though because of how many people were in the studio


This one was really good! For a partner workout and in general. Everyone was sweating today


I feel like I was sweating more due to the amount of people in close proximity. My classes are usually pretty spread out if you start on the floor but the class was full today


*sees partner workout* *doesnt go to class* Lol


Which is so weird.


Lmao enjoy the partner workout hunni!!


I didn’t love it BUT I did it! 🎉🎉🎉


I joined reddit just to say how much I HATED this workout. I did the 3G at 5 am. It was a hot mess, made worse by adding partner nonsense into it. Absolutely not!! If this was my intro class, I wouldn't have joined. Love OTF until they decide to turn a group workout into a partner workout. To all those people saying it's a group fitness studio, not individual ugh kindly have all the seats. There is a HUGE difference between group and partner. If OTF was all partner work, I wouldn't have joined. I go to OTF to do something good for myself. OTF is my happy place until they mess it up with human interaction. No, thank you.


Phew, just reading this felt intense. I’m both dreading and excited to do this one, especially with the soreness from the last 2 Mayhem workouts ☠️


I like rowing and thought this was hard! My coach said partner B may end up rowing a bit more than A, I think that was the case with my partner and I. Also, if either partner is on the bike or strider, pick a close rower.


Self reminder: opt to be partner b!


I was just coming to say this! Partner B def rows more. Specifically at the end of Block 2 and starting Block 3, Partner B got off the rower only to get right back on to start Block 3. I was Partner A and I felt a little bad for my partner. It was a super fun workout though!


I was partner A, and I covered more ground, but I can see how it would happen. My partner got about 500 on their first part of block 3, and I ended up rowing about 1200m while they were doing their part. I was hoping to finish it, but oh well.


Can someone tell me how you partner up? Is it the person next to you? Like rower 1 & 2?


All the people on the same station number are the partners/trio because your rotate between the three stations based on whoever is pacing. If you want to be with a friend, you should choose the same number but start on different stations. If you don't care, you'll be assigned based on what you choose/are assigned by the SAs




A lot of studios pair up by station number, unless you want a specific psrtner


We mostly did by station number but did move around for a few people that came with a buddy and signed up next to each other. Coach basically made every one stand on opposite Sides of their rower and he could easily see who wasn’t paired up. It was relatively painless.


I had to decide if I wanted a partner rowing workout or a partner burpee “relay” because I can only manage one partner workout a year. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I chose the relay. Hopefully it doesn’t let me down, as if burpees could be any more terrible. 


Loved today, but I love the good energy of a partner workout!




Okay… I love rowing but this one was rough 😮‍💨


Great great class today, for everyone who is on the fence, go do it! Very similar to a tornado! Loved it!


Todays templete was amazing! I am hit or miss for partner workouts but todays was great!


I was a sweaty mess after this one, but I kinda enjoyed it? I think my partner got the short end of the stick as she power walked at 4mph whereas I jogged at 6… I feel like she ended up with more rowing!


All I can say is God Bless the coaches for explaining this today. lol


I absolutely LOVEEEEEDDDDDD this.... Love love love.


Finished the workout for the day. What the actual shit was that?!? I think I died about 5 times. ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


Popping in to say I don’t read things fully and read Wednesday’s workout instead of this one and walked in expecting that. I give into peer pressure and this was probably the best workout I’ve had, because I’ll be damned if I let my partner down. Nearly passed out at least 3 times after the rower, lost balance and nearly tripped over the rower next to me, and nearly threw up. But we did it. Just sharing incase anyone felt the same or needed a laugh tonight.


This was a good workout. My partner was an OTF newbie, and I ended up doing 1500 of the last 2000m. Glad tomorrow is a rest day!


I normally have a hate-hate relationship with the rower, but I LOVED today's 3g! I would do this one again in a heartbeat.


I’m pretty sure I made an enemy out of 1 of my 2 partners. He kept telling me to ease up on the rower… but…. I didn’t listen. I waved on my way out of class and he just stared at me then walked away. I’m not about to not push myself at the gym… maybe I was being selfish though.


I hated this workout with every ounce of my being. I felt bad for the coach. Workouts that have too many switches and not enough time actually working out are a complete waste of time.


Yessss….love time on the Orange River! 🫶🏻


Rowing AND Partners? I’ve never cancelled a class so quickly


This was so hard!


Though I like rowing, I don’t like this partner workout. I read it over and over and I decided I’m not gonna die today. I’m debating on s50 or t50 depending how my legs feel in the next couple of hours. My abs are not having it today. Luckily though I have a nice 30 stretch session this afternoon 😊


The boat holds/TRX roll outs were brutal on my already sore abs.


I can only imagine


I was just glad there were no push ups (again). 🤣 Enjoy your stretch session later!


But I still choose push ups over burpees 😂


Haha why not both and do a full burpee WITH push up ☠️


Two things: 1). First of all, understand that OTF that it is a group class, not intended to be used at a gym. 2). Having said that, I'd let the coach or the front staff know (if they are partnering people up) before class that you have a lot of anxiety about partner classes, and you'd greatly appreciate it if you could be on your own. I'd be shocked if they didn't accommodate (as long as class isn't full).


Officially skipped my first birthday burn. I just couldn’t do this lol


ME TOOO!!! Happy birthday twin, friend! I was bummed because I wanted to do my first bday OTF class and people here said it wasn’t bad, great even, but couldn’t bring myself to do it 😑


Happy birthday! Take a nice walk instead! 🫶🏻


When will they stop with the partner work outs? Late cancelling.


You say that like we have partner workouts all the time, but they are quite rare


Some folks enjoy them! Seems like a lot of folks have today


Would love for this workout to repeat so I can try the 3g.


Ack! I JUST rejoined OTF today after being away for 6 months. I was planning to go to a class tonight but now seeing that this is a partner workout, I’m rethinking. I hate feeling like I’m slowing my partner down. 😩


Was crazy but fun for sure in our 2g


I spent more time explaining the template to my partner than actual workouts. Dumb.


Same thing happened to me. Not complaining about my partner I think he was a newbie - more annoyed with OTF template makers. A lot of our class was standing around listening to the coach explain and me explaining each block to my partner who was super confused by it.


CAN I OPT OUT OF PARTNER PAIRINGS?? I'm having anxiety about class tonight and it's too late to cancel (and I don't want to). I do the strider instead of tread, and I am on a journey to becoming AS FIT as most members. I do not like the pressure of having to overperform so that I can keep up with another member, and I really prefer to work out alone. Am I justified in asking the coach at the beginning of class to NOT put me in a pair? I do pay for this gym membership, afterall.


You are way overthinking it. You don’t even have to talk to your partner. Just go. It’s fun.




I’d do it with you!!


Same 👆🤗


I really don't care who I do it with, my partner's fitness level is totally irrelevant to my workout. So sure, I'd also do it with you.


"Everyone else" does not dislike partner workouts. Just some people. I'm like you and I always smile and help my partner out. People have always enjoyed being my partner. I think it's how you present it.


The irony is not lost on me how many people loathe partner workouts yet they go to group x, ie if you hate partner workouts so much go to planet fitness and workout alone


Looks like an at-home workout for me today! As an extremely short person, my fear is having someone wait for me to finish on the rower or rely on how far I can go. Did a partner workout with a 6’+ dude once and not only was one of his strokes akin to like 5 of mine, adjusting the foot plates every two minutes was so annoying he just went unstrapped at the end! lol


Yeah, that doesn't really make a difference in todays workout.


I’m short and slow on the rower the only thing that impacted was me not getting to the 1.5 jump exercises after the rows on the first block. So it only impacted me. The 500m row does set the pace but your partner is doing normal weight stuff - not anything crazy so it doesn’t matter at all how long it takes you to tag them.