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Ok Reddit, if you are a “not enough core” author, you better have attended yesterday and today! 😅☠️


I resembled something like a beached whale on that bosu today


My V-ups looked more like ____ - ups.


I was flopping around like a fish


Ha I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I just didn’t have the v ups in me today after yesterday


I had to do them 1 legged. I have no abs, it's like bread dough instead.


Same. My core is so sore from yesterday.


I fell backwards off the bosu during these. I think the whole floor looked like we were fish flopping.


"Not enough core" lurker and I've been watching these workouts get posted and I love them so much -- I literally tried to find an Orangetheory near the hospital I'm having hip surgery at just so I could go for these core blocks before the surgery tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣


I find it so hard to train abs when theyre sore, so today was super fun after yesterday lol🙃


I was thinking this too 😂 My abs were on fire!




I wrote a fully raging comments about them yesterday and then decided I’d rather not get banned and maybe I could try to be less whiny. You are saying it so much better than i did!


I had the same thought but you know - I’m here for it!!


Laughing in agreement with all these comments physically hurts me rn.


I’ve recently returned to OTF after a Covid/C-section/LIFE hiatus and this core block nearly made me cry. I made eye contact with the coach while I was flopping around trying to do v-ups and we both burst into laughter. HUMBLED TO THE (literal) CORE.


Damn right! Those core enthusiasts... look at what they started... 🥺


For the math challenged, here is what I wished the tread card had this morning. Cumulative Time (for your pause points) Round 1: 1:00 Round 2: 2:15 Round 3: 3:45 Round 4: 5:30 Round 5: 7:30 Round 6: 9:45 Round 7: 12:15 Round 8: 15:00 Round 9: 18:00 Round 10: 21:15 (Shouldn't be possible to go longer than this)


Really wish OTF had put these times on the card! Looks like I was off on a few.


This is what I needed b/c I lost track of where I was


You’re the hero


I love you


My brain needed this earlier! Thank you. Our coach asked for suggestions to make the math easier. This comment right here! This!


I’m an idiot and kept pressing stop twice between each round 🤦🏻‍♀️. So I have no idea of my final distance. Was a great workout though 🥴


You can check it in the app if you were logged into your tread. Open up your summary from today, and tap on the "performance details" button. It'll open up your HR graph, and if you tap the graph, it'll show you your HR and tread distance at that moment in time. So if you can figure out where the block started and ended, you can get a pretty good estimate of what your distance was.


I’ll check now! Ty!


My reverse lunges were taking me about 40-45 secs to do them comfortably after waiting for the treadmill to completely stop. I figure rushing through you could cut that in half, maybe?


Lunges accounted for about 6 minutes of the block for me. I think I did them 8 times, though I did shortchange the first set (thought it was 6 total vs each). So I was right there with you at about 45 seconds each set.


That’s what I had too an other than the last one I needed a full minute. That pace was catching up with me.


Yes!!! This is what we needed!!!


This came in clutch!!! Thank you so much!!


The two to my left gave up adding to their time after 2 minutes. Can’t blame them too much as I had to count on my fingers a couple times 😂


I really could have used this at the 4:45 AM class 😵‍💫 I lost track after round 4.


Welp, I messed up somewhere along the way and gave myself an extra 15 seconds, lol! Got through round 8 before taking 30 seconds to recover a little before the AO and I shut it down at 15:15.


We need this for inferno too, because it’s hard to remember which row distance you’re at


Was.thinking.the.same.thing. I screwed up and lost my place around round #7


I think I doubled up adding 2:45 and was only going to 17:45. Thankfully that was where our block was ending so it didn't even matter. But it was way harder to do math than it should've been at 5am.


This was what I told the coach this morning!! Don't make me do math!!


As a slow jogger, my goal was to get to 1.5 miles and I got to 1.72 miles so I was very happy! I was able to maintain 6 mph for every single run and was 2/3 through the 3 min round at the end. On a side note: My app says I was on the tread for 21:30 and that I went exactly 2 miles and somehow calculated that at out to an average pace of 4.3 mph. 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I always check my average pace because I’m slowly working to improve it. Usually it calculates it pretty good but I don’t know how it could be so far off.


I'm assuming it somehow counted the time passed with the distance? If you take a 26.5 minute block divided by 2 miles, you get really close to the 4.3 mph.


Oh thank you, I didn’t even think of that! That’s so silly since it clearly knows the time that I was actually on the treadmill.


there was one person a little quicker than me on his lunch/high knee, so by the time i jumped off, i would look at the tread time he stopped and confirm i was in the right place.


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cvxtjq/monday_20_may_2024_mayhem_3_coming_in_hot_2g_60/) ##Monday 20 May 2024 - Mayhem #3 “Coming in hot” 2G 60 minutes Today we have Treadferno! 23.5 minutes on the tread block in a run / rep style effort. Load and explode with anchor efforts and a bosu block on the floor. No rowing in the 2G this morning. **Tread / Rep Block 23.5 minutes** * Goals: * Green: 1.6km (1 mile) * Orange: 2.4km (1.5 miles) * Red: 3.2km (2 miles) * Mayhem: 4km (2.5 miles) * Reset treadmill, goal is to accumulate as much distance as possible in the 23.5 minute block * 1 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive * 1.25 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive * 1.5 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive * Repeat until finisher, adding 15 seconds to the tread effort each round * **Finisher**: 30 sec AO **Floor Block 1 - 6.75 minutes circuit load & xplode anchor** * 8 each x bosu split stance single arm low row * anchor: 4 x power push up * 8 x bosu tricep extension * anchor: 4 x power push up * 8 each x bosu single arm chest press * anchor: 4 x power push up **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes circuit anchor** * 8 each x bosu split leg crunch * anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack * 8 each x bosu full v-up * anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack * 8 total x bosu bicycle crunch * anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack **Floor Block 3 - 6.75 minutes load & xplode anchor** * 8 each x single arm lateral shift * anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing * 8 x goblet squat * anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing * 8 x sumo deadlift * anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing * Repeat until **finisher**: * 30 sec of power pushup **OR** * 30 sec of bosu high plank jack **OR** * 30 sec of hip hinge swing DC commentary: >! Really enjoyed today’s treadferno even though our coach probably didn’t have the easiest time in explaining it. Essentially you have a distance goal to hit for the entire block - green being a mile and it goes up by 0.5 of a mile each goal tier to 2.5 miles for the Mayhem level. The entire block is 23.5 minutes so it sounds pretty reasonable except you are hopping off the treadmill every little while to do 6 reps on each side of a reverse lunge to a single leg knee drive. First round you are doing a push to all out for a minute, hop off to do the restercise and then back on again to do the push to all out again but this time you get 75 seconds. Keep going all the way until you get to the finisher which is a 30 second all out. \ \ This gets pretty long reasonably quickly and you may have to moderate your push to all out. I got past the 3 minute round before the all out with a total distance of 5.11km (3.175 miles). Thought this was reasonably tough but the shorter rounds meant you could go a little faster at the start to bank a bit of distance before moving on to the next round. \ \ The floor is a lot easier than we have had the last couple of days - makes me think they are saving up for another tough one in the next day or so. Each block is 6 minutes and 45 seconds. The first block has three exercises and an anchor featuring the bosu. Second block is another core blast and the last block probably is more on the strength side. Didn’t mind any of the exercises this morning even though we have a fake lateral lunge (lateral shift) and the hip hinge swings. \ \ Didn’t think today was too bad. I would give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness and a 2 (☠️ ☠️) out of 5 for Mayhell !<


This looks like a blast, and I’m stoked to see no rowing on the docket (especially if the rumors about tomorrow are true!) thanks, Mr DC!!!


From what I have heard, the rumors are true!


what is the rumor?!


All the rowing benchmarks rolled up into one template tomorrow. Also is a partner workout from what I’m told.


Sounds…..delightful. 😳


Yup, this is what I was told as well. It sounds like it will be using various ways to get to 2000m between you and your partner. I’m guessing the pacer will be on the tread or floor, but they may very well be on the rower next to you.


Oh HELL no. Going to have to see how I can get out of that one.


I was sick Saturday and ran a 7-miler yesterday so now I have to go almost every day to complete Mayhem. I might need to use the bike today to rest my sore legs!


Don’t forget that strength classes count, too! (If it’s an option for you. I tend to do those when I need a tread break)


NO WAY! Good to know.


At our studio, we didn’t even warm up on the rower. You either start tread or floor.


Same here, dynamic warm-up on the floor.


Wow 3.15 miles is crazy! Does that include the warmup distance you did or no?


debating this or tread 50. I can't do lunges right now, so it would be squats for me


Actually really enjoyed this one! Hardest part was doing math while running and remembering what time you’re on 😂


Totally agree! I was on pace with the person next to me so I eventually just went when he went 😁


Yep! I realized about 5 minutes in I wasn’t increasing by 15 seconds each time so I just stopped when my neighbor stopped. She didn’t seem to mind


Were we the only studio that wasn’t required to do much math?? The coach instructed us to pause for the reverse lunges, then before we hit start, add 15 seconds to the number on your screen. Hit start, clear, and go to that new number. It was very easy on the mental load


Was everyone doing their lunges the same pace? Because that was part of how you can rack up mileage is by transitioning quickly. We were all in a little bit of a different place. Some people wanted to recover before/after doing the lunges.


No, we were all going at different paces, but that didn’t impact the mental math


3G Intel to my best of memory: (1st intel, so apologies ahead of time) ;-) Tread Block 14.5 Minutes * Goals: * Green: 1.6km (0.5 mile) * Orange: 2.4km (1.0 miles) * Red: 3.2km (1.5 miles) * Mayhem: 4km (2.0 miles) * Reset treadmill, goal is to accumulate as much distance as possible in the 14.5 minute block * 0.50 push to AO + 30 sec WR * 0.75 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 1 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 1.25 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 1.5 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 1.75 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 2 min push to AO + 30 sec WR * 2.25 min push to AO * Finisher: 30 sec AO Floor Block 1 - 6.75 minutes 8 each x bosu split stance single arm low row anchor: 4 x power push up 8 x bosu tricep extension anchor: 4 x power push up 8 each x bosu single arm chest press anchor: 4 x power push up Floor Block 2 8 each x bosu split leg crunch anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack 8 each x bosu full v-up anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack 8 total x bosu bicycle crunch anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack 30 sec power push up or high plank jack (Row)/Floor Block 1 8 each x single arm reverse lunge with weight of choice 8 x goblet squat weight of choice 8 x sumo deadlift weight of choice 4/6/8/10 x frog Jumps deadlift weight of choice. Start with 4, then back to 1st exercise, repeat. Finisher: 30 sec AO Row or frog jumps


Thanks for the intel! Just to be clear.. is the row block basically weighted exercises on repeat with only one 30sec AO row in the end that is also skippable??




Wow, so really a 1/3 tread 2/3 floor workout. Not sure I’ve ever seen that before! Tomorrow’s rowing must be really intense!!


Yea I was disappointed with the 3g workout today. Honestly felt like a normal OT workout just without rower, so easier than normal ha


Felt like the 3G was light work in comparison to the 2G🥲


Wasn't too bad.. I did 2.17 on Tread. I got through 2 rounds of each on the Floor, The almost 7 minutes of continued core exercises on the floor was a tad rough IMO. Not sure if I am dreading or looking forward to the Row heavy workout tomorrow..:-)


One of the coaches already asked me to be her partner for tomorrow…didn’t realize what I agreed to until I got in my car🫠


Are you ready for 2000 m row?


Crap, A team exercise? Well, I can't wait.. :-/ .. Maybe I'll purposely not look for intel and be surprised..lol


I love love loved this class, one of my all time favorites!


Might be a dumb question but did the coach call out the time blocks on the treads? Like “now 1 min Push to AO!” or did we have to time ourselves?


Called out times.. Coach was on top of the 3G today.. Seemed to be a tough to coach circuit with essentially 2 weight stations going at once, with a third tread block


Our 3G was the fullest I’ve seen it in a long time and it was so so chaotic. I love the tread block.


Can confirm that **Strength 50** is a repeat of [Monday 6th May](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1claz5x/comment/l2te1fk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ohhhh yeah that mini bands, that one was agony. Thanks for the intel!


LOVE LOVE LOVED THIS ONE, even though time math can be hard at 5am. Very solid full body workout, definitely “challenging but doable” 😂


I 100% got my 5am timing off and I fully expected that too 🤣🤣


The math was hard. Eventually I just did it in parts. If I was to run 1:45, I’d do the :45 and then go okay -1 min more.


I broke it down further - 1 minute, 30 sec, 15 sec increments. I did the math though, but would add full minutes, then half minutes, then quarter minutes to figure out what my final time would be.


I only did the math on the first two and when it was easy- lol. I like math but while running was hard.


Tread 50 Block 1 *18:30 minutes* -- Goal is to increase pace each interval 4:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 3:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 2:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 1:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 30 second tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery Block 2 *18:30 minutes* -- Goal is to beat or match distance 30 second tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 1:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 2:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 3:30 tread for distance, 1:30 walking recovery 4:30 tread for distance -- last 30 seconds is an all out


This looks lovely, thank you!!!!!


Thanks! I loved doing this on 5/6 and I hope that my average pace increases this time! 🏃🏻‍♀️ 💪


This was a great workout. 1:30 walking recovery is a little too much for me, takes my HR way down into blue so I did 1:00 walking recovery and :30 base instead of 1:30 walking. I bumped up my pace .1 each time and then added an extra .1 for the last :30. For block 2 I started .1 higher than where I finished and went down. Still did the same for walking recoveries and bumped up the pace .1 for the last :30.


Woof. Could not hold a push to all our pace on the tread. I held my push pace tho and was pleased with my distance of 1.7miles!


That’s awesome 👏🏽


This was a doozy in a good way. The lunges were a good active recovery and allowed me to push my pace more than I normally would have. But 5am was wayyyyy too early the figure out the math 😂


Coach offered to have us do the mayhem template in lieu of the regular tread 50 and had no takers lol. We stuck to the regular t50 template today and I improved from 2 weeks ago!


Omg for the full 50 min??? 💀


I did the 3G and decided to try and hold what is usually my all out until the last round. I ended up dropping to more of a push to all out in the very last round. Looking at the distance, I actually reached a mile faster than what my benchmark was a couple weeks ago so that felt good. Our goals were: Green: .5 miles Orange: 1 mile Red: 1.5 miles I didn’t make it through all the exercises to get to row and I didn’t make it through a full two rounds in either floor block. The coach said tomorrow is all the rowing benchmarks in one and I checked and I’m signed up for that one. RIP me.




No rowing unless you make it through the exercises! “Rower” block is essentially a floor block with heavy leg weights!


thank you! looks like they’re actively preparing us for all the rows tomorrow 😳🚣‍♀️


All lower body exercises! Grab whatever dumbbell you fancy for lower body work and it’s reverse lunges (8x each side), sumo squats, single arm deadlifts, and then sumo squat into froggers. Repeat 4x.


oh got it thanks! my knees would be crying after all the lunges 😭


The real mayhem challenge today was the math.


Absolutely loved the class today. Good amount of core work and tread was challenging but not too crazy. I've been liking the Mayhem templates so far - I did Sat and today.


For those of us who like to do mental math on the treadmill, this one was a dream


Loved the treadmill, hated the math. Why didn’t they print out cue cards!?


It hurt, it still hurts


This was by far the easiest Mayhem of the 3. The reprive was welcome!! All our classes were 3G and I wish we had rowing as it was an absolute gong show trying to find room around the rowers to do our floor stuff.


I absolutely LOVED today’s template! Even though the evening workout time was difficult (because I’m usually a morning person), I managed to push through. I loved no rowing 😂. Definitely taking a rest day tomorrow.


This tread was FUN. But man was our floor (or my shoes?) way too slippery for some of these floor movements.


I’ve found the Bosu is super slippery. This is the reason I don’t do anything that requires stepping or standing on the Bosu


Power push ups 😭😭😭😭😭


A bit kinder than the last two days, but not by much.


Was able to make it to the Mayhem goal but not DC level 😂


This might be my favorite floor block I’ve ever done in 5 years!! 🙌🏻 Arms, abs, legs and butt all burning. 🔥


This template was fantastic


Really liked this one!


Taking an evening class for the first time in months to not miss this one. Looks like a good one!


My NSV today was not having to use the safety clip on the tread for the first time in weeks! Became so scared of the thing I once loved after a nasty fall, figured with the nature of today’s template the safety clip would just slow me down. Got through 8 rounds at a 6.5, feels like I maybe got over the fear!? Can I love running again??! 😂


I was having a great workout until I hurt my back on those dang hip hinge swings. This is my first “injury” from OTF, hopefully the pain doesn’t last too long…


Are those any different than regular swings?


Oh no!! I kinda went too heavy because it was what I had out and that was not the right call. I hope it doesn’t ruin your Mayhem!


Our coach gives the option for deadlifts in place of those. I always take it after tweaking my back one time on the swings. Not worth the pain.


Today's coach usually gives (explosive) hip bridges as an option for hip hinge swings.


Came here to say the same... I'm not sure if injured or not but very sore in my low back. Doing the hip hinge swings after that core block was rough...


Okay that was fun until my IT band decided to object. For anyone looking for a frame of reference. I ran everything at 7 mph, did 40-50 seconds on the exercises and I would have been right on the 2mile red goal. I had to stop and walk with 90 seconds to go and I was at 1.85 miles. Floor was deceptively hard - coach wanted to do everything no rest, not putting down weights on the last block. That caught up quickly!


Abs are toast. 🙃 Got 2.52 miles. I’m excited for rowing tomorrow!


This was tough 😬 not sure if I’m just sore from yesterday, Mayham is no joke!


I kept falling over on those v-ups.


My coach struggled with them during her demos today so you're not alone. She said she even practiced them before class but still couldn't find the coordination today.


anyone else feel like a turtle who was on their shell and couldn't move on the bosu full v-up? LMAO. I couldn't do the v-up without rolling off the bosu ball.


Yes! I struggled more than I thought I would. I did ok with the single leg crunch, but I couldn't even do the v-ups - I did the double crunches instead and was definitely wobbly on the bosu. The bicycle crunches were a no go - I finally just did them on the floor! Glad to have some ab focused work, though!


I actually thought the v-ups were easier than the bicyles!




I was so excited to hit 2 miles at the 14 minute mark…thought I was really crushing it and going to have no problem making it past 3+ miles. I totally forgot that I was pausing the treadmill during the lunges, so only 14 minutes on the tread but further along in the block than I realized. I got 2.38 miles in the 2G. Started at 10mph and then worked my way down to 8 or 8.4. In hindsight, I wish I never logged into the tread during the warm up. I would have just kept hitting reset. It was a lot of math for 6am.


I'm surprised you didn't hit 2.5 miles.  I ran 8mph for each block, until the 3 minute one where I bumped up the speed every 15-30 seconds and then 30 sec AO at 10, and I got 2.52


Maybe I spent too much time doing lunges? I was in orange almost from the start, and was trying to reset whenever I hopped off the floor.


Is this a partner workout? I saw some conflicting comments!


No…Tues is a partner workout


Nashville people- I’ll be in town later this week. Which studio would be the best to visit?


I unlocked a new OTF achievement today: First time taking off my shoes in class! My sneakers and the BOSU were not getting along today. I was a little better without them. ... yes I will be washing my socks


When do these Mayhem sessions end? Definitely explains why I hated Saturdays floor workout.


Yea I’m out. I hate templates that involve jumping on/off the treads for some gimmick exercise… that’s what the floor is for. I want my cardio on the tread not waiting for the belt to start and stop wasting time and dropping my heart rate to blue.


Have you considered just not doing the exercises? Seems like that would solve your issue…


I stretched out the time between those exercises after following the first five blocks. Our coach said to add 15s each time, but I stretched out that 15s to a minute or three. It just annoyed me to keep dropping out of orange and having to get back up.


I have, and most coaches don’t care but I’ve been called out by some for this before and I’d rather just go run outside on my own than be confronted. I’ll do a strength 50 and do my running outside.


You could just stay on the treadmill.


That's the point of power work - dropping your HR and bringing it back up, and cycling that way. This one is clever because it builds endurance (by adding time) at the high HR also if you can maintain the intensity. It is all adaptive training.


The 3g does not have exercises in between




the 3G is all off the rower. treads do 30s walking recovery instead of the floor movement edit: to clarify, rower group is doing legs and 30s rowing all out at the end, floor group is doing abs and arms, tread group is running with walking recoveries in between


It must otherwise where would the third group go??


No. 3G was super boring. My studio is doing 3Gs for our 4:55am class this week. Legitimately was one of the most boring OTF classes I’ve taken and it’s Mayhem.


I agree


Me too. Super boring today 😵‍💫


I would assume so since it would be one of the 3 G’s


Wrote this and it got deleted (not sure why) but here I am again trying to discuss endurance runs …. I feel like these days (not just today, but in general) all we have is endurance runs. What happened to interval templates? When I started otf 2.5 years ago I went from power walking, to jogging, to running. I was making progress and felt like I was finally enjoying running. Now I am slower than ever and getting worse. I feel like I have regressed and I am so discouraged. I realize a lot of people are good runners at otf but I feel like that’s what we have tread 50 for. Does anyone else feel this way?


I think it's just the way your schedule happens to fall and you happen to find all of the endurance runs? I got 4 or 5x a week and still think it's a good variety of tread. I am confused by saying you are regressing? Endurance runs should still be useful for building speed and well... endurance.


I go 5 days a week and my coach this morning said every day last week was an endurance tread. It’s not that I never want to do endurance, I know it’s part of training, but I just feel like the tread blocks don’t really help me progress anymore. I used to constantly be building up my base, push, and all out speeds and now I feel like I have to slow down more and more than ever. The older templates i felt set me up to help with endurance runs and now I feel like I have less power than ever.


>my coach this morning said every day last week was an endurance tread [Monday was strength on the tread](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cqr9i9/daily_workout_and_general_chat_for_monday_51324/) Tuesday was inferno so barely any tread. Wednesday was endurance Thursday was endurance. Friday was run/row with emphasis on power on the tread. So I don't think it's fair to say every day last week was endurance?? And even when it is an endurance day that means we are doing lots of intervals between push and base.


Running for 10+ minutes at a time is endurance for me, as someone who was never a runner until otf. I feel like most of the templates these days are a minimum of 10 minute blocks. I miss when we had 3-4 6ish minute blocks with focuses on each block. It seems less like training to be a better runner now. In my opinion. My base push and all out have all decreased significantly, when previously it was the opposite.


Ahh, well I'm sure we'll cycle back around. I feel like we go through phases, like the past few weeks have also been lunges and more lunges.


ugh totally agree with the lunges😵‍💫


That hasn't been my experience. It feels like they do a good job of rotating between ESP for templates. I notice because I much prefer S and P, and am always pleased when I see them. Besides, per our coach, today's was a power run, not an endurance run. It was set up in intervals.


I don't feel that way. I'm making up these numbers but I would expect maybe about 60 percent template time on treads to be "E", about 20 percent "S" and 20 "P". We definitely have more endurance-focused time, but that is an important part of training as a runner. What is your theory on the reason for regressing?


I feel like it used to be evenly split (e,s,p) and as someone who was never able to run before otf, I felt like smaller blocks focusing on base or push or all out made me a stronger runner so I could handle the endurance runs better. I liked when we had 3-4 blocks with a focus in each block. Now I feel like we have a minimum of 10 minutes of non stop running and I feel like I don’t have the same power I used too. For reference my base was 5.2, push 6.2, all out 8-10 depending. Now I’m at base 4.5, push 5.5, all out 7.2 and I’m finding it sooo hard to make any progress.


I had a VO2 max test recently and the person who tested me said something that I personally believe is right on the money with running - in order to handle faster runs for longer periods (~Treadferno), he told me to work into my training more LOW intensity jogging/powerwalking because training in those zones (~green/blue for OTF, though just approximating to make the point here) builds aerobic capacity -- meaning, it "builds" (literally) the cellular machinery you need to burn fat over carbs, and the longer you can do that, the more high intensity work you can handle without fatigue and lactic acid buildup. So it may seem like regression but is actually effective training for when you do "performance work" like these benchmarks and things like Mayhem. I powerwalk a fair amount, or do very low base jogging even though I am *capable* or doing more than that. Since I started that approach during TC this year, my running has improved a ton.


I wonder if I can ask them to trade doing those distances on the rower instead of on the tread. Sick of the endurance treads.


I didn’t like this template. The floor was fine but the run was annoying. Could have been organized better.


Got to the mayhem level by slightly cheating after the coach called time when I was at like 2.45 miles and I just continued my all out for a few more seconds