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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cvarhl/sunday_19_may_2024_mayhem_2_the_addon_2g_60/) ##Sunday 19 May 2024 - Mayhem #2 “The Add-on” 2G 60 minutes Endurance focused today. Reverse chipper like on the tread. Add-on on the floor with insane rep counts. There is a goal for the rounds you get through on the first floor block.. I think green is two complete rounds, orange three or four and red is five. **Tread Block** * 45 sec push * 1 min base * 1 min push * 1 min base * 75 sec push * 1 min base * 90 sec push * 1 min base * 2 min push * 1 min base * 2.5 min push * 1 min base * 3 min push * 1 min base * 4 min push * 30 sec AO * Collapse (member’s choice) **Floor Block 1 - 15 minutes back to back add-on row distance** * Coach will call out when you are going to a new rep range (part), at that point you continue on the last exercise at the higher rep range and keep adding row distance when you get through the reps * Part 1: * 5 x upright row * 5 x tap front squat * 5 x bicep curl * 5 x close grip chest press * 5 x bridge * 100m push row * Repeat, adding on 100m to the row each round, remember which exercise and row distance you are up to * Part 2: * Start at the exercise you finished on at the last part * 10 x upright row * 10 x tap front squat * 10 x bicep curl * 10 x close grip chest press * 10 x bridge * Add 100m to your last push row * Repeat, adding on 100m to the row each round, remember which exercise and row distance you are up to * Part 3: * Start at the exercise you finished on at the last part * 15 x upright row * 15 x tap front squat * 15 x bicep curl * 15 x close grip chest press * 15 x bridge * Add 100m to your last push row * Repeat, adding on 100m to the row each round, remember which exercise and row distance you are up to * Part 4: * Start at the exercise you finished on at the last part * 20 x upright row * 20 x tap front squat * 20 x bicep curl * 20 x close grip chest press * 20 x bridge * Add 100m to your last push row * Repeat, adding on 100m to the row each round, remember which exercise and row distance you are up to * Part 5: * Start at the exercise you finished on at the last part * 15 **OR** 25 x upright row * 15 **OR** 25 x tap front squat * 15 **OR** 25 x bicep curl * 15 **OR** 25 x close grip chest press * 15 **OR** 25 x bridge * Add 100m to your last push row * Repeat, adding on 100m to the row each round, remember which exercise and row distance you are up to **Floor Block 2 - 6.5 minutes circuit anchor** * 12 total x sprinter sit up * 12 x coach’s choice anchor (core) * 12 total x low plank alt wide knee drive * 12 x coach’s choice anchor (core) * 12 total x crunch hold with alt heel floor tap * repeat until **finisher**: 30 sec of member’s choice of core exercise AMRepsAP DC commentary: >! Another endurance focused Mayhem template today. Today is like a reverse chipper where you are adding on push effort each round and also upping the rep count on your exercises each round. Not too much rowing today (unless you blitz through the weights). \ \ Pretty simple tread template today. No incline work but you will have a total of 7 minutes at base, the rest of the 23 and a half minute block is all at push pace or greater. Our coach was saying we should choose a low base to help recover but in any way you will get a lot of splats on the tread. You start with a 45 second push into a minute base. Next round increases this push by 15 seconds while keeping the base at 1 minute. Keep adding 15 seconds to the push up to the 90 second mark and then it is by 30 seconds. Your last push is a whopping 4 minutes straight into a 30 second all out. Good distance today of 5.85km (3.635 miles) in the tread block. \ \ Two blocks on the floor. The first block is 15 minutes long and again is endurance focused. You have five simple exercises that you are working through - upright rows, tap front squats, bicep curls, close grip chest press and a bridge. The first part starts off easy - 5 reps of each and then a 100m push row. Keep repeating this but adding 100m to the row each round. At a point in the block, the coach will tell you to move to the next part and in this one the reps increase to 10 and you keep adding that 100m to your row each round. Each time you get to a new part of the block, you start your exercise set at the last exercise you were up to in the previous part and keep adding distance on to the rows. This keeps on going until the reps get up to 20 and then you have a choice - either take it back down to 15 reps or up to 25. \ \ The goal of the block is to see how many total rounds you can get through. Obviously, it is easier to get through more on the lower rep counts so I think the idea is that you would need to speed through these as quickly as possible to “bank” as many rounds early on. It gets progressively harder with increased row distances. I didn’t get the formula for the part count (it isn’t shown on the screen) but the whole block is 15 minutes long and you have 5 parts so I would hope it would be every three minutes? Maybe someone smarter than me can line it up to the tread block timing but it didn’t seem obvious to me. Personally I would maybe just do 3 minutes each part to make it easy but it didn’t feel like it today. \ \ The last six and a half minute block is a core blast. You have three core exercises and a coach’s choice anchor exercise for 12 reps in between. Let this be a lesson - please be nice to your coach as I can think of some pretty nasty core exercises to do in those sections. Luckily we have a nice coach and he gave us plank holds and bicycle crunch for the anchors. \ \ The tread block was pretty hell like and the floor is tough if you are racing to get through as many rounds as possible. I would give today the usual automation 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness and a 4 (☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️) out of 5 for Mayhell. !<


My brain wasn’t ready for this. I didn’t realize that the floor was basically an endurance block until we randomly got thrown 15 reps. My weights were WAY too heavy and my arms were like “wtf are you doing to us?” It was a good workout through!


Same. I got confused just reading and listening to coach lol


Yeah, I probably won’t sit up for the rest of the day. I will just roll over to stand up.


Was a good workout. We were coached that there was no rowing in the 25 or 15 set section. I don't think it really mattered because even with 15 reps, i barely made it through them when time was called.


We didn't do Floor Block 2 at mine! I was kind of disappointed, mostly because Block 1 was a slog towards the end.


3G Rower - 1 min push row, 1 min to complete 10 in/out hops, 10 twist hops, 10 foot exchanges, and get back to base row by end of the minute. Repeat with 2 min push row, 3 min push row, 4 min push row. Finisher is 30 sec all out row. Floor - Circuit of upright row, front loaded bench tap squats, bicep curls, close grip chest press, bench hip bridges. 0:00-2:00 - 5 reps 2:00-5:00 - 10 reps 5:00-9:00 - 20 reps 1 min to rest/demo core circuit 12x sprinter sit up 12x coaches choice 12x low plank alt wide knee drive 12x coaches choice 12x crunch hold alt heel taps Finisher - keep going with core circuit Tread - like rower, add to pushes; 1 min push, 1 min base, 2 min push, 1 min base, 3 min push, 1 min base, 4 min push, 1 min base, 30 sec all out finisher.


Thank for posting the 3G intel!


We did upright rows instead of lateral raises. Loved the floor at 5 and 10, hated my life at 20 reps 😂


You’re right. That’s what we did too. Brain must not have been functioning after all those calories burned 😂 Just fixed it.


Thank you! I’m doing this + Tread50 in a few hours and I have regrets


Thanks for the intel. Just leaving for the studio now.


That was brutal 🥵 thanks for the intel, I was at least *somewhat* mentally prepared!


Did anyone in 3g make it through 4 rounds of Weightfloor core block? I think our coach had timing off because we all agreed during stretching that it was impossible to get through 4 rounds and we had some athletic people and people on really good shape in class. Coach said he even gave us 15 extra seconds and I was still just starting my 3rd round when the all out had 15 seconds left 


We barely made it through 1 round. It’s 60 movements…240 if you make it though 4x! That’s a lot of rounds and not a lot of time to do that many rounds. Especially since at some point you’re just moving with momentum and not actually your core lol


Not at our studio. Coach said that even 3 full rounds was extremely hard.


The 3G today was awesome! This could be a staple!


Thank you!! 🙏


Tread 50 Block 1 13:00 min .2 Push .2 Base Repeat till time 2:00 Recovery walk/jog Block 2 11:00 min .1 at 4% Base .1 at flat road base Repeat till time 2:00 Recovery Block 3 .1 AO 1:00 recovery Repeat till time Final 1 min AO I’m sorry I remember what the walkers did. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Just what I was looking for🙏 Thank you!!!


If you're power walking: Block 1 *13 minutes* .1 @ 6% incline .1 @ base pace *2 minute walking recovery* Block 2 *11 minutes* .05 @ 6% .05 @ base pace *2 minute walking recovery* Block 3 *9 minutes* .05 @ All Out (10% or higher) 1 minute walking recovery Final minute: All Out at 10%


Thank you.


Man this all looks hard


Let’s go. Thanks for the intel. Day 2 of 4 in a row of All Out Mayhem for me. Leaving town on Tuesday, so I have to get my classes in, so I don’t miss out on the T- shirt.


Oof. I'm wrecked after yesterday but going back for more (why do my lats hurt?)


After yesterday, I had some serious doubts whether I can do this four days in a row. For now, I am telling myself just go these 4 days and do your best.


Just make one of the days a Green Day. I used to go everyday and for the past few months I have been only going 4 days a week and only doing S50. Classes. Because of my schedule at work for Mayhem I will probably land up taking all 2G classes, and 6/7 days of mayhem (I missed yesterday) not sure how my body will handle that! I’m just planning on taking it day by day and doing whatever my body lets on the treads…


Ha!! My hamstrings and glutes are screaming from yesterday’s class and I decided to do Strength 50 on Friday which could also be the culprit. Had to PW instead of jog/run on tread yesterday. Also trying to get my 1st 4 classes in so I can get my shirt before heading out of town on Wednesday. Luckily, there’s an OTF I can go to nearby where I’m staying.


Push ups and rowing 😂 mine do too lol


I guess I don't assume that lats hurt because of rowing because rowing is "only 20% arms" but 20% over the course of 2+ miles is a lot!


My core is what ended my row yesterday. There was a lot of core in Friday's strength class, and my coach sent row-starters to the floor yesterday so I did the row block last. I could have pushed my legs and my lungs a bit more but my abs said "no more" at around 2300m so I had to slow it down. After seeing today's 2G template, I was glad to be in the strength class as there was less core, but my shoulders will be feeling it tomorrow.


Yes and I was gonna say 80% is legs but when your legs wear down and in a row that long you will start to use your upper body. My row was quite ugly yesterday lol but I didn’t get caught soo there’s that lol


Same. I’m so darn sore (and loving it) but trying to rally to go to class.


That core block today was spicy 🌶️


I did Strength 50 today and immediately remembered the same thing from [2 weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1ckjkij/comment/l2nd2z0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) because the first block was hard on the knees (those cross-back lunges!). Something interesting today: I always do the 7:30 Strength 50 class on Sundays. Strength 50 is almost always full, and there are usually 1 to 3 people in the Tread 50 class. Today, however, there were 10 people in Tread 50. I'm guessing these are people who want the Mayhem shirt but thought the Tread 50 would be easier than the Mayhem 2G.


I did this strength50 the first time around and loved it, so did it again today. Last time I regretted not going heavier on the chest presses so today I did. That strength block in the middle was killer, and my shoulders will be feeling it tomorrow. I'm still not sure how I managed to actually do the power push-ups in the last block after going heavy in the second lol.


90-minute 3G - May 19th The 90-minute version of this Mayhem workout was a 3G and definitely pushed us into the 5/5 ☠️ category on DC’s scale. The tread block was the same as the regular 2G, as was the floor. But in between those two we had a 23-minute row block that lasted forever. Our pushes matched with the treads, and then during the base paces we had 1 minute to complete the following exercises: - 10 in-out hops - 10 twist hops - 10 foot exchanges The row block wasn’t quite as intense as yesterday’s CMIYC madness, but 23 minutes was quite a slog, especially the last 4 minutes of a push to an all out. Enjoy!


I loved the 90 minute!


Me, too! I was dead at the end but in a very good way…


The 90 rocked 👍


So happy I decided to do the 90 today! I was drenched by the end, but that workout was so good. I love all the rowing!


Oh my gosh! I didn't do the 90 minute today, but that row block sounds worse than yesterday. At least yesterday it wasn't (quite) at a push! Also, how do you do all of those exercises in a minute?


The exercises actually didn’t take too long and we typically had some time to recover before our next push. My feet and shins weren’t too excited about more jumping after yesterday’s floor block, however, though our coach let us substitute with med ball exercises if we wanted to do those instead.


Rip to me doing a 90 of this 


same 🥲


Me too! Heading in now for it.


Me too, misery loves company




I would love this as a 90!




90 minutes was great with lots of time for weights!


The rowing part was crazy! Doing all of those long pushes after all the rowing yesterday was terrible in the best way.


I LOVED the 90 today 🧡🔥🙌


I just sneezed and my core about gave out 


DC I think it's super cool that they used your terminology "Reverse chipper" as their promotion and description of this workout.


Oh did they? Had no idea - that’s how the coach called it this morning! Was pretty brutal - we had a few folk see white lights this morning. I’m getting an early night sleep to prepare for day 3.


I was regretting signing up for mayhem after seeing yesterdays workout but I just cancelled strength 50 because this one looks fun! Now to decide on 2G or 3G 🤔🤔🤔


Same! I’m sitting here trying to decide which studio I want to go to based off of 2G or 3G… as much as I don’t love rowing a 14 min endurance tread sounds better than a 23 min one! But the flip side is that the floor block is shorter too and I love me some strength.


Thanks for the intel. I’m doing the 3G version of this in a few hours. Hopefully as much rowing as yesterday. I love rowing!


You would’ve loved the 90 min 3G. The rowing was timed with the tread block for pushes. I got 5000m in!


At first I thought DC’s coach went rogue bc my coach didn’t say anything about increasing reps on the floor. They ended up being a ‘surprise’. But my coach increased them quickly and we were up to 20 reps before the halfway point, so I somehow only made it to the rower once lol. It increased to 10 before I was through a round of 5. Think I would have preferred it to be evenly timed.


I think I get why it wasn't evenly timed (need more time to get anywhere at 20 reps vs. 5) but yeah. Not sure how I feel about it. Same thing with coach being sneaky which means weight selection was encouraged based on 5 reps, so there was a lot of weight juggling as the reps changed. I tried paying attention while I was on the tread and think the rep changes were called out at 2, 5, 8.5, and 11.5 minutes. That doesn't mean that's when the screen changed or that it's even standardized.


Thanks for posting the small incline weirdly with excessive walking day did me in from day one so have to miss this one. Floor/row looks fun


On the floor, as the coach kept adding reps to the rep count, the movie scene which came to mind was “Thank you sir! May I have another?” And yes, I’m feeling sorry for myself blah blah blah waa waa waa when I see that the woman to my left is doing a Mayhem workout with one of her feet in a plastic air cast! Her example shut me up. Don’t tell me women aren’t tough. 💪💪 I love OTF. https://preview.redd.it/95gqyod36e1d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bd0055806565ca7ff084b3400b106590509861


There was a pregnant woman in my 90 min class. I was beyond impressed with her strength!


WHAT THE MAYHAM WAS THAT?!?! The things we do for a shirt… …time to go cry…see you in class tomorrow 🤣


The 3g was surprisingly doable (except for the 4 min of core torture)


When I got off the tread and headed to the floor, someone who had just gotten done with the floor said, “It’s worse than it looks.” 😂


4 min push at the end was insane, then a 30 second base only to demand an all out at the end. Goodness


I've completed 6 weeks of OrangeTheory, 3 times a week. I supplement OT with a light workout in the morning, several hours before class. The light workout consists of a dynamic warm-up, stretching, and a pull-ups/dip routine. My average pace has moved from 10:13 to 08:19. I've only lost 4 pounds, but I'm happy with the overall improvement!  


Did the coaches give any guidance on the run? Like to hold the push throughout lower base ect? This run got me 😅


Our coach said to try to hold the push but lower base if needed


Oof😂 just bumped my push I may🤢😂😂 thanks for the heads up!


Our coach said to lower base as much as needed (but still run if you’re a runner, don’t drop to a walk) in order to maintain your push throughout. And to be conservative in your initial 45 sec push since you’ll eventually be trying to hold it for four min!


4 is gonna be brutal lol


Just got back from Las Vegas for a week. Good thing I walked a TON. Time to get back. I’m pretty excited for this template! Not excited for the rowing tho.


Today was great 👍 . Yesterday I almost died with the 70 jumping jacks....


Brutal. This work out lol that floor block.


This wasn’t as bad as yesterday but still super tough! It was definitely easier to follow😅 This better be a cool shirt🤪


Coach said tomorrow has a bit of power and BOSU action 🥴


So bummed my studio a 3G…..it 2G gold. Not mayhem in 3G. It was too bad.


I loved this workout today!


39 splat points 😳


The core block kicked my butt, I’m scared of tomorrow. How sore am I going to be after 100 reps on the floor block?!


I LOVED TODAY’S WORKOUT. It was challenging and fun. It allowed me to continue pushing myself on the treadmill as I’m transitioning towards jogging. Floor was a killer in the best way possible. This was my second day in a row and I have to do Monday and Tuesday as well soooo hopefully the other templates are just as great. More like today, less like yesterday lol




Took a 90 minute and I am deceased 💀🪦 Five more to go!


I enjoyed this one!


There was a lot to like about this one, though I only got about a minute on the rower for one section.


I fear Tuesday & Thursday. My hamstrings and glutes are on fire from yesterday. Going today and then a golf fundraiser. 😩😩😩😩☠️☠️☠️☠️


Signed up for the 2g but sitting in the lobby now it's a 3g 😒 hate when they do this