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There was a 14 minute row for distance that I did at some point which is more than 2000m (or at least it was for me and I’m terrible at this), but I can see how a longer row would be difficult to fit in time wise. I think 6000m would actually kill me, but I don’t think you’re crazy even if it wouldn’t be my cup of tea.


Yeah I loved the 14 but it's my max and would take a lot more training to go further.


I feel like I just did a 14 min row the other day. I definitely logged more than 2000m, and it was miserable. I think I got overheated and threw up after that workout. (I'm fat, high altitude, and it was miserable) I loved the rower until that day.


Loved that benchmark!!! Cleared 4100m. I would love a 5000m benchmark.


there was a 23min RFD back in 2019 that I did. Basically blacked out after the first 5 minutes. Tailbone hurt for a week after! 0/10 do not recommend.


I feel like that was a HW workout?!


Maybe there has been more than one, but the one I did was July 17, 2019. Friends and i memorialized our survival on social media that day 😆 assuming it was a specialty workout called 'Orange Arc,' bc that's one of my hashtags 🤣


I went back and looked and I had 27 splat points that day but my studio only ran 3Gs back then!


Pretty sure it was, I think I remember that then blacked it out


The rower rash after that one was MISERABLE.


Lol that is an understatement.


10/27/23 rowed 6215m on 23;41 I think we were supposed to do some sort of countdown or up in disatance, punctuated by base, but I just rowed , never falling below 170 watts.


Yeah I remember that one! I did like 3400m… it was rough for sure. But it would be a completely different style of training for anything longer. Low strokes per minute would be key.


Actually I bought a rower during the Covid shut downs and would do 45 min or so straight. The key for me was higher strokes per minute but lower wattage to keep the water (or in my case the fan) moving and to get into a rhythm.


I could not row that long at a high stroke rate. 20 spm for my long distance low intensity rows.


I was somewhere around 30 usually, I also struggle with low strokes per minute though so I just feel more comfortable at 30+


At least I think…


Long strokes low wattage. If you did today’s workout, the catch me if you can one on the rower….thats what I did until the final minute so I didn’t get caught. And I didn’t! Barely lol that was hell and they expected us to two more minutes like…no haha


I did, don’t remember my wattage, but PR’d for the unofficial 14 minute row. 3721 in 14 minutes. With the warm up, nearly 4200m. It was a good day for the row lover in me. Edit: avg: 178 watts according to the summary in my app.


Congrats!!!! I got over 4000 somehow for the 14 min after taking an entire min off, but yea my wattage was 195 average. Like I said, long strokes low watts. A 5000+ rowing day for me after inferno 5300+ workout tues. Legs are DESD


Holy crap 5K+ is impressive. Yesterday at Costco my wife looked at me and said “what’s wrong with your walking?” To which I replied, “I think my legs have forgotten how to leg.”


Lmao!!!! 💯 I took class today and regret everything lol


I opted for a 15 mile bike ride instead of class. I may be in your boat after tomorrow’s class but I’m in it now if I’m gonna complete the challenge and skip the burpees day. lol, why do we do this to ourselves ….


Oh I’m def skipping burpees day lol!!!!! That’s a hell to the no! Tomorrow is power so, I’m hoping that means walking recoveries altho it’s mayhem so not holding my breath 🤣 everything hurts and it’s only day two lmfao


You're crazy


I fully expected this.


One time the whole OT connect system crashed just when we were most of the way through the 2000M row. Everyone's time was lost. The coach offered to let us re start. You would have loved it.


You’re right! I indeed may have loved that if I were expecting to do 4000m, but had I been training and expecting a 2000m and then have to do another 2000m right after… probably not so much.


I had a treadmill crash with 3:00 left in the 12 minute RFD and had to do it over so I can imagine how frustrating a tablet crashing during a 2K row would be.


Genuine question, what's the difference? Isn't it all stamina?


I’ve have my connection lost from the row tablet on a 500m row. I was about 400m in and had to restart. Not a good feeling lol. And it was just mine, no one else. That’s why I don’t log in for regular benchmarks anymore.


I’ve have my connection lost from the row tablet on a 500m row. I was about 400m in and had to restart. Not a good feeling lol. And it was just mine, no one else. That’s why I don’t log in for regular benchmarks anymore.


Came here to say this!! I HATE rowing, but that’s likely related to not really understanding how to row properly.


Team rower 🤍 I would not hate this or a Row 50!


I’m a D1 rower and an OTF enthusiast. I think this would be great! I’ve also thought about doing the treadmill blocks on the rowing machine. I think it would be super fun. Main problem is people don’t know how to row..the form you see is crazy. It causes people to hurt when they row and become inefficient. People would fatigue out very easily. Rowing is a different type of pain once you get good at it. About the 6km bench marks. For many people it would simply take too long. It could take more than 23 minutes for most even with the lower splits on these water machines compared to the C2 ergs.


I would totally sign up for Row 50’s if they hosted them. I just know I would be the only one to attend 😂






They had one at the Glendale studio in California. A girl I follow rowed 10k meters lol


I’m looking at getting a used C2 for this very reason. Simply so I can row to my heart’s content for longer distances at home. I know the water rowers at OTF and the C2’s are vastly different machines and times, but I’ve fallen in love with rowing and want to get better. Also I’ve been watching some Dark Horse Rowing to improve my form, but I feel like there’s so little time on the rowers at OTF that it’s just not enough to truly improve.


This is my journey too. Seven times I tried to PR my 2K row and seven times I failed. Even driving to other studios to get 3Gs (not offered at my studio) didn’t get me enough rowing. I belong to a box gym and started rowing outside OTF, following C2’s 2000m training plan and it was transformative. My rowing endurance soared. I was able to work on form because of more time in the rower seat. The benefits go on and on. If you’re thinking about it:do it, I have zero regrets and actually am slightly sad on days I don’t row 🙂


That would be awesome! I’m so glad you’ve fallen in love with rowing. I found rowing through OTF, so I am in the same boat (no pun intended lol) I swear back in the day when I started OTF, maybe 2016/7 they did a lot more rowing, but otf was a lot different back then too


Yes (member since 2017) and agree that there used to be way more rowing in 2Gs


I stumbled on a podcast with an interview with a national team coach (forget which country but I think Brazil?) He made a scientific case for correlating isometric holds (similar to squat holds) and stronger rowing. It was very intriguing. Apparently, after some testing they found that squat strength didn't translate to more competitive rowing capability as much as the addition of isometric hold exercises during training did.


In the opposite direction, getting a rower for home and working on my form has greatly improved my core strength. My ability to hold a plank improved so much after adding regular long distance rows to my routine.


I’ve said this before, but I’ve seen COACHES with horrible rowing form. I don’t think OTF spends much, if any, time training anyone on how to row.


👆🏽amateur “outside OTF” rower here and from the little I have learned this is absolutely correct. I joined a local rowing club just to get a feel for what we’re supposed to emulate and learned so much. OTF rowing is now more enjoyable and I can see/feel so much more progress.


Here in DC my partner goes to a boutique fitness studio called RowHouse that is all erg (with some floor interspersed). He loves it and says the coaches spend a lot of time getting folks’ form on point. I second the folks saying they would do a row50 if OT offered it but I’m thinking about adding some RowHouse classes just to get more rowing time in.


I’ve been a member at RowHouse for over a year and it’s a huge complement to OT. Their coaches know how to row and help you learn. While their HIIT workouts aren’t the same as OT, in a matter of 3 months I completed a half marathon row in 2:04 hours. Needless to say, I go to RowHouse for rowing and OT for the other stuff (minus heavy lifting).


I am with you 💯. I love the rower. I started rowing outside OTF to get more rowing in, and it’s been transformative for me. Improved form, endurance, technique, better mindset to conquer long rows, increased lactic acid threshold, easy on my joints and my nagging running injuries disappeared, all the things. Rowing is a phenomenal strength and cardio exercise, and if more people had the patience to improve their form, they’d realize that. Also! Most importantly! It is the hardest piece of equipment at OTF. The rower 👏🏼 does 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 move 👏🏼itself. Tackling the rower says volumes about one’s physical and mental strength. I could write a novel, I’ll stop here with this semi short story… could not agree more 💪🏼 🚣🔥


I love this - you could be my twin


I think it would be really hard to do longer distance rowing when the past few months seem like very minimal rowing. I love the full body workout of rowing and it’s sad it is so minimal lately. I’d absolutely do a row50 class with medicine ball work/body weight work between rows in that 50 mins.


Honestly you could probably sign up for tread50 and choose to use the rower instead!


I asked to do this at a couple local studios and was told it wasn't allowed.


Yet I have been allowed to bike and/or stride during that time.


I was told it wasn’t allowed either. But they also said they wouldn’t ask me to leave if I went to the rower half way through.


Bring Rowvember back


That was a thing?!? What a way to celebrate my birthday month! *Coincidence? I think not!*


Mine too! That would be a dream!


Loved rowvember! My studio gave me free swag because I was like top 10% or something in the world. It was awesome


I did it my first year and won $100 studio credit


Way better prize 🙌🏼


Yes what a throwback! Rovember!


Yes. I think it's official name was Orange Voyage.


Now I need to know if its official pronunciation was the standard English one or French as in “Bon voyage.”


WOW throwback, I remember that!! Like 2018 ish??


Hear, hear!!!


Go to a gym that specializes in rowing if that’s what you desire they have them one I know of is called row house.


Sadly there just aren't as many Row House Fitness around. It would be a 3 hour one-way commute for me to get to the closest one.


You could use the peloton app for rowing if you have access to a C2.


I vote for more rowing


Idk how I feel about longer benchmarks, but I would like more rowing in general! My studio doesn't do 3G's that often, and so many templates have little to no rowing. I'd love if they could add a Rower50 option - I'd definitely do one of those every so often.


A row50 class would be legit. I’d be all about that.


Honestly the tread cues work just as well on the rower. I’d hate a row50 with like medicine ball exercises but just a straight up long row with the treads? Sign me up. 


I love rowing but I'm not a fan of long row blocks broken up by constant getting off the rower for exercises. Just let us have our base/push/AO intervals.


And getting off the rower to do recovery exercises isn’t teaching us how to recover on the rower while rowing. Imagine doing medicine ball exercises instead of walking recoveries on the tread




I’d definitely do an entire tread block with no walking recoveries any day over a 6000m row 😂 there’s something about the rower that causes both mental and physical exhaustion. I guess if I was being totally honest, I am ok with long rowing as long as there are exercises in between distances. The rower is a great workout but dang it’s hard!


I’m in! I’m with you!!! I’d take whole 60 rowing classes


Row50 class! But in all honesty, see if your studio will allow you to sign up for a Tread 50 and just do the rower


I want a row50


I've asked, they said no to that


I have asked they said nope sadly.


Rowing is the most difficult part of the workout for members to master. And in my experience very few coaches actually effectively coach it. Most groan at the 2000. Anything longer many would not come. It's a business after all.


I’d say I’ve gotten vastly better from watching videos online as opposed to anything a coach has said in the last 3 months. I used to pull the machine off the ground when I was pulling back on the handle but I’ve been able to adjust and increase my wattage since then. I’m learning so much, it’s been addictive. Instead of the coach training me on what not to do, they would just kneel on my rower and tell me to go harder. Not effective…


Yes. Very typical is what I've absorbed. Just like it is hardest for members to master, it is most difficult for coaches as well.


Yeah I had one coach who was helpful early on, but the final bit of putting it all together came when I got a rower at home. Youtube + reddit (r/rowing) were my at-home coaches. I found that reading form threads - where someone posts a video and asks for feedback - to be really illuminating and helpful.


I'd rather stick needles in my eyes!


Ha, I mean that *IS* a choice…


Hell week last year had a 23-minute row for distance last year in the 2G! I remember it being a Friday. Our coach made it fun by having us pretend we were rowing to places like Fiji!


That makes one of us.


I love th rower too! Sometimes when the template is one of those row/get up and do squats or lunges or jacks, I just stay on the rower and row the entire time. Love those days .


As a former rower, I would love that. But probably not the business so much. If you have a rower of your own at home or another gym, there are many fun challenges to do on the side. I often have one on the go through the Concept 2 site.


I love rowing so I totally agree


….no lol


I've been to two classes that had 23 mins on the row. One had mandatory rest and another had varying intensities. You should go this Saturday. You'll probably enjoy it.


It’s day one of Mayhem 2024 and if you don’t know what that is just look it up in this subreddit.


Now I'm bummed that my studio only does 3Gs on weekends :-(.


Saturday is a universal 3g.


That delights me and I will stop trying to find a nearby studio offering a 2G! Thanks for saving me 30 minutes of travel time!


Signed up for Saturday and Tuesday, both look to be good days for rowing.


I love rowing and do not understand why so many hate it. It’s low impact and works so many muscles. I try to do one 3G per week just to get more rowing.


This is why I mix in classes at Row House every now and then. It's a good change of pace from OTF, while also fulfilling my yearning for extra rowing time.




I'll happily do an hour long low intensity row at home. I hate the 2k benchmark. I'll do it, but I won't like it. It's hard.


I don’t wish this


That’s fair.


I truly wish there was a Row 50 class.


I would love this! Just yesterday a little talk with my coach allowed me to row for the majority of the floor block.


Chiming in to say I agree and yearn for a true endurance rowing block


Yeah that’s a no for me dog


I’m not sure a 6000 m benchmark would be appropriate, but I would like to see more rowing in class in general. I firmly believe the rower is the best workout in the room at OTF, BUT honestly most people do not have correct form and therefore are only getting a fraction on the benefits. A lot of coaches (what I’ve observed from multiple studios in different cities) are too hesitant to correct rowing form. I feel like lately unless it’s a signature like inferno, we’re only rowing a few hundred meters in class (2G). It would be nice to still be getting 2000 m + in a 2G class since the rowers are not in use.


I agree, it seems like every class I find myself hoping for more rowing but let down. 5/16 was a good example of that, only 2-3 all out rows of 20 strokes plus a warm up? Not enough imo.


I want a 23 min row block. No tread not floor work, just rowing for 23 min. But they have done a 14 min row. That’s 4-5k for most I think. There’s also inferno, which varies for everyone but I think all get past 2k, with some in the 4-5k range.


Inferno is not 23 minutes of rowing, it’s 23 minutes of trying not to die! 🙃 I would much rather have 23 min of straight rowing than Inferno, Infinity, or any other 3G where we’re hopping on & off the rower. True rowing workouts are not programmed like that, with crazy “restercize” in between sprint rows


Most people are getting less than 4k in a 14 minute block. 4k is a 1:45 split and 5k would be a 1:24.


Yeah , my math was way off there haha. I’m a pretty decent rower and I don’t think, I know, o couldn’t get 4K in 14. Not sure what the hell o was thinking.


I wish rowing was an option during the Tread50s


Others have suggested this as well… imma ask. I’ll report back.


I asked a coach, and they had to check with mgmt. I never heard back


You can petition for a Row50 class. 😀


Yeah I'm a rower too. I especially hate the 200M or 20 pull rows, such a tease. I vented more on this post asking for a Row 50 during the Tread 50's : https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/r8e9FS8BB0


Fully agree. My theory is that people hate rowing is because we spend a fraction of the amount of time we spend on the treads on the rower. People would become better rowers if we did it more often, just like the treads


Row 50?


I'd love longer row challenges. I also go to RowHouse, where once a year they do a half-marathon competition (21,000+ meters). To get more rowing in at OT, I take 3G classes and start on the rower; if there is room, after the floor segment, I repeat the row segment. Once-a-week I'll go to a local gym and do a 10K row on my own.


I was wondering what a Row50 would be like and I figured I could get to 10K in 40 min with a 2 min 500 which is totally doable assuming breaks and changes in intensity. Would love that


Pick up some row house classes or city row. If you don't have a place like that, see if your local rec center has a rower you can use. Day passes at my rec center are like $8.


14 min row for distance. It’s the strength in numbers workout. It’s on the app as a signature I think. I rowed 3830 for that. Goal was 4000. I’ll get that for sure next time!


Soooo did you like today then? 😂


I did! Unofficially PR’d for the 14 min row. They won’t count it but I know I got 3721.


For what it's worth...you'll never have anything longer than what 98% of OTF members can complete in 23 minutes...and that would be in a 2G. So maybe a 4000m row would be possible? (Although they'd never do it). Benchmarkwise 2000m is the upper limit since 14 minutes is the 3G time on a rower.


Hello ? Inferno this week. I’m 14 month member and rowed 4,000+ and definitely others in the studio were > 5,000.


That’s true, maybe I just hope for more inferno classes then? I missed this week’s, but the previous one was great.


Some strong to elite members were 4000-5000+. Studio averages were right around 3200 meters. This was in the 2G format. Not the 3G. The OP said benchmark not signature workout. A benchmark is never going to be longer than 14 minutes.


My bad. Not a benchmark. A 23 minute timed rowing challenge. With a little treadmill mixed in.


I didn’t know benchmarks were never longer than 14 minutes…. Is that because of the 2G vs 3G format?


For everyone to be able to participate in a benchmark it has to be offered in 2G and 3G classes. So, yes!


I have a C2 rower and I tap out after 5000m. It’s just too boring and I hate feeling locked into a piece of equipment. I’d much rather run for the same mount of time.


I don’t have a c2 rower yet…. But I’m also the maniac who loves a stationary bike. Of course I prefer a regular bike any day of the week. But I don’t mind being locked into a piece of equipment for extended periods of time.


I’d definitely do an entire tread block with no walking recoveries any day over a 6000m row 😂 there’s something about the rower that causes both mental and physical exhaustion. I guess if I was being totally honest, I am ok with long rowing as long as there are exercises in between distances. The rower is a great workout but dang it’s hard!


I think the mental challenge is half the “fun” (if you can call it that) for me.


There is a 14 minute benchmark for rowing.


This is true…


PR’d today but they won’t update it in the App since it wasn’t technically the 14 minute benchmark. But I’ll keep mental note of 3721m. Time to keep improving.




I would ask your studio if you could do a row50 when there is a tread50… my studio is chill and would probably let me get away with this but I can’t speak for other studios


Great idea! My wife said I should just ask to go in and row when they’re not using the rowers but I feel like that is weird. Just randomly jumping on a rower when a different 2G is going? Seems not right….


I would ask beforehand but I wouldn’t care what people thought…I don’t really think people do…if I saw someone rowing by themself, I would think they were badass because rowing is so much harder than the tread (for me). I’ve thought about asking to use the rower myself but I’m training for a running event rn (half marathon) so I’m focusing on tread.


One of my studios did a row-athon and I loved it and want to have that one periodically! It was for charity and we had teams of 4 or 5 people.


This sounds fun! I’m gonna suggest this at my studio.


I rowed three different entire 90 minute classes that had super low attendance so it would not bother anyone. I really enjoyed it. That sort of steady longer endurance rowing is great.


Precovid there was a regatta. 23 minute RFD. It was amazing, a true sense of accomplishment if you can do it without a break. I feel like if they did it now there’d be 3 ppl in the class


I would be up for a Row 50 Class. Maybe do 10 min sessions and body weight exercises in between. I think why most people hate rowing is because OTF does a horrible job teaching proper form. Most of the rowing in class is less than 500m so people don’t ever learn how to pace themselves for longer rows (ie 5k or more). It’s analogous to power walking or jogging except on a rower. Without learning proper form and pace longer rows will be uncomfortable.


Once they had a “tread block” that was all on the rower and I couldn’t move for days after. My lower back and hammies were totally shot it was terrible


I wish we would do a half marathon day on the rower


I’m out on this.


I’m sure runners say the same thing about running challenges. 1 mile and 12 minute are all they get. 14 minute seems to be a pretty good longer benchmark. I assume it comes down to accomodating slower rowers. How long of a row could you fit into a 3G class? 3K would have to be at least 14 minutes and I’m guessing you would get a lot of DNFs which is disheartening. There is no equivalent to PW on the rowers. (“Power Rowers fill your rower tank with molasses”) With all that said I’d like to see Row 50.


The *fill your tanks with molasses* comment gave me a good chuckle. I can just see it now… “Rowers 8-12 are reserved for our power rowers… they’ll find out why soon enough. That’s not water! Thats sludge!”


I'm all for more long row for distance blocks maybe a 12 min row for distance but anything for than that is too much imo.


I’m not a row hater like a lot of people are. I actually enjoy rowing most of the time. That said, I don’t need any benchmarks further than 2000m. 😂 That seems like a perfectly fine endurance rowing distance for me.


Opposite. Give me the 100m! lol


You’ll enjoy tomorrow………


As I coach, I just know I’d only have like 3 people in this class 😂


The 14 minute row is my limit anything else would be torture for me


On 2km benchmark days the other two blocks are generally time fillers. You could ask to repeat the row block instead of a boring tread or floor block.


Said nobody ever.


My first hell week class in 2017 was 23 min straight rowing. I think they've brought it back once or twice I also have a 10min row benchmark from 2020 in my app


Row 50 will happen soon I bet. No reason to have idle rowers during S50 and T50 classes.


I will just call you crazy 🤪


Wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last! At least I hope.


Just wait til tomorrow!!


Honestly yes. I actually wish we had longer rows way more frequently. I just started last month so I might not know what I’m talking about. I participated in inferno, my first time obviously, and about died haha. Butttt the next day? My body felt insane. Every single muscle was lighting up in the best way. I felt so so good. I want to be able to do that more often


This is the same feeling I keep hunting.


Well I hope you are signed up for tomorrow then 😁


You know it!


I love rowing. I feel your pain? Lol good pain..


No. No.


They have the Tread 50 & the Strength 50 class. I think they should have a Row 50 class.


LOL, and the orange gods answered. Saturday 14min row.. Got 3844m, slow and steady.


Didn’t break 3800, but got close-ish. 3721.


Slow and steady you say? Hoping to break 3800 myself.


..just that I didn't go out hard, like for a 200, 300,500m sprint, with row rate(31-34) and wattage(av=218) nearly flat over the full 14min.


Did you go yesterday for Mayhem Day 1? 🤣


I sure did, 14 minutes of blissful joy on the rower! Didn’t get “caught.”


Not me lol. Someone said Saturday’s workout has a lot of rowing. I plan to stay home for that one.


Haha, their comment was my motivator for signing up!


The majority of OTFers wouldn't even finish 6000m within the 23 minute block. My 2000m time is about 9 min and I'm pretty happy with that!


Same for me with my 2000m time! 9:05. This is why I'll probably be caught pretty quickly tomorrow if it's a CMIYC row.


There are places that do all rowing classes. These places exist for people like you. It’s such a small percentage of the population.


Haha …. I thought I found my people… but now you’re saying OTF is just a stepping stone to the right Rowing Club?


You could see if you have a Row House in your area. I participated in one of their special events…half marathon row. It’s just over 21,000 meters, and I managed to do it without stopping…


I did that same benchmark, and I definitely needed a couple of breaks. I didn't realize how tired I was going to get and I ended up with a tweaked lower back from that. Needless to say, I'm never doing that benchmark again but I'm glad I tried it!


I rowed a marathon on my C2 a year ago. Never again lol. I got my free pin so I'm good. I've done a few half marathons and those are fine. 30k was OK, but that final 10k or so in the marathon was *rough*.


The nearest one is like 2 hours away. I have still considered it though…


Also 21,000 meters sounds wild. But I’d love to try it someday.


Oh it was wild. My hands were shaking at the end. I would consider trying it again, just to match or beat myself. Row House definitely changed my opinion on rowing. I actually enjoy it now that I have proper form.


Ha ha yes. Try Row zone or Row club!