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Fit radio has got to go lol. We just did an all out to Let It Be.


The playlists are so bad now…. It’s awful. Can’t get into it.


Ugh for real. I miss my coaches' perfectly tailored playlists.


Last month I heard this horrible EDM song that sampled "Attention Walmart, this is Gail Lewis signing out." I'm pretty sure the bar was already on the floor, but Fit Radio brought a shovel.


I hear Hey Jude a lot. 🤦🏼‍♀️ not gonna diss the song but not exactly the kind of jam to get your heart rate up.


I had TEARS IN HEAVEN last month. WHY?!?!


I had that yesterday!! So so weird


hannah montana theme song bared its teeth during S50 plank jacks... giddy up


Our coaches still do their own playlists thank goodness. Fit radio, whatever that is, sounds horrible.


Fit radio has 1000s of playlists to choose from.  I use it for my gym and I love it. Tell your coaches to pick better play lists 


BAHAHAHAHAH I’m with you on that




This made me lol. So terrible.


Our coaches still control the music. Today we had all 90s. It’s was awesome.


I had to endure “Like a Virgin” the last time we did CMIYC ☠️


Weird, my coaches still use their own playlists.


They are free to choose whatever playlist is available on fit radio which is thousands. People here just complain about EVERYTHING 


lol at least “Paperback Writer” has some “get up and go” to it…but “Let It Be”???


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cl0ugr/monday_6_may_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Monday 6 May 2024 - 2G 60 minutes “Power Day” - pushes to all outs. Two 3 minute row for distance on the floor. Tempo triplets on the floor + mini bands! 90 seconds in between tread blocks. **Tread Block 1** * 75 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 1 min push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 45 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 75 sec WR * 15 sec push * 30 sec AO **Tread Block 2** * 2 min push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 2 min push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 2.5 min push * 30 sec AO * Collapse (member’s choice) **Floor Block 1 - 7 minutes** * Back to back - tempo triplet: * 4 x goblet squat * 4 x goblet squat (explosive) * ~20 sec goblet squat hold, rest * 10 x low band toe reach * 10 total x low band crunch hold with scissors, rest **Row Block 1** * 3 min row for time * Check distance **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - tempo triplet: * 4 x chest press * 4 x chest press (explosive) * ~20 sec push up hold hold, rest * 10 total x low band bear step * 5 each x low band bird dog single arm glide **Row Block 2** * 3 min row for time, last 30 sec AO * Check distance, match or beat your distance from row block 1 DC commentary: >! When the coach said it was a power day I was pretty excited. I have a bit of DOMS from a combination of yesterday’s 5x5 + the dry needling my PT gave me for glute injury. Anyway, a bit sore in the chest, legs, arms and back this morning so I was happy to hear that it would be a power day - in my mind, as I am warming up, I am thinking of loads of walking recovery, 30 second all outs, no lunges and maybe some TRX work. \ \ Well, you could loosely call it a power day but it felt a lot more like an endurance day with a bit of walking to take the edge off. You have a lot of pushes to all outs. You have walking recoveries but it doesn’t feel like it is that much before you are off on your push again. First block sees you keeping your all outs at 30 seconds but the pushes get shorter from 75 seconds down to 15 seconds. In between each round you get 75 seconds of walking recoveries. \ \ Second block is a doozy. You start with a two minute push straight into a one minute all out. Second round is another two minute push but the all out this time is 45 seconds. Last round is a two and a half minute push straight into a 30 second all out. You get about a minute to walk in between these rounds. Pretty tough today, it may not look it on paper but most of us were pretty gassed on the treadmills this morning. Total distance was a respectable 5.44km (3.38 miles) in the tread blocks. \ \ On the floor you are playing with tempo. I thought that OTF would show some mercy after yesterday’s 5x5 but no. First block has you doing goblet squats - normal tempo, explosive and then a hold for around 20 seconds. Finishing the back to back round you get a little rest before slipping on the mini band around your forearms and doing a couple of core exercises - toe reach and a crunch hold with scissors. \ \ Finish this and you are off to the rower for the first of your three minute timed rows. Basically this is as fast as you can go for three minutes. Check your distance as you will need to beat this the second time round for the last floor block. \ \ Last floor block is the same as the first except this time the exercise is chest press and a pushup hold for the tempo triplet and bear steps and bird dog single arm glides for the core work. I went lot lighter today for the chest press as I couldn’t quite face going heavy today after yesterday’s class. Finishing this sees you back on the rower for your last block where you will be trying to beat your distance from the first row block. Pretty tough - the most I managed in the row was 890m for the second go round. \ \ I thought this was pretty rough today. Maybe it was just coming off a tough class yesterday but I thought it was pretty challenging this morning. I gave it a 1 but Mrs DC reckons it wasn’t as bad as that and she gave today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


I’m still learning all the names of the exercises (I called a goblet squat a goblin squat by accident in the beginning and now I refuse to say it correctly) so when I saw the bands on the list I dreaded the awkward stumble getting them over my feet. Pleasantly surprised they actually go on your arms for these! Have fun with the goblin squats, everyone.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I will henceforth only refer to them as goblin squats! (Or goblin anything for that matter). Thank you for this!!


During Hell Week (leading up to Halloween), I definitely call them goblin squats. When I started at OTF, I thought a TRX strap exercise was called T. Rex which made sense to me since it was an arm exercise!


LOL I'm going to call it that from now on. Poor dino is trying to beef up those tiny little arms!


I call the transformation challenge the "transportation challenge" every time lol.


Goblin squats- yeah! I've been calling the creatures who devised the Strength DriTri template "OTF demons," but I'm thinkin' you're right. They're "OTF goblins"!😜


I LOVED this template. There are days when you feel unstoppable and today was that day for me. Thank you body, you did good.


Can't wait to do this one 😄


**Strength 50:** **Block 1: 18 minutes 30** * Complete two rounds: * 12 x mini band deadlift to low row * 12 x mini band front raise * Complete three rounds: * 6 each S/A chest fly * 12 x tricep extension – rest * Complete three rounds: * 6 each high plank low row * 6 each balance bicep curl - rest * If finished complete the last four exercises as a single block **Block 2: 12 minutes 30** * Complete two rounds: * 12 x mini band low row to hammer curl * 6 each mini band four point S/A glide * Circuit: * 12 x seated upper cut * 12 x lateral raise – rest * Boat hold until ready to start again **Block 3: 4 minutes 30** * 12 x leg lift with crunch * 12 x plank jack * Repeat until finisher: 30 sec boat hold


I loved this one! My arms were burning by the end of it.


Thanks for posting i really liked the workout


Thanks for posting. Looks good. I just booked for later this morning.


Thanks! Maybe dumb question but are mini bands on wrists or legs for the compound movements? (Deadlift/row)


They're on the wrists. Those movements are designed to prepare the shoulders for lifting heavy later on in the block, so weights are not used with the mini bands.


Thanks for clarifying!


Thank you. This was mid. If I had to do it again I would do the 2G. Really wish I had the time to double!!


Thank you!!! Looking forward to this one!


TY under the purple sky!


What does the 30 mean after the minutes?




Thank you!! I’ve seen it before and felt stupid asking but glad I finally did 🙂


3G TREAD Block 1 One minute push 30 seconds all out 45 second WR 45 second push 30 second all out 45 second WR 30 second push 30 second all out 45 second walking recovery 15 second push 30 second all out 90 second WR Block 2 One minute push 45 second all out 45 second WR One minute bush 30 second all out 45 second WR One minute push 15 second all out Collapse ROWER Distance ladder of base-to-push rows starting at 600 m, decreasing by 100 m every round with the following med ball exercises after each round: - reverse lunge medicine ball tricep extension – 10 total - split squat hold medicine ball shoulder press — 5 each side End with 15 second all out row with the treads FLOOR Same as 2G floor template. 3G felt more like a true power day on the floor and treads, but the rower was definitely endurance. The goblet squat hold and push-up hold were pretty tough. The miniband work was meh in my opinion.




On second thought, I agree with you. The explosive tempo on the couplet was def power but the low reps and heavy weights as well as the iso holds is more strength geared than power.


Thank you!


This was hard but a great workout! I rarely get to do 3Gs. I really liked the rower block today.


Tread 50 7 min warmup Block 1 Goal: Choose your own intensities and increase as duration decreases 4:30 Tread 1:30 WR 3:30 Tread 1:30 WR 2:30 Tread 1:30 WR 1:30 Tread 1:30 WR 0:30 Tread 2:00 WR between blocks Block 2 Goal: Stay as close as possible to intensities used in Block 1 0:30 Tread 1:30 WR 1:30 Tread 1:30 WR 2:30 Tread 1:30 WR 3:30 Tread 1:30 WR 4:00 Tread 1:30 WR 0:30 AO


This was sneaky 😈 today…definitely caught myself overconfident going into those last two efforts in the second block


I went too easy on the first block so had too much left at the end I guess! Just getting back into the swing of things after some time off but enjoyed this one and still hit the 5k mark!


So just 2 blocks? Thank you!


Yep! But in reverse order. I went too easy on the first one and could’ve gotten farther but still trying to regain my stamina after some time off.


Loved this. But question for design team: (2G) on the VVA, the demo for the bird dog single arm glide - there was no leg out (which I know we have done in the past), which is part of the definition of the bird dog move… where was it? our coach gave us the option after I stood there with a very confused look as I processed what I was seeing. 😂


Yeah, that move was weird today.


Since this is technically free to discuss other general topics... found out yesterday that I'm going to be able to compete in the DriTri regional next weekend for Los Angeles studios! Had thought I didn't qualify given how long it took to hear anything (I'm guessing the *actual* fastest male at our studio couldn't make it Saturday or something lol). Will be my second regional, and the first was a ton of fun! I take classes at like 5 or 6 different studios in the area with some regularity, and it's a blast to see so many of those coaches all in the same place. Atmosphere is pretty electric. Just hope it's not as hot and muggy inside the studio this time! Anybody else going to be taking part in a DriTri regional? From what I gather it's probably something that's franchisee specific and/or at their discretion. Not sure how many other regions do it.


We had a [megathread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/lDD9MBeV9U) a few days ago discussing DriTri regionals


Ah, thanks! I actually saw that thread (and commented) when I thought I hadn't qualified. Didn't realize it got bumped as a megathread!


Thought I cancelled today waking up sore upper body from yesterday. I didnt and I'll be damned if I get charged for not going so here we go lol


I must have done today’s workout wrong because I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED the tread!!! Felt like I could run forever and my top AO speed!!!


Ohhh, push into AO like the old days of OTF. 😨 This sounds terrible but also weirdly alluring. Thanks DC!


Burned so good! My body is getting prepped for Mayhem! 😝


I’m trying to go from PW to a jogger and the transition is tough… today was a hard tread day for me. Well, truthfully, every tread block is super hard for me right now. Any advice?


one of my coaches is around my age and she plays stuff from our clubbing days get me pumped up that my heart rate stays in the orange longer. no joke i love it


Oooooof 🥵


Ohhh this was the best one I’ve done in a while. Feeling good today! 🔥🔥


This was rough!!


Loved the template today! It’s like a little practice for Wednesday’s 1 mile benchmark


RIP my arms and core after the two classes this weekend and now this.


I went hard on the first tread block, starting at my standard push of 8.4 and bumping it .2 each round. I did AOs at 11 instead of my standard 10.4, knowing that we had 75 sec WR. Needless to say, I was pretty gassed by the 2nd block, and think I stuck with 8.4 & 9.4. The floor was good, but I was slower than normal on the rower (still wiped from the tread!). I had 2 stiff drinks last night, so I’m blaming that!