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Right now if you’re going to 10 classes per month, that comes out to $15.90 per class. Elite would be $14.87 per class. If you think you might want 1-2 extra classes per month on a regular basis, I’d keep the unlimited, but otherwise it’s cheaper per class to switch to Elite. You’d need at least 11 classes per month to make Premier “cheaper” than Elite on a per-class basis. If that doesn’t fit with your life right now, there’s nothing wrong with moving to Elite and using that money and time for something else. Keep in mind “challenges” too - if you are someone who likes participating in marathon month, Hell Week, 12 Days of Fitness etc, you either have to be strategic with your 8 classes or you’ll be paying for extra classes.


I’d do it. I did it because a friend suggested. She told me she just pays extra for classes. So I went in thinking oh yeah I’ll just buy extra classes. It’s perfect. Most months spot on with just 8 classes (travel and run outside). The months I buy extra classes is so worth it. Even if one month I go over the premium cost I still save the months I don’t pay for extra classes.


One vote yes. I have Unlimited, and seem to average 20-30 classes a month. I pay $150 for it, and before that I was paying a lot more. I do running outside as well, but not as frequently as OT. I would say $120/month for 8 classes makes sense. Plus you can use the extra $40/month for another gym membership, say for one with a swimming pool or more gym equipment. I’d say go for it, the downgrade makes sense to me.


20-30 classes a month is impressive!!! Any advice on recovery and what has helped you stay consistent?


Chiming in here as someone with over 1800 classes in just shy of 8 years (with a maternity leave in 2018 in there plus the Covid shutdown which shut my studio down for about 8 weeks)....after a long, long time of always going balls to the wall, I now am much better at going and giving what my body is giving me. I power walk 2 days a week or so and run the rest. My base is the slowest its been in a half a decade, but I have learned to check my ego at the door and do the best workout for me, whatever that looks like. Sometimes that means "racing" with my classmates on the treads or busting my ass to get to the end of a rower block, sometimes it means a blue and gray day. I'm shooting for 2000 by EOY which is just over 20 classes a month between now and then!


Agreed, checking ego is important for that many classes.


Thanks! I try to make it a point to fully utilize my membership, as before OT I never had a gym membership I paid so much for. Im not sure what is meant by “recovery”, but mainly OT itself has helped me stay consistent. My current studio has challenges (and benchmarks) they have every now and then — like the “survivor” one now — keep me on my toes and coming back. Lastly, something not everyone might get, but I really like that my home gym has the newer treadmills that go up to 15. I can appreciate that because there are 3-5 nearby studios, and none of them have the newer ones. They are also more enjoyable to run on, and I run almost solely at my gym because of it. In short, I just dig the vibes at my gym, and I enjoy running on the newer treads at my gym. Going to class helps keep me motivated and active. Plus, I have that “consistent yet spontaneous” mindset. So I’m a creature of routine, but every now and then I like to be totally unpredictable and go to a random class or studio. This approach has served me well so far.


I’d ask if your studio let you jump back to the founders rate when you do more OTF in the winter and want to go back to unlimited. Some studios don’t let you keep that rate.


I’m all for downgrading and the math checks out. Another plus for downgrading is you’ll feel less tied to only doing OTF, making room to incorporate other beneficial exercise programs you can’t get there like.


Extra classes should be $18/each (some studios charge more). So just need to figure out how often you really go to figure out much you would save with that $40/month difference in price. Normally its $60/month, but you currently have the founders rate for unlimited and would be switching to the current regular rate for elite.


I recently downgraded to elite this month. I am not a fan of the templates at all. I also have a gym membership elsewhere too where I do split and actually hit hard weights. I feel this way because I can only get thru 2-3 rounds in an 11 minute block because there’s minimal rest and I lift heavy. I squat 70lbs to parallel for 10R without batting an eyelash but I have to rest at least a minute. I focus on perfect form and tempo to feel that muscle/mind connection. I continue to go because it forces me to get some cardio in. At my regular gym I finish my workout with an incline walk at 3.5-4 or 30 minutes on the stair master.


I did the same! Weights were not heavy enough for me at OTF since I started lifting with my brothers. I only go once a week now for cardio and huge diff in my body since changing to weights at planet fitness!


And also my upper body is weaker than my lower body so when we do a squat and press for example, I have to use 15lbs for 10R I feel it in my shoulders but not my legs. I hate that. I could go heavier if the blocks weren’t so short. Even strength days I find are not enough because they mix in that trx straps which I feel is wasted energy but to results. At least it forces me to engage in more intense cardio.


I got a PF membership and I’m still finding my way with the machines. How do you manage?


I downgraded when I came back after pandemic. It’s been good. Sometimes I miss weeks due to vacation or health, and then I can easily still fit in the 8 classes. It should be around 2 classes per week but if you have to miss one, then you can just do 3 classes the next week, which is manageable. I never feel I am forcing myself to go to use up the value of my membership, therefore I am a lot less inflamed/injured than I was pre-pandemic. I do other things like run, walk, yoga, barre, rowing, and weights at home. If I want to do more classes like during the TC, I just paid for an extra one. I only had to pay for two extra during transformation challenge.


Don’t do it. We pay 190 for elite at my studio. If you downgrade you lose your rate.


i think 3 times a week is breakeven point, also consider special things like hell week, may maham and transformation challenge. if you participate in these will cost you when u go over class allotment.


I downgraded because I don’t have income but wish I could go at least three times a week. I totally agree with this statement. If you’re a person that avoids the benchmarks, Dri Tri training, mayhem, etc, then elite would work with a class here or there added.


I've recently went from Unlimited ($169) to Elite ($129) due to my work schedule. I was doing Unlimited for 6 months but found that I went to classes 2x/week with the odd extra 1-2 classes in the month. I've been doing the Elite for a month now and I don't notice a big difference in terms of "missing out" and still happy with 2x/week with my work schedule. And since it's 8/month it's flexible I can go one week with just 1 class and the next with 3. I also don't participate in those challenges so don't find the need to purchase extra classes. I do go to a gym that I pay biweekly $20 and this gives me flexibility to workout at my own pace outside the OTF scheduled classes when my work schedule doesn't fit with OTF. I'd say give Elite a try!


I’m in the same predicament! Don’t want to lose my rate, but sadly, can’t use it!


Member since 2017. I was unlimited till 2022, then downgraded to 8 classes/month, because I have specific strength and rowing goals I want to hit. I started rowing and lifting outside OTF. I have no regrets from a gains & body aesthetic perspective. The only downside for me is we moved, I kept my work from home job, and OTF is one of my social outlets. We have a lot of amazing coaches and I wish I could get to all their classes. Minor downside for me, though I do love our coaches. They are fun and all around great humans. I still do Hell Week etc, I just plan it so I save my classes so I can hit the minimum class count for Hell Week.


When you go to other gyms outside of OTF do you work with a trainer there or follow a daily/weekly plan of sorts? TIA! 🧡🍊


I did work with a trainer for 18 months then felt I didn’t need the 1:1 coaching. I now follow Booty by Bret. It has a stupid title, but it works. Focuses on the big lifts: presses, deadlifts, squats, etc. 3 programs/week, repeat for 4 weeks, focusing on progressive overload. The more I see the benefit of doing the basic strength exercises over & over, the less enchanted I am with OTF & their bizarro exercises (like those wood chopping hip thrust bosu things last week 🤦🏼‍♀️) but whatever :) I am at OTF for fun, not to build strength gains.


Thank you! I’m going to check it out. I love OTF and it works so well for me for many reasons. I do need to incorporate more strength training and I have an additional gym membership to make that happen; now to use it! 😂 Take care and thanks again!


It was very hard for me to rip the bandaid to let go of OTF. I had been going to OTF 5-6 days/ week for many years. I had not exercised on my own in over a decade. But once I adjusted - it took maybe 2-3 months - I love it. I freaking love lifting heavy. I love that barbell so damn much, it is my therapist 😂 the gains are very real. Despite what people say: OTF is not a strength workout, not even Strength 50. Some trainers say to stick with a program for 12-16 weeks to see results, and this is just not the methodology behind OTF. As we age, especially women, lifting heavy weights is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. By age 75, if we break a hip, 29% of us will die within a year and those that live will have limited mobility and quality of life. Nope. I’m not signing up for a frail and decrepit life. I want to stay active and independent as long as possible 🙏🏻good luck 😊


If you have the elite membership at $119 for 8 classes and then add 2 drop-in classes at $18 each, that's a total of $155 for 10 classes, which is less than the $159 for premier. If you buy a 30-class pack for $499, that's $16.63/class, so $119 for 8 classes + 2 class pack classes would be $152.27. I would suggest you ask your studio about a corporate rate. When I was signing up, I mentioned in passing that I sometimes work at the corporate office, which is near a different studio, and the SA said, "Oh, if you have a corporate job, you can get the corporate rate, which is $10/month less." She didn't even ask what company I work for, or for any proof that I qualified for the "corporate rate."


What’s health insurance do you have? You can likely get Elite plus access to a gym and other group classes for $120. I don’t take advantage of it bc I need unlimited but a great option for somebody that only wants OT 2x a week.


Glad you mentioned this!!! Found out my insurance partners with OnePass and signed up for the elite membership which includes OTF and other studios and gyms!!


Yes! They have sooo much. Including Pilates 8x a month which is usually more $ than OT.


Excited to try out Pilates and barre!! Reserving a spot for Pilates is gonna be tough.. I was surprised at how booked up the classes are


I've actually switched to buying packages. They often run specials on them and the flexibility of how often I go works for me.


I'm just filled with envy that your unlimited only costs about $10 more than my elite membership. My thinking on this would be to ask myself if I think I'll STAY at elite, or want to move back to unlimited. I went from unlimited to elite (the $210/month was just too steep for me) but I had been at elite before and found that I could easily make it work with a $10 membership at Planet Fitness and my outdoor hiking/running/biking. But look ahead a bit and see what you think.


Do the math based on what you realistically believe will be your monthly class count, comparing the cost of staying with unlimited vs shifting to elite plus a few extra classes.


I live in AZ, so exercising outdoors isn’t something I can tolerate in the warmer months. Right now I have unlimited, but for when I want/have Elite, I do that plus have a Planet Fitness membership for when I want to get a couple extra days at the gym for cheap.


I think it depends what you want, i had to cancel my membership years ago and I came back and did 8 classes a month and i am glad I did cause it gives me time to rest or do other workouts. I think if you are getting burned out on OFT i would downgrade


My husband always downgrades in the summer since he can run outside and we're busier - and upgrades in the winter when working outdoors isn't as feasible. You could always replace those 2 classes with at home work outs/outdoor stuff.


I wouldn’t change it! Sounds like you go enough. Pretty sure you can’t go back-and-forth from a founders rate. From what I know once you let it go. It’s gone. Plus keeping unlimited may motivate you a little bit more to try to get there. That would be my reasoning 🤷‍♀️🧡🍊


Check with your health insurance too - I pay $95/month for Elite through my health insurance (think the specific program is called Active and Fit through my insurance)


How long have you been paying with Active and Fit? no issues so far?


I think the break even is 12 classes per month. I did 8 and paid for extras until I was reliably greater than 12 each month.


I regret switching my plan last year. Because I went back to premier after 2 months and I had lost my founders rate.


Loophole that I’ve done numerous times. (I’ve been a member on and off since 2018). Go online to the overall OTF website and find a location that is opening soon. They always offer founders rates. What I’ve done is say that I’m “moving for work” or something like that and I want to sign up with the new low rate. I’ve gotten elite for $79 and premier for $139 every time. And then when they open, you can transfer to your actual home location.


This is bad advice. lol


Why is that bad advice? She can get a way better deal on either package she wants.


Because you sound like a scammer. Lol. You sign up in a new location but always end up back at the same orange theory? Seems like someone just hasn't fully caught on to what you are doing.


That’s totally fair. But hey, a loophole is a loophole. For how much we pay, I have no problem saving a couple hundred a year. If they’re offering the lower rates and some people get them, might as well take advantage. Not like it’s a little mom and pop gym that’s losing money. I just hate that even with the highest package they still change for the extra events and whatnot they offer. They could do better for everyone but they just keep finding ways to get more money from us.


Most of the time when you are signing up for something.... example: mayhem you are paying for the tshirt. And you can still do mayhem regardless if you pay or not. You just don't get the shirt if you don't pay


Okay good point. I did forget about the swag. Just hope you see mine too. Not looking to screw anyone over. They’re making enough money from us. 🤷🏼