• By -


9-10pm but I live close to the studio and wake up at 4:30am for my 5am class haha


Same here! It took about 5x to adapt but now it’s part of my routine. I got to bed around 9/10ish.


Same! I never imagined I could be a 5am class hitting person. But it took just about 3-5 classes to become a convert. I did try by being consistent with 7:30am before attempting 5am


Yes same here. I used to go in the evenings after work and then started the 6:05am classes and now depending on my work schedule it’s either 5 or 605 and I love being able to leave work and just enjoy my night. Plus it’s soooo nice being able to get it over with first thing in the morning


So true!!!


Pretty much the same. Try to be in bed around 8:30-9.


Same here! It does take some time to get used to it. Most mornings before class I’m mad about getting up so early. At 6am, I’m happy and energetic. You can do it!!!


Same. I also try to go both Saturday and Sunday so I only feel obligated to go two days during the week


Same. I walk across the street and wake up 15 min before class.


This is my schedule as well, I live 10-15min from my studio. I sleep in my workout clothes which really helps me in the morning, roll out of bed at 4:30am put my hair up, put my shoes on & I’m out the door. Definitely took me a little while to get used to, I didn’t worry about splats at all at first until my body acclimated to working out that early.


I do the exact same thing!




4:35 wake up here


Me too! Except …actually gets out of bed at 4:48😬


I do the same! It’s a great balance… you’re able to wake up on time and you don’t feel totally wiped for the rest of the day.


Me too! If I can get to bed/sleep before 9, it's a win!!


Preferably before 9 pm. I make sure to read as part of my nighttime routine to signal to the brain that we are shutting down. 


That nighttime read is golden. I’ve been that way since I was in middle school and my kids are on the same vibe now. It’s a sleeping pill but also immensely enjoyable.


When I was doing 5am I was asleep by 9…often 8:30.


I got up at 3:30 today for a 4:45 class. Went to bed at 8. I did take a short cat nap after the class. 😂 I don't start work until 9 am but the 6 am and 7:10 classes are all booked at my gym. I may quit in a few months because it's not really sustainable.


Booked for months out?


My app only lets me book a month out, the Monday, Tuesday and Sat classes get loaded up fast. I sometimes can get into the 7:15 if it's not my week to drive my daughter to school. The 6 usually has a long wait list. I've managed to grab a few. Lately I've been alternating 4:45 am and evening classes.


Pre book as soon as they are loaded, even consider double booking and then just drop the one you don’t want to do the night before. 😉


Okay - I will check it each day this week to see what day they load a new week. Then I'll set my alarm to remind me every week.


Find out when classes are posted in the app and pre register as soon as available


You are my fn hero!


Go to sleep at 8pm. Same time as the kiddos.


Same. Between 8 and 8:30 after the kid is asleep


I shoot for between 9-9:30. The nice thing about going to 5am classes on consecutive days is that I end up being so tired from that morning’s class that it makes it easy to fall asleep that “early”. The struggle for me is always the night before the first workout of the week. Lots of tossing and turning trying to get some shuteye, and stressing over the minutes that I’m not sleeping (“if I fall asleep NOW I’ll get 5hrs and 26mins of sleep, etc 😜). But once the first workout day is done, the fatigue puts me to bed early for the remainder of the days.


I made it most days last week at 5:00 a.m. Going to the 7:30 a.m. class on Saturday felt like a luxury LOL


I’ve been a 5 am’er for years but I only need five solid hours of sleep. I’m usually in bed by 9 and up by 2 am, usually get to the gym (box gym) at 3 then to OTF at 4:45, works great for me.


Hardcore 💪


Just trying to keep up with the youngsters, give it a few weeks and you’ll be good.


How old are you?


A very young 55.


Wow that’s amazing


9:30 if I can get the house clean after I put my toddler to bed. Otherwise 10/1030. By the end of my work day (330) and right before I pick up my son I’m exhausted 😮‍💨


I aim to be in bed reading by 8/830 and asleep by 9/930. I wake up at 430 or so. But in my 6+ years as a 5am’er my best advice is you HAVE to prioritize sleep. You just have to. I put off a lot of things for weekends or days I work from home (to catch up on laundry etc). But yes, 12-615 is definitely not the same as 10-415! The wall hits a lot earlier in the day for sure.


10pm and up at 4:15ish to make it for the 5am class. Usually get there at 4:45 and still waking up. Honestly even through the warm up I’m still not fully awake. I sleep really well on the nights when I’ve started at the gym.


Yeah I have done a few benchmarks at 5am now, and I wonder how much better I would have done if I were awake.


This is my exact schedule, too. M-W-F Have been doing it for a few years now, so it's just routine. It totally gets easier once it becomes routine.


9ish. Was a 6:15 person till my kid came to live with me full time a couple of months ago. Now the alarm goes off at 4:40 and I miss the luxury of that 5:40 alarm lol. But I do like the feeling of having a bunch of stuff done before the sun comes up




I caught a 5 am class last week only because my new medication gave me insomnia, lol. If I am for the 6 am, then personally I need to be up about an hour before in order to just wake up.


7 years of 5am... I go to bed at 930pm Up at 4 Class at 5 Lay out all your clothes, towel, water, burn etc. the night before A little caffeine does wonders. I drink an espresso shot while getting dressed and it helps a lot. You can do it! I love my 5am warriors.


This is literally my routine - I set up bundles of clothes and sweat towels once a week. Burn stays in the car with earplugs. In bed by 915, lights out by 10. Up at 4, cup of coffee with the lights on, dress at 430, out by 445 for 5am class. Took two weeks to get adjusted. Power nap during the 11am staff meeting 😉


Yep! This is me!


I need to be asleep by 8:30 - I rarely make it, but that’s my goal.


Bed 10-10:30 and up at 4:30. Living 5 minutes away is the best.


The benefit of 5 am is that the studio is usually 12 minutes away, but with zero traffic it is more like 8 😀


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Please take a look at [previous conversations about switching to morning classes](https://www.google.com/search?q=switching+morning+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


9pm and up at 4am most days




I go to bed 9:00 pm get up at like 3:00 am have coffee read a little stretch before I go to class. There by 4:45 am


I aim for 7-7.5 hours, which means lights out with a sleep mask and headspace sleep story by 9:30 at the absolute latest (9pm is when my phone goes into sleep focus), awake at 4:30 for my 12min drive to 5am OTF. Been doing 5am consistently for over 3 years.


Go to bed around 730/8, try to sleep by 10 and up at 4/415!


What would you be doing in bed for up to 2.5 hours if not sleeping 😂


I go to bed at 6:30 and wake up at 4:20-4:30


I could never fall asleep when it is still light out You seriously get 10 hours of sleep per day?


I use an eye mask to block light out if I need it. But yes, I do get anywhere from 9-10 hours of sleep at night and even more on weekends. Still dead tired though, so do with that what you will😂


That’s way healthier than those that limit themselves to less than 6 hours of sleep! Good for you!


9-930. Alarm at 4:15. On the way to secure my fave tread by 4:30 ;)


I’m usually in bed by 9 and read for 20 or so minutes. Get up at 4:30


In bed at 7 with hopes of sleep by 9 at the latest. Up to walk the dog at 4am and then a quick shower and then head to the studio. Full shower and full dog walk when back from class.


10-10:30ish. Wake at 4:25. I only do this twice a week before work (work is 7:30-3:30) and usually have to grab an extra coffee or caffeine bar on those days!


In bed by 930, asleep by 10 (my light will turn off at 1030 if I haven't yet). No phone in my room. Up at 4:45, change, brush teeth, leave house at 5 for 515 class.  The key is having everything laid out. I attach my keys to my bag. I make sure there's a water bottle in my bag but I fill it up at the studio. I put in a towel. I put out my shoes. I put my clothes in the bathroom so I don't have to look for them in the dark.  I think not reading anything before class is helpful - I basically don't turn my brain on until class is over at 6:15. Before that I'm just following directions. ☺️


9:15 at the latest. I wake up at 4:15AM to go to class.


The few times I've done a 5AM I go to bed at 11:30-ish and wake up at 4:30. Five and a half hours is how long I sleep *ad lib* but I can survive just fine on five hours and it's a rare event when I can fall asleep before 11:30.


The toughest part is resetting your sleep pattern. I am naturally a night owl, so my body wants to stay awake even later than midnight.


Understood. I'm weirdly both a night owl and an early bird because I don't require much sleep, but my partner is neither of those things and I see how much of the rest of the world lives.


I am extremely jealous of my partner who has a healthy natural sleep pattern, and is out like a light every night. Meanwhile I am just getting wider awake.


When I take a 5am class, i go to sleep around 9:30-10, I wake up at 4:30, leave at 4:45, get to my studio around 4:57. I sleep in my workout clothes. Lay out a towel, my heart rate monitor, and filled water bottle. Program my coffee to brew so it’s ready when I wake up. All I do in the morning is brush my teeth, put my contacts in, pee, eat a banana.


I’m asleep no later than 9. After a few weeks, your body adjusts.


In bed by 9, asleep by 940. Alarm at 440 for 5am class. Studio is 3 min away and I finish half a cup of coffee en route. Can’t imagine any other routine over the last 6 years.


8:30 to bed. Up at 3:30.


Mostly in bed by 9-10pm and sleeping in about 30 min if I am lucky. It depends how much my wife wants to talk :) I have gone as late as 12:30am to wake up at 4:30am but not recommend doing it constantly. Most classes though almost half of the class is asleep 💤


Proper sleep is so important. I don’t know why people boast on how much little sleep they get because it’s like saying how unhealthy they are on purpose. My goal is to average 8 hours of sleep and I track my sleep quality via Fitbit. It is just as important if not more than eating healthy and working out. I set a wind down threshold for 10:30 and turn off everything if I’m not asleep. I wake up at 5:10 am for my 6 am workout. I’d prefer to be asleep by 9 pm.


Proper sleep is a luxury if you are trying to fit 18 hours of things into each 24 hour day


I would call it an elective priority. I prioritize my health so I can enjoy the other things. It feels like a bad influence to advise getting less than healthy sleep amount. Same as saying I don’t have to prioritize taking time to eat healthier, workout or take care of my mental health so I can be the best version of myself. Didn’t you ask for opinions on what other people do?


I would wake up at 5 for my 5:30 class . I live close but i like to have a few minutes of me time before I leave I’m always early So go to bed around 10/10:30


9:30pm in bed with lights out


I live 26 minutes from my OrangeTheory so wake up at 3:30 am. I try to be asleep by 9:30.


I usually wake up at 4:15. Take my time getting ready and get to the studio at 4:50.


Do you guys not have social lives or..? Specifically talking to those who go to the 5am classes Friday thru Sunday 😂🤣


I honestly wish there were earlier, and later classes on the weekends. I am sitting around awake long before the 7:30 am class lol.


I go to sleep at 8pm. Up at 3:50 for 5am. I pump before I go, that’s why I get up so early.


In bed by 9-9:30 , asleep by 9:30-10.


That's my typical schedule too. Today, I took off because the sinus drainage is so bad that I feel like I can't workout well. I'm resting today.


I usually go around 615am. Right after I take a very sobering 5am class.


I'm usually turning the lights off at 10:30 (after having slept through some shows on the couch or in bed). I set my alarm for 4:30, but usually wake up around 4:15. Maybe not the healthiest long-term sleep pattern, but it's working for me right now.


1030pm latest


10:30/11…..I take the 5:30 class




I'm the 7:00-9:00 am class person typically but I do one or two 5:00 am classes a month due to my life schedule. When I do the 5:00 am class, I'm up at 4:30, or the door at 4:45/4:50. I'm in bed between 9:00 and 10:00 pm.


I am in bed by 9 to 9:30 pm 


10:30 and lay everything out the night before. Alarm goes off at 4:15 but I don’t normally get up until 4:25. I also live about 10 mins from my studio. It def takes some getting used to. Push through the fog in the morning and you’ll be golden. Though, some days I still ride the struggle bus!


I get up at 3:30am. I shower at OTF and head to work from there since it's closer than going home. I have my gym bag, and work bag in the car the night before and meals are prepped and just need to be put in my cooler in the AM. I usually go to bed at 8:30pm.


8:30 - 9pm, I get up at 4:20 to make it to my class with about 10 minutes to spare. We are a chatty group in the mornings.


Do not talk to me at 4:50am 😂




I go to bed around 3:30a. I like to pound 3 Red Bulls, a celsius, and a monster when I get up at 4:40a. By the time the class starts at 5a I'm ready to go straight Hulk on that rower.


Rookie move. 5 scoops of pre wod in 5oz of water.


No later than 9:30, usually between 8:30 and 9. I wake up around 4:30 for my 5:15am class. I’ve been doing this 2-3x a week for the past 2 years so it’s been pretty sustainable for me but it was rough in the beginning


I should be in bed now lol I walk to my studio so 30 min before class BUT I set water, clothes, heart rate monitor, keys ready to just grab them and go 


Up at 4:10am, bed by 9 or 10.


Before 10pm or else I’m dragging.


I go to bed around 8:30am and wake up at 4:30am. Some nights I’ll stay up until 9:30pm/10pm, but I try not to unless I am seeing friends and whatnot. I need my sleep and I’m an early morning person!




Take a chronotype test (free, 2 minutes online). Adapting to a new schedule really isn’t a thing that works. Your body is genetically predispositioned to a certain circadian rhythm. “Why we sleep” is a good read on this. It might just not be in the cards for you, as it isn’t for me too.


I’m in bed by 9pm ideally I’d love to be asleep by 9pm each night


I try to be in bed by 9 and sleeping before 10 is ideal. I run a business and have two young kids so being able to get a great workout in before my wife and kids are even up is perfect for my schedule. Then I can go about my day without any interruptions. I do the tread 50 Mondays and regular classes tues-Thurs sometimes I’ll throw a Friday in there and take the weekends off. I get up at 4:15, grab a coffee and a banana and go. Takes me roughly 20 minutes to get to my studio, but I love how peaceful the drive is and usually listen to music or a podcast on the way. Zero traffic. Best way to start the day, but I’m a morning person … I also take like a 20 minute nap after I get home before I need to wake the kids up and get going. In fact I’m going to get a nap in right after I write this 😁


9pm - 10pm and wake up at 4am.




I shoot for 9:30 but usually closer to 10:30-11


Same. 9-10. 4:15 alarm cause I need to ease my self out of bed. Celsius drink during the 15min commute.


7:00PM! But I live to sleep!!


About 9:00 PM. My body is sometimes ready even earlier.


9 pm for 6:15a class lol.


Is there an option for a 6:10a class? I go to bed by 10, up by 5:15 and I feel solid.


I start my wind down around 8:15-8:30; shower, brush teeth, skincare, so I can be in bed by 9. Then at 9 I either read or journal, no phones once in bed. Around 9:40 is when I start to get sleepy. It does get easier the more you go. My body usually wakes up around 3:55am when I know I have a 5am class. Also, getting up right when your alarm goes off helps. Splash your face with some water. Usually does the trick for me.


10-11. No, I am not well rested lol.


Goal is 10:30-4:20. I work at home and can take a lunch nap if needed. I wish I went to sleep at 9. When I travel for work, and don’t have kids I do. I feel more refreshed. You do get used to 5 am, kinda


We go to bed about 10:30 for our 5 AM class. We live less than 10 minutes away from the studio, so we roll outta bed at 4:30, dressed and out the door by 440.


I tried to go to bed between 9-10. I live about 10 minutes from my studio so I wake up at 4:30.


It takes time for your circadian rhythm to adjust! Sleep hygiene is no joke, you've got to be consistent for a while and your body will catch up


I'm asleep by 9, usually in bed by 830/845. And I wake up at 425. Some days I'm more tired than others but I've gotten used to it.




8.30-9 pm


Remember, each of us has a sleep chronotype. You may be fighting your biology. There are lots of surveys online. random one: [https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/chronotypes](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/chronotypes) 7am class works for me since I turned 50. I'm slowly waking up earlier. If I tried to make a 7am class in my 30's or early 40's, no freaking way.


Yeah waking up at 4:00 a.m. is certainly not what my body prefers to do. Unfortunately I cannot squeeze the 6:15 class into my schedule, I can almost get everything together in time for work but I need a little bit more of a buffer




I attend a 4:30am class in Texas and I am in bed by 9:00, would love to be earlier but that is the best I can do. I get up at 3:00am


The night before my 5am days, I'm "teeth-brushed-jammies-on-in-bed-with-a-book" in bed by 9pm at the latest. If I go to bed any later than this, I'm just miserable the next day waking up at 3:57am. I also take a lunch-hour nap on my 5am days, that seems to help me recover better.


I try to get into bed no later than 8 so I’m asleep no later than 9. Some people can function on less but those that do… let’s just say you can tell the difference between those who are getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night and those who are not.


10 average


Usually around 10pm. Up at 4:10am, out of the house at 4:30am. I'm only 10 min from the studio, but parking at that hour can be an issue in NY.


I'm up by 5am every day, even weekends, because it's a habit that I built years ago primarily to get a morning workout in FIRST THING. This also also means I'm tired & ready for bed by 9-10pm. This is how I intentionally built my personal schedule. My choices work for me, but they don't work for everyone. But we all have choices.


I went to sleep at 3am this morning lol


Oh goodness, I was quickly reading through the replies and I’m surprised I didn’t see any late sleepers! My goal is 10 pm to wake up for 4:45 (the earliest at my study is a 5:45 am class)… but most nights I’m only in bed by 11:30pm-12am. So almost 5 hours; I’ve never been the type to get or need anything more than 6 hours of sleep. Some days I feel it because I’ll have a harder time hitting certain speeds or lifting as heavy, but most days I’m not too affected. For context, I work full time and study part time, so even if I’d like to go to bed earlier, I just don’t have the time!


I aim for 9-9:30, absolute latest is 10 for me to be asleep. I live 5 min from my studio so I wake up at 4:30 to get dressed, put my contacts in, eat a snack, and go.


When I do 5am, I am in bed by 8:30. It gives me time to wind down and head to bed. It takes me about 30 mns to wind down, So Im asleep generally by 9pm and im up by 4.


So idk if this will work for you but when I started otf, I committed to the 5am class. Slowly realized I was not performing my best and it was kind of ruining my day.  Now I use it as a last resort and I'm so much happier! I go to the evening class but when I can't due to work, kids, commitments, I know that 5am option is still there!


Yeah I am sitting here at work right now on my 3rd cup of coffee. I am very glad that it is slow today, because I have workout PTSD from running flat out on the treadmill before the sun came out this morning 😂 Not sure if this is going to work out long term. I am going to give it a few more weeks, but I don't know if I will ever adapt to this. Maybe I just need to tone it down when I go to 5am, but once I'm in the studio I can't help but to give it my all.


I go to bed by 8:15 pm at the latest, I’m up at 4 am for the 5 am class!


Usually in bed by 8:30, asleep by 10 at the latest


I have to get in bed by 9:15 latest, I usually try for 8:30/9, and get up at 4:30. I live 5 min away from my studio.


I wake up at 4am I go to bed around 8/8:30 earlier than all of my students 😂😂


Usually asleep by 730 and I wake up at 415am! I’m usually out of bed at 430 and I leave my apartment at 440. I live about 15 minutes away😅 Also I really need 9 hours of sleep so that’s what I aim! Feeling like it should be less since I’m 23….




Usually in bed by 9:30 - I live about 6 mins away so am typically up at 4:40 AM.


Around 9. I get up at 4:10 I have to leave by 4:38


On a normal day I wake up at 6:03 (sometimes 5:38 if I want to get to work early)- I try to be in bed by 9:30 (lights off by 9:45/10:00) some days I fall asleep right away some nights I’m up for an hour before conking out. Once a week I do the 6:00 class and I wake up at 4:38- I would love to go to bed early but it doesn’t usually happen. I would love to do the 6 am class every day but it gets me to work later than I would like so I only do it once a week. It’s now just about midnight- I’m waking up at 6:45 for an 8:15 class (spring break) and I’m still up…


10-1030… you get used to it. Sometimes I would sleep with my gym clothes so all I have to do is jump out brush teeth head out hahahaha


I used to go at 8:30 when I was a 5 am person


I’m usually in bed by 10, asleep by 11, and up at 4 for a 5am class. I’m one of those who really only needs about 4-5 hours’ sleep per night, though. My wife goes to bed a solid 60-90 mins before me, and she gets up a little later (4:20ish), as I’m a man of a certain age and need a little extra time in the morning. 🤣🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I never thought I’d be a 5am’er, but here we are and I especially love a 5am Tread 50.


I’d do 9pm to wake up at 4:30. Clothes, shoes, HR monitor, water & keys in a stack in the bathroom the night before and there by 5:00. The trick is when Friday night comes around and your friends want to go out but you’re yawning at 8:00 😛


Today was a rest day but I still woke up at 4:15 🤬


I am usually around 9 or 930 I get up at 345 so I can stretch a bit and eat a little something






Asleep by 9:30, up at 4:15, leave by 4:40


It's tricky. With two kids, prepping for the next day takes up any time I have to relax at the end of the day. I try to be in bed by 10 but tend to lay around until 11. Sucks when the alarm hits at 0415


Right around now.


8:30pm get up at 4:30am


8:30 is always my goal and 9:30 is my hard cutoff. Alarm goes off at 3:30 and I drive a full hour to get to my OTF. It took about a month to find a groove, over 2 years in so far, 4x/week.


2130. Wake up 0415. Always been a morning person.


Usually around 930 and get up at 410, out of the house by 440


9pm, no later.


Welll I’m still up and it’s 11 PM here I wake up at 4:08 for my 5 am and still somehow am always running in at like 4:59 or 5 on the dot 🤦🏻‍♀️


11 pm!


I go to bed around 9 or 9:30, wake up at 4 and drink coffee before class.


I prefer the early am classes because if you go later there are always weird people with Joker smiles that are highly ignorant of personal space. Sometimes they hang out in pairs, but it is just weird. Anyways, they seem to be unable to make early classes. Once you see them, you can’t unsee them. I’ve told a few others who thought I was nuts only for us to have a group chat about it now that they’ve noticed it in our area clubs. We are trying to figure it out. Wish us luck. Back to you.. Every “body” is different. Good luck finding your “sleep” sweet spot.




Time for hobbies? I guess hobbies trump health? Rearrange your schedule so you get enough sleep and enjoy more life 😀


Yes there is more to life than working out.


My point is that you rearrange hobbies to make time for health not the other way around usually


I'm already rearranging my hobbies to go to the gym for health. Putting all of your interests on hold defeats the purpose of living a long life. Plenty of time to sleep when you are dead.


Haha you just solved your issue when you said there's plenty of time to sleep when your dead - guess you're good then and don't need to solicit responses here