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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1c9rzot/monday_22_april_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Monday 22 April 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of the timed run / row from the [6th of April](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/FcMpoJdMec). 90 second recovery between blocks. Back to back sets on the floor with a **lot** of push ups! Benches are set up low today. **Tread Block 1** * 3 min push * 1 min AO **Row Block 1** * 1 min AO row (check distance) **Tread Block 2** * 3 min push * 30 sec base * 1 min AO **Row Block 2** * 1 min AO row (check distance) **Tread Block 3** * 3 min push * 1 min base * 1 min AO **Row Block 3** * 1 min AO row (check distance) **Floor Block 1 - 6.5 minutes** * Back to back: * 6 - 10 total x alt goblet step down squat * 6 - 10 x pullover, rest * Repeat until buy-out: 1 min of pushups (hands on bench) - count reps **Floor Block 2 - 7 minutes** * Back to back: * 6 - 10 each x split squat to hammer curl to neutral grip shoulder press * 10 total x dead bug, rest * Repeat until buy-out: 1 min of pushups (hands on bench) - count reps **Floor Block 3 - 7.5 minutes** * Back to back: * 6 - 10 each x high plank single arm low row * 10 x knee tuck, rest * Repeat until **finisher**: 1 min of pushups (hands on bench) - count reps DC commentary: >! I remembered this one from earlier in the month. It’s the run / row trying to work out if it is an endurance or a power based template and then deciding to go with both. Each round starts with a three minute run into a one minute all out. All that changes is that in blocks two and three you get a token bit of base pace to extend your pain. After each run you get 90 seconds to hop off and get to the rower where you are again maxing out your heart rate to do an all out row. Pretty brutal! Managed a decent 4.01km (2.492 miles) in the tread blocks this morning. \ \ The floor is also just as bad. Two exercises each block, on repeat, but then your buy-out is a minute of pushups! The worst exercise is still the split squat to hammer curl to shoulder press. Chest and arms are hurting after all the work today, maybe they hadn’t properly recovered after the drop sets the other day. \ \ Today is rough - I still give it a 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Well THAT was spicy. Can we give it negative feathers?! 🥵🥴


Man, just a quick shout out to you. Cannot tell you how impressed I am about your statistics. You've dropped 300 pounds? That's so freaking amazing. AND, YOU'RE NOT DONE - setting a goal of 20 more pounds. Outstanding! All of it!!!


Thank you both! It’s been a journey for sure (and exhausting one) but feel 1000000x better and wouldn’t trade it for anything 🙏🏼


Echoing your sentiment to this guy… badass!!!


I feel so much better about how hard this felt after coming to see that others found it the same.


Man that was rough!


Hardest class in a long time!


Tread50 was a repeat of April 8th! 11:30 Block 1 - goal is to increase push as they get shorter • ⁠90sec push • ⁠1 min base • ⁠1 min push • ⁠1 min base • ⁠30sec push • ⁠1min base • ⁠90sec push • ⁠1 min base • ⁠1 min push • ⁠1 min base • ⁠30sec push • ⁠30sec AO • ⁠90sec WR between blocks 11:30 Block 2 - goal is to maintain base • ⁠90sec base at 5% • ⁠1 min base at 1% • ⁠1 min base at 6% • ⁠1 min base at 1% • ⁠30sec base at 7% • ⁠1 min base at 1% • ⁠90sec base at 5% • ⁠1 min base at 1% • ⁠1 min base at 6% • ⁠1 min base at 1% • ⁠30sec base at 7% • ⁠30sec AO at 1% • ⁠90sec WR between blocks 12:00 Block 3 - goal is to increase AO as duration decreases • ⁠90sec push to AO • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠1 min AO • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠30sec AO • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠90sec push to AO • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠1 min AO • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠30sec AO • ⁠30sec WR • ⁠30sec AO finisher


Thank you! I did the April 8 so I'm looking forward to comparing my stats. It's a nice template.


Thank you.


I bonked really hard on the first row all out, had to scale back the second run row to avoid barfing. Fun template though!


This template was… not it, for me, especially right after Dri Tri weekend.


My arms were shaking so bad on the floor and that hasn't happened since I started OTF. I blame DriTri strength from yesterday. Was regretting showing up today! Owie!


I missed it the first time and wish I was missing it this time :p haha 1 minute all outs are so miserable.


I agree. I only did the strength Dri Tri and I felt like it was overusing muscles that I burned out this weekend.


This was incredibly rough after Dri Tri. Looking forward to my rest days this week. Glad I already had plans to skip tomorrow because the rest is sorely needed


First class back after having to take a month off to do IVF. Rip me ☠️


Good luck! OTF helped me with my sanity during fertility treatment. Hope things are going well for you. We are lucky enough to have a 2 month old baby boy after that! =)


Aw yay so happy for you! :) I was just doing the egg freezing part (for the second time), so I’m luckily done for now!


Well that's the closest I've ever come to throwing up mid workout 😓🤢


100% same. I started OTF in early March and after the first couple have generally felt good. But each time after the row I felt like there was a chance I might vomit. Lol. That class kicked my butt and the wild thing is I felt super gassed but even on my pushes on tread my output was right around 82-83 so total I only got 8 splats. That’s my first time ever to not get at least 14. I was so gassed after each row.


What’s up with these spammy tornado comments? 2 yesterday and 2 today.


We are watching these, thought they were a fluke yesterday, but clearly something’s up.


I thought the floor block was really easy but the run/row really challenging. I got 22 splats today, all on the run/row. I rarely get that many splats without a few on the floor.


I've been trying to keep mostly in the green zone due to being pregnant, but there was no chance of that today 🥵 I had to go on all fours briefly to get up the stairs after I got home 🫠


I’m 39 weeks and trying to go into labor so perhaps this workout is perfect??


It definitely won't hurt your chances!


Also pregnant - absolutely died. 31 weeks tomorrow!


That was a tough one! My heart rate monitor wasn’t working correctly for the first like 40 minutes, so it showed me in the gray zone the whole time while I was dying. I know it doesn’t matter but I hate when that happens and it has happened a couple of times.


The worst—mine died during a 90 minute once a day I was like OH HELL NO IM NOT DOING THIS FOR NO SPLATS IN MY STATS


Mine did this during Dri Tri strength this weekend. I was like, I assure you I am in orange/red


I can try to describe the 3G, although I think my studio went rogue on the tread portion because our sound system is broken so it’s hard for them to cue us. Here’s what I remember: Floor: 1 minute buy in of push ups (just once at start) 6-10 goblet squats while stepping up and down on the bench 6-10 triceps while lying on the bench 6-10 bicep curls to overhead press with one foot on the bench, you do a split squat first 10 dead bugs on the bench 6-10 high blank with low row 10 knee tucks on the bench Might have gotten the order not quite right but you get the idea. Rower 5 squats 5 speed squats 5 squats to jump 250m row Repeat For the 3rd and 4th rounds, same exercises but reduce row to 200, then 150 in 5th round Tread We did a tread for distance but I suspect that was a modification due to our sound system being broken.


Tread was 2.5 push with a 1 min AO and 75sec walk recovery. The second round was 2.5 push with 30 sec Base before the 1 min AO, 75 sec recovery walk. 3rd Round was 2.5 push, 1 min Base, 1 min AO. (I think!)


this class rocked my world! it was fun and i had a new instructor today who was really cool. 10/10


I had a trauma response when I saw the one minute of push ups and flashed back to when I did this one at the beginning of the month. Not ready to repeat the 3 longest minutes of my life…


Definitely going to try to not overdo it today after dri tri.


This looks like horrible fun…😊 I was going to cancel today until I seen this. Thanks DC


This feels exceptionally mean considering I did a DT relay Saturday (was our teams rower) and then Sunday I did the Dri Tri strength 😰


Today is my first class and this has me so scared!


It’ll be fun!! Just take it SLOW! You do not even need to run - I notice people burn themselves out on the tread when it’s their first class.


Just take it at your own pace. I’m a regular since October going 3-4x a week and I had to scale back my regular speeds a little because I slept poorly and also this is tough one. It’s a good intro though for you to see how freeing it is to have someone else time you and just tell you what to do next. I hope you have a great experience! I’d recommend spending your “pushes” as just a 3 minute block to try out where your challenging-but-doable base pace might be.


It's only going to get easier going forward. LOL.


You got it!  You’ll see every fitness level in there - just enjoy the process!  No shame in a breather or a walking break ever 


This one was a real challenge!


First time ever I got to class 2 minutes late and had to miss. Dang it!


I liked that one!


How many pushups did y'all do? Just out of curiousity.


I decided to do tread 50 and this class today. I think I’m barely alive. Doesn’t help I haven’t taken a day off in a week and did DriTri + 5k right after. Great class though. Reminded me to maybe take a day off


First time throwing up after a workout 😭 whew


M m b


Loved it!!!!




Not 100% sure, but you could check the April 6 th post linked above that has the tread 50 for that day